Courshero alternative website that tops homework market for college students

Question 1

Work with your preceptor to assess the organization for required resources needed for the strategic plan if the change proposal were to be implemented. Review your strategic plan and determine what resources would be needed if the change proposal were to be implemented. Write a list of at least four resources you will need in order to implement your change proposal. The strategic plan is the paper you just worked one last week question 1 is 250 words and topic is capstone project resources

This project requires you to create a two-page static website. You need to develop a personal website of a famous personality (actor, music artist, sportsman, educator, or entrepreneur) of your choice. A Wikipedia page of that person should provide you with enough (usually more than enough) information that you can use to create your website (for example, (Links to an external site.)). On page one (or home page) of the website, you need to showcase the biographic information. On page two, you need to focus on major works and achievements. Do not use all the information from the wiki, rather choose what information to use to support your design. The website must look and feel modern, and page one and page two should be linked to each other. The project will be 10% of the entire course.

Tools to be Used

HTML and CSS (Week 1 to Week 7)

  • Deliverable 1 (1.5 points) – Selection of the Personality and Preliminary Wireframes (be ambitious with the wireframe at first, have a look into chapters 15 and 17 of Book 1 for what can we achieve using simple HTML and CSS). The preliminary wireframes can be submitted as scanned photos of hand-written wireframes, word file containing the wireframes, or any other electronic files you feel suitable to use.

 To ensure the safety and effectiveness of drug therapy, advanced practice nurses must consider aspects that might influence pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes such as medical history, other drugs currently prescribed, and individual patient factors.

Review the case study AND Prepare

Case study. Patient HM has a history of atrial fibrillation and a transient ischemic attack (TIA). The patient has been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia and ischemic heart disease. Drugs currently prescribed include the following:

Warfarin 5 mg daily MWF and 2.5 mg daily T, TH, Sat, Sun, Aspirin 81mg daily, Metformin 1000mg po bid, glyburide 10mg bid, Atenolol 100mg daily. Motrin 200mg 1-3 tablets every 6 hours as needed for pain

Select one the following factors: genetics, gender, ethnicity, age, or behavior factors.

Reflect on how the factor you selected might influence the patient’s pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes.

Consider how changes in the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes might impact the patient’s recommended drug therapy.

Think about how you might improve the patient’s drug therapy plan based on the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic changes. Reflect on whether you would modify the current drug treatment or provide an alternative treatment option for the patient.

Write a paper that addresses the following:

Explain how the factor you selected might influence the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes in the patient from the case study you were assigned.

Describe how changes in the processes might impact the patient’s recommended drug therapy. Be specific and provide examples.

Explain how you might improve the patient’s drug therapy plan and explain why you would make these recommended improvements.

1 page due in 4 hours

After discussion with your preceptor, name one financial aspect, one quality aspect, and one clinical aspect that need to be taken into account for developing the evidence-based change proposal. Explain how your proposal will directly and indirectly impact each of the aspects.

200 words

P) Parents of Children less than 5

(I) Receiving flu vaccination education

(C) compared to no education

(O) increased vaccination

(T) during flu season

Students are required to submit weekly reflective narratives throughout the course that will culminate in a final, course-long reflective journal due in Topic 10. The narratives help students integrate leadership and inquiry into current practice.

This reflection journal also allows students to outline what they have discovered about their professional practice, personal strengths and weaknesses, and additional resources that could be introduced in a given situation to influence optimal outcomes. Each week students should also explain how they met a course competency or course objective(s).

In each week’s entry, students should reflect on the personal knowledge and skills gained throughout the course. Journal entries should address one or more of the areas stated below.

Topic: Ensuring the integrity of human dignity in the care of all patients

250-300 words

Describe IPsec and PGP; explain how it works, why it’s important and the purpose and objectives of each protocol.

Writing Requirements

  • 3 pages in length
  • APA format

Discuss the ethical of using network tools such as privacy. Provide examples from your outside research to support your comments. Use at least two outside sources other than your textbook.

Below are two articles to help with developing a coherent discussion:

Writing Requirements

  • 2-3 pages in length (excluding cover page, abstract, and reference list)
  • Minimum of 2-3 peer reviewed resources
  • APA format

Discuss the ethical of using network tools such as privacy. Provide examples from your outside research to support your comments. Use at least two outside sources other than your textbook.

Below are two articles to help with developing a coherent discussion:

Writing Requirements

  • 2-3 pages in length (excluding cover page, abstract, and reference list)
  • Minimum of 2-3 peer reviewed resources
  • APA format

For this first discussion assignment, find an environmentally related news or scientific article or one on a topic assigned by the instructor. The source material can vary from newspapers to magazines to journals and it must be current, published within the last month. If the article reports on specific studies, trace the information to the original source and include the link to this primary source in your discussion. For articles from environmental or science journals, the source must be from a university, professional society or scientific publisher, with the author associated with a university or science institution. For articles from major newspapers or magazines, the subject of the article must be sourced from a university, professional society or scientific publisher.

In the discussion area, create around 400-word initial post that contains:

  • An overview of the article with an active link to the article. If the article contains reference to an actual scientific study, include the link to this primary source of information.
  • Key points that are related in the article, and how they relate to information presented in class through lecture or in the textbook. Include what CLO(s) are addressed by the article.
  • Impact of the article to your state and/or the nation’s environment, society, politics or economics.
  • And finally, provide supporting evidence about the worth and validity of the article supported by citations from the textbook.

What Role Do You Feel The Media Plays In The U.S. Political System? Do You Believe The Media Has Too Much, Too Little, Or Just About The Right Amount Of Influence In The U.S. Political System? Explain Your Response.

Your Research Analysis will address the following ideas:
Topic: Sexual Harassment in the Military
• Present a topic or issue relevant to your academic or professional field.
o This will be presented in your introduction. Explain the overall background and background of this issue and include a well-constructed thesis statement that indicates your topic and the purpose you will develop.
Article 1
• Discuss your first source article.
o Identify the article, and then
 Describe the perspective presented in the article.
o Summarize the article’s findings on your identified topic.
o Show how the article’s perspective contributes to your overall thesis.
Article 2
• Discuss your second source article.
o Identify the article, and then
 Describe the perspective presented in the article.
o Summarize the article’s findings on your identified topic.
o Show how the article’s perspective contributes to your overall thesis.
Article 3
• Discuss your third source article.
o Identify the article, and then
 Describe the perspective presented in the article.
o Summarize the article’s findings on your identified topic.
o Show how the article’s perspective contributes to your overall thesis.
• Analyze the significance of the evidence cited and the connections you have made.
o This will be presented in your conclusion. Connect the ideas presented to show why the topic is an important one, while highlighting your major takeaways from the articles and relating them to your thesis.

First, summarize readings 15 and 16 and the documentary “Whose streets?” by paying special attention to the main arguments.
Then, I want you to answer two questions: (1) What are some of the connections that are evident between anti-Indian racism and anti-Blackness and what may be some of the differences? (2) Of the 21 affirmations that the authors identify, take up at least two and show how you can implement them or work for them in the context of your own life. Note that all affirmations may not apply to you based on your identity. So choose the ones that do. I am looking for real strategies that can be used to implement them.
Please ask at least one question pertaining to the material.
post should be at least 250 words.

1) Mr. Johnson, 68-year-old, has been vomiting and has had diarrhea for 2 days. He complains of being dizzy. The nurse assesses his physiologic status and notes that his muscles are weak, his abdomen is distended, and bowel sounds are absent.
a. What Electrolyte imbalance do you suspect?
b. What is the normal range for this electrolyte?
c. What other symptoms can this patient have exhibited with this type of electrolyte imbalance?
d. What treatment would be most appropriate for this patient?
2) Mrs. Unger has a high temperature and diaphoresis. She has been nauseated and has taken only ginger ale for the last several days. Her lab tests revealed a Sodium level of 129 mEq/L and Potassium level of 3.7 mEq/L.
a. What type of electrolyte imbalance do you suspect?
b. What is the normal range for this electrolyte?
c. What are some other clinical signs and symptoms might you observe with this type of imbalance?
d. When testing Mrs. Unger’s urine, what would you suspect her specific gravity to be?
e. What treatment would be most appropriate for this patient?
3) A patient has just received an administration of an intravenous potassium too rapidly.
a. What signs and symptoms would you assess for?
b. What lab values would you check for this patient?
c. What treatment would be prescribed for this patient?
4) An elderly patient has just been admitted to the Emergency Department with symptoms of confusion and muscle tremors. When taking his history, it is revealed he had been discharged from the hospital 2 days ago. He has been on IV therapy for a stomach virus, but could not keep down fluids after he was discharged.
a. What electrolyte imbalance do you suspect for this patient?
b. What other signs and symptoms might you need to assess for?
c. What type of treatment would be appropriate for this patient?
5) Develop one care plan for each case study from above. It should contain a NANDA nursing diagnosis, one goal, and at least four nursing interventions. Nursing interventions are not doctor’s orders.

Watch the very short “I, Pencil” video provided below (run time: 6 minutes, 32 seconds). Video:[removed]v=IYO3tOqDISE I, Pencil … My (Your) Thoughts and Perspectives Then, after watching the video, in 5 to 8 thoughtful/insightful sentences share your thoughts and/or perspective

How would you define the American Identity? How do you think other countries see and define America? Do you think these identities are true or false, positive or negative?”
four and a half, double-spaced full pages

  1. the song, artist, album, year, and director of the video.
  2. A few sentences on what the song is about.
  3. A short history on the release of the video: Was it the artist’s debut, or was it a comeback? Is it a widely known song or one that only fans would recognize? Did the video spark any controversy?
    Then, write a close textual analysis of the music video. Choose two or three moments that you think are most significant and focus your analysis on those. Describe the signs present and explain what you think they mean, and why. Could they be interpreted in more than one way, or in ways other than the creators intended? Do they make intertextual references and, if so, to which other media? Consider also how the song’s lyrics and/or music may contradict or enhance the images.
    Finally, consider the cultural context in which the video first appeared, including the popularity of its genre, the social themes it addresses, and/or whether there were significant historical events at the time related to the video’s theme.
    Given these considerations, what would the images in the video connote to audiences at the time? What do these same images connote to you now? Has something changed, and if so, how can we explain this? In this section, you are making an argument about the work of interpretation as historically specific. Make sure you ground this argument in facts about the social, cultural, or political context of the time of release and contrast these to those of today.
    Formatting and length requirements:
    ○ Double-spaced
    ○ 12-point font
    ○ Minimum 1,000 words. Max 1,500 words.
    ○ MLA format

For this assignment you will be writing a short essay that breaks down and interprets a music video. The YouTube era has witnessed a resurgence of creative, unusual, or otherwise outlandish music videos, but these forms of media have always featured inspired ways for conveying messages in short form. By mixing sound and visuals, these media are able to signify multiple things at once. In this assignment you engage with the power that these media forms can have for communicating ideas while speculating on how different audiences may interpret those ideas.
You must choose a music video that premiered before 1998.
Provide some background for the video by briefly noting:

After reading Alain de Botton’s essay, Why You Will Marry the Wrong Person (Links to an external site.), write a 750-word minimum APA-formatted critical response, either agreeing or disagreeing with de Botton.
In writing your response, be sure to focus on de Botton’s most compelling reasons behind his claim. Feel free to provide your own compelling reasons to either complement or challenge his argument.
Review this sample APA document downloadto help you with formatting. Your paper should have a title page, headers, in-text citations (when referring to the article), and a reference page with a full reference for the article.

Write an explanatory essay about why plastic trash is a problem and how this problem can be solved.
Your essay must be based on the ideas and information that can be found in the “Plastic Trash” passage set.
Be sure to
• include a thesis statement in the introduction;
• address reasons and details in each body paragraph;
• make sure to explain and elaborate
• use evidence from multiple sources; and
• avoid overly relying on one source;
Other Instructions and Clarifications
– This is a problem and solution essay and you can develop this essay by:
A) presenting the problems in the first body paragraph and
B) providing the solutions in the second and third body paragraph
A) presenting a problem and the solution in each body paragraph
I prefer Point by point.
Every body paragraph will have 5 sentences.

Who does climate degradation affect the most, and in what ways?
Explained in this unit are the outcomes of continued misuse of food, garbage, and natural resources?
In what ways are these misuses related to ethical considerations of human activity?
What is the aim of a more just and equitable environment?
Please cite from at least three of our unit authors in order to make your thesis as you explain the relationship between human activity, climate change, and sustainability?

  1. The CCCOnline Library provides access to scholarly research databases. You can also access these databases from a link provided on your D2L home page.
  2. Once you are on the research databases page, scroll down to find the Global Issues in Context database. Select this database. Then select “Database login.” Log in with your S#.
  3. In the search box, enter “American Dream.” Then click the Global Viewpoints tab. Limit your search by clicking any of the limiters on the right side of the page. Choose two of the remaining articles to read for this essay.
  4. Pre-Write: Closely read and annotate your two chosen articles, noting similarities and differences in language and key ideas. Consider how these voices are connected to one another and to the larger conversation. How do they respond to one another? (Do they agree? Disagree?) How do they respond to previous voices in this conversation?
  5. Write: Synthesize the ideas from your two sources into an extended definition of the American Dream. What does the American Dream mean today? What is its significance in terms of immigration, multiculturalism, economics, education, etc.? Blend the key ideas from your sources to create a new and interesting definition of this idea.
  6. Your essay should contain 2-3 quotations from your sources, and it should include paraphrasing of other main ideas. Be sure to use quotation marks and in-text citations appropriately and responsibly.
  7. Your essay should be approximately 700 words.
  8. Please be sure to correctly format your essay in MLA Style. Need help with MLA? Please refer to the CCCOnline MLA Citation Toolkit
  9. Once your essay is written, revised, and proofread, you may submit it to the Module 1 Assignment folder: Research Synthesis Essay

As the Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) professional for a manufacturing company, you have been asked to conduct a risk assessment of potential issues within your facility. Specifically, you have been asked to identify whether these issues present a hazard by conducting a risk assessment using the quantitative risk assessment form, which you can access by clicking here(SeeAttached). Once the risk assessments have been identified, your assignment is to provide control measures based on the hierarchy of controls identified in the Unit IV and Unit V Lessons. Each of the scenarios below have been identified as potential issues.Review each of the potential hazards identified in the scenarios, and provide a technical report of your findings and recommendations. The project should be a technical report with a minimum of three pages detailing your findings and recommendations. The project should be written in full APA format and include the elements listed below.
• Perform a quantitative risk assessment before and after the recommended controls. (You may include these as appendices in the technical report, but the findings should be discussed in the body of the report.)
• Include a priority ranking of controls based on the risk assessment findings.
• Explain the control measures for each of the identified hazards, and explain why you chose those specific control measures.
Scenario 1: Proposed Catwalk (Fall Hazards)There is an elevated area within the plant that requires two maintenance personnel to access it at least once every 2 weeks to perform preventive maintenance by lubricating gears and pulleys. They are currently using a 20-foot extension ladder to reach the locations that require maintenance. This requires that the ladder be moved six times per event, along with the employee climbing up and down the ladder. The maintenance supervisor for the plant has provided a drawing of a catwalk that he would like to install and has asked you to review them for compliance with Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards and to identify any potential problems with the design.
Scenario 2: Hunter Molding Machine (Machine Guarding)
While operating a Hunter molding machine, it is necessary for a single operator to reach inside the machine to adjust the pattern or blow it off to ensure that it is free of particles or other debris that will create deformed parts. This function is conducted once every 75 minutes, 8.5 hours per day. The molding pattern is placed on the holder by the machine, which then automatically rotates the pattern 180 degrees before the molding sand is compressed on the pattern, and then this process is repeated to ensure a two-sided mold is created. When the molds are compressed and then separated, the operator must reach inside the machine to clean the pattern by blowing compressed air onto the mold. The foundry supervisor is concerned that there is a potential for the operator to be caught in the rotating pattern holder, causing an amputation. He has asked for your help to provide a control measure to prevent any possible injuries to the operators. Note: A physical barrier between the operator and the pattern holder is not possible or feasible due to production activities. Please see the photographs below as a reference.
Scenario 3: Quality Control Testing Facility (Airborne Chemicals)
The quality control manager has implemented a new testing procedure to ensure high quality products are being produced by the company. As a part of the testing operation, the quality control technician applies a chemical mixture with a paintbrush onto specific points of the parts, which have previously been identified as weak points by customer complaints. This operation takes place over an open sink, similar to a parts washing tank. The quality control manager has requested your assessment based on the following data, along with any recommendations for any controls that need to be implemented. This operation takes place throughout the day and involves three employees (quality technicians) per 8-hour shift. An outside consultant has sampled the employee exposure over an 8-hour period with the results shown below
.(SEE PHOTO4 attached)
Scenario 4: Mobile Crane Operations (Materials Handling)
While observing a lift of materials onto a flatbed trailer through the use of a mobile hydraulic crane, which had the tires fully inflated and on level and firm ground, the materials manager stopped the operation because it did not look correct to her. She has now requested your assessment and your recommendations on controls to reduce any potential incidents or injuries. Based on your observations, you find the information shown below.
Weight of the load: 28,000 pounds
Boom length: 60 feet
Boom radius: 20 feet

Prevention through design (PtD) is a proactive approach to risk management often used within the safety and health field. Given the fact that we are in a global health pandemic and our approach to preventing the spread of the virus has been less than stellar, please share your thoughts on ways you feel PtD could have been used when our public health officials first became aware of the potential threat (last year) to minimize the spread of the Corona virus in the United States.
One way I think PtD could have been used is in a national response to the pandemic, rather than forcing each state to come up with solutions. This would have included the US government using its purchasing power to acquire PPE and ventilators and create a national repository, instead of forcing the states to scramble to get the necessary supplies. Nationwide guidance on closures and travel restrictions might have helped reduce the confusion. Once we learned more about the virus, directing money to schools and hospitals to improve their ventilation systems might have helped reduce the spread.
Focusing on prevention, maintaining a pandemic response task force to coordinate the response to a future pandemic as well as a national PPE repository could make a future pandemic less severe. The “just-in-time” inventory system may increase efficiency, but it doesn’t work when a lot of a certain item is needed in a short time period.

1) What do we mean by interdependency (1)? What does interdependence mean for who is impacted by environmental issues (1)?
2) What were the main drivers of the modern environmental movement in the United States – provide examples (1). Since, what have been the dominant modes of protection (1)?
3) Describe four key geographic concepts and provide an example for each (2).
4) Why are we abandoning the term ‘natural disaster’ (2)?
5) (FILL IN THE BLANK) is to short term temperature and precipitation, while (FILL IN THE BLANK) is to decades long temperature and precipitation (2)
6) Describe the relationship between Earth’s Energy Budget and greenhouse gases in terms of climate change (2).
7) Describe the concepts of mitigation and adaptation- how do they differ (2)?
8) What is sustainability? Describe the three pillars and provide a critique of this traditional definition (2).
9) What is meant by the famous EW Zimmerman quote – ‘Resources are not, they become…” (1993) (2)?
10) What are the two principle components of climate (1)? Describe the four main drivers of these components (1).
11) Compare and contrast two main approaches to understanding the relationship between population and the environment (1). How have each of these either supported or negated the popular ‘Tragedy of the Commons’ Theory (1)?
12) (FILL IN THE BLANK) is to single path while (FILL IN THE BLANK) have multiple paths and futures (2)
13) Why is the relationship between city planning and climate change a spatial problem (2)?
14) Describe how we define vulnerability (1). How does vulnerability relate to the idea of ‘double exposure’ (1)?
15) Describe the differences between organic and fair trade food systems (1)? What could an alternative to the alternatives be (1)?
\For part two of the midterm, you will write a maximum 2 page response to the following question: How does a complex approach help ensure a more equitable, just, and hopeful global environmental transformation? Provide specific socio-economic and biophysical examples (10)

Discuss ways one can actively participate in the conservation of biodiversity

Explain carpal tunnel syndrome. What structures are involved, and what pathology exists here? Recommend prevention tips and treatments for this syndrome. Explain the modified Allen test and Tinel’s sign.
Each of us reacts habitually when we see money on the ground; we bend over and pick it up. Describe how you would get employees to avoid improper bending to pick up items from the ground in situations such as this. Use the four Es: empowerment, encouragement, education, and enlightenment.
Imagine that you are leading a training event to help prevent back injuries, and you are teaching students the proper way to lift. Describe, in detail, your recommended steps for lifting a box from a tabletop and placing the box on the floor in a way that would not create any pain or ergonomics issue(s).

Summarize the characteristics and abilities of sound level meters (SLMs) and noise dosimeters and how they can be used to evaluate noise exposures at a facility.
(minimum of 200 words in length. )

Define the following terms associated with occupational noise:
a. Wavelength
b. Frequency
c. Sound Pressure
d. Decibel
e. Octave Band
(minimum of 200 words.)
You have been tasked with establishing and implementing an effective hearing conservation program for a metal stamping facility. Noise monitoring shows that employees working in the press areas of the facility are exposed to 8-hour TWA noise exposures between 85.0 dBA and 89.0 dBA. Based on the requirements of 29 CFR 1910.95, summarize the requirements for an effective hearing conservation program and discuss steps to make the program as effective as possible.
(minimum of 200 words.)
Imagine you are the director of your state’s Department of Environmental Services. Working with legislators, your goal is to decide which alternative renewable energy sources will assist your state in sustaining your limited fossil fuels and what the best fit is for your state’s economy. Develop a presentation highlighting which types of alternative renewable energy sources your state has chosen and how these energy sources will reduce the demands on fossil fuels and lower the carbon emissions in your state.For this assignment, you will create a PowerPoint presentation that covers three alternative energy sources. Using the CSU Online Library and reading assignments in this unit, research alternative energy sources to determine which three will work best within your state. You may also use the U.S. Department of Energy website to assist you in your decisions: presentation should adhere to the following format.
• Slide 1: On the title slide, include your name, course number, and the date.
• Slide 2: Provide a brief introduction (no more than 2 paragraphs).
• Slide 3: List the first alternative energy source. Briefly describe how this energy source would reduce the demands on fossil fuels and lower carbon emissions. Provide two arguments on why this energy source will work for your state.
• Slide 4: If your first alternative energy source is chosen, how may this source negatively affect the citizens in your state? Provide two arguments, and explain how this energy source may negatively impact your state.
• Slide 5: Include visuals for your first alternative energy source (e.g., hydropower, solar wind farm).
• Slide 6: List the second alternative energy source. Briefly describe how this energy source would reduce the demands on fossil fuels and lower carbon emissions. Provide two arguments on why this energy source will work for your state.
• Slide 7: If your second alternative energy source is chosen, how may this source negatively affect the citizens in your state? Provide two arguments, and explain how this energy source may negatively impact your state.
• Slide 8: Include visuals for your second alternative energy source (e.g., hydropower, solar wind farm).
• Slide 9: List the third alternative energy source. Briefly describe how this energy source would reduce the demands on fossil fuels and lower carbon emissions. Provide two arguments on why this energy source will work for your state.
• Slide 10: If your second alternative energy source is chosen, how may this source negatively affect the citizens in your state? Provide two arguments, and explain how this energy source may negatively impact your state.
• Slide 11: Include visuals for your third alternative energy source (e.g., hydropower, solar wind farm).
• Slide 12: Include references, and ensure you list all supporting sources for your nine content/visual alternative energy source slides.
As a part of the presentation, you are required to use the notes section for each content slide to reinforce your presentation. You should use at least three reliable, academic sources to support your presentation. Images and graphics, along with supporting references and in-text citations, must follow APA formatting guidelines and must be free of errors. Your presentation should consist of a title slide, introduction slide, nine content/visual slides, and a references slide for a minimum total of 12 slides.Click here to access a tutorial on how to create an effective PowerPoint presentation. (Note: The transcript for this resource can be found within the “Notes” tab to the right of the presentation.)

create a 10-slide PowerPoint presentation about both the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) and Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA).
Again, imagine that you are presenting to an audience of high school students who are learning about environmental laws. Discuss their effectiveness at achieving the goals, elaborate on problems with the laws, and suggest improvements to the laws.
Feel free to be creative. You are allowed to utilize PowerPoint’s features to create charts and graphics. Please do not utilize the Notes section for your presentation.
Please use at least three sources to support your presentation, and ensure that the citations and references are in APA format. The required title and reference slides do not count toward meeting the minimum slide requirement.

