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Tag: Advanced Physics Homework Help
Advanced Physics Homework Questions and Answers – Get Expert Solutions to Physics Questions at in 6 hours!
Quiz 1. Homework Statement: Let u:R3×R→R3 be flow velocity of incompressible fluid. Let fluid be subject to potential force −∇χ. To proveddt∫V12ρ⟨u,u⟩dV+∫∂VH⟨u,n⟩dA=0where H:=12ρ⟨u,u⟩+p+χ, and notation ⟨x,y⟩ denote standard inner product on R3. Relevant Equations: fluid dynamic, euler’s equation of the motion DuDt=−∇pρ−∇χI re-write the Euler equation for…
4 Ways to Get Your Homework Done Faster
With class, sports, clubs, chores, and trying to keep up with your social life, it can be difficult to find the time for homework. But you will agree that staying up late to work on a long paper or a…
4 Last-Minute Study Hacks to Ace Your Final Exams
4 Last-Minute Study Hacks to Ace Your Final Exams Many students often feel overwhelmed by the thoughts of failing their exams when it’s only a few days to the exams. For most students, there’s not enough time to study and…