ENMT 310 Project Three
Scenario and Site Plans
You are to assume the duties of the safety and environmental officer for a large industrial facility located on a river in a medium-sized town, population 23,231. There in a small, non-trauma center, hospital located in town. The local fire department has a Hazardous Materials Response Team trained to respond to chemical releases and spills. You also have a trained Industrial Fire Brigade on-site with first-responder training and equipment.
Your facility produces and ships a product called Methyl-Ethyl-Peanut Butter by rail, highway, and river barge. The product is produced from mixing liquid Acetone, gaseous Sulfur Dioxide, and Magnesium powder. It produces a mixed waste product to be disposed of properly.
Your assignment is to develop an Emergency Action Plan meeting Federal OSHA requirements and an Facility Resonse Plan meeting Federal EPA requirements. You plan must address the minimum requirements of these Federal regulations. Part of the exercise is for you to locate the appropriate OSHA and EPA requirements in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). Hint: OSHA regulations are contained in Title 29 of the CFR and EPS’s regulations are contained in Title 40 of the CFR.
You may use your imagination to come up with all the details of your plans, but be sure to address all aspects of potential emergency releases within the facility and potential local and international threats to your facility. You plan must meet, as a minimum, all of the applicable EPA and OSHA regulations.
You may prepare two separate plans or one comprehensive plan to meet the requirements. Once prepared, submit you plan to your assignment folder as you did with Project Two. Use this exercise as if your job depends on it, be comprehensive, but have fun coming up with the means you will save your city. Include response actions from all of the first-responder organizations and resources available to you on and off-site.
The length and format of the plans are up to you. Just make sure you cover the requirements and all expected threats and hazards.

PowerPoint presentation containing at least 10 slides.
Imagine that you are presenting to an audience of high school students who are learning about environmental laws. Your presentation should address the need for water quality laws in your area and should describe water quality legislation, including the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) and Clean Water Act (CWA).
Feel free to be creative. You are allowed to utilize PowerPoint’s features to create charts and graphics. Please do not utilize the Notes section for your presentation.
Please use at least three sources to support your presentation, and ensure that the citations and references are in APA format. The required title and reference slides do not count toward meeting the minimum slide requirement.

Introduction to Social Work online textbook:-
Discussion question:
After reviewing the readings and video, please create a substantial discussion post considering the following question(s) in your post.
• What do you think are the most important values for a successful Social Worker?
• Please identify 2-3 values that you think will enable you to be an effective Social Worker?
On one page, discuss any type of social work interventions that you have seen implemented. What did you learn from that experience? If you have not seen any of the interventions, what type of intervention would you support or not support and why?
Discussion Guidelines: Your initial post should be approximately one page (250 words).
In your opinion, what are the responsibilities of government during economic crises? Use examples from the assigned chapter and/or provide examples from the present day.
Discussion Guidelines: Your initial post should be approximately one page (250 words).
Briefly research how social security benefits are earned. Describe your findings in your discussion question and discuss whether you agree or disagree with your findings and what you would change.

  1. Consider ergonomic hazards associated with the operation of pneumatic impact wrenches in a vehicle maintenance facility. What could you, as part of the ergonomics team, provide in the way of protection against the work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) that might be associated with the use of such a tool? Include supporting evidence as part of your discussion. (200 words)
  2. Describe one or more potential solutions for an employee who is experiencing the onset of back pain after working at his or her workstation that primarily requires the employee to work in a seated position. Include supporting evidence as part of your discussion. 200 words)
  3. Describe the ergonomic risk factors associated with a sharp edge on a work bench. Include supporting evidence as part of your discussion. (75 words)
    Describe hand-arm vibrations (HAVS); what are the long-term issues an employee might have if vibration sources are not corrected? (75 words)

Welding fumes are a common occupational exposure. Several different welding fumes can cause similar adverse health effects. Personal sampling of a welding operation at a manufacturing facility produced the following 8-hour time-weighted average (TWA) results for individual metal fumes.
Metal FumeResultOSHA PELACGIH TLVAntimony0.05 mg/m³0.5 mg/m³0.5 mg/m³Beryllium0.00001 mg/m³0.0002 mg/m³0.00005 mg/m³ (I)Cadmium0.025 mg/m³0.005 mg/m³0.01 mg/m³Chromium0.02 mg/m³1 mg/m³0.5 mg/m³Copper0.03 mg/m³0.1 mg/m³0.2 mg/m³Iron Oxide0.5 mg/m³10 mg/m³5 mg/m³ (R)Magnesium Oxide0.02 mg/m³15 mg/m³10 mg/m³Molybdenum0.003 mg/m³15 mg/m³10 mg/m³ (I)Nickel0.25 mg/m³1 mg/m³1.5 mg/m³ (I)Zinc Oxide0.3 mg/m³5 mg/m³2 mg/m³ (R)
(R) Respirable fraction (I) Inhalable fraction
Briefly summarize the primary health effects associated with overexposure to each type of metal fume, including both acute and chronic health effects. Explain what analytical methods you would use for evaluating health hazards in the workplace.
Identify the types of metal fumes that would produce similar health effects on an exposed worker. Assume that each listed metal can cause respiratory irritation. Use the equation in 1910.1000(d)(2)(i) to calculate the equivalent exposure (in relation to OSHA PELS) for the metal fumes with similar health effects based on the “Result” column in the table above. Discuss whether you believe any of the individual metal fume exposures or the combined exposure exceeds an OSHA PEL or an ACGIH TLV.
Your homework assignment should be a minimum of two pages in length.

Introduction to Social Work online textbook:-
Discussion question:
After reviewing the readings and video, please create a substantial discussion post considering the following question(s) in your post.
• What do you think are the most important values for a successful Social Worker?
• Please identify 2-3 values that you think will enable you to be an effective Social Worker?

Please read the following articles on Emotional Intelligence: (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)
After reading the above articles, please take the following Emotional Intelligence Quiz. (Links to an external site.)
For this assignment, please submit a one-page paper including the following:
• Please copy and paste the results from your quiz.
• Discuss your thoughts about Emotional Intelligence and whether this would be helpful or not in the profession of Social Work.
• Please share your thoughts on the results from the quiz and whether you agree or disagree. What components of Emotional Intelligence would you like to improve?
The paper should be approx. one page and include high-quality writing. Please include a title page and double-check all spelling and grammar prior to submitting. Also, please make sure to cite all relevant information and include references as appropriate.

  1. Defend the statement that soil erosion is an environmental problem that could seriously damage, or even cause the collapse of, our civilization.
  2. What are things an individual citizen can do to prevent soil erosion?
  3. Does the impact of soil erosion go beyond where it occurs? Explain your answer.4. Are the soil problems more severe in developed countries or developing countries?
  4. How and why could processes such as clear-cut logging, in which all trees are cut, and use of off-road vehicles lead to loss of soil fertility?
  5. You own a consulting firm, and a client hires you to evaluate several hundred hectares (acres) to start a small farm to grow organic vegetables. The land is generally flat with some rolling hills. How could you evaluate the project from a soil perspective? Outline a general plan to advise your client.

What is green reverse logistics in all aspects?
cover page
table of contents
15 pages
reference page -10 reference ( 3 peer reviewed)
APA 12 font times new roman
Using previous outline request if needed

What is green reverse logistics?
Need assistance with 4 page full sentence outline
APA format
4 references included
Full sentences
cover all aspects of reverse logistics

This discussion asks you to formulate a definition of environmental sustainability based on research and how it can apply to environmental stewardship both on a personal and national level. I will start you off by telling you that scientists working on environmental sustainability (ES) consider there to be 3 major principles to ES: reliance on solar energy for photosynthesis and other alternative energy sources; nutrient cycling of chemicals through soil, water, and air; and protection and restoration of biological diversity. These are the 3 legs of our environmental sustainability stool and it will collapse if any one of them is negatively impacted in a substantial way.
You may already have an opinion on what is meant by environmental sustainability. The topic is in the news frequently and it is difficult not to form an opinion when you hear a lot about a subject, even when you do not know how accurate the material is that you are confronted with. Follow the following steps to prepare yourself for this discussion:

  1. Read the article at this website: Environmental Sustainability. Note in particular the information in the sidebar about the Three Pillars of Sustainability: Social, Environmental and Economic. Website:
  2. Next, conduct an internet search on environmental sustainability. You can use Wikipedia to get a quick head start; and also look for articles in the web magazine ScienceDaily. Read enough information to have a good basis for an informed opinion on the subject. Website:
  3. Your initial post:
    1: What does environmentally sustainable mean to you personally?
    2: What do you think the major challenges are to achieving environmental sustainability for our species?
    3: What should Americans and the world be encouraged to do to foster sustainability? Name at least 2-3 ideas and discuss how they promote sustainability.
    In your initial post, please provide 3-4 references in APA format and use in-text citations.

1- Please submit the recording of your presentation here. It can be the powerpoint itself with a voice over.
2- Please submit your project report as either a word doc or a pdf. (5-8 pages)
– figures and tables
– single spaced
introduction, location(to be decided ) information, hazard 1 & 2 occurrence, destruction, preparation and response.( with examples
Students are expected to complete a project that showcases their knowledge they gained through the course. Students will choose a location on Earth and provide information about it from an environmental science perspective. Guidelines for the project as well as an example rubric will be posted on canvas.

Many if not most of the topics that you studied in the eText and tackled in the discussions and labs are, or will be directly or indirectly impacted by the myriad effects of climate change. At this point in the course, you should be able to assess the various predictions from the climate models and mesh them with what you have already learned to fashion a credible assessment of our planet’s future.
Prepare yourself for this discussion by studying the relevant material presented in the two websites linked below. Most of the living scientists who have received the Nobel Prize are members of the first organization in the list. The second two federal agencies are two of the most respected in this country and world. Amazing that our country will listen with rapt attention to everything that NASA has to say about outer space, but ignore what they say about climate change.
• Union of Concerned Scientists
You are encouraged to research the Internet for other climate change related sites and don’t skip ScienceDaily
For your initial post, please respond to the following questions in separate paragraphs:

  1. Describe 2-3 pieces of evidence from the science literature that humans are causing climate change to accelerate.
  2. What specific impacts do the current climate change models predict globally and which of them, if any, appear to be occurring already?
  3. What role does the ocean play in the climate change scenario?
  4. What sorts of impacts are predicted for Colorado if the climate change models are correct?
    In your initial post, please provide 3-4 references in APA format and use in-text citations
  1. .

You are asked to evaluate employees’ exposures to methyl n-amyl ketone during a painting operation. After careful consideration, you choose NIOSH Method 2553 for the sampling. You can access the method by clicking the link below:National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. (2003). Ketones II: Method 2553. In P. M. Eiler & M. E. Cassinelli (Eds.), NIOSH manual of analytical methods (4th ed.). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. pre-sampling and post-sampling pump calibrations using a primary standard are both 0.05 L/min. You collect personal samples on two employees working in the operation. The samples are collected for 430 minutes (Sample 1) and 440 minutes (Sample 2).

  1. Calculate the sample volumes for each of the samples.
    The laboratory reports that the front section of Sample 1 contains 5,000 µg of methyl n-amyl ketone and the back section contains 200 µg of methyl n-amyl ketone. The front section of Sample 2 contains 4,000 µg of methyl n-amyl ketone and the back section contains 50 µg of methyl n-amyl ketone. Neither the front nor back sections of the field blank you supplied contain any detectable levels of methyl n-amyl ketone.
  2. Calculate the concentrations of the two personal samples in µg/L and mg/m³.
  3. Convert the result to ppm (MW for methyl n-amyl ketone = 114.2). Note: Use the ideal gas constant of 24.45.
  4. Show all the steps for your calculations.
    You then reference OSHA’s Table Z-1 and find that the 8-hour TWA PEL for methyl n-amyl ketone is 100 ppm
  5. Discuss how the results of the two personal samples you collected compare to the OSHA PEL, and describe the sampling method you implemented.
    You also look up the ACGIH TLV for methyl n-amyl ketone and find that the TLV is 50 ppm as an 8-hour TWA exposure.
  6. Discuss how the results for the two personal samples compare to the ACGIH TLV.
  7. Discuss whether you would recommend comparing the results of your sampling to the OSHA PEL or the ACGIH TLV. Include your rationale for the choice, and explain how you would rationalize your choice to your employer.
    The case study should be a minimum of three pages in length, and you should cite the NIOSH document using APA style.

You have been tasked with identifying health hazards associated with a production line at a manufacturing facility.Employees at the beginning of the line use a solvent to clean the surface of medium-size auto parts, and then they place the parts on a moving line. As the parts move along the line, an employee sprays them with a powder coating, and the parts move through an oven. Another employee removes the parts from the line and places them in slots in a cart for transporting to shipping.You have been provided safety data sheets for the solvent used for cleaning the parts (click here to access) and the powder coating that is used (click here to access). Use the JHA form to identify the potential health hazards associated with the process. Click here to access the Basic Job Hazard Analysis form. You will use the Basic Hazard Analysis form to enter your responses and to answer the four questions listed below. Please upload this completed document to your instructor for grading. Prepare a two-page homework assignment summarizing your health hazard analysis and answer these questions from the Basic Job Hazard Analysis form.

  1. What are the health hazards associated with the operation?
  2. What are the primary exposure routes associated with each health hazard?
  3. Are there any potential acute or chronic health effects for any of the health hazards you identified?
  4. Are special hazards associated with any of the health hazards?
    You may use the safety data sheets provided above, information from the OSHA or NIOSH websites, or academic references from the Internet to answer the questions. Citations are not required for this homework assignment; however you may want to use them in order to answer the questions.
    SDSPaint.pdf Create a PowerPoint presentation of 15 slides (not counting title and reference slides) that provides an overview of the three major environmental, health, and safety (EHS) disciplines. Include each of the following elements:
    • summary of the responsibilities for the discipline,
    • evaluation of types of hazards addressed by the discipline,
    • description of how industrial hygiene practices relate to safety and health programs,
    • description of how industrial hygiene practices relate to environmental programs,
    • evaluation of types of control methods commonly used by the discipline,
    • interactions with the other two disciplines, and
    • major organizations associated with the discipline.
    Construct your presentation using a serif type font such as Times New Roman. A serif type font is easier to read than a non-serif type font. For ease of reading, do not use a font smaller than 28 points.
    I’m working on a spanish writing question and need an explanation to help me study.
    – Minimum of 750 words
    – Any movie by Spanish director Pedro Almodóvar
    – In Spanish
    Requirements: Minimum 750 words

On the following spreadsheet, you will find a story about the origin of the Merfolk as told to me by an old Merfolk. (Links to an external site.)
The story is 48 sentences long. You will be asked to translate only 8 of them, but which 8 depends on your discussion group, according to the chart in the document above. Look at Column B (“Discussion Group”). Find the section containing your word group number and do those 8 lines.
For example, for lines 1 to 8, Column B says “1”. This means that anyone in Discussion Group 1 would translate ALL of those lines.
Remember our Grammar and Dictionary.
Grammarː (Links to an external site.)
Dictionary (under the tab called “Vocabulary FINAL 7.18.21”): (Links to an external site.)
A note on the vocabulary: I have not indicated the noun class of each noun. When you encounter a noun in the story, it is up to you to determine the most appropriate interpretation for its case ending.
For example, you may encounter the case ending -la, which is either Nominative, Non-Merfolk, Close to the Sea, Non-Dangerous OR Genitive, Merfolk, Non-Dangerous. (This is a situation commonly encountered in natural languages. For example, in Czech, -a may be feminine nominative or animate masculine accusative.)
You will have to use the grammar, the context, and your knowledge of cases to decide which interpretation is correct.
Additionally, some non-Merfolk nouns have been classified as “Merfolk” due to their importance or close association to the Merfolk (as per the grammar) and thus have Merfolk noun class case endings in the story.

Read the Insider Threat from the Department of Homeland Security and CISA: Insider Threat Mitigation
Find additional readings in this area about how to mitigate and assess insider threat concerns.
• What are your ideas on how to provide time to intervene and prevent an insider cyber attack?
• Find information about an insider attack, explain the attack, and did you agree or disagree with the actions? Were they justified?
Provide an original post. This post is to be a minimum of 500 words.

A literature review summarizes the published research on any given topic. Here, you need to summarize the published research on your research topic. After reviewing the sample literature review (Links to an external site.) from the Writing Center, use the scholarly resources (Links to an external site.) from the University of Arizona Global Campus Library and complete a literature review for your Research study proposal. Include in your review relevant published studies on your health related topic.
The primary goal of this literature review is to integrate concepts from biomedical research related to your topic and that explores the literature encompassing your proposed research question/hypothesis. In this section of the proposal, you will review the findings in the individual empirical articles, organize the research in a meaningful way, evaluate the reliability, validity, and generalizability of the research findings, and present an integrated synthesis of the research that sheds new light on the topic you have selected.
A successful integrative literature review may result in a significant contribution to a particular body of knowledge and, consequently, to research and practice. Therefore, before writing this literature review, substantive new research must be conducted via scholarly and peer-reviewed resources (Links to an external site.) from within the University of Arizona Global Campus Library. Address methods of analysis commonly used in the applicable research to your topic, contrasting results, and any surrounding cultural considerations. Address any evidence of health disparities related to the selected topic. A minimum of eight peer-reviewed sources must be included.
The literature review should include the following sections:
• A clear introduction that provides a general review and organizes the research in a meaningful way;
• A discussion in which the evidence is presented through analysis, critique, and synthesis;
• Evidence of health disparities related to the selected topic.
• A conclusion in which the discussion is drawn together in a meaningful way where the claims of the introduction are brought to a logical closure, and new research is proposed.

Please view and read the attached file below and answer the following questions

  1. Identify the purposes of government (See Supplementary Materials Folder ).
  2. Define politics.
  3. Define a social contract. (See Supplementary Materials Folder )
  4. Identify the view of political theorists John Locke and Thomas Hobbes. (See Supplementary Materials Folder )
  5. Define the principles and types of a democracy. (See Supplementary Materials Folder )
  6. Identify the principles of pluralism, elitism, and democracy.
  7. Define negative and positive liberty.
  8. Differentiate among ideological beliefs: liberal, conservative, socialist, and libertarian.
  9. Relate equality to its measurements: opportunities, results/outcomes, political, and social.
    Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:
    After completing this week’s required learning activities, why are theories important in the study of public policy? How do output-based models and process-based models differ and explain the pros and cons of each? Explain the pluralist and elite theories of political power and influence and discuss how they apply to the study of public policy-making?
    In APA format with at least 1 reference.
  10. In 75-150 words summarize each of the following major approaches to public policy-making:
    a. Systems Analysis
    Need in APA format and at least 1 reference.

When proposing a research study, a new researcher may not know how to find secondary data or how to calculate an appropriate sample to represent the population. In this discussion, you will explore free sources or tools to assist you in developing a research proposal. Utilizing the Internet, identify health care data readily available to a researcher, online resources for calculating an appropriate sample, and a resource or tool of your choice. Identify a minimum of three resources not yet identified in this course, summarize the information, explain why the resource is helpful as a new researcher, and describe how it could be utilized. Your initial post should be a minimum of 300 words.

Part A. 300 words each with 1 reference each, 600 words total

  1. Discuss the public choice theory or model. How does it relate to rivalness and excludability?
  2. Think of a time when a government policy directly affected policy or policies at your organization. While health care examples are preferred, if you do not have experience working in that environment yet, any professional setting can apply.
    Part B. 1,500 words
    Review news stories and articles regarding a recent (within the last year) health-related policy (not the Affordable Care Act).
    Introduce this policy and discuss the following:
  3. How the governmental policy process informs the development, implementation, and assessment of policy within the realm of health care.
  4. The impact of your chosen policy on health care consumers, organizations, and systems.
  5. The impact of your chosen policy on health care providers.
    Now imagine you are adapting this policy to the health care organization at which you work (or where you wish to work). Describe the organization and discuss the following:
  6. The stakeholders involved in policy formation and their impact on health care policy formation and structures.
  7. The response you expect from those stakeholders.
  8. The specific impact this governmental policy will make (positive, negative, indifferent) and why?
    Incorporate two or three peer-reviewed scholarly resources

YOU MUST ensure that you address how the preliminary phase, the field study phase, and the integration phase can help achieve your intended results (based upon reading CMH Pub 70-21, 2014). Ensure that you identify what the overall development goal is for your staff ride. If you use references, then cite IAW APA standards.
Analyze the concepts and theories you read about in T111, L107, and S302, and L104; utilizing key language and terms from these concepts and theories, identify and analyze a historic campaign or battle (T111) that you can use as a staff ride to develop the Professional Character of an organization (L107). Approach this journaling from a Sergeant Major’s perspective on how you would plan and implement this staff ride to assess and address performance gaps and develop the workforce within your organization (S302).
Assigned Readings:

  1. (T111: Staff Ride)
  2. CMH Pub 70-21, 2014).
  3. (L107: Army Leadership and the Profession, ADP 6-22, pp. 1-1 – 1-12, para 1-1 – 1-69 (12 pages)

How to Apply for a Grant
You now have a compelling problem/need statement written, so you’re well on your way to applying for that grant. But the funders are going to need a lot more information than what you put in those few paragraphs.
Now you need to find out more of the specifics that you’ll need to put into the actual grant application. At this stage you will need to complete two things:

  1. Choose one of the funders identified in the first part of the course to do some additional research on and create a list of required items to apply for that grant.
  2. Develop goals and objectives for the program that can be used in the grant application.
    Part 1
    Research the application requirements for two of the funders identified at the beginning of the course. In a Word document, write 1–2 paragraphs on why you believe each funder has the requirements they do, what, if any, differences there are in application requirements, and what might account for those differences.
    Part 2
    You will develop clear goals that define what the Resource Center intends to accomplish through the development of the tutorial program, as well as establish measurable objectives that will highlight your organization’s progress toward established goals.
    The goals and objectives provide an assessment of the tutorial program’s success to both the organization and the funder. When goals and objectives are not clearly defined, it can not only have an impact on the program’s outcomes, but it can also impact negatively program staff, participants, and funders.
    Based on the problem statement you created, you’ll want to answer the following questions:
    • What are the key areas of the nonprofit are you seeking to change?
    • Who (which segment of the population or community) will be affected or involved with the change?
    • How will the change be measured (an increase or improvement, or a decrease and reduction)? And by how much?
    • When will this change take place? Months? Years? Or by what specific date?

Please Answer this:
Please share your research question with your classmates. How did you identify a gap in the current research and how will your thesis fill that gap? Refining your research question will provide a solid foundation from which to conduct your research.
This is the research question that we develop last time:
Research Question
To better understand the importance of radicalization to terrorism, this research develops research questions that will help to answer some of the concerns about domestic terrorism. They include:
1) What are the common threads in the cases of domestic radicalization to terrorism?
2) Which radicalization models of terrorism explain domestic terrorism towards the United States?
3) What do these models explain about countering and preventing domestic terrorism?
4) Why do some communities such as the Islamic and the KKK engage in violence to further their beliefs?
500 words minimum, APA style

Part A. 300 words each with 1 reference each, 600 words total

  1. Explain the history of failed attempts to enact national health insurance in the United States.
  2. According to your personal worldview, should individuals have a right to medical care? Are there any instances when medical care should not be considered a right?
    Part B. 1,000 words
    The purpose of this assignment is to familiarize yourself with the intricacies of health care reform.
    Analyze the nature of health care reform in the United States, both in the past and present.
  3. Discuss the two needed elements in health care reform and why they hold importance.
  4. Evaluate a minimum of three different health care reform strategies and provide a rationale for each.
  5. Choose one of the three areas (above) and provide a specific example of health care reform at either the state or national level: (a) What was it called? (b) Who introduced it? (c) When was it introduced? (d) What was its ultimate purpose? and (e) Did it succeed? If not, why not?
    Incorporate two or three peer-reviewed scholarly resources

HOw can I address the statement below in a PowerPoint presentation.

  1. The development of various communication technologies has reshaped (and will continue to reshape) the methods by which policy advocates and interest groups seek to influence policymaking. Describe how this idea applies to the Internet.

Incorporate appropriate animations, transitions, and graphics where appropriate as well as “speaker notes” for each slide. The speaker notes should be comprised of brief paragraphs.
Length: 10-15 slides (with a separate reference slide with a minimum of five (5) scholarly references)
Notes Length: 100-150 words for each slide

Research Topic:Perspective on Domestic Terrorism
(Islamism and Ku Klux Klan)

Research Question, Purpose Statement, and Design Statement

In this assignment you will present your research question along with a purpose statement. You will also present your preliminary thoughts on a research design. In other words, how do you intend to answer your research question? The specific research question should be of depth and breadth required for a major project. There is a template attached with the proper headings and settings. You are required to use this template to submit your assignment. This temple is attached as “Assignment1Template.”

Required Elements of the Assignment

Title Page
1 – Introduction – Provide pertinent information related to your topic focusing on why your topic is important. The introduction contains three secondary headings which are Purpose Statement, Research Question, and Design Statement.
2 – Purpose Statement – Present your purpose statement in this section.
3 – Research Question – Present your research question in this section.
4 – Design Statement – Explain how you intend to answer your research question. This section represents your preliminary thoughts on a methodology. For example, you may intend to conduct a case study in order to answer your research question. It is expected that your research design will evolve as a result of conducting the literature review.
5 – Reference list in APA format containing at least 8 scholarly sources of which six must be peer reviewed journal articles

Technical Requirements
– Your paper must be at a minimum of 3 pages (the Title and Reference pages do not count towards the minimum limit).
– Scholarly and credible references should be used. A good rule of thumb is at least 2 scholarly sources per page of content.
– Type in Times New Roman, 12 point and double space.
– Students will follow the current APA Style as the sole citation and reference style used in written work submitted as part of coursework.
– Points will be deducted for the use of Wikipedia or encyclopedic type sources. It is highly advised to utilize books, peer-reviewed journals, articles, archived documents, etc.

Part A. 300 words each with 1 reference each, 600 words total

  1. Supply and demand encompass the health care workforce, just as they do any other service providers. Describe the role that public policy plays when discussing physician shortages.
  2. Nursing shortages are a source of feared for many health care administrators. Describe what the nursing workforce is like where you live. (Your state board of nursing website is a good place to gain information.) Next, discuss what aspects are leading to an overall nursing shortage, and what steps are being done to counteract this shortage.
    Part B. 1,000 words, separate doc
    The purpose of this assignment is to describe the importance of evaluations in health economics.
    Describe the importance of evaluations in health economics.
  3. Compare and contrast the four types of economic analysis as they relate to health economics.
  4. Discuss how economic evaluations and health policy are related. Provide recent examples.
  5. Discuss the role of technology in economic evaluations.
    Include an introduction and conclusion and incorporate at least three peer-reviewed scholarly resources.

How did the Great Awakening challenge the authority of the established churches? What role did this play in planting the seeds for the Revolution? How did the challenging of religious authority lead to the challenging of political authority? ( 125 words please)
There is a belief that the United States is a “Christian Nation.” Based on the founding documents and the prevalent Enlightenment ideals of the 18th century, how could this argument be supported or opposed? ( 125 words please)

Required Resources
Read/review the following resources for this activity:
• Link (website): Narrated PowerPoint Tutorial
• Minimum of 8 scholarly resources (These are from the Week 4 Annotated Bibliography. Conduct additional research as needed.)
For this project, select a person whom you believe had significant influence (positive or negative) on a movement for social, economic, and/or political change in the 20th and 21st centuries. Explore and address the following in your project:
• Summarize the person’s ideas.
• How did the ideas or changes affect the establishment and status quo?
• What was the context in which this person proposed ideas/change?
• How did the government or the people respond to the ideas/change?
• What sort of following or support did he/she have?
• How have the ideas/actions of the person influenced contemporary cultures and ideas?
For the final presentation, make sure to go beyond the surface information and go into depth about the person you are researching.
Here is a brief breakdown of the project so that you can plan your time in the course:

Week Task
Week 3: Topic Selection
Week 5: Annotated Bibliography
Week 6: Script
Week 8: Presentation
The final step in the course project is to develop the presentation with audio narration.
• You may use PowerPoint or another method (mp4 file) approved by your instructor.
• Deliver the presentation in a professional and engaging manner.
• Include parenthetical in-text citations support observations made in the presentation. Make sure to read the citations when recording your narration. Do not read the references slide.
Presentation Requirements
• Length: 4-6 minutes narrated presentation
• Slide length: 5-8 slides (not including title slide, conclusion slide, or references slide)
• Title slide
• Conclusion slide
• References slide (minimum of 8 scholarly sources cited in APA format; not narrated)
Please view and read the attached file and answer the following questions
Identify the weaknesses in the Articles of Confederation.
Differentiate the federalists and anti-federalists.
Identify the Bill of Rights and each amendment contained within.
Identify the history of and the methods to amend the U.S. Constitution, including the concept of proposal and ratification.
Relate the concepts of original ism and pragmatism as they relate to constitutional interpretation.
Explain James Madison’s concerns regarding factions.
Identify the parts of the Constitution, including the articles and their principles.

Things Fall Apart
You will write one essay for this course based on your reading of Things Fall Apart. This project counts for 25% of your grade.
Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart was one of the first novels written by an African author to garner worldwide acclaim. Achebe set out to depict the social and psychological disorientation accompanying the imposition of Western customs and values upon traditional African (Igbo) society. Based upon a careful reading of the text, provide an overview of the salient themes and key events in Things Fall Apart. Some questions to consider when crafting your essay (you need not answer all of them – they are simply touchstones for addressing central issues). How does the main character Okonkwo fight against the coming of missionaries and European colonial government? What are his personal strengths and greatest weaknesses? Does he successfully challenge the new order? How does this novel fit within the context of European colonialism in Africa? You might consider the following: there is a saying common to Native Americans and Africans alike which goes like this: “Before the white man came, we had the land and they had the Bible. Now we have the Bible and they have the land.”
A successful essay will incorporate specific evidence from the assigned readings. I will evaluate your essays on the strength and clarity of the thesis, development of the argument, use of evidence, and writing style/grammar. No outside sources are necessary, but if you do choose to integrate external analyses or interpretations into your essay, you must properly cite them. Make sure that the entire essay reflects your ideas written in your own words. All papers will checked for plagiarism through Turnitin. Use Chicago Manual of Style or MLA for your citations. A Work(s) Cited page is required even if your only source is Things Fall Apart. Be sure to number your pages.
Your essay must be at least four (4) full pages in length, double-spaced, 1 inch margins, and 12 point Times New Roman font. Only your name should appear at the top of the page. Papers that are below required length (even by half a page) will lose significant points from the total score. The Work(s) Cited page does not count toward the page total.

You must answer one question from the list below. The exam is worth 40 points. You should turn your answer in through canvas. Your answer must use 12 point font and include your name and student ID at the top of the first page. Your work must be your own. You must refer to at least 3 articles from the course assignments in your answer. You may refer to more than 3 articles, but you may not refer to any material that was not assigned in the course. These are thought pieces designed to show you understand and can synthesize the material. You should cite the articles within your answer like this: (Smith 2020) and you need not include a reference page so long as the citations are clear which readings you are citing. The answer to the question should be between 3 and 5 pages long.

Choose one of these questions to answer:
• What are human rights and how can we get states to recognize them?
• Identify and discuss some of the risks when the international community attempts to improve human rights whether through military intervention or economic sanctions.
• Agree or disagree with the following statement: “The protection of human rights only occurs with respect to issues everyone already agrees about, so international treaties and other efforts to protect human rights are a waste of time.” Make sure you explain why you agree or disagree.

Hunting is hard to do, and you have to have the skills to provide meat on the table. My husband is a hunter, and there are some seasons where he may get only get one deer. It is not a stable way of life. Tribes who primarily lived off of hunting and gathering had to move around all the time. They were not stable and went through many seasons of change. Agricultural-based tribes were well-rounded and could provide for their families. They were stable and seemed to live longer. ( Read and explain in your own words what this mean to you in 125 words)

The Revenge of Nature: (Plague, Cold and the Limits of Disaster in the 14th century); had lasting impacts on the societies of the 14th and 15th century. Examine these impacts to society and how it can be compared to the impact of nature during the time of COVID 19.
2 and a half pages

Read Boreuski’s This Way for the Gas, Ladies and Gentlemen.
• double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, with one-inch margins
• Use MLA for citing references and quotations
• 500 words
• The flow of ideas follows a logical, well-organized pattern
• Each paragraph expresses one idea encapsulated in a topic sentence
• The introduction and conclusion are engaging, cohesive, and appropriate in their position
• The response is relevant to the reading
Style and Clarity
Elements of style and clarity are strong.
• Paragraph and sentence transitions are present and maintain the flow of thought
• The tone is appropriate to the content and assignment
• A variety of sentence structures are present

How successful was Reconstruction? What measures were created to assist the Freedmen? Give examples of how the ex-slave society tried to stop the advancement of African Americans after the Civil War.

  1. Describe capital budgeting in detail. Describe in detail 4 tools used to evaluate a capital budgeting project. Which tool is the best and why? Describe how to calculate MIRR. Describe mutually exclusive projects and independent projects.Why is IRR of the project compared to the WACC of the company? If the project’s IRR is equal to the company WACC, what is the NPV of the project? Is a project with a NPV of 0 acceptable? Which group of investors (stock or bond investors) receive the NPV from the project and why? Is NPV and IRR measured in dollars or percentage? Why is payback period the weakest of all the capital budgeting tools? Why do many CFO’s say 5 years of future cash flows is the maximum they try to estimate? How can % lie (think of a $1 project with a high IRR)?
  2. Describe business risk and financial risk. Describe how a higher debt to asset ratio affects EPS and stock price. Describe how a higher debt to asset ratio affects cost of debt and equity and WACC. Describe the optimal debt to asset ratio for a company. Describe Chapter 7 and Chapter 11 bankruptcy. Describe the costs of bankruptcy (explicit and implicit). Discuss what is happening to a company currently in bankruptcy court (google one).
  3. Research Walmart’s current e-commerce efforts as compared to Amazon and other rivals. Do you think Walmart will catch Amazon? Does it need to? What advantages does Walmart enjoy by blending retail stores with e-commerce efforts?

This Assignment is asking you to use your imagination AND the information contained in Chapter 3 and the Lecture/ Slide Show for Chapter 3, to record a day/night in the life of California Indians, as if you were a member of a tribe living here BEFORE European contact. You can write in first person as a specific individual or describe in third person what is unfolding on a daily basis within the larger tribe. As you compose your submission (375 words) some suggested categories to explore could be: food, shelter, clothing, hunting, gathering, gender roles, other kinds of work such as tool making and basket weaving, spiritual beliefs/rituals, story-telling, hobby/leisure time activities, etc. Please follow the rules for grammar and capitalization, and especially the footnoting format and listing sources included in the 1st block of Modules. Remember to include an appropriate image with your submission.

Specific Instructions

  1. The text portion of this assignment needs to be at least 375 words long and include a picture/image.
  2. Make sure you are following the assignment description and including a strong introduction and conclusion. Consult Rubric at bottom of page.
  3. Submission MUST be double-spaced. Font cannot be larger than 12.
  4. Footnotes must be used to show specific source of information whether it is being directly quoted or not. You must consult at least two sources and they must be listed. Consult Grammar/Footnote Rules in Opening Module.

Please respond below 2 different post separately:
First one:
On December 11, 1961 Eichmann was convicted of crimes against the Jewish people, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and membership in a criminal organization. He was sentenced to death on December 15.1961. Later on in June 1962, Eichmann was exicuted by hanging and he was tunre to ashes and spread out into the sea. After reading about the Eichmann trial, I learned that his trial in Israel was the only trial in Israel history to have ended with the death sentence. In adfition, I learned that Eichmann had admitted he was guilty of the crimes he was put to trial for. He stated thta he was guilty of the deportation of millions of Jews to their deaths, but did not feel guilty of the consequences. The Nuremberg Trials was the trial of the top surviving German leaders. The trial was held in Nurmenberg Germany before an international military tribute. I learned that the judges were all from the allied powers, Great Britain, France, Soviet Union, and the United States. There were one hundred adn ninety nine top German soldiers tried throughout the Nurmenberg trials. Out of the one hundred and ninety nine, thirty seven were sentenced to death and one hundred and sixty one were convicted for the crimes they commited. I believe that more justice could have been seved because there were pleanty of German Nazi soldiers that feld to other countries including the United States. The soldiers that fled escaped their consequences, and I feel that they should have been tracked down and hunted just like they had done to the inncoent Jewish community in Europe. Finally, the German Nazi soldiers that were captured and put to trial used the excuse that they were only following orders. Prior to this module, I learned that they were given the opportunity to not participate in the mass shootings and killing of the European Jewish community. Therefore, the excuse of “just following orders” is invalid.
Second one
The crimes that the Nazis committed were inhumane and based of anti-semitic beliefs. There were mutiple attempts for the Nazis to be tried for these crimes. The Eichmann trials took place in Jerusalem in front of the Israeli police. This was a very high populated Jewish area. This was the first time that the Holocaust was exposed for what it truly was in large detail. Journalists from all around the world came to Jerusalem to cover this trial. Eichmann was found guilty and indicted. The Nuremburg trials uncovered the German authority that upheld the Nazi fascism. Of the 177 respondents, 24 were condemned to death, 20 to long lasting detainment, and 98 other jail sentences. 25 respondents were seen not as blameworthy. A large number of the detainees were delivered right off the bat during the 1950s because of absolutions. I believe justice was served as a result of these trials and the Nazis received a fair amount of punishment.

Primary Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 200–250 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.
For this Discussion Board, please complete the following:
The decade following World War II has been described as the Boom Years in the United States. There was an economic boom and a rise in technological innovation. Some of the developments of the 1950’s include the following:
• The growth of suburbs
• The expansion of infrastructure
• The rise of consumerism
• Car culture
• Many other technological, economic, and infrastructure developments
All of these events had an effect on American’s daily lives.
Watch this video to learn more about changes to American life in the 1950s.
Choose ONE advancement (cultural or technological) that is discussed in the video and answer the following questions:
• How did this advancement change the way that Americans lived their daily lives?
• What have been the positive and negative consequences of this advancement on American society?

Discussion Question Response
Based on your reading in the webtext, select one of the following thesis statements. Your response should be two to three paragraphs in length.

  1. The Alaska Native Regional Corporations (ANCSA) and the Native corporation system have been good for Alaska Natives.
  2. ANCSA and the Native corporation system have been bad for Alaska Natives.
    Next, revise the statement you have chosen to reflect the complexity of the historical events surrounding this issue. Provide specific examples of how ANCSA and the Native corporation system have had a positive or negative impact—or perhaps both—on Alaska Natives. Further illustrate the complexity of this issue by showing how the passage of ANCSA was contingent on at least three historical events or forces.
    In response to your peers, reflect on their revised statement. Describe the ways you find it shows the complexity of the event, and provide a suggestion for how they can further develop the statement or the supporting examples.
  3. Pierre Taylor – The Alaska Native Regional Corporations (ANCSA) and the Native corporation system have been good for Alaska Natives.
    Revised statement: The Alaska Native Regional Corporations (ANCSA) and the Native corporation system have been financially good for Alaska Natives, benefiting the Native community. More than half of the top Alaska-owned business were Native regional corporations. Resulting in millions of dollars in dividends paid to shareholders. Native corporation created thousands of jobs for native shareholders and paid for Native student scholarships.
    The passage of ANCSA was contingent on the government and the AFN coming to an agreement. The abundance of valuable natural resource on the Alaska native land was the main reason why the government wanted to strike a deal with the natives. The natives had political representation making it hard for the government to just take the land like they have done in the past. Awareness of past native mistreatment was also a factor when making this deal adding political pressure when negotiating a deal.
    Response –
  4. Brook Phillips – “The Alaska Native Regional Corporations (ANCSA) and the Native corporation system have been good for Alaska Natives.”
    This statement would better reflect the complexity of the historical events surrounding the ANCSA and the Native corporation system. The Alaska Native Regional Corporations (ANCSA) and the Native corporation system are great first steps that have been good for Alaska Natives. Through these steps, Natives can sustain themselves and their way of life.

I most appreciated the perspective presented in the article “ANCSA Unrealized: Our Lives Are Not Measured in Dollars.” In this article, authors Allaway and Mallott explained that the ANCSA has been both good and bad for Alaskan Natives. They acknowledge that living in a society that is capitalistic requires the same, “Yet in my reading of history, no racial minority will ever survive for long in a capitalistic society without having economic power or at least an economic ability to survive. ANCSA gives us that. So, from that standpoint, it is very, very meaningful” (Allaway & Mallott, 2005, p. 141). From this standpoint, it is clear that the economic ability to survive is important for an ethnic minority group. The ANCSA allows financial stability that enables the continued development of Native culture. Allaway and Mallott also point out how much stronger Native culture has become as a result of this economic stability.
I see a very different attitude today than I saw when I did my own village journey just after the passage of ANCSA. Today, I see a much stronger sense of being Native, of wanting to continue to define ourselves, and the lives of our children, as Native. In young people, the aspiration is evident in very powerful ways; for example, in Native dancing, in Native programs of all sorts in schools, including programs that are built around culture camps, spirit camps, communal meals, and Native art. The culture is not dying; in fact, it is being revised (Allaway & Mallott, 2005, P.142).
When I saw the topic for this week’s study and discussion, I instantly reached out to my sister who has been living in Alaska for the last twenty years. I asked her what her observations are of the ANCSA and the Native corporations. Her friends who are Native enjoy the economic stability that comes from the ANCSA for the most part. There are instances where Native corporations do not allow tribe members to participate in corporation events if they are not employees despite being part of that tribe and a shareholder. Another aspect of life in Alaska involving art, culture, and tradition is the stigma of Native art. A non-Native is not allowed to produce art in the same style as Alaskan Natives. I am in agreeance that the overall idea of ANCSA and Native corporations is a good starting point. And, as with all things, must change and get better over time.
Congrats everyone on another completed term! Good luck in completing your degree programs! Thank you for the wonderful and thought-provoking conversations this summer.
Allaway, J., & Mallott, B. (2005). Ancsa unrealized: Our lives are not measured in dollars. Journal of Land, Resources, & Environmental Law, 25(2), 139-148.
Response –

Please write comments to below discussion posts separately:
First discussion post
These Nazi doctors were criminals and murderers! They are liars and played the part in Hitlers final solution. these doctors tricked these people, rushing them into “showers”, just to have them murdered. Schuomel was a prime example of a person with the wrong morals. He was one of the doctors responsible for rushing the Jews into the gas chambers. He told the people to rush into the showers because the water was getting cold. These monsters really did anything to see these people die. They were so insecure about themselves and what they stood for that they needed people to die to make them feel succesful. Dr Menegele is a more interesting and even a more depressing story. He was not raised to be this monster and animal. He came from a Catholic upbringing, a normal, healthy childhood. He became obsessed in his work and lost touch with his only child. His soon grew up to be curious and skeptical of his own fathers work. His father escaped the Americans with a fake ID and various other sorts. His experiments on the Jews will never be forgotten. He truly thought he was making a difference. He did make a difference, he made the world a bitter and cold place. These people deserved the death penalty.
Second Discussion Post
If you were to look at pictures of Nazi doctors without having any information about what they did during World War 2 you would think they were medical professionals who were dedicated to saving lives. In reality, they took lives and experimenting on Jewish prisoners. Experiments ranged from altitude, cold weather, poisons, intentional give prisoners gangrene and many more. German doctors completely disregarded their oath to never do harm. Mengele is probably the most recognized of the German doctors, nicknamed the Angel of Death. He would chose who would be gased immediately and who would work. He also performed experiments on the forced laborers. Most notably was his experiments on twins. All of these doctors should be regarded as villains.

You can use internet, including the Peter Hayes video included in this module, please write at least FOUR pages, typed, double spaced, WORD, and uploaded to this link.
Please provide your analysis of why you think the Holocaust occurred. Give details and specific examples, and refer to points made in the Hayes lecture video included in this module. How do you explain Holocaust Denial in light of everything you have learned in this course? In addition, please discuss what you think we can learn from the Holocaust in terms of tolerance and how people should behave towards one another, and why prejudice and hatred should never be an option.
Peter Hayes lecture:

It will be one page discussion post:
What did you learn about the crimes perpetrated by the Nazis? What did you learn about the Eichmann trial? What did you learn about the Nuremberg Trials? Do you believe that justice was done? Were the perpetrators guilty or did they have a valid defense that they were just following orders?
You can use below links to get idea:

Identify one of the explanations for “graft” in Italy. Do you think it is convincing? Explain your reasoning. Additionally, consider whether or not you agree with the statement that “Italians seem to tolerate corruption more than other people.” Do you think this is true? What evidence makes you think so? one-two paragraphs

Do you think that some Italians might be subconsciously proud of the Mafia? Why do you think so? Explain your stance using content from this week’s readings. Also, consider how the Italian government might tackle dissolving the Mafia. Would they be able to do so? Must use textbook provided.

Primary Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 200–250 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.
For this Discussion Board, please complete the following:
Dr. King’s 1963 March on Washington was the largest civil rights protest in American history. It helped drive change. This included the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Jim Crow laws were dismantled in the South. Voter registration increased during the Freedom Summer of 1964. In 1965, Johnson outlawed discriminatory voting practices by signing the Voting Rights Act. Three years later, and just a few days after the assassination of Dr. King, Johnson signed the Fair Housing Act. This act banned discrimination in housing. It also increased protection of Native American rights.

Watch this video to learn more about these key acts. As you can imagine, these acts have impacted people of many different groups—race, sex, national origin, religion, and more.
• Choose one of these acts:
• Civil Rights Act of 1964
• Voting Rights Act of 1965
• Fair Housing Act of 1968
Then, respond to the following questions:
• How has the act you chose impacted your neighborhood, town, or workplace?
• What progress do you hope to see in the future?

Today, large proportions of Americans believe that most or all politicians are corrupt, that government serves the interest of the few, and that government is dominated by the wealthy and powerful. I want each of you to evaluate these statements, and using modern examples discuss whether you believe such statements to be true or false. All students must submit at least one original post to this forum as well as you must respond to the post of at least one student, for a total of two responses.

Debate over the role and size of government is central to contemporary American politics, and it is a theme that is examined in each chapter of the course textbook titled Government in America. The authors ask: is the scope of government too broad, too narrow, or just about right? In a blog post of atleast 300 words, use contemporary examples to discuss what is meant by the government being “too big.” Do you agree or disagree with the conservative sentiment that the American government is “too big” today? Why or why not?
In your “posting” be sure to develop a set of criteria, or values, with which one could evaluate what is “too big” about government today.

  1. Conclusion: In this section of your essay, you will discuss the impact of historical thinking. Specifically, you should:
  2. Explain why this historical event is important to you personally. In other words, why did you select this event to research?
  3. Illustrate how your research of the historical event impacted the way you thought about the event. In other words, how did thinking like a historian change the lens through which you viewed the event? Support your response with specific examples.
  4. Explain how a historian would pursue further study of your thesis statement. In other words, if a historian were to continue researching your thesis statement, what would be the future directions or next steps?
  5. Provide a reference list that includes all of the primary and secondary sources you used to investigate your historical event and support your thesis statement. Ensure that your list is formatted according to current APA guidelines (or another format, with instructor permission).
  6. Communicate your message in a way that is tailored to your specific audience. For instance, you could consider your vocabulary, your audience’s potential current knowledge of historical events, or lack thereof, and what is specifically important to the audience.

Module Eight Short Responses

Historians, like judges and juries, come to conclusions after considering all the evidence. A conclusion* is essentially a brief thesis statement; it’s the judgment that a historian makes about a historical event, after considering the relevant evidence.
In each of the following exercises, you will be asked to consider the evidence about ANCSA and Native corporations that was presented in this assignment. Based on that evidence, you will be asked to assess the validity of different conclusions. Be sure to respond to each question in one to two sentences, using proper grammar

Question 1: Consider the following statement: The support of non-Native Alaskans was an important factor leading to the settlement of Alaska Native land claims. Is this conclusion consistent with the evidence presented in this learning block? Answer Yes or No, and then explain your choice in one or two sentences.
Question 2: Consider the following statement: ANCSA was a fair settlement for Alaska Natives. Is this conclusion consistent with the evidence presented in this learning block? Answer Yes or No, and then explain your choice in one or two sentences.
Question 3: Consider the following statement: ANCSA led to economic benefits for white Alaskans as well as for Natives. Is this conclusion consistent with the evidence presented in this learning block? Answer Yes or No, and then explain your choice in one or two sentences.
Question 4: For an American literature course: What skills from this course would you use to develop a brief essay on the significance of Walt Whitman’s “When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom’d,” a poem written in the summer of 1865?
Question 5: For a sociology course: What skills from this course would you use to produce an annotated bibliography for your course research project?
Question 6: For a business course: What skills from this course would you use to decide between two different investment proposals?
Question 7: How can history serve as a lens for the rest of the academic program you will pursue at SNHU? Has this course changed the way you think about what you want to study? Why or why not?
Question 8: What did you learn about one of these topics or historical events that was new or surprising to you? Explain in at least two to three sentences.
Question 9: In one paragraph, explain which parts of your historical investigation and analysis were most interesting to you. Which parts were less interesting?

Assignment: Closer examination of a Civil Rights Leader or Event
Purpose of Assignment: The purpose of this assignment is to introduce to the student a closer appreciation of either a Civil Rights Leader during the Civil Rights Movement or a significant Civil Right Movement event. This can vary but must be approved by the instructor. This assignment will be completed in the form of a power point presentation and must be placed in the drop box designated in Learning Studio. The assignment must adhere to the following specifications. A presentation must be a minimum of eight slides and no more than ten slides. See rubric for details and requirements. IT MUST BE RELAYED THAT SPEAKER’S NOTES WILL BE CRITICAL AND REQUIRED!!!!!!!
Examples of a leader could range from a national leader like MLK or a local leader like WW Law. Events could include a national protest like Rosa Parks and the Bus Event or a local “sit in” event on Broughton Street. You will have flexibility, but topic must be approved. No approval, no acceptance, thu

M1 Discussion 2: Indian Assimilation
Available on Wednesday, August 18, 2021 12:01 AM EDT until Wednesday, August 25, 2021 11:59 PM EDT Must post first.Subscribe
The purpose of this discussion is to help you imagine how it felt to be an Indian forced to undergo assimilation at a boarding school far from home and try to understand also the point of view of other people at the time.
For this discussion, review your readings for Unit 2. Afterwards, you will analyze the photo of Tom Torlino embedded here. You might also look at Tom Torlino’s school record at the Carlisle Indian School site. Feel free to do research outside the course if you’d like other points of view.
Then form groups that represent: a Navajo student, a white male Christian missionary, or an African American who has his or her own issues with assimilation. Each group will answer the following question: How would your character describe the impact of the transformation on Tom Torlino and others like him who attended the Carlisle Boarding School? How did this experience echo the expectations of other Americans for this type of school?
To form groups, students with last names beginning with A-H will take the role of a Navajo child sent to a boarding school. Students with names beginning with I-P will take the role of a white male Christian missionary. Everyone else will take the role of an African American. Be sure to put yourself in the shoes of the person you are speaking for — try to imagine how that person felt, what their ideals were, what they thought was good or right or appropriate at the time, even if you personally do not feel that way. Remember, history is not about you; it is about what people knew and felt and believed in the past, based on different knowledge than you and other modern people have about what happened later.

Tom Torlino, a member of the Navajo Nation, entered the Carlisle Indian School, a Native American boarding school founded by the United States government in 1879, on October 21, 1882 and just before he departed on August 28, 1886. Torlino’s student file contained photographs from 1882 and 1885. Carlisle Indian School Digital Resource Center.
Before you complete your discussion, make sure you refer to the course rubric for the expectations for this assignment. Participating in the course discussions is an important part of your final grade. In your discussions, you cannot simply reply to someone’s posting with “ditto” or “I agree with you”. You must answer the question(s) asked in a minimum of two paragraphs and maximum of three paragraphs. Your responses should also quote and cite the material you have read in the class so far; you may also do outside research. Use the Purdue OWL Chicago Style guide for help with the correct citation style for your quotes.
Then, respond to at least TWO classmates’ postings referring to at least one element of critical thinking. Your response to your classmates should be a minimum of two sentences, and a maximum of four sentences (refer to your Introduction to Critical Thinking and to the How to Read History Sources modules for a review of how to read primary sources).

1) Describe in detail the role of the financial manager. Describe in detail the goal of the financial manager. Describe four types of business forms and their advantages and disadvantages (i.e., LLC). Describe conflicts between stock holders and managers. Describe conflicts between bond holders and stock holders. Should a company behave ethically, why? Should a CEO of a company donate $1 million of a company’s profits to a local charity?
2) Describe indirect finance, direct finance, financial intermediaries, financial markets, financial securities, primary market, secondary market, and investment bankers in detail. Also, compare the NYSE and NASDAQ. Describe what a bank does in detail. Discuss a recent IPO in detail (google one and read about it).

No Plagiarism Please look at the directions for each assignment

Assignment 2 Summary
Top of Form
Provide a summary of chapter seven. In your review, make sure you include a response to the following questions:
How did the domestic slave trade and the exploitation of black women by white males affect slave families?
How did urban and industrial slavery differ from plantation slavery in the Old South?
What impact did housing, nutrition, and disease have on the lives of slaves?
How did black Christianity differ from white Christianity in the Old South? How did black Christianity in the South differ from black Christianity in the North?

Assignment 3
In two to three pages as part of the summary, explain how the history of the Civil War and Reconstruction can give context to the issues we are facing today.

Assignment 4

After reading chapters 12 and 13, respond to the following questions:
How and why did the agricultural and mechanical training that Hampton Institute and Tuskegee Institute offered gain so much support among both black and white people? why did black colleges and universities emphasize learning trades and acquiring skills?
How did middle-class and prosperous black people try to contribute to the progress for their race? Were there efforts effective?
How did middle-class black women contribute to the advancement of African Americans?
What were the reasons for the widespread outbreak of race riots during the first quarter of the twentieth century?
Explain why African Americans began to leave the rural South in the early twentieth century, and describe the types of lives they made for themselves in urban communities?

Assignment 5

Write a summary of the Chapter 16. In your review, explain why the literary and artistic movement known as the Harlem Renaissance emerge? How did it advance the culture of the African American community?
Assignment 6
Write a combined 3 to 4 pages review of the articles and chapters 19 and 20. In your review, explain how the Civil Rights Movement develop and progressed in the 1960s? What risk were the leaders taking in engaging in civil disobedience? Lastly, in your opinion, do you think we need a second Civil Rights Movement in the U.S.?

Week 2 Objectives: In Week 2, we will explore the three branches of government, and differentiate the powers granted to the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of the federal government by the U.S. Constitution, as well as the concepts of separation of powers and checks and balances, as established by the U.S. Constitution. These topics are as relevant today as they were when the U.S. Constitution was created.

Post a total of three substantive responses each week. A substantive reply is:
• A minimum of 175 words.
• Notes facts from the materials in the Learning Activities folder with references and citations.
• Includes your thoughts about those facts.
• Includes references in APA 7 format.
• Be nice and don’t talk politics – we’re all on the same side here.
• Your first post is due Thursday and should be a stand-alone post that starts a discussion thread.
• Then between Tuesday and Monday, reply at least once to any instructor post and reply at least once to another classmate.

Choose one topic for your initial main post and then select a different topic for your reply message to a classmate. Your reply to one of my posts can be on any topic (so my response to your initial post or my response to any other classmates’ initial post).
Topic One: The Powers of Congress: Article I, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution provides to Congress “All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.” Considering that throughout the course of U.S. history, the three federal branches have jockeyed for power via the system of “checks and balances,” analyze why congressional powers were listed first in the Constitution in Article I. After reviewing the readings on this topic in the Week 2 Learning Activities Folder, consider the following:
• How do having two chambers and a committee system affect Congress’s policymaking role?
• Do you see Congress today as still having the most power of the three branches? Why or why not?
• What other continual conflicts do you see between the three branches?
Topic Two: The Powers of the President: Article II, Section 1, Clause 1, of the U.S. Constitution provides to the president that “The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America.” We tend to think of the presidency as a powerful office. After reviewing the readings on this topic in the Week 2 Learning Activities Folder, consider the following:
• How is the president powerful?
• How is the presidency limited in power?
Topic Three: The Powers of the Supreme Court: Article III, Section 1, of the U.S. Constitution provides that the “judicial power of the United States, shall be vested in one Supreme Court, and such inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish.” In the Judicial Branch video, we learned about the structure of the court system, how justices are appointed and removed, and how justices interpret the U.S. Constitution using the concept of judicial review. After reviewing the readings on this topic in the Week 2 Learning Activities Folder, consider the following:
• In what ways does the doctrine of judicial review interfere with the right of “we the people” to pass laws that “seem most likely to affect our safety and happiness?”
• What are the strengths and weaknesses of such a doctrine?
Topic Four: Separation of Powers / Checks and Balances: In Week 1, we learned that federalism is a system of shared but separate powers between the federal government and the states; the readings in the Week 2 Learning Activities folder discuss the three branches of the U.S. government (the executive, the legislative, the judiciary) and how they have separate and shared powers that created a system of checks and balances to curb government power overall (preserving the states’ powers) and to prevent one branch from seizing all of the power. After reviewing the readings on this topic in the Week 2 Learning Activities Folder, consider the following:
• What are the three branches of the federal government?
• How is the separation of powers achieved for these three branches?
• What is the purpose of the separation of powers?
• What is an example occurring today that demonstrates one branch of government checking another?

Question: Briefly describe a personal experience you have had at managing/directing a team
APA format, double spacing, minimum 600 words, NO FRONT PAGE, 1 reference

Conduct a job analysis. Choose a job you wish to study, conduct a job analysis of the job, and prepare a written report. You can use your current position, one with which you are familiar, or one that you gather information about via the Internet or other library resources. The report should include:

  1. Basic information items:
    a. What job did you choose and why?
    b. What methods did you use and exactly how did you use them?
    c. What sources did you use and exactly how did you use them?
  2. Job description – discuss how essential job functions for positions are identified, reviewed, documented, and updated.
  3. Job specification.
  4. Purpose statement.
  5. Data gathering, analyzing, and reporting techniques. (How did you go about gathering, analyzing and reporting the information?)

Culturally diverse clients who migrate to the U.S. often experience acculturative stress. For this Discussion, refer to the five factors of acculturative stress provided in Chapter 9 of your text.
Please respond to the following:
• Share an example of what you consider to be a bias for each of the following: assessing, diagnosing, and recommending mental health service delivery with culturally diverse clients.
• What steps would you recommend to address each example of bias?
• Choose two factors of acculturative stress and discuss how you would address these factors when assisting culturally diverse clients.

All organizations, regardless of their sector of practice or size, operate within a budget and an annual financial planning cycle. Many organizations rely on multiple sources of funding.
In your initial post, compare the financial planning processes for a nonprofit organization with those for a government (city, county, state, or federal) agency. Discuss how financial planning and financial constraints can impact collaboration and human service delivery for a specific population (such as substance abuse, mental health, family services, child care, educational programs, health care, the elderly, or disabled populations). What challenges exist when there are restrictions on the use of funds for specific purposes? How do financial reporting practices impact efforts to develop collaboration between programs or agencies?

The need for interaction and collaboration with other agencies in service to the mission of the organization is becoming the norm for many human service organizations in all sectors of practice. This need for collaboration affects the way organizational management is practiced.
In your initial post, discuss the importance of hiring and staff development processes that foster teams that are flexible, adaptable, and responsive to trends and forces that influence human service delivery. As a leader developing an adaptable team, what are some qualities you would look for in building a staff organization that is capable of collaborating with other agencies or organizations for optimum service delivery to a specific client population?

Your textbook presents several examples of situations where objectivity and transference might impact a therapeutic relationship. There is often a continuum that ranges from emotional objectivity to transference that can completely impair judgment. Select a scenario from the Cooperative Learning Exercise on page 260 of your textbook, or provide an example from your experience where there was a real or potential loss of objectivity or transference.
In your initial post, describe the difference between emotional objectivity and transference. Describe the scenario you selected and explain where or how the loss of objectivity or transference might occur in the scenario.

The dilemma of dual relationships, particularly in rural communities, can present significant ethical challenges. Review the articles by Gonyea, Wright, and Earl-Kulkosky (2014) and by Witt and McNichols (2014) in the studies for this unit.
In your initial post, discuss some of the methods used to manage potential dual relationships from the perspective of a provider and from the perspective of a supervisor. Describe at least one similarity and one difference in the ways a provider and a supervisor address dual relationship situations.
Assessing_the_Needs_of_Rural_CWittandMcNichols.pdf NAVIGATING_DUAL_RELATIONSHIPS_WrightandKulkosky.pdf

Review Customer Service: Internal and External Customers, within Chapter 23 of our text. Identify the internal and external customers in a health care setting. List several components that are used to determine the quality of care. What are some aspects of quality improvement management?

Apa format
1-2 paragraphs
• You have been assigned to a project team as one of the SMEs to analyze the plan of a project for a new payroll system that is behind schedule and over budget. The project was supposed to be completed in one (1) year, but now, it is running about three (3) months behind schedule and 25% over budget. It is expected that the project may continue to fall further behind schedule and over budget. The sponsor and the project manager want to save the project at all costs.
• Recommend a series of actions to save the project and identify possible risks in following your recommendations.

Module 02 Content

  1. The Lollipop Company, Inc. needs your help with the current compensation and benefits plan. Leadership expects you to use your evaluation skills, combined with or built upon your knowledge, application, and/or analysis skills, to help solve this dilemma. The current plan is viewed as fair by the CEO and Leadership but several employees have complained it’s not enough. The current employee status is as follows:
    o 1 CEO with a base salary of $150,000 and benefits that equal 40% of the salary
    o 3 additional executives (senior management) with a combined base salary of $300,000 and each receives benefits that equal 35% of the salary
    o 6 middle management personnel with a combined base salary of $420,000 and each receives benefits that equal 30% of the salary
    o 10 first-line supervisors with a combined base salary of $500,000 and each receives benefits that equal 25% of the salary
    o 150 non-supervisory employees with a combined base salary of $4,500,000 with an average individual salary of $30,000 and each receives benefits that equal 25% of the salary
    o For this project assignment on Lollipop Company, Inc. complete a minimum 3-page business professional report selecting and organizing expert information that is useful for a CEO and addresses the following concepts:
    o Visit the Rasmussen online Library and search for a minimum of 4 articles covering the topics of FMLA and workplace safety. Conduct academic research using the library’s databases, like:
    o Discovery
    o ASP: Human Resource Management Online
    o Business Source Complete via EBSCO
    o Business via ProQuest
    o How would market research provide information about compensation and benefits when designing a compensation and benefits plan? How should the CEO use this market research for the company’s plan?
    o How does the company achieve a balance between financial and non-financial compensation and benefits?
    o What type(s) of primary and secondary research would you recommend be conducted? What are the benefits? Explain.
    o Remember to integrate citations accurately and appropriately for all resource types; use attribution (credit) as a method to avoid plagiarism. Use NoodleTools to document your sources and to complete your APA formatted reference page and in-text citations.
  2. analyze the different cultures and worldviews that inform human thinking and actions, and respond constructively to human and global differences in workplaces, communities, and organizations
    Write a paper that compares and contrasts the cultures from the table in Part 1. Use three additional sources and include the GLOBE resources) to support your analysis of the two cultures. This paper should be around three to four pages in length. Your paper should not be a simple description – it should show evidence of analysis and synthesis of the information.

HS440M5 Capital Investment and Cost Analysis in Healthcare Organizations
This competency assessment assesses the following Outcome(s):
HS440M5-5: Explain the processes used in preparing budgets for health care organizations.
In this assignment, you are the CFO of a hospital, and you will create a one-page memorandum detailing cost-cutting measures that will be undertaken in response to the COVID-19 (or similar) crisis. You will consider debt financing, variance analysis, and cost variances in the organization. You need to translate your analysis results into practical action steps the organizations and employees will take.
In this one-page memorandum, you will:
• Describe the action steps the organization will take to cut costs.
• Explain the reason for the cost-cutting measures.
• Discuss the valued contributions the employees can make to make the cost-cutting measures a success.
• Describe the appreciation the organization has for the employees during this crisis.
Memorandum should:
• Describe the action steps the organization will take to cut costs.
• Explain the reason for the cost-cutting measures.
• Discuss the valued contributions the employees can make to make the cost-cutting measures a success.
• Describes the appreciation the organization has for the employees during this crisis.
Minimum Submission Requirements
• Proper notification of any resubmission, repurposing, or reworking of prior work per the Purdue Global Student Coursework Resubmission, Repurposing, and Reworking Policy Resource.
• This assessment should be a Microsoft Word (minimum 350 words) document, in addition to the title and reference pages.
• Respond to the questions in a thorough manner, providing specific examples of concepts, topics, definitions, and other elements asked for in the questions. Your submission should be highly organized, logical, and focused.
• Your submission should provide a clearly established and sustained viewpoint and purpose.
• Your writing should be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful.
• Your submission must be written in Standard English and demonstrate exceptional content, organization, style, and grammar and mechanics.
• A separate page at the end of your submission should contain a list of references in APA format. Use your textbook, the Library, and the internet for research.
• Be sure to include references for all sources and to cite them using in-text citations where appropriate. Your sources and content should follow current APA citation style. Review the writing resources for APA formatting and citation found in Academic Tools. Additional writing resources can be found within the Academic Success Center.
• Your submission should:
o include a title page;
o be double-spaced;
o be typed in Times New Roman, 12 -point font; and
o be free of spelling or punctuation errors.
If the work submitted for this competency assessment does not meet the minimum submission requirements, it will be returned for revision. If the work submitted does not meet the minimum submission requirements by the end of the term, you will receive a failing score.
Plagiarism is an act of academic dishonesty. It violates the University’s Code of Student Conduct, and the offense is subject to disciplinary action. You are expected to be the sole author of your work. Use of another person’s work or ideas must be accompanied by specific citations and references. Whether the action is intentional or not, it still constitutes plagiarism.
For more information on plagiarism and the University’s Code of Student Conduct, refer to the current University Catalog.

Need Assistance on the following scenario:
Janie is a 34-year old mother of three. At present, she is separated from her husband of six years. Her children are Chloe, age seven, Devin, age four and Brenden, age two. Janie is a full-time mom and stays home to care for her children. She lives in a 3-bedroom apartment and receives child-support assistance from her husband. Janie comes to your human service organization because she is struggling to manage behavioral disorders regarding her daughter Chloe. On several occasions the school has contacted Janie informing her that Chloe is acting out at school as evidenced by oppositional behavior with teachers, arguing and fighting with peers, and poor academic performance. Janie reports similar oppositional behavior at home and states that Chloe has frequent nightmares. Her four-year-old brother is beginning to show signs of oppositional behavior.
Janie says that she is feeling overwhelmed and stressed in parenting her children. She complains of bouts of depression. She is also concerned that her husband’s child support is insufficient to sustain the family’s basic needs. Her husband rarely visits her or the children.
You are the caseworker assigned to work with Janie. Your agency is limited in the services it provides. Your organization’s primary function is to screen clients who may qualify for specific types of financial assistance for school supplies, childcare items e.g. formula, diapers, clothing and discounted school lunches.
In a 2-page address the following: Identify the key problems in this scenario. Provide a rationale for the problems that you have identified as being the most important to address.
Having identified key problems, review services/agencies in your community that would be a good and appropriate match for your client. Describe the services provided and defend your decision to refer to these agencies.
Discuss organizations or agencies that can provide the most services without the client having to be referred to multiple agencies. This is not always possible. Discuss options in your community and identify any gaps in services.

A critical aspect of policy analysis is development. Employees are the most valuable asset within an organization. Policies serve as a framework to guide decision making.
Your assignment this week is to analyze the framework toward the creation of a policy and the process involved. Then, you will compare two similar policies from different organizations that address a current HRM issue and analyze if the policies are clearly defined. Examples can consist of but not include: computer usage at work (personal e-mail), cellphone use policy, attire and grooming policy, etc. This will serve as preparation toward revising a policy within your organization. Be sure to consider what you learned during this week’s resources and the additional scholarly resources you gathered to analyze the policy development process.
Prepare an infographic that answers the following questions:
• What steps are required in policy analysis?
• What collaboration is required to create policy?
• What factors contributed to creating policy?
• What controversy could emerge during the analysis process?
Length: May vary depending on the content
References: Include a minimum of 3 scholarly sources. In addition, other appropriate scholarly resources may be included.
Your brochure should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards

Answer Objectives
should be able to:
● Demonstrate an understanding of and relevance to your academic career by
making a connection between knowledge learned in the classroom and practical
problems in an off-campus work environment.
● Identify your strengths, weaknesses, and areas of interest, based on your
practical work experience.
● Enhance a portfolio or resume with practical experience and projects.
Assignments to complete this week:
In a 4 – 6 page paper based on your internship course experience and the learning
objectives achieved during the course, review your internship experience
successes and challenges leading to growth. You should demonstrate in your
paper a description of your professional portfolio and include any evidence of
accomplishment and skill development or recognition that you have acquired this session
and how it will contribute to your portfolio.
Provide at least two (2) peer-reviewed sources. when you have completed this question
select new examples and sources
to support your response. For questions, contact your instructor.
about me: I am an information security enginer working for an IT company. you can write daily traits according to any engineer. the assignment should be presentable with real life examples.
Assignment-1:- No plagiarism
Assume that you have been hired by a small veterinary practice to help them prepare a contingency planning document. The practice has a small LAN with four computers and Internet access. Prepare a list of threat categories and the associated business impact for each. Identify preventive measures for each type of threat category. Include at least one major disaster in the plan.

Provide an outside source (for example, an article from the UC Library) that applies to the topic, along with additional information about the topic or the source (please cite properly in APA 7)
Make an argument concerning the topic
At least one scholarly source should be used in the initial discussion thread. Be sure to use information from your readings and other sources from the Library. Use proper citations and references in your post.

Blumberg’s Nursing Home (BNH) is a 100-bed Medicare and Medicaid certified facility in suburban Philadelphia, PA. The administrator recently terminated the facility’s DON, receptionist, and dietary aid for inappropriate conduct. They had all been involved in purchasing and using illegal substances on facility grounds. The facility staff and many of the more lucid residents have found out about the incident.
The charge nurse has been appointed interim DON. The human resource manager has sent a memo to all staff informing them of a mandatory staff meeting to discuss BNH’s code of ethics and to provide additional training on workplace culture. Because federal law requires that there be at least one registered nurse on duty for a minimum of eight hours a day, seven days a week, and that the DON must be a registered nurse (RN) which the interim DON is not—BNH is out of compliance.

Write a 4–6 page paper in which you:

  1. Assess the immediate staffing needs at BNH. Prioritize the order in which BNH should fill the main unstaffed position. Justify your selection.
  2. Considering the reason behind the termination of the employees, formulate a human resources policy that addresses inappropriate conduct in the workplace, the process of reporting inappropriate conduct, and the consequences of violating the policy. Explain your rationale.
  3. Per the text, an effective long-term care facility administrator must have both leadership and management skills. Propose at least one way the administrator in this case must demonstrate quality leadership skills and one way the administrator must demonstrate quality management skills in the aftermath of this crisis so as to improve and maintain staff and resident morale.
  4. Recommend a strategy for BNH to use the Quality Indicator Survey to improve administrative practices and ensure future compliance at the facility. Justify your recommendation.
  5. Use at least three quality academic resources. Note: Wikipedia and other similar websites do not qualify as academic resources.
    This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
    The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
    • Formulate a human resource policy that addresses inappropriate conduct in the workplace, administration leadership skills, and strategies for improving administrative practices.

Search the web and find a resource on how cryptography has been used to either defeat or defend a secured network.
• Provide the URL for the resource you found. Give a brief, one-paragraph description of the circumstances, including the tool used, the name of the attack, and other information. Describe how cryptography was used in the attack or defense of the network, as you understand it.

Due date: Week 12
Group/individual: individual
Word count / Time provided: 3000 words
Weighting: 30%
Unit Learning Outcomes: ULO-3, ULO-4, ULO-5

Assessment Details:
Read the case study and the article below, then complete the exercise at the end. In order to answer the exercise questions provided, you will need to conduct further research about the topic (read the article below see the list of references included for further research).
Case Study
Uber is a ride-sharing service that was rolled out in 2009 after two of its founders, Travis Kalanick and Garrett Camp couldn’t get a taxi in Paris during a snowstorm. It originated from the idea, “What if you could request a ride from your phone?” Its vision and mission is to “bring transportation-for everyone, everywhere…that is safer, cheaper and more reliable…create more jobs opportunities and incomes for drivers.”
Today, Uber boasts an annual revenue of over $11 billion, a market capitalization rate of $74 billion, and over 19,000 employees. With 75 million global customers and three million dedicated drivers in 83 countries, Uber has been a legitimate game-changer in the ride-sharing services market.
The name Uber is derived from the German word meaning “above all the rest,” a bedrock principle Kalanick and Camp wanted for their young company. All the riders need to do is to open their mobile phone, tap a button, and find an affordable ride in minutes.

In direct competition with Google and Tesla Motors, Uber was also a frontrunner in the future of driverless cars. However, they faced some Intellectual Property (IP) issues when Alphabet Inc’s Waymo sued Uber in 2018 for theft of its self-driving technology. In March 2018, a self-driving car fatally struck a pedestrian, causing the company to temporarily suspend all testing. In May 2018, Uber announced that it would halt its Arizona testing program but would conduct it elsewhere. In July 2018, Uber’s self-driving cars made their return in Pittsburgh, but it was never the same. In
December 2020, it was announced that Uber would sell its autonomous vehicle business to Aurora Innovations, a start-up in San Francisco. Uber had invested more than $1 billion in the business at the time of the sale.
How autonomous vehicles could save over 350K lives in the US and millions worldwide
Fatal accidents could drop dramatically in the future as autonomous vehicles become mainstream and make deaths from driver error a thing of the past.
American roads are deadly. In 2016, 37,461 people died in traffic accidents in the US, a 5.6 percent increase over 2015, according to the US Department of Transportation (DoT). This is down from 1970, when around 60,000 people died in traffic accidents in the US. The addition of safety features such as seat belts and air bags have reduced the number of deaths, and new technology from autonomous vehicles could help even more as driver error is eliminated.
DoT researchers estimate that fully autonomous vehicles, also known as self-driving cars, could reduce traffic fatalities by up to 94 percent by eliminating those accidents that are due to human error. Using 2016 numbers as a baseline, and multiplying 37,461 by 10, this means that there could be 374,610 deaths in a 10-year span, and 94 percent of these — or 352,133 — could possibly be prevented through fully autonomous cars by eliminating driver error.
And globally there were 1.25 million traffic fatalities in 2013, according to the World Health Organization. So, there are millions of lives that could be saved around the world every decade with fully autonomous cars. In developing countries some accidents are caused by unsafe roads, not driver error, so the 94 percent calculation wouldn’t be applicable, although many lives could still be saved through autonomous vehicles, said Mark Zannoni, analyst at IDC.
“I think that most people, most experts, would say that there’s a strong possibility that automated technology can prevent the crashes that are related to human error, and there is a pretty hard number that’s about 94 percent of fatal crashes in the US are attributable, or caused by, human error,” said John Maddox, CEO of the American Center for Mobility.
Elderly drivers and teenagers are particularly likely to benefit from autonomous vehicles because the cars can monitor a situation that a driver might not be able to themselves, said Wayne Powell, vice president of electrical engineering and connected technologies for Toyota Motors North America.
“Teen drivers are classically a high-risk category of people. If you put a teen driver in a car that was looking out for that person, it won’t let them make bad choices. That could also have an immediate benefit,” Powell said.
People are optimistic about autonomous technology in cars because it works well in areas where humans tend to not work well. “For example, human error often includes lack of vigilance. They’re distracted for whatever reason, whether texting or eating or talking with kids in the back seat. Or they could be impaired. Or they could be driving in conditions where they have a hard time, like dark night in an urban area with pedestrians, etcetera,” Maddox said.
Ever vigilant, always sober
Cars with automated technology have sensors that never lose vigilance. “They’re always looking for pedestrians. They’re always looking for the edge of the road. They’re always watching the car in front. They don’t become distracted or drunk, and I think that’s really the main reason why most experts would say that there is a definite possibility that automation can significantly reduce those human error caused fatal crashes,” Maddox said.
However, there is a learning curve, as drivers in cars with automated technology operate in an environment with drivers who are not in cars with any level of autonomy. With five levels of autonomy, as defined by the DoT’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), there is a range of how much autonomy a driver can choose, with Level 1 providing a specific function, such as steering or accelerating done automatically by the car, and Level 3 where the automated driving system begins to monitor the driving environment.
Sometimes drivers might be frustrated with a slower-moving vehicle that is actually an autonomous car, even though the other driver doesn’t know it. And this could result in accidents as frustrated drivers can often act aggressively. Maddox said he’s been in his own vehicle at a Level 2 of automation, and spotted aggressive drivers trying to get around his slower-moving vehicle.
“Really, the jury’s still out [on the safety of autonomous vehicles], and what we need is lots of data. We know a lot about human-caused crashes, because we’ve been studying that for 100 years. We don’t have the same level of data, the same breadth of data, on automated vehicles. Not even close. So, to really be sure on the effects, we need to acquire and analyse lots of data,” Maddox said.
“While it will take us years to collect the data that even starts to rival what we have today, the good news is that automated vehicles are data-collecting machines. That’s how they work. They collect data about their environment and other road users. So, if we can correctly and effectively tap into that data, we don’t have to wait 100 years. The data collection and analysis process can go a lot faster because of the data that’s generated on board and off board these vehicles,” he said.
Every vehicle on the road doesn’t need to be autonomous before safety benefits can be realized. Benefits can be realized from earlier levels of automation, said Carrie Morton, deputy director of the Mcity autonomous vehicle test facility at the University of Michigan.
“I think that pretty much for every mistake that a human makes there’s an opportunity for automation and artificial intelligence to replace that flawed behavior with a safe behavior,” Morton said.
Some of the types of accidents that can be potentially avoided in an autonomous vehicle include front-to-rear crashes, with real-world testing showing a 40 percent decline, said Susan Beardslee, senior analyst for ABI Research.
The infrastructure of a city will change to accommodate autonomous vehicles. The first is providing electric vehicle (EV) stations, since many vehicles will be electric because EVs have a lower total cost of operation, said Paul Stith, director of strategy and innovation for transformative technologies at Black & Veatch, which outlines some of the strategies in its 2018 report on smart cities and utilities.
Cities will need to prepare with infrastructure investments for EV charging stations and ensuring there is an adequate communications structure in place to collect the data from the autonomous vehicles on the road. “There will be terabytes of data that each vehicle will need to convey,” Stith said.
One thing to keep in mind is that in the beginning, there will still be accidents caused by autonomous vehicles. “Aviation is extremely safe. But in the early years of aviation, there were more crashes as well. There were more in the beginning with traditional cars. Anything new, whether FDA drugs or new surgical procedures, get safer as they get better and better. But when a new product comes out initially, it might break down. But eventually it can get better,” Zannoni said.
Patrick Lin. (2021). The ethical dilemma of self-driving cars. [Online Video]. 9 December 2015. Available from: [Accessed: 23 May 2021].

TechRepublic. 2021. Our autonomous future: How driverless cars will be the first robots we learn to trust. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 23 May 2021].
TechRepublic. 2021. Tesla’s Autopilot: A cheat sheet. [ONLINE] Available
at:–autopilot–the–smart–persons–guide/. [Accessed 23 May 2021].
TechRepublic. 2021. 81% of Americans believe driverless vehicles will kill jobs for professional drivers – TechRepublic. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 23 May 2021].
ZDNeT. 2021. How autonomous vehicles could save over 350K lives in the US and millions worldwide. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 23 May 2021].
ZDNet. 2021. US House approves bill to advance autonomous car testing. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 23 May 2021].
ZDNet. 2021. Autonomous vehicle predictions are premature: Toyota. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 23 May 2021].
After reading the case study above and conducting further research, you now need to answer the following research questions below.

  1. Critique the alignment between Uber’s information systems strategy and business strategy.
  2. Critically review the role of business intelligence and business analytics in supporting business decision making at Uber.
  3. Review and evaluate contemporary tools and techniques for accessing information from databases to improve business performance.
  4. A report of 3000 words summarising your analysis must be submitted by the due date.
    Reasonable assumptions are allowed.
    Penalty for Late submission: a deduction of 5% of the total mark shall be imposed on each of the next subsequent days.
    Submission requirements
  5. Use a typical report structure, with a Cover Page, Table of Contents, Executive Summary, Introduction, Body, Recommendation/Conclusion and References format.
  6. The Executive Summary and the References are excluded in the word count.
  7. The Cover Page should clearly indicate the names of each person in the group and the word count.
  8. You can use task above as Headings in the Body of your report, and after the question is the name of the group member(s) who discussed that particular topic. For example, “Alignment between Uber’s information systems strategy and business strategy” by Jaspreet Singh.
  9. All References should reflect quality citations from relevant academic journals and adhere to the correct Harvard format (Wikipedia NOT allowed).
    Marking Information: The Case study-2 will be marked out of 100 and will be weighted 30% of the total unit mark.
    Marking rubric:
    Criteria Not satisfactory
    (0-49%) of the criterion mark Satisfactory
    (50-64%) of the criterion mark Good
    (65-74%) of the criterion mark Very Good
    (75-84%) of the criterion mark Excellent
    (85-100%) of the criterion mark
    Introduction about the case study

(10 marks) Introduction is presented poorly without adequate details. Introduction is presented briefly with some relevance and missing elements such as summary of case objectives, and problem/ report outline. Introduction is presented with adequate details, however missing one or more elements such as summary of case objectives, and problem/report outline.
Introduction is well written with clear discussion about the summary of case objectives, problem/ report outline. Introduction is very well written with very clear background and discussion about the summary of case objectives, and problem/report outline.
Critical analysis of the alignment of an organisation’s information systems strategy and business

(20 marks) Does not clearly state an argument or point of view or else little or no supporting reasoning or evidence is presented. States an argument or point of view but does not present the evidence or reasons in a logically adequate way. States an argument or point of view but expected to be
organized more
logically. Analysis of the problem situation is so far reasonable. Presents an argument using evidence and /or logical reasoning in support of a point of view with satisfactory
level of critical analysis skills. Develops a clearly articulated argument, using evidence and/or systematic logical reasoning with high level of critical analysis skills.

Critically review the role of business intelligence and business analytics in supporting Does not clearly state an argument or point of view or else little or no supporting reasoning or evidence is presented. States an argument or point of view but does not present the evidence or reasons in a logically adequate way. States an argument or point of view but expected to be organized more
logically. Analysis of Presents an argument using evidence and /or logical reasoning in support of a point of view with satisfactory Develops a clearly articulated argument, using evidence and/or systematic logical reasoning with high
business decision

(20 marks)
the problem situation is so far reasonable. level of critical analysis skills. level of critical analysis skills.
Content Review and evaluate contemporary tools and techniques for accessing information from databases to improve business

(20 marks)
Does not clearly state an argument or point of view or else little or no supporting reasoning or evidence is presented. States an argument or point of view but does not present the evidence or reasons in a logically adequate way. States an argument or point of view but expected to be organized more
logically. Analysis of the problem situation is so far reasonable. Presents an argument using evidence and /or logical reasoning in support of a point of view with satisfactory
level of critical analysis skills. Develops a clearly articulated argument, using evidence and/or systematic logical reasoning with high level of critical analysis skills.
Structure and organization How logically arguments are stated and how critically problems
are analysed

(15%) Does not clearly state an argument or point of view or else little or no supporting reasoning or evidence is presented. Problem situation is not critically analysed. States an argument or point of view but does not organize the evidence or reasons in a logically adequate way. Analysis of the problem situation is not that satisfactory. States an argument or point of view but expected to be
organized more
logically. Analysis of the problem situation is so far reasonable. Presents an argument using evidence and /or logical reasoning in support of a point of view. Problem situation is analysed with satisfactory level of critical analysis skills. Develops a clearly articulated argument, using evidence and/or systematic logical reasoning in support of a conclusion or point of view. The way problem situation is
analysed requires high
level of critical analysis skills.
Writing Quality &
Adherence to
Format Guidelines

(15%) Report shows a below average/poor writing style lacking in elements of appropriate standard English and following proper Harvard guidelines. Frequent errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, spelling, usage, and/or formatting.
Report shows below average and/or casual writing style using standard English and following Harvard guidelines. Some
errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, usage, and/or formatting. Report shows an average and/or casual writing style using standard English and following Harvard guidelines. Some
errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, usage, and/or formatting. Report shows above average writing style and clarity in writing using standard English and following Harvard guidelines. Minor errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, usage, and/or formatting. Report is well written and clear using Harvard guidelines and standard English characterized by strong writing style. It is free from grammar, punctuation, spelling, usage, or formatting errors.

  1. When using different data algorithms, why is it fundamentally important to understand why they are being used?
  2. If there are significant differences in the data output, how can this happen and why is it important to note the differences?
  3. Who should determine which algorithm is “right” and the one to keep? Why?
    Students should engage on three separate days (the initial post by Wednesday and two additional days with peers) with peers with substantive posts. Be sure to refer to the grading rubric for additional discussion board requirements.
    Bedford Furniture. The board of directors is considering launching a WebStore and does not know what is involved in developing a new system. You have been asked to present to the board of directors to help them know what to expect.
    Create a 12- to 16-slide presentation directed to the board of directors in which you:
    Explain the importance of using systems analysis and design methodologies when building an information system.
    Justify the systems development life cycle (SDLC) implementation, and explain why that’s the best option, rather than the quick and easy process.
    Summarize the criteria for selecting commercial off-the-shelf software (COTS) presented in Modern Systems Analysis and Design, Ch. 2.
    Identify additional criteria that are, or might be, used to select COTS.
    Consider if the choice was between alternate custom software developers rather than pre-written packages.
    Select appropriate criteria for comparing multiple application custom development bids.
    Briefly define each of these criteria.
    Briefly summarize the project management process.
    Explain which of the 4 project management process phases you think is most challenging.
    Explain how to mitigate the risks for that stage.
    Include speaker notes and media, such as graphics or tables.
    Cite any references and graphics used to support your assignment.
    Format your citations according to APA guidelines.

board of directors wants to continue consideration of a new WebStore for the company. They have asked you to assist them in selecting and initiating which project to do. They are considering a WebStore for 1 of their following 3 target markets:
Corporate furniture
Home office furniture
Student furniture
Presentation (10 to 16 slides)
Executive summary (3 to 4 pages)
Address the following components in your presentation or executive summary :
Explain 4 methods for identifying and selecting IS projects.
Compare the characteristics of each method, and identify the strengths and weaknesses of each method.
Identify valuation criteria when classifying and ranking the 3-target market projects.
Rank the 3-target market projects.
Summarize the project initiation and planning process, and identify the next steps for Pine Valley Furniture’s board of directors.

  1. Draw a decision tree for Don New comb’s problem.
  2. What is the significance of his statement that he would sell the business for 20 billion credits?
  3. Suppose that Don’s risk attitude can be modeled with an exponential utility function. If his certainty equivalent were 15 billion credits, find his risk tolerance. What would his risk tolerance be if his CE were 20 billion?

Your individual project consists of an 11-14 slide presentation on web security mitigation strategies and tools. For this assignment you will detail the WASP framework and common security tools to include a web application security scanner, anti-virus software, and firewall technology. Please ensure your presentation conforms to the following technical subject area and format:

  1. Title Slide (1 slide)
  2. Topics of Discussion Slide (1 slide)
  3. Discuss the purpose and functionality of Web Application Vulnerability Scanners within the OWASP framework (1-2 slides)
  4. Provide research speaking to at least 3 of the following vulnerabilities below facing vulnerabilities scanners today (3-4 slides):
    o Cross-site scripting
    o SQL Injection
    o Command Injection
    o Path Traversal
    o Insecure server configurations
  5. Discuss the differences in functionality between the OWASP Web Application Firewall and traditional Network Firewalls. (3-4 slides)
  6. Conclusion slide (1 slide)
  7. Reference slide in APA format (1 slide)

The “Cloud Brokers” trade publication was very pleased with the results of your journal publication on cloud architecture and have asked you to write another journal article related to cloud security.
Prepare a publication on the topic of cybersecurity and cloud computing that includes the following:
• Discuss the risks and recommended best practices management for security management in a cloud environment.
• Cloud security guidelines, recommendations for the design of security, and examples of best practices in cloud security design.

As an IT project manager for Intuit, Inc., you are responsible for leading IT projects that affect the entire company. You are in consideration for the project manager role for the new cloud-based applications project that your group is running. One of the tasks the c-suite would like to see prior to promoting someone to this position, is your use of communicating with the c-suite through a visual presentation. They would like you to review the company’s reports and demonstrate your ability to analyze and present project data.
To access the company’s reports, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Business Insights: Essentials via the University Library.
  2. Search for “Intuit Inc.”
  3. Select Market Share Reports.
    Select two reports of your interest, and create two visuals (one for each report) that represent the information provided. For example, you could select the Tax Preparation Services Market report and use a pie chart to represent the market share.
    Write a 350-word justification summary in which you answer the following questions:
    • What type of visual did you select to present the information in each report?
    • How does the type of visual you selected support the information?
    • What tool(s) did you use to create these visuals?
    • How will these visuals be presented to the c-suite? (Email, presentation, etc.)
    • Why did you choose to use this type of communication to present the information to the c-suite?

3)Develop a Complete Disaster Recovery Plan to be submitted to the executive board of your company.
Only MS Word (.doc, .docx) and Adobe Acrobat (PDF) formats are acceptable. Please note that this is a formal writing, all references (peer-reviewed) mostly must be cited appropriately within the text and clearly avoid plagiarism. The paper should have a minimum of 7 pages, 1.5 spacing and Times New Roman font. A minimum of 5 peer review references must be provided. Reference style is APA. You can also have some web references alongside the stated requirement. Please see class syllabus for additional details
Submit Disaster Recovery Plan Power point presentation

Write a 800 word (excluding references) research paper that answers the following question:
List some of the more common categories of incidents that may occur.
Discuss the IR reaction strategies unique to each category of incident.
Explain what an IR reaction strategy is and list general strategies that apply to all incidents.
Provide real-world examples.
Remember to cite all sources. Use scholarly/peer reviewed articles (with the exception of the real-world examples of course)

Case Study
As an assistant district attorney for Cityburgh, you are assigned to review three cases and present your findings to the district attorney to decide on how to proceed. You must review the facts of each case, specifically focusing on the procedural aspects and looking for any legal issues that may arise. You will need to judge the admissibility of the evidence provided and, on the basis of the evidence that will be available at trial, determine if the crimes provided should be charged. You are to present an analysis of the situations to the district attorney.
Case 1—Able
On Thursday, November 14, Able was stopped for driving 20 miles over the posted speed limit. It was further found that the vehicle had a no noperating speedometer and the driver was aware of this. During the stop, the officer ordered Able out of the car and conducted a frisk, during which a lump was discovered in Able’s pocket. The officer then asked Able to remove the object, and he complied. It was determined that the object in question was a baggie of methamphetamine. Reviewing these facts, explain whether the suspect should be charged with reckless driving, under Code of Virginia § 46.2-862, and possession of controlled substances, under Code of Virginia § 18.2-250. Concerning the drugs found, are there any issues with the frisk performed or the discovery when the suspect removed the object from his pocket?

Case 2—Charlie
On the morning of November 16, Charlie was found sleeping on a park bench, at which time he admitted to drinking the previous night and falling asleep in the park. Further, Charlie admitted that he knew the park was closed at dusk. Upon returning Charlie to his vehicle, an officer ran Charlie’s license plate and asked Charlie if he could look in his trunk. The officer found two garbage bags containing human body parts and a bloody axe in the trunk. Charlie claims to have no recollection of the previous night. Should Charlie be charged with public intoxication, under Code of Virginia § 18.2-388, and murder and manslaughter, under Code of Virginia § 18.2-30? What issues might be present in the opening of the trunk and discovery of the bodies?
In both cases, be sure to address the criminal elements ad possible defenses raised. If any of the situations have multiple outcomes based on facts not given, address all possibilities.
Note: You can use the Internet to find information about the Virginia Legislative Information System and the specific codes.
Support your responses with examples. Cite any sources in APA format.

You are working with the staff-training department of a correctional facility. Your assignment is to help create an orientation program for new employees, explaining the types of correctional facilities based on custody levels and the standard punishments used at each custody level. In a Microsoft Word document, create a report that describes each custody level and punishment. The report must:
• Illustrate the security level of each type of prison that is available in the state and federal correctional systems; include the custody level of inmates living in each type of prison.
• Describe the programs available for inmates in each type of prison.
• Describe how corrections officials determine to which facility a convicted offender should be sent.
• Indicate the types of offenders living in each type of facility, including facilities that house death row inmates.

Students will develop a program to fix a crime problem along with a policy evaluation of the theoretical program.
The final paper will be about 4-5 pages in length. The paper will be submitted as a Word document in Blackboard. All papers should be Times New Roman 12 font, double-spaced, APA format, with a title and reference page.
CJ 4600 Unit 8 Final Paper Guidelines

  1. 1) What is the name of your program?
  2. 2) What is the mission of your program?
  3. 3) Why is your program needed?
  4. 4) What issue/criminal justice problem does it attempt to address/gap fill?
  5. 5) Who will be served by your program?
  6. 6) What is your target number and kind of participants?
  7. 7) Where will your program take place?
  8. 8) When will your program take place?
  9. 9) What will be the various characteristics of your program (e.g. counseling,
    employment assistance, peacemaking circles, coffee with a cop, self-defense
    classes, a new curriculum on racial profiling for the police academy, etc)
    10)How will you evaluate your program? Will you use a random-controlled trial
    (RCT)? Will you use surveys, pre and post tests, interviews, focus groups,
    participant observation, etc?
    11)What will be the independent and dependent variables guiding your
    12)What will be the sample size?
    13)How will you protect human subjects (confidentiality, voluntary nature, IRB,
    14)What are the limitations of your study? 15)What are the threats to your study?
    *Include a Title Page, Reference Page, and section your paper to include an introduction to the issue, program overview, evaluation plan, human subjects protections, conclusion, and ideas for next steps/future research.


Below you will find a list of courses, key concepts, and key court cases that you are
required to know. Competency exams will change each semester; however, the
possible topics are listed below. For each class, you will be asked approximately 8
competency questions. You may use any edition of the course textbook that you
possess. However, in the event that you did not keep your course books, we have
placed several books on reserve in the Nancy Thompson Library (Kean campus). You
can sign the books out for 2 hours at a time. You may find several books for one class
on reserve. This is to ensure that more than more person can access a subject book at
any given time.
Substantive & Procedural Criminal Law, the Court System, & Measuring
This course provides an overview of the American criminal justice system, emphasizing
the police, courts, and corrections, including community-based corrections. Topics
include the police role in a democratic society, the tension between due process and the
need for order, and issues of punishment involving proportionality, rehabilitation, and
public safety. Competency questions for this course cover measuring crime and the
operations of the courts.

  1. Actus reus
  2. Bill of Rightsa. Fourth Amendment
    b. Fifth Amendment
    c. Sixth Amendment
    d. Eighth Amendment
  3. Consensus and conflict model
  4. Due process and crime control model
  5. Due process clause (Fourteenth Amendment)
  6. Exclusionary rule
  7. Excuse defenses
  8. Federal courts
    a. District
    b. Appellate / circuit
    c. Supreme
  9. Index crime (Part I)
    10.Justification defenses
    11.Mens rea
    12.National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS)
    13.National Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS)
    14.Probable cause
    15.Procedural criminal law
    16.Reasonable suspicion
    17.Search & seizure
    a. Search warrant
    b. Warrantless search
    18.State courts
    a. Limited jurisdiction
    b. General jurisdiction
    c. Intermediate appellate
    d. Final resort
    e. Specialty courts
    19.Stop and risk
    20.Strict liability
    21.Substantive criminal law
    22.Uniform Crime Report (UCR)
  10. Gideon v. Wainwright (1963)
  11. In re Gault (1967)
  12. Mapp v. Ohio (1961)
  13. Miranda v. Arizona (1966)
  1. Terry v. Ohio (1968)
  2. Weeks v. United States (1914)
    Bohm, R. (2011) Introduction to criminal justice. 6th Ed. McGraw Hill*
    Bohm, R. (2014) The American system of criminal justice. 13th Ed. Belmont, CA:
    Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.*
    Cole, G. (2014) The American System of Criminal Justice. 14th Ed. Belmont, CA:
    Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.*
    Gaines, L. K. & Miller, R. L. (2010). Criminal justice in action: The core. Belmont,
    CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.*
    1 References followed by an asterisk () can be found on reserve in the library. You can find more than one copy of a book for a particular subject on reserve simply to allow access by more than one student at a time. 3 Regoli, R. (2011). Exploring criminal justice. 3rdEd. Boston, MA: Jones and Bartlett.
    Scheb, J. M. & Scheb II, J. M. (2011). Criminal law and procedure. 7th Ed.
    Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.*
    Schmalleger, F. (2014). Criminal justice: A brief introduction. 10th Ed. Upper
    Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.*
    Schmalleger, F. (2012). Criminal justice today: An introductory text for the 21st
    century 12th. Ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.*
    Siegel, L. (2013) Essentials of criminal justice. 8th Ed. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth,
    Cengage Learning.*
    Siegel, L.J. & Worrall, J. L. (2015). Essentials of criminal justice. Belmont, CA:
    Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.*
    Criminology is the scientific study of making and breaking laws. How society reacts to
    law breaking is an important component of our criminal justice system’s goals and
    objectives. Laws are sometimes arrived at by consensus, sometimes imposed by the
    powerful in society. Societies today are moving closer together regarding accepted
    human behavior and because most people share this common interest, the study of
    crime and its causes, and prevention strategies take on a global perspective. Students
    should be familiar with the following key concepts and theories when studying this topic.
  3. Broken windows theory
  4. Classical school of criminology
  5. Conflict theory
  6. Differential association theory
  7. Environmental theories
  8. Feminist theory of female delinquency (Chesney-Lind)
  9. General theory of crime
  10. Labeling theory
  11. Life course theory (Moffitt)
    10.Rational choice theory
    11.Routine activities
    12.Shaming (Braithwaite)
    13.Sisters in Crime/Freda Adler
    14.Social bond theory (Hirschi)
    15.Social disorganization theory
    16.Social learning theory
    17.Social process theories
    18.Strain theory (Merton)
    Cullen, F.T. & Agnew, R. (2011). Criminological theory: Past to present. Essential
    readings. 4th edition. New York: Oxford University Press.*
    Schmalleger, F. (2011). Criminology: A brief introduction. Boston, MA: Prentice
    Diversity critically examines race, gender and other diversity issues, such as hate crime,
    within and faced by criminal justice systems within the United States and internationally.
    Topics of emphasis include the importance of diversity issues in the development,
    organization and operation of criminal justice systems; and diversity in offenders,
    victims, and criminal justice professionals. Also examined, when discussing diversity,
    are problems of prejudice and discrimination. The course materials include historical,
    legal, social, and other sources of data that elucidate how diversity impacts societies
    and criminal justice systems. Students should be familiar with the following key
    concepts and theories when studying this topic.
  12. Anti-semitism
  13. Assimilation
  14. Civic assimilation
  15. Collective conscience
  16. Conflict theory
  17. Contextual discrimination
  18. Constitution & equality
  19. Cultural assimilation
  20. Cultural capital
    12.Differential association theory

  1. 14.Ethnic pluralism
    17.Hate crime
    18.Hate crime constitutionality
    19.Hate crime debate
    20.Hate crime offenders
    21.Hate crime victimization (race, age, gender, sexual orientation, religion)
    22.Hate speech
    24.Institutional discrimination
    25.Ku Klux Klan movement
    26.LBGT population and hate crime
    27.Melting pot
    30.Perpetual foreigner
    32.Protected groups
    34.Racial separatism
    35.Racialized social system
    36.Rational relationship test
    37.Scapegoat theory
    38.Skinhead movement
    39.Social privilege
    40.Social constructionism
    42.Strain theory
    43.Structural assimilation
    44.Underlying crime
    Gerstenfeld, P. B. (2011). Hate crime: Cause, controls, and controversies. 2nd
    Ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.*
    Levin, J. (2007). The violence of hate: Confronting racism, anti-semitism, and
    other forms of bigotry. 2nd ed. Boston, MA: Pearson Allyn and Bacon.
    Morash, M. (2006). Understanding gender, crime, and justice. Thousand Oaks,
    CA: Sage Publications, Inc.*
    Pincus, F. L. (2006.) Understanding diversity: An introduction to class, race,
    gender, and sexual orientation. Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc.*
    The Criminology and Criminal Justice Collective of Northern Arizona University.
    (2009). Investigating difference: Human and cultural relations in criminal justice (2nd
    Ed.). Boston: Massachusetts: Allyn and Bacon.*
    This course examines the development, organization, and administration of American
    police departments, considering the principles of organization best adapted to ensure
    effective service to the community. The course also evaluates line, staff, and auxiliary
    functions, and analytic units of administration. Students should be familiar with the
    following key concepts and theories when studying this topic.
  2. 4
    th Amendment
  3. Affidavit
  4. Basic types of police organizational design (line, line and staff, functional, matrix)
  5. Broken windows theory
  6. CALEA
  7. Centralization
  8. Chain of command
  9. Christopher Commission
  10. Community policing
    10.Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD)
    14.Directed patrol
    15.Exclusionary rule
    16.Field training officer (FTO)
    17.Goldstein, Herman
    18.Good faith exception
    19.Hot spot policing
    20.Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA)
    21.Kerner Commission
    22.Knapp Commission
    24.Peel, Robert
    25.Plain view
    26.Police Officer Standards and Training Commissions (POST)
    27.President’s Commission on Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice
    28.Principle of hierarchy
    29.Probable cause
    30.Problem Oriented Policing
    31.Reasonable suspicion
    32.Record Management Systems (RMS)
    34.Saturated patrol
    35.Search warrant
    36.Span of management
    37.Styles of policing (James Q. Wilson)
    38.Tennessee v. Garner
    39.Terry v. Ohio
    40.Title 42 U.S.C., Section 1983
    41.Unity of command
    42.Vollmer, August
    43.Wickersham Commission
    44.Wilson, O.W.
    Dempsey, J. S., & Forst, L. S. (2012). Police. 2nd Ed. Clifton Park, NY: Cengage
    Hess, K. M. (2009). Introduction to law enforcement and criminal justice. 9th Ed.
    Belmont, CA: Cengage Learning.*
    Peak, K.J., & Glensor, R.W. (2012). Community policing and problem solving:
    Strategies and practices. 6th Ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.*
    Swanson, R.C., Territo, L., & Taylor, R. W. (2011). Police administration:
    Structures, processes, and behavior. 7th Ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.*
    Walker, S., & Katz, C. M. (2011). The police in America: An introduction. 8
    th Ed.
    New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Higher Education.*

  1. This course examines the client of the criminal justice system in the post conviction,
    institutional setting. Attention is given to the evolution of correctional services for
    institutionalized offenders. Also examined is the relationship between prison
    administration and other elements of the justice system. Students should be familiar
    with the following key concepts and theories when studying this topic.
    Auburn system
    Bifurcated trial system
    Classification of prisons (types)
    Constitution and prisoner rights
    Death penalty: arguments for the death penalty v arguments against the death penalty
    Death penalty: state of the death penalty in the U.S. today
    Early forms of punishment (pre-America)
    Features that typify prisons as hierarchical structures
    How do male and female prison subcultures differ?
    Parole boards
    Parole function
    Parole supervision
    Pennsylvania system
    Probation and intermediate sanctions
    Private prisons
    Purpose of corrections
    Rational relationship test
    Restorative justice
    Southern penology
    Today’s correctional systems in America
    Types of sentencing and the ideologies of punishment they represent
    Types of Inmates in correctional institutions
    What are the important Issues for female offenders in prison?
    Types of institutional programs and effectiveness
    Bell v Wolfish
    Bounds v. Smith
    Furman v. Georgia
    Gregg v Georgia
    Pate v Cooper
    Wolff v McDonnell
    Clear, T. Cole, G., & Reisig, M. (2009/2012). American corrections, 9th or 10th Ed.
    Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.*
    Siegel, L. & Bartollas, C. (2011). Corrections today. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth,
    Cengage Learning.*
    This course examines the juvenile justice system in America with theory and practice of
    controlling youth crime through formal juvenile institutions and diversion. The juvenile
    justice system parallels and differences with the “adult system” will be emphasized.
    Students should be familiar with the following key concepts and theories when studying
    this topic.
  2. Adjudication
  3. Adjustment
  4. Aftercare
  5. Career offender
  6. Child savers and houses of refuge
  7. Confidentiality of juvenile’s delinquency records
  8. Constitutional rights of juvenile within the juvenile justice system
  9. Deinstitutionalization of status offenders
  10. Detention center
    11.Disposition hearing
    12.Dispositional alternatives
    13.Diversion programs
    14.First juvenile court system in the United States
    15.Get-tough policy
    16.G.R.E.A.T. programs
    17.Intake process
    18.Jurisdictions of the juvenile justice system
    19.Juvenile death penalty
    20.Juvenile’s delinquency records in the juvenile justice system
    21.Juvenile probation
    22.Legal factors and extralegal factors
    23.Limited jurisdiction
    24.Parens patriae
    26.Role of the probation officers in the juvenile justice system
    27.Shock probation
    28.Status offenses
    29.Teen court
    30.Transfer, waiver, and certification
    31.Types of policing
    32.Types of waivers
    33.Turning point
    34.UCR v. NCVS v. NIBRS v. Self-report data
  11. Breed v. Jones
  12. In re Gault
  13. In re Winship
  14. Kent v. United States
  15. McKeiver v. Pennsylvania
  16. Roper v. Simmons
    Champion, D. J. (2013). The Juvenile Justice System: Delinquency, Processing,
    and the Law. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. (ISBN: 978-0-13-276446-9)
    Vito, G. F. & Kunselman, J.C. (2012). Juvenile justice today. Upper Saddle River,
    NJ: Prentice Hall.*

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, please review the assigned material in your Stojkovic and Lovell (2019) textbook. Additionally, please read the article Toward a More Constitutional Approach to Solitary Confinement: The Case for Reform. As you recall, Week 1 had you prepare an outline to provide a foundation for this week’s assignment. For this assignment, you will develop your outline into a two-to-three-page paper. The goal is to consider constitutional rights of incarcerated persons and administrative objectives for correctional institutions. Additionally, this paper will also have you consider diversity awareness and cultural sensitivity issues in corrections. You will support your work with two scholarly and/or credible resources, in addition to your textbook. You may use scholarly and/or credible resources included in your Week 1 Issues and Constitutional Rights in Corrections assignment. Address each of the elements below:
• Constitutional rights and administration
o Explain how constitutional rights of incarcerated persons are balanced with the correctional system functions of the jail or prison.
o Explain the mandatory rights that prison administrators must provide incarcerated persons, and how those rights are balanced with the security, safety, court requirements, visits, and other functions of the facility.
o Examine a U.S. Supreme Court case (you may use your selected case from your Week 1 Issues and Constitutional Rights in Corrections assignment) that balances correctional administrative goals with the constitutional rights of incarcerated persons.
• Diversity and cultural sensitivity issues
o Explain at least one cultural sensitivity issue and at least one diversity issue in corrections (you may use the cultural sensitivity issue and diversity issue from your Week 1 Issues and Constitutional Rights in Corrections assignment).
o Analyze perspectives on each issue within the context of constitutional rights and administrative functions in corrections.
*Note: You are encouraged to integrate any feedback from your instructor and upload the assignment to your ePortfolio (Links to an external site.).
The Constitutional Rights and Administrative Goals paper
• Must be two to three double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA Style (Links to an external site.) as outlined in the Writing Center’s APA Formatting for Microsoft Word (Links to an external site.) resource.
• Must include a separate title page with the following:
o Title of paper in bold font
 Space should appear between the title and the rest of the information on the title page.

Robin went to work for Titans, Inc., a major banking house, as a security specialist. He had charge of designing and implementing all security protocols and equipment at Titan Towers for Titan’s physical security and security of their business transactions. Before starting work, Robin signed a written employment agreement. The agreement included a non-compete clause that stated as follows:
“18. NON-COMPETE – Employee agrees that for a period of two years following Employee’s term as an employee of Company, Employee shall not be employed as a security specialist for any other company in the financial service industry, anywhere in the world. Provided Employee shall comply with all terms of this provision, at the end of said two year term, Company shall pay to Employee a bonus payment of Ten Thousand (10,000) Dollars within 30 days of the end of the aforesaid two year period.
Robin worked for Titans, Inc. for a year and then left to return to his prior life as a circus acrobat. He toured the world with Hailey’s Circus for two years, doing no work at all in the financial services industry. At the end of two years from the date he left Titans, Inc., Robin returned to the US and opened his own security firm, aimed at the financial services industry. Robin also wrote to Titans, Inc. and informed them that he had lived up to his obligations under the non-compete clause in his agreement, and requested they send him the $10,000 bonus.
Titans writes back thanking Robin for abiding by his agreement.
Robin waits patiently, but after six months, his savings are running low and his new business could use an influx of cash. Robin sells his right to collect the $10,000 to Speedy, a friend from his Titans, Inc. days who has also left the company. Two weeks later, Speedy sends a letter to Titans, Inc., telling them that he has acquired the rights to the debt owed to Robin and demanding payment in ten (10) days.
A week after Robin sells the debt to Speedy, Titan’s Inc,’s accountants do an internal audit. They discover that many debts from former employees to the company, from participating in the company’s Home Down Payment Borrowing Program, had never been collected. Among these debts are $5,000 from Robin and also $5,000 from Speedy. When Titans, Inc. gets Speedy’s letter, they ignore it, believing they are now even with Robin and Speedy.
When he does not hear back from Titans, Inc., Speedy sues them for the $10,000 debt to Robin.
In the lawsuit between Speedy and Titan’s Inc., who should win and who should collect what?
IRAC Method

Section 1
Issue – Applicable Case (summary of case) – Applicable Statute(s)(summary of statute) – Application to Case (apply case and statutes to current case)- Conclusion
Section 2
Issue – Applicable Case (summary of case) – Applicable Statute(s)(summary of statute) – Application to Case (apply case and statutes to current case)- Conclusion
Section 3
Issue – Applicable Case (summary of case) – Applicable Statute(s)(summary of statute) – Application to Case (apply case and statutes to current case)- Conclusion
Each issue needs a separate section. In each section the applicable cases and statutes need to address the issues at hand
4 U.S cases
4 U.S statutes
5-6 pages

Task: Mid-term timed assignment – 30% (deadline Week 4: Sunday 22
nd of August 2021 – 23h59)
• This is an individual task in which the student will answer the following questions:
o Question 1: Explain, with your words, what is Law and how important it is for the development of business environment in a Local and Global
level? Give one example of a secondary source of law.
o Question 2: Elaborate about the nature and content of Contracts. Give one example of an international agreement and how a more adequate
Dispute Resolution Strategy can be adopted by the parties?
o Question 3: What is the difference between public and private companies? How are Law and Governance intertwined in these 2 legal
o Question 4: Explain the importance of Arbitration for dispute resolution in international business. Elaborate about one case that was resolved by
• Wordcount: There is no specific word count, but we can consider 1 page answer per question using Arial 11 pts.
• Font: Arial 11 pts.
• Text alignment: Justified.
• The in-text References and the Bibliography must be in Harvard’s citation style.
Submission: Week 5: Sunday 22
nd of August 2021 – 23h59. Timed assignments will be made available on Moodle 48 hours before the submission deadline. Students
need to complete the assignment and upload their submission within this timeframe.
Weight: This task is a 30% of your total grade for this subject.
It assesses the following learning outcomes:
• Outcome 1: Understand the role of law as a business and management tool;
• Outcome 2: Identify different issues and laws applicable in the context of doing business;
Exceptional 90-100 Good 80-89 Fair 70-79 Marginal fail 60-69
Knowledge &
Student demonstrates
excellent understanding of
key concepts and uses
vocabulary in an entirely
appropriate manner.
Student demonstrates
good understanding of the
task and mentions some
relevant concepts and
demonstrates use of the
relevant vocabulary.
Student understands the
task and provides minimum
theory and/or some use of
Student understands the task
and attempts to answer the
question but does not
mention key concepts or uses
minimum amount of relevant
Application (30%) Student applies fully
relevant knowledge from
the topics delivered in
Student applies mostly
relevant knowledge from
the topics delivered in
Student applies some
relevant knowledge from
the topics delivered in
class. Misunderstanding
may be evident.
Student applies little relevant
knowledge from the topics
delivered in class.
Misunderstands are evident.
Critical Thinking
Student critically assesses
in excellent ways, drawing
outstanding conclusions
from relevant authors.
Student critically assesses
in good ways, drawing
conclusions from relevant
authors and references.
Student provides some
insights but stays on the
surface of the topic.
References may not be
Student makes little or none
critical thinking insights, does
not quote appropriate
authors, and does not
provide valid sources.
Student communicates
their ideas extremely
clearly and concisely,
respecting word count,
grammar and spellcheck
Student communicates
their ideas clearly and
concisely, respecting word
count, grammar and
Student communicates
their ideas with some
clarity and concision. It
may be slightly over or
under the wordcount limit.
Some misspelling errors
may be evident.
Student communicates their
ideas in a somewhat unclear
and unconcise way. Does not
reach or does exceed
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Discuss the difference between policy analysis and operations research. What/Who is the NIJ and what functions do they serve? What branch are they a part of in the government? What type of research do they engage in? What are the research priorities of the NIJ? Do you believe the NIJ plays a critical role in policy analysis? Explain why or why not

Complete a 750-1,000-word action plan and supporting rationale based on the following scenario:
Mark is a Hispanic 8th grade student who has been identified as having an emotional/behavioral disorder, specifically Mood Disorder (Not otherwise specified). Currently, he participates in a general education inclusion classroom. During his annual IEP meeting, the team reviewed recent test scores and determined he qualifies
for the gifted program in the area of ELA only. He will continue to participate in the inclusion classroom for the remainder of his courses. He is very successful in all of his inclusion classes. Mrs. Stone, the gifted teacher, was not able to be present during the IEP meeting. She has never worked with a student who has an IEP before. Mark is the only Hispanic student in the gifted class, which tends to make him uncomfortable. He says the teacher does not include him in the classroom conversations and speaks abruptly to him, but not to the other students.
After one month of Mark being in the gifted class, Mrs. Stone has requested that a paraeducator be present to support Mark. The IEP team determined that this was necessary because in order to meet Mark’s needs. After the paraeducator was assigned, the principal did a walk through observation of the gifted classroom and he noticed that Mark was isolated in a corner and the teacher did not interact with him. In addition, the principal received a phone call from Mark’s parents stating Mrs. Stone told Mark, “You do not belong in this class!” Mark no longer wants to be in the class because he does not
feel welcome.
The principal has come to you, the special education teacher, for assistance with supporting Mrs. Stone and Mark in being successful. To assist the principal, create an action plan that includes goals and steps for achieving those goals and reporting progress.
Specifically, the action plan should include one over-arching long-term goal and a minimum of four short-term goals related to the following considerations:

  1. Communication and collaboration between teachers of the student, specifying positives in working with the student in their classrooms, as well as challenges that may arise as a result of the complex human issues that interact with the delivery of special education services.
  2. Collaborative coaching for the gifted teacher to include research-based instructional strategies and recommendations that acknowledge that diversity is a part of families, cultures, and schools.
  3. Collaborative coaching and guidance for the paraeductor with the intention of providing support to the gifted teacher and student.
  4. Evaluating the implementation of the action plan activities and reporting back to
  5. Communication strategies to use with the student’s parents that demonstrate elements of effective collaboration.
    Next, outline detailed action steps related to each identified goal utilizing the “Action Plan Template.”

“What is Family Resource Management and why is it important to today’s American family?”
Goldsmith, E. B., & GOLDSMITH, E. B. (2003). Resource Management. In J. J. Ponzetti Jr. (Ed.), International encyclopedia of marriage and family (2nd ed.). Farmington, MI: Gale. Retrieved from

from International Encyclopedia of Marriage and Family
Resource management is the process in which individuals and families use what they have to get what they want. It begins with thinking and planning and ends with the evaluation of actions taken. Three fundamental concepts in resource management are values, goals, and decision making. Values such as honesty and trust are principles that guide behavior. They are desirable or important and serve as underlying motivators. Values determine goals, which are sought-after end results. Goals can be implicit or explicit. They can be short-term, intermediate-, or long-term. Decisions are conclusions or judgments about some issue or matter. Decision making involves choosing between two or more alternatives and follows a series of steps from inception to evaluation.
Through choices, individuals and families define their lives and influence the lives of others. The study of resource management focuses on order, choices, and control, and how people use time, energy, money, physical space, and information. As an applied social science, it is an academic field that is fundamental to our understanding of human behavior. “The knowledge obtained through the study of management is evaluated in light of its ability to make an individual’s or family’s management practice more effective” (Goldsmith 2000, p. 5).
Individuals and families have characteristic ways of making decisions and acting called their management style. Although similar styles are exhibited within families (such as a tendency to be on time or to finish tasks to completion), there are also wide ranges of styles within families making the study of management intrinsically interesting, especially from a socialization point of view. Why do such differences exist and how does the individual’s style mesh with that of the other members’ styles in the family?
Measuring devices, techniques, or instruments that are used to make decisions and plan courses of action are called management tools. For example, time is a resource and a clock or stopwatch is a management tool.
Resources can be divided up into human and material resources, assets that people have at their disposal. Material resources (e.g., bridges, roads, houses) decline through use whereas human resources (e.g., the ability to read, ride a bicycle) improve or increase through use. Human capital describes the sum total of a person’s abilities, knowledge, and skills. Education is one way to develop human capital. Related to this is the concept of social capital. The term social capital is gaining in importance in the family-relations field and management is considered part of a person’s or family’s social capital. As a dynamic concept social capital can be considered a resource imbedded in the relationships among people that individuals, groups, and communities create, in which they invest, and which can be used to provide or develop resources or facilitate social and personal well being (Bubolz 2002).
Conceptual Framework and History
Resource management has a long history and an interdisciplinary base borrowing from and contributing to such fields as economics, organizational behavior, anthropology, psychology, and sociology. The discipline was originally called home management—with an emphasis on work simplification and household efficiency—but since the postmodern period (beginning in the 1960s) the emphasis has been on viewing the family as a social system and resource management as one of the many functions of that system (Knoll 1963; Maloch and Deacon 1966; McGregor 2001). In recent years the most widely used term to describe the field is family resource management or more simply management, which will be a term used in the remainder of the entry. Although the family is recognized as the fundamental societal unit, it is recognized that management principles and techniques apply to singles as well as to families. Attention is also paid to the management styles and situations of different types of families besides the traditional two-parents-and-children configuration.
Management research studies are conducted worldwide and results are reported in journals and at conferences. Family functioning, time, and stress are common themes. For example, data-based studies have found that family resources play a critical role in the healthy family functioning of Korean immigrant families in the United States (Lee 2000). Multinational papers presented at the 1998 International Household and Family Research Conference held in Helsinki, Finland reinforced the importance of family resource management to the well-being of families including the pursuit of the ideal life (Turkki 1999; Fujimoto and Aoki 1999).
Several theories, most importantly systems and economic theories, influence the way management is taught, practiced, and studied. According to Deacon and Firebaugh (1988), the family’s values, demands and resources are defined as inputs to the system. A leading management theorist in the twentieth century, Beatrice Paolucci, was especially interested in how family systems interact with their various near and far environments, which is termed the human ecological approach. Paolucci along with her coauthors Nancy Axinn and Olive Hall wrote:
Things need not just happen in a family; they can be decided. The responsibility and the burden of choice are a particular attribute of humanness. The quality of human life and the prospect of the family’s continued survival within limited environmental settings depends, in large measure, on the decisions made in daily family living (1977, p. 1).
For a history of her life and contributions to family resource management see Beatrice Paolucci: Shaping Destiny through Everyday Life (Bubolz et al. 2002). Economic theory assumes that people seek to maximize their satisfaction through the decisions that they make. In economics, individuals are seen as rational and acquisitive. Management recognizes that although individuals want to increase satisfaction, they often behave in nonoptimizing, less than rational ways. Unexpected events or reactions to events may require adjustments to plans and actions.
Family resource management differs from the way management is taught in business schools. In colleges of business, the application is mostly to employer/employee relationships in nonprofit and for-profit organizations. The fields are alike in that both are concerned with productivity and decision making but in family resource management the examples are more likely to be of a personal, home-based, or family nature. However, it should be pointed out that there are several cross-over topics such as time management and balancing work and family life and cross-field collaborations are common.

Practical Applications and a Model of Managerial Action
Because management explores the workings of everyday life, it is both complex and practical. To show the interaction of various management components, a model of managerial action using the systems approach is given in Figure 1.
In the model, for example, demands and values lead to planning and the use of resources ending with met demands, achieved goals, and feedback. In Africa, where many regions suffer from drought and food shortages, individuals and families have to plan wisely and use resources well in order to incrase their chances of survival. In management, wants and needs are differentiated from goals. Wants are specific and temporary, such as craving a certain food. Needs range from basic physiological needs to self-actualization (Maslow 1954). Within a family there can be conflicting needs. People arrive at their needs through a complex subjective assessment based on their inherent motivations and their perceptions of the external world (Foxall, Goldsmith, and Brown 1998). In today’s fast-paced world, filled with competing demands, people do not have the time to carefully assess their needs or to plan effectively.
Situational factors, personality traits, and motivational forces affect plans. Individuals and families set standards within the context of existing demands and resource availability. Standards develop over time. People live in the present, but they are thinking about the future and developing plans based on their values and standards. “Planning is a thinking and information-gathering process involving a series of decisions. It is a process because formulating plans requires several steps, such as information gathering, sorting, and prioritizing; then, based on this information, the planner must decide which plan is most likely to succeed” (Goldsmith 2000, p. 125). Plans have purpose; they are taking the planner somewhere. To succeed, plans should be clear, flexible, appropriate, and goal-directed. People have primary plans and back-up plans. Implementing refers to putting plans into action. Evaluation is the end process of looking back, checking over, examining past decisions and actions and determining how they worked. Goal achievement should provide satisfaction.
Time, Work, Family, and Stress
Time use and the direction of human effort are integral to the study of management. Queen Elizabeth I said on her deathbed, “All my possessions for a moment of time.” Time is generally considered the ultimate resource because it is a resource all people, rich or poor, share. In the discipline in the past there was debate about whether time is a “true” resource (Winter 1995).
As the Queen Elizabeth I quote shows we all share time but it is finite. Therefore, a critical management question is how do we make the best use of the time that we do have. One answer is through conscious control. In management studies, a person is trained to ask when confronted with competing activities, “What is the best use of my time right now?” Another question to ask is “Is the activity I am about to undertake consistent with my goals?” These questions address both quantitative time (measured units of time such as minutes and hours) and qualitative time (feelings about how time is spent). Time perceptions vary widely by individual and by culture. For example, being on time in most North American cultures means five or ten minutes before the agreed upon time or being right on time. In other cultures, being an hour late may still be regarded as being on time. Discretionary time is free time one can use any way one wants. Nondiscretionary time is programmed by others or set by schedules and appointments. Everyday life is a combination of both. Stress is often caused by not having enough discretionary time. Over-programmed time is a problem for children as well as adults.
Few people are immune from the difficulties of trying to balance work and family life. Most controversy centers around managing hours and responsibilities, but it is also about one’s priorities. Which is more important: work or family? When someone is asked to work overtime, this question becomes apparent. In workaholism, work is the most pleasurable part of life and family or personal life takes a back seat. On the other hand, procrastination is the postponement of work usually in favor of more pleasurable parts of family or personal life.
With improvements in technology, there has been a blurring of work and family roles and often less lag time. Email, cellular telephones, automatic teller machines, and the Internet have accelerated everyday life and have made people, information, and services more accessible. Work and family lives are becoming increasingly blurred and even may share the same physical space as one considers the growth in the number of home-based businesses.
The twenty-first century will be characterized by more family transformation and stress (McCubbin et al. 1997). Because the purpose of management is not only to describe problems, but also to present solutions, distress and fatigue are subjects of discussion in terms of what can be done to lessen them. Regarding getting more sleep, James Maas (1998) suggests getting an adequate amount of sleep every night, establishing a regular sleep schedule, getting continuous sleep, and making up for lost sleep. Another solution is the reestablishment of routines such as regular mealtimes as a way to simplify life. The simplification process may involve other steps such as pulling back on spending and building up more savings to provide for more leisure time in the future (Goldsmith 2001).
Family resource specialists strive to reach a stage called managerial judgment, defined as the ability to accept and work with change for the betterment of self and humankind. The ultimate goal of the management expert is the creation of a better tomorrow.
More could be said about managing human effort, environmental resources, and financial resources. This entry briefly touches the surface of a more than century-old discipline that affects every aspect of daily life. What management does is provide a framework, a way of looking at things that can be applied to a variety of situations. It is about life not just happening but happening in an orderly way. Humans are constantly seeking answers, making plans, and pursuing goals that bring desired results. Management provides insight into how this occurs. It is both simple and complex. Each day presents new challenges, new questions about how life should be and can be. Individuals are continually confronted with decisions to be made given scarce resources. This entry has endeavored to show the basics of the discipline and its application to everyday life. The greatest future challenge for the field will be the continued integration of management with other theories to address socially relevant issues as life becomes more complex and diverse.
• Bubolz, M. (2002). “Family and Social Capital.” Panel presentation at Fourth Beatrice Paolucci Seminar: Personal, Social, and Corporate Responsibility in a Common World. East Lansing, Michigan State University.
• Bubolz, M.; Axinn, N.; Mitsifer, D.; Nelson, L.; Wenberg, B. (2002). Beatrice Paolucci: Shaping Destiny through Everyday Life.Michigan State University East Lansing.
• Deacon, R.; Firebaugh, F. (1988). Family Resource Management, 2nd edition. Allyn and Bacon Boston.
• Foxall, G.; Goldsmith, R.; Brown, S. (1998). Consumer Psychology for Marketing. Routledge London.
• Fujimoto, T.; Aoki, K. (1999). “What to Recognize from Everyday Life in Interaction of Man, Matter, Life and Environments.” In New Approaches to the Study of Everyday Life: Proceedings of the International Household and Family Research Conference, May 31-June 3, 1998, Helsinki, Finland.
• Goldsmith, E. (2000). Resource Management for Individuals and Families, 2nd edition. Wadsworth Belmont, CA.
• Goldsmith, E. (2001). Personal Finance. Wadsworth Belmont, CA.
• Knoll, M. (1963). “Toward a Conceptual Framework in Home Management.” Journal of Home Economics 55: 335-339.
• Lee, H. (2000). “The Effects of Family Resources and Social Support on Family Functioning Style among Korean Immigrant Families in the U.S.” Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences. 92(3):66.
• Maas, J. (1998). Power Sleep. Villard New York.
• Maloch, F.; Deacon, R. (1966). “Proposed Framework for Home Management.” Journal of Home Economics 58:31-35.
• Maslow, A. (1954). Motivation and Personality. Harper and Row New York.
• McCubbin, H.; McCubbin, M.; Thompson, A.; Hans, S.; Allen, C. (1997). “Families Under Stress: What Makes Them Resilient?”Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences 2-11.
• McGregor, S. (2001). Modernism and Post-Modernism Compared. Working paper. Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada: Mt. St. Vincent University.
• Paolucci, B.; Hall, O.; Axinn, N. (1977). Family Decision Making: An Ecosystem Approach. Wiley New York.
• Turkki, K., ed. (1999). In New Approaches to the Study of Everyday Life: Proceedings of the International Household and Family Research Conference, May 31-June 3, 1998, Helsinki, Finland.
• Winter, M. (1995). “Resource Management.” In Encyclopedia of Marriage and Family Relationships, ed. D. Levinson. Macmillan New York.
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Goldsmith, E. B., & GOLDSMITH, E. B. (2003). Resource Management. In J. J. Ponzetti Jr. (Ed.), International encyclopedia of marriage and family (2nd ed.). Farmington, MI: Gale. Retrieved from
International Encyclopedia of Marriage and Family
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The second edition of the International Encyclopedia of Marriage and Family revises and expands Macmillan’s 1995 Encyclopedia of Marriage and the Family, adopting an international, cross-cultural approach to such diverse topics as adolescent parenthood, family planning, cohabitation, widowhood, domestic violence, child abuse and neglect, codependency and commuter marriages. It includes articles specific to countries and to religious traditions, examining the history of family life within these cultures and discussing how families have been affected by political and social change.
Editor(s): James J. Ponzetti Jr.Edition: 2ndArticles: 420Images: 1People: 31
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leisure pursuits
in Dictionary of Leisure, Travel and Tourism/leə pəsjuts/ plural noun entertainment hobbies, things you do during your free time, for relaxation or enjoyment …19

Despite the challenges facing families across time, the family remains the world’s oldest form of relationship, a universal phenomenon (Sokalski, 1994). For centuries, families have been organized as a basic unit of society. This social unit has continued to be maintained over time, and, until recently, the family unit was generally considered to be a private institution. The contemporary family is now, more than ever before, a political entity. Family values are emerging in campaign slogans, drawing increased attention to the importance of family units within the social framework of communities, locally, nationally, and globally. This surge of interest in the family unit has resulted in increased research, expanding our knowledge base of family functions and evolution over time.
Although family life does give individuals a strong sense of continuity, Skolnick and Skolnick (2005) call attention to the fact that the family is in transition. Emerging communications and technology capabilities have accelerated this transition. Families of the future will not only need to be aware of changes that are taking place, but they will also need the skills to adapt resource management to fit new realities.
Paralleling the changing social, political, and economic climates surrounding families are changes in the structure of families. Coontz (2000) points out that favored traditional family structures carry privilege, whereas Doherty (1997) speculates that, as a result of environmental changes, our current society may be the first in history that cannot clearly define the family. These complexities necessitate the need for ongoing education and evaluation about the ways families function.
The key concepts of family resource management include an interdependency of individuals, a dynamic environment, and a conscious effort to meet basic needs for all individuals within the family unit. Managing family resources has always been a process, requiring individuals to recognize that effective decisions cannot be made quickly and that the evaluation of those decisions is essential for future decisions.
Families cannot effectively manage resources without an awareness of their opportunities as well as a consideration of their limitations. They need to be aware that living in the 21st century presents numerous challenges to the family. Families will continue to consume large amounts of resources, be engaged in the global economy, and provide safety and security for its members. Each of these functions requires management. Thus, the concept of family resource management is imbedded in those three individual words: family, resource, and management.
Contemporary families are diverse in nature, reflecting the socioeconomic environments surrounding them. The idea that a traditional family exists, from which students can compare and contrast other nontraditional family units, is nonproductive to the goals and objectives of family service providers. It is necessary, however, to categorize and define families when public and private programs assess needs and determine qualified services for citizens based on that designation. Chapter 2 presents a framework for understanding contemporary family definitions and structures.
Joe and Rocia have three children. Joe recently lost his job. To qualify for financial assistance through various local and state programs, they must meet the criteria of those programs in terms of how a family is defined. Some programs may only be available to them if they are legally married. Other assistance programs may provide more resources if Rocia is unmarried. These discrepancies challenge ethical decision making and may result in a weakening of family structure. Some assistance may be available based on their household status regardless of whether they share a home. If Joe is not the biological father of the children, his assistance may only be based on what is deemed necessary for a single male.
In terms of family resource management, it is assumed that families are units where members strive to meet the needs of all members while maintaining that family unit over a period of time. Thus, families have both individual and group needs. Identification and communication of these needs are continual. To satisfy these needs, resources must be identified and secured. Money and material possessions are easiest to identify as important family resources; however, the human resources available among all family members are just as important, if not even more essential, to the family’s survival and maintenance.
The processes of identifying needs and securing resources are dynamic within a family unit. Situations arise in frequent, repetitive ways that allow many decisions to become subconscious and almost habitual. Family members shopping for a weekly supply of groceries may cruise down the store aisles identifying and purchasing an assortment of products with little deliberation. These products have been identified through previous decision-making processes; until family members decide that these basic products are no longer meeting their needs, they are habitual purchases. Other situations require more deliberation and information seeking. The working parent who is confronted on Monday morning with an ill childcare provider must find a specific resource to meet an acute need. The stress level in this type of decision is much higher because this decision impacts the family unit on multiple levels.
Humans consume and require massive amounts of resources for survival, physical growth, and personal growth. Basic needs such as food, water, shelter, and clothing are obvious. Other resources are necessary to facilitate education, community, and recreation. The study of family resource management considers both consumption of resources and the availability/expenditure of human resources by family members.
The identification of resources to meet specific needs is guided by culture, availability, and accessibility. Tap water quenches thirst, yet an individual may choose to buy bottled water for family drinking purposes. A single-family detached house may be preferred, but if apartments are the only choice available, a family may make do until other options surface. An Ivy League college may be a student’s choice, but if he or she does not meet the requirements for admission, another selection must be made.
As families identify needs, their focus turns to finding ways to fulfill those needs. The number of possible solutions will vary depending on the particular need. These solutions, however, always require resources. The larger the pool of resources, the higher the probability that needs will be met efficiently and effectively. In managing family resources, sufficiency is also an important consideration. Will family members accept a solution that just meets their minimum expectations? Old newspapers suffice for bathroom use, but not everyone would accept this choice. Because family needs are dynamic and ongoing, any one particular resource may prove useful on some occasions, but not even be considered at other times.
Families may substitute some resources for others depending on the situational variables. Lunch may consist of a peanut butter sandwich when time is limited but may be a multicourse feast when time is not an issue. Money is often substituted for time in resource selection. Fast food, airline travel, and lawn-care services are examples of this resource transfer or exchange. The complexity of individuals and families elevates the complexity of resource identification and selection when compared to resource management in the business setting.

Boomerang Commuters
In April 2011, FoxNewsInsider coined the phrase “Boomerang Commuters” to describe the growing trend of two-career, two-households, two-city family units. Creamer (2011) reported on this dramatic rise of commuter marriages in The Sacramento Bee.Current statistics suggest that almost three million American couples fit the definition of commuter couple: “Men and women in dual-career marriages who desire to stay married, but also voluntarily choose to pursue careers to which they feel a strong commitment. They establish separate homes so they can do so” (Rhodes, 2002).
Why has the number of commuter couples risen from around half a million couples in 1980 to this new high? Some believe that the economy has driven many couples to split to find jobs as the unemployment rates rose in the recent past. Others suggest that it may be more a sign of the rise of working women. Rates are higher among professional, academic and white-collar workers than in lower socioeconomic circles. In the past, the poor in society have endured long separations to find work. The new commuters, however, seem to be a phenomenon of education and relative privilege (Creamer, 2011). The average age of commuting spouses is 51, and the average length of marriage for commuting couples is 22 years (Bergen, 2010).
Marriages, and families within these commuter arrangements, face complex and unusual challenges in family resource management. While it may facilitate financial resource acquisition, separation and maintenance of multiple living sites can be mentally and physically demanding. The demographics of this group indicate that very young children are not part of the mix, but this age group is part of the “sandwich generation,” serving as support for their young adult children and their aging parents.
Weisser (2006) suggests three strategies to help commuter couples swing the dual reality. First, tap into any support employers might provide. Some may provide expense accounts for travel, meals, housing, and utilities to employees. If Internet access is crucial to job performance, the company may provide an allowance to the employee for such service. Second, use all relevant mileage plans—flights, car rentals, hotel charges, restaurants. Finally, be diligent when managing the finances within these living arrangements. Don’t forget to keep long-range financial plans in the picture.
The history of family sciences is closely linked to that of business management. Both fields emerged in academia at about the same time, and both began with efforts to facilitate efficient and effective use of resources. Many of the management theories applied to individual and family resource management stem from business management. Many of the human resource theories are supported by research in family science and other social sciences. Business management focuses on planning, organizing, leading, and controlling the use of resources to accomplish performance goals. The goal of any business is the maximization of this process. It is a conscious effort and a constant process. Choices must be made and evaluated continually.
Although the family is not a business, it does have many of the same goals that a business addresses. Management theories are explored from both the business and family conceptual frameworks in Chapter 3. Business decisions generally have a stronger hierarchical base and more tangible factors available in the decision-making process. Most family management activity begins with that same decision-making process, but family management exists on a higher personal level with more emotional, intangible types of factors to consider. The decision-making process is a major concept addressed and explored throughout this text.
There are many ways that individuals and families go about making decisions. Janis (1989) proposes the rational model, presuming that, in the process of making decisions, there are purposeful goals and objectives. Rational decision making involves searching for alternatives, assessing consequences, estimating risk or uncertainty, determining the value of consequences, and selecting the action that maximizes attainment of those desired objectives. Decisions that have long-lasting impact on a family unit would benefit from this type of structure. Selection of educational programs and disease treatment options are often approached within this type of framework.
Pfeffer (1987) proposes another model that draws from rules, procedures, and processes, rather than the effort to maximize values. The bureaucratic model relies on habitual ways of doing things and is appropriate only for low-risk and uncontested decision situations. Although this model is more appropriate for business decisions, there are some frequent, low-risk decisions that must be made by families. Grocery shopping, especially for staple items, often operates this way.
The political model of decision making (Pfeffer, 1987) produces outcomes that are related to the power of individuals within the group. This model recognizes that individuals within the unit may have differing interests and acknowledges that conflict is normal or at least customary. Although decisions made within this model are seldom perfect for all members, the acts of bargaining and compromising result in member support for the final decision. Decisions specific to family relocation are often reached using this approach. Although children are greatly affected by such moves, it is generally more of a negotiation among the adults where power becomes a crucial influence.
Photo 1.1 Technology enhances a family’s search for alternatives.

Source: ©
Realizing that family decision making may be served by any, all, or a combination of these basic models, it is necessary to create a flexible framework for analysis of a variety of individual situations. The five-step decision-making process is the framework chosen for this text. Although family decisions are not always methodical, they follow a general framework of need identification and clarification, identification of alternative resources available, analysis and comparison of those resources, selection and implementation of resources chosen, and post-implementation evaluation. This model also gives the family the tools for rational, bureaucratic, or political thought found in the other decision-making models. By analyzing these steps separately and then synthesizing them as a process, the learner can more fully understand the complexity and occasional unpredictability of family choices and behaviors.
The Decision-Making Process
• Recognize existing need(s)
• Identify alternatives to fulfill identified needs
• Evaluate identified alternatives
• Select and implement alternatives
• Reflect and evaluate alternative selected
Families do not exist in a vacuum. Outside influences come into the family environment to change the way the family thinks and behaves. These influences come from history, culture, and the environment.
Historical Influences
Throughout history, there have been ideas and circumstances that have influenced the way families manage their resources. New ideologies and ways of thinking have impacted existing family behaviors. New childcare practices, new medical discoveries, and even changing marriage expectations may alter the way a family carries out its functions. Historical events also influence the family. Wars, recessions or depressions, terrorist attacks, and other events all have an impact on families. The most recent national recession and global financial crises have illuminated the vulnerability and the strengths of contemporary family structures in times of economic difficulties. The ultimate impact of unemployment on a dual-earner family unit has been very different than that experienced in earlier recessions where the sole-paycheck adult may have lost all earning potential. Families change as history evolves, reflecting and impacting the larger economic environment.
The history of family resource management has influenced the way a family manages today. The early Greek and Roman cultures left a wealth of information about family management that can be found in the writings of the ancient philosophers. The word economy comes from the ancient Greek oikos nomos, which means house and management. Hesiod (CA. 715 BCE) wrote, “You should embrace work-tasks in their due order, so that your granaries [grain storage] may be full of substance in its season” (Hesiod, 1999). The 13th century Church of England also left a legacy of instruction for management. As the church experienced a reform movement, more clergy were encouraged to speak out on marriage and family issues (Murray, 1987). One of the earliest recorded writings was by Robert Grossesteste, Bishop of Lincoln. This was written for his friend, Countess Margaret of Lincoln, after the death of her husband to help her manage his vast estate. He wrote,
And with the money from your corn, from your rents, and from the issues of pleas in your courts, and from your stock, arrange the expenses of your kitchen and your wines and your wardrobe and the wages of servants, and subtract your stock.” (Henley, Lamond, Cunningham, & Grosseteste, 1890)
In contemporary terms, he was suggesting how this new widow might balance her budget—income and expenses.
By the end of the 20th century, the world was changing at a rapid pace. Social mobility and invention would change the way many families managed. Although the Western family was still patriarchal, the Industrial Revolution forced men and women to move into different spheres of influence. Men gave their energies to their work, now outside the home, whereas women gained more power over the household. Isabella Beeton’s Book of Household Management (cited in Hughes, 2006) sold thousands of copies in England. Her ideas have been compared to modern small business management techniques. According to Mrs. Beeton, good management included setting an example for and giving clear guidance to the staff, controlling the finances, and applying the benefits of order and method in all management activities (Wensley, 1996).
In the United States, another reference during this time was Beecher’s (1869) The American Woman’s Home. This volume was written as a training manual for women in the duties of the home in the same fashion as training for other trades at that time. According to Beecher, a woman’s profession included
care and nursing of the body in the critical periods of infancy and sickness, the training of the human mind in the most impressionable period of childhood, the instruction and control of servants, and most of the government and economies of the family state. (p. 14)
The influences of science (ecology and biology) and technology (invention) in the home precipitated the Lake Placid Conferences in 1899 and 1909. The discipline of home economics or domestic science was developed as a result of these conferences.
Since the early 1900s, many changes have taken place in living conditions, equipment, and values and standards. During this time, the development of management also changed. The way in which today’s egalitarian family acquires and uses resources is radically different than in previous decades.
Environmental Influences
The resources that are available for use also influence family management. Some families may have a limited amount of resources available because of their geographic location or economic status. The needs of a family may not be met because necessary resources are not available. In other cases, if a resource is limited, the family may have to pay more to get that resource than if it were plentiful. The availability and accessibility of resources greatly influence how they are used. These factors also influence how resources are managed. More discussion about how resources influence family management can be found in Unit III.

When Uncle Sam Calls
What impact does military deployment of a parent have on a family? The United States has fought many wars in the past, but the most recent efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan have disrupted families in ways that were not typical in past deployments. The majority of soldiers did not come through a draft of young men. In the Vietnam and Korean Wars, the average soldier spent less than a year overseas and was a young recruit or draftee. In Iraq, much of the burden has fallen on older reservists, National Guardsmen—family men and women (Skipp, Ephron, & Hastings, 2006). As the recent war winds down and deployed family members return home, the Arrendos’ experience will be common across the nation.
Photo 1.2 Family members serving in the military leave more than emotional voids behind them.

Source: ©
The Arrendos (name changed for privacy) agreed to share their experience with our readers. Kathy and Mike were young professionals with two small children, ages 2 and 3, when Mike was called to duty. Kathy shares how her needs and resources changed during the course of her husband’s absence. Payne’s (1998) five resource categorizations are used as a framework for understanding.
Financial Resources
My husband’s income increased through deployment. He made more money as a major than he was making as a civilian. Our expenses changed, also, with his absence. He was not spending money and was no longer part of the budget for food, clothing, gasoline, and entertainment. I continued to work, and with both of our incomes and this decreased spending, we were able to accumulate a large savings account.
This situation is much different than in previous wars, when young men entered the service at much lower pay rates and, if married, their wives were usually not professional, career women, so money was often tight for those military families. Kathy shared her discomfort initially in this situation.
I met many military wives in a support group. They were in similar economic situations and their spending was unbelievable. I think I tried hard not to increase spending with our savings goal in mind. Some spending, I believe, is tied to emotions. When I was feeling angry about our situation, I spent money. As the savings account grew, I relaxed a little and spent a little more on myself—haircuts, dining out, clothing, and makeup. Other wives were remodeling their entire homes, buying new homes, and getting new vehicles. When my husband returned, we went on a bit of a spending spree, and we don’t feel the same financial pressures we did before we accumulated the savings account.
Not all military families experience such increased financial resources. However, without the draft, enlistment demands have changed the level of incentives currently offered.
Emotional Resources
Initially, I couldn’t focus or concentrate. How am I going to be a single parent? We always did everything together! When he left, it was almost easier because the anticipation of his departure was so emotionally draining. I went into automatic, doing what had to be done. I realize now that I did take some of my frustration out on my daughter. My mother recognized this early on and set me straight. I had relaxed control over both children, and I needed to reclaim it. Eventually, the kids and I were functioning normally, again.
At the 6-month point, I quit feeling sorry for us and changed my thinking. The hardest thing emotionally is the loss of companionship. I was very lonely and found myself grasping every opportunity to converse with another adult. I found myself drinking alcohol more frequently, not more, just one or two drinks each night.
His return was much more emotionally taxing than I anticipated. It took at least 3 months for the kids and me to get used to another adult making and enforcing some of the rules. I didn’t deal well with his disciplining of the children, and he seemed to be talking down to the children. It had been 18 months, and the three of us seemed to have grown and matured, but he returned at the same level he was at when he left. He resumed managing all bills and the checking account. It drove me nuts for a while! It seemed like when he had called me from over there almost every day, we really talked! He listened. At home he was returning to his old routine of avoiding conflict and controlling things. I was unwilling to go back to that relationship. We have had to work through a lot, and that probably should include counseling.
When asked to discuss how her relationships with family and friends changed during Mike’s deployment, Kathy noted several things that surprised her.
My father, who hates emotions, came with me to the “send off” and came to visit us every 3 months from his home in another state. Usually, on past visits, he wanted to be taken care of and entertained, but not during this time. He mowed, fixed things, winterized our home, and did everything that needed to be done. My mom watched the kids when I needed to be away for days at a time for work. I didn’t hear from my mother-in-law at all, but I didn’t before the deployment, either. No one from his family really stepped up to help. His little brother called more than usual, but never spent time with us. My siblings were supportive, my sister most. My brother did take my children to his home for 2 weeks over Christmas and made it an incredible holiday for all of us.
Friends … well, I really learned who my friends were. Most of those we believed to be friends before Mike left disappeared. Some we had never really done a lot with suddenly appeared and gave me tremendous support. When Mike returned, his old buddies started calling. I insisted that we had new friends, and he was understanding enough to change friendships, himself.

Mental Resources
At first it was difficult to go from two adults making decisions to one adult in a high-stress, emotional state solving problems. However, as time went on, I was more and more confident in solving problems myself, and I think that I actually grew and became more independent and better at decision making.
I became a very good time manager. I was forced to be more efficient. I think the hardest thing was being a working parent and wanting to spend as much time with the children as possible, but cleaning, mowing, laundry, cooking still had to be done. I simply decided to choose my battles. We ate out a lot, and we found more time to play together on the weekends.
Spiritual Resources
I am not a real spiritual person. I think through deployment you have to maintain a high level of trust and believe that our troops are well trained and that your spouse will make good decisions. I wasn’t able to even think about what if … I maintained a level of confidence that things would be OK and I had a greater appreciation for God. During this time, my 18-month-old neighbor was diagnosed with cancer. I couldn’t play the “poor me” card after that. I developed an ability to focus on the positives in life.
Although my husband is the religious member of my family, I continued to take my children to church each week. At first, it was nothing more than a hassle with a 2-year-old and a 3-year-old to watch and control. I got nothing out of the sermon. Over time, they became more manageable, and, although I did not receive support from the church, it was a nice quiet time to reflect.
Physical Resources
At first I was exhausted, but after about 6 months, my stamina improved. I did hit a wall at 12 months. I had had enough. I was frustrated and angry, and I wanted it to be over! We all stayed in very good health through this time. When the kids did get sick, I brought them to work or they went to a neighbor’s house. I felt neglectful, but I didn’t have a choice. Once I got sick, myself, and had to ask for help, but I actually was the most physically fit I have ever been during this time. Cooking for me and two little ones was easy. The kids and I walked every day.
Kathy and Mike did what had to be done and coped in the best ways available to them. Their resources expanded with increasing needs. Sources of support shifted and changed completely in some ways. They will never be able to return to the same relationships and decision-making style present before deployment. Time, circumstances, and priorities have changed their family unit markedly. The year following a service member’s return to civilian life will often determine the family’s ultimate adjustment.
The toll on families caught up in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan will be analyzed for years to come. Divorces in the military increased by 100% in 2004 (Skipp, Ephron, & Hastings, 2006). The army has spent millions of dollars on programming designed to positively enhance marital relationships of deployed men and women. All branches of the military have engaged in conscious efforts to strengthen support systems on both sides of the globe. Kathy appreciated this.
The army family support group meetings were helpful, and I really respected the army chaplains and their wisdom. It was a good place to air frustrations and anger, but it was only once a month.
Cultural Influences
Any study of individuals and families in the context of a global community could not ignore the enormous impact that culture and diversity have on the identification, use, and production of both material and human resources.
One cultural influence is family experience. When individuals marry, they bring with them a wide array of experiences from their own family of origin, including their unique cultural heritage, which ultimately influences their expectations for the new family. How their family managed resources will follow them into their newly formed relationship, and the two individuals will explore these experiences as they formulate their own unique way of managing resources.
Yuki and Eric have been married for 4 years. They are planning to begin a family soon. Eric announces that they must find a larger, two-bedroom apartment before a baby arrives. Yuki doesn’t understand this need. In her home country, Japan, it is not uncommon for infants to share their parents’ bed for the first few years.
Another important cultural influence on family resource management is worldview. Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck (1961) developed a framework for comparing and contrasting the different value systems between and among different cultural groups. The assumptions underlying their work include the following:
• There is a limited number of common human problems for which all people at all times must find some solution. Most families, at one time or another, must match needs and resources to feed, clothe, educate, and protect members.
• Although there is variability in solutions of all the problems, it is neither limitless nor random, but is definitely variable within a range of possible solutions. Each family and each situation is unique; however, experiences have common factors between and among families.
• All alternatives of all solutions are present in all societies at all times, but are differentially preferred. Choices made by any family at any given time may differ from those of others because of cultural expectations and beliefs. (p. 10)
As a result of these different value frameworks, they identified five distinctive orientations that exist within any particular cultural group, yet differ between groups. These orientations are human nature, man and nature, time, activity, and relational.
The orientation of human nature may be viewed by a cultural group as evil, a mixture of good and evil, or basically good. Often, cultural practices are based on these beliefs. Consider the judicial system. The practice of imprisoning criminals for certain periods of time with rehabilitative treatment suggests a culture that believes that humans are basically good but can be misled. Religions that believe in original sin purport human nature as basically evil, with possible salvation through ritual.
The relationship between humans and nature is an orientation that can be categorized in three perspectives. Humans can be subjugated to, in harmony with, or have mastery over nature. Refusal of medical treatment is illustrative of a subjugation orientation. Air-conditioning and heating systems are used by many to gain mastery or control over the weather elements. Today, emerging concerns over environmental quality and sustainability of natural resources have forced a reconsideration of harmony between man and nature.
Every cultural group must deal with all three time orientations—past, present, and future—to maintain existence over time. The preference or dependence on a particular time orientation separates cultural groups. To participate in a financial savings plan implies that an individual is preparing for the future. Investing four or more years to obtain a college degree is another example of future-time orientation. Cultural groups that devote a great deal of time to the study of and the continued practicing of past rituals, art forms, and doctrine are reflective of past-time orientation.
Photo 1.3 Family traditions draw heavily from the concepts of Worldview.

Source: ©
The value placed on human activity is an orientation that also differs between cultural groups. Some focus on being or living only for the day. Others focus on becoming, searching and working for self-growth and improvement. A third orientation places more emphasis on accomplishments that are measurable by external standards. All three orientations may exist within any large group of people; however, the group as a whole shows a preference for one. Members who show evidence of that preferred activity are then deemed to be successful.
The last orientation identified to differentiate between cultures is that of human relations. Three different patterns emerge: lineal, collaborative, and individualistic. The lineal pattern is characterized by dominant group goals, a chain of command, and a commitment to maintaining the group over time. A collaborative pattern is reflected in the concept of a team. Someone operating from the individualistic pattern will place primary emphasis on personal goals and objectives and on personal autonomy.
How does this worldview framework impact family decision making? Each and every decision made by a family reflects cultural preferences at multiple levels. For instance, when a parent decides to participate in a college savings plan for his or her child, this decision reflects core beliefs that education is important, that sacrificing today for something that might come to be in the future is a worthy action, and that a college degree is an accomplishment viewed positively by the larger social group.
A human service professional operating from his or her own worldview will find that his or her ability to serve individuals and families functioning within another orientation is problematic. When an individual is devoted to collaborative relationships (i.e., family, gang, religion), he or she will not consider solutions that involve competitive actions or individualistic accomplishments. If a parent believes that children are inherently good or bad, behavior modification plans will be viewed as illogical. A family struggling for many generations with intense poverty may see no value in saving or planning for the future when surviving each day requires so much of its resource base.
As Payne (1998) states,

[T]he role of the educator or social worker or employer is not to save the individual, but rather to offer a support system, role models, and opportunities to learn, which will increase the likelihood of the person’s success. Ultimately, the choice always belongs to the individual. (p. 149)
Awareness and understanding of cultural differences or different worldviews provide the human service professional with increased options and heightened objectivity.
Table 1.1 Selection of Family Housing: Same Ages, Income, Location, and Educational Levels

Using the structured form below, analyze the following family decisions in terms of differing worldview perspectives:
• A dual-career couple decides that the wife will leave the workforce until the youngest child enters middle school.
• Your neighbor refuses to use weed killer on his or her lawn because it is harmful to the environment.
• A 16-year-old high school student drops out of school to take a full-time job to help support his or her family during an economic crisis.
• A high school graduate decides to attend a 4-year college instead of entering the workforce immediately.
Table 1.2 Worldview Applications

The study of families and behaviors of individuals and family units depends on research methods and disciplines that provide a variety of perspectives. The field of family studies integrates existing theory, new research findings, and cross-disciplinary works into a framework for understanding the complexities of family study. Using that framework, professionals are able to engage in further research or practical application of knowledge in the field. Although the following discussion illustrates a few specific disciplines that contribute to this knowledge base, several others are possible contributors over time.
In ancient Greek, the word psyche meant soul or mind, and logos was the study of something. Psychology, as a field, has evolved into an academic and applied field focusing on the study of the mind and behavior. In the applied sense, psychology also refers to the use of the knowledge accumulated through that study to mental illness and behavioral analysis. Psychologists study mental processes and behavior of individuals, alone or in a group, not on the group itself. Wilhelm Wundt opened the first psychological laboratory in 1879.
Sociology is the study of society, with a focus on the study of the social interactions of people, groups, and entire societies. This academic discipline emerged in the early 1800s and evolved through that century as struggles for global leadership emerged. Scientific methods were used to understand how and why groups come together and continue across time. From this inquiry, theories about social rules and governing structures give insight on why individuals are motivated to be a part of groups. In an applied form, sociological research benefits educators, lawmakers, administrators, families, and others who seek resolution of social problems and creation of public policy.
Social Psychology
The ancient philosopher Plato believed that humans organize themselves into groups and form governments to solidify their groups because they cannot achieve all of their individual goals alone (Goethals, 2003). Through the ages, students have pondered the question, how much of our behavior is determined by external constraints vs. internal drives? Triplett (1898) put social psychology into the realm of academic discipline by conducting studies that focused on the impact of other people on the individual. Allport’s (1935) textbook, Social Psychology, grounded the study of social psychology in scientific methods. Many studies have focused on the development of norms within groups and the transmission of those norms across groups—interpersonal influence.
Social psychology is a field devoted to understanding how individuals impact the groups they associate with and how groups impact their individual members. Research within this discipline includes studies of marriage, religion, and parenting, as well as adolescent behavior.
Cultural Anthropology
Anthropology is the study of humanity. The cultural branch of anthropology seeks to make sense of difference or variation among humans. Because culture is acquired through learning, people living in different, separate places or under differing circumstances will develop different ways of thinking about similar things. This belief is exemplified by the earlier discussion of worldview.
Although understanding the differences among cultures is important to understanding how families manage their resources, it is also important to this discipline to seek universalities among humans across cultural and geographic boundaries. Are beliefs and behaviors completely learned, or is there a biological, hereditary basis to them? Anthropologists have surmised that people adapt to their environments in nongenetic ways—through culture. Current concern for the global environment and international relationships has redirected study in this field to the tensions among cultures.
The study of economics is not only about business, but also about human behavior within existing structures of production, distribution, trade, and consumption of goods and services. As a science, it functions to predict and explain the consequences of choices made by consumers and producers. Economics is a quantified field of research depending on numerical methods of analysis.
Microeconomics studies individual agents, like households and businesses. Macroeconomics focuses on the economy as an entirety. Key concepts include supply, demand, competition, and pricing. The research and models derived from the study of economics help explain how families identify and evaluate resources in their decision-making processes.
Behavioral economics is an emerging field of study that focuses on application of scientific principles to human and social dimensions of decision making. Research questions seek to answer how consumer decisions impact pricing and the allocation of resources in a society.

The field of biology is the study or science of living things. Family resource management derives important information on reproduction, physical health, and safety from biological findings, and implements biological research methods and theories to answer questions about how the environment and humans interact. Genetics is an associated field that provides families with guidance when making important reproductive and health decisions. Medicine is also a related field that plays an important part in family decisions and resource allocation.
Professionals in family studies use multidisciplinary research methods and integrate research generated by all of these fields, which allows a multifaceted exploration of topics. For instance, if we want to understand maternal employment and its impact on the family, we can approach the question from multiple frameworks. Psychologists might focus on the emotional and cognitive impacts on family members—parents and children. Sociologists may consider the motivations that lead to the mother’s participation in the workforce and how social expectations influence that behavior.
Social psychologists may view the topic in terms of how employment impacts the female’s self-esteem or power base, or how females impact the working environment they occupy. Cultural anthropology might be more interested in how maternal employment participation varies between and among different cultures and across time. Economics would be interested in how maternal employment impacts resources available to families and how that, in turn, impacts their consumption. Another topic of interest to economists is the potential for increased production through more fully participating adult female labor pools. Biology might study the issue from a physical perspective. The spread of contagious diseases through on-the-job contact or within childcare centers might be of interest.
In combination, these disciplines provide us with a holistic view of family resource management. All are important to the study and understanding of family behavior.
The family unit has been and continues to be the basic unit of society. As such an integral part of the larger social system, the family is impacted by all social, economic, political, and environmental changes. Thus, the family is dynamic in nature, responding and adapting to change. To allow such flexibility, families must engage in the management process, using basic decision-making tools and accessing necessary resources to maintain over time.

  1. Why and when is it necessary to create limiting definitions of the family?
  2. Other than money, how many resources can you list that would be important in the management of families?
  3. How have culture and worldview influenced your decision to study family resource management?
  4. Individuals and families use the basic decision-making steps for even small situations. Trace your most recent eating experience through the process.
  5. Using the worldview framework in this chapter, determine your personal combination of the five dimensions.
  6. Marriage and divorce are two important topics in this field. How might researchers in economics and social psychology differ in the way they approach these topics? Psychology and sociology?
  7. Book : Tami James Moore & Sylvia M. Asay “Family Resource Management”

Developmentally Appropriate Activity Planning
The focus of the Final Project is to choose nine developmentally appropriate activities for young children. Your capability to effectively plan these activities demonstrates your mastery of the course learning outcomes and your ability to use your knowledge to plan effective activities for young children. Early childhood educators play an important role in the future success of children, and your ability to create effective curriculum experiences is a fundamental part of that.
To prepare for this assignment,
• Please refer to the Week 5 Guidance for further tips and examples that will support your success with this discussion.
• Review and download the ECE 203 Activity Template.
o There are nine required sections total: Science/Sensory, Language and Literacy, Creativity, Fine motor (please choose an indoor activity), Gross motor (please choose an outdoor activity), Self-Concept, Emotional Skills/ Regulation, Social Skills, and Math.
o Read the required resources for this week and consider reviewing the recommended resources as well.
Remember that any applicable resource used throughout this course can support the requirement for four scholarly resources for this assignment.
• If you did not begin the development of your ePortfolio in ECE 101, read Portfolium Student Guide to help you set up your ePortfolio.
o Choose an area of focus:
 Center-Based Preschool (3, 4, or 5 years old)
 Center-Based Infant/Toddler (young infants, mobile infants, or toddlers)
 Early Childhood (4–8 years old)
• In your assignment, create a nine-page Word document that addresses the following:
For the Center-Based Preschool Option
• Complete each section of the ECE 203 Activity Template.
o To complete the sections for a Center-Based Preschool:
 Indicate the age group (3s, 4s or 5s).
 List the intended goals.
 List all of the materials that will be needed for each activity.
 Explain in detail the process/teaching strategies that will be used for each activity.
 Specify how each activity is developmentally appropriate for that age group.
For the Center-Based Infant/Toddler Option
• Complete each section of the Activity Template.
o To complete the sections for a Center-Based Infant/Toddler:
 Indicate the age group (3s, 4s or 5s). Of the nine activities, three should be appropriate for young infants, three for mobile infants and three for toddlers.
 List the intended goals.
 List all of the materials that will be needed for each activity.
 Explain in detail the process/teaching strategies that will be used for each activity.
 Specify how each activity is developmentally appropriate for that age group.
For the Early Childhood (4–8 Years Old) Option
• Complete each section of the Activity Template
o To complete the sections for Early Childhood:
 Indicate the age group (4, 5, 6, 7, 8).
 List the intended goals.
 List all of the materials that will be needed for each activity.
 Explain in detail the process/teaching strategies that will be used for each activity.
 Specify how each activity is developmentally appropriate for that age group.
For this assignment, you must submit
• A link to your electronic portfolio in Portfolium. To do this you will copy and paste the Web address into the comments feature in Waypoint.
• A Word document including your completed assignment, as well as the link to your ePortfolio.
• Click on the Assignment Submission button. The Waypoint “Student Dashboard” will appear.
• Browse for your assignment.
• Click Upload.
• Confirm that your assignment was successfully submitted by viewing the appropriate week’s assignment tab in Waypoint, or clicking on Check Assignment Status within the Meet Your Instructor unit in the left navigation panel.
The Developmentally Appropriate Activity Planning project:
• Must be nine double-spaced pages in length (not including title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.)’s APA Style (Links to an external site.)
• Must include a separate title page with the following:
o Title of paper
o Student’s name
o Course name and number
o Instructor’s name
o Date submitted
• Must use at least three scholarly sources in addition to the course text.
o To assist you in completing the library research required for this assignment, view this Help! Need Article (Links to an external site.) tutorial, which can help you find a good starting place for your research.
o The Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.) table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment.
• Must document any information used from sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center’s Citing Within Your Paper (Links to an external site.)
• Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. See the Formatting Your References List (Links to an external site.) resource in the Ashford Writing Center for specifications.

Summer 2019

will write two separate child Observation Reports to fulfill these assignments involving observing a child of different ages (an infant OR toddler age and an early childhood OR a school-age child) and will then use the child observation notes as a basis for writing a report about the child’s development in the domains. Each report is worth 65 points. It is a course requirement that students complete both observation reports. If a student does not pass in the Observation Reports the notes will not be graded for credit. If a student does not pass in both observations any extra credit points will not be graded as part of the final grade. Students should use the Child Observation Grading Report Form for the report. Do not make your own form or copy/change the form in any way. Do not pass in a grading form that you have made a PDF document.
Observation One-Choose either the Infant OR Toddler age for the observation report (4 months- 2.4 years). The Observation Notes Form is Due 7/26 and the Child Observation Report Grading Form is Due 7/29 by 11:30 PM. Submit the child observation notes form and the child observation report grading form titled with your name and the name of the observation on Moodle using the assignment link. The observation notes should be written as a separate document using the Observation Notes Form in the Observation folder. After submitting the Observation Notes Form, the notes should then be copied to the end of the Child Observation Report Grading Form that will be submitted later.
Observation Two– Choose either the Early Childhood observation paper-(3 to 5 years) OR School-age observation paper (6-11 years). The Due Date for the Child Observation Report Notes is 8/17 by 11:30 PM. The Child Observation Two Grading Form with the notes copied to the end due date is 8/20 by 11:30 PM. Note: If you choose a child who is 2 years four months for Observation One do not do Observation Two on a 3 year old.
**Note: All students should do Observation One on a child who is between 4 months and 2 years four months. For Observation Two students who are early childhood education majors should complete the early childhood observation (3-5 years). If you are an education major, you should complete the middle childhood age report (6-11 years) unless you cannot find a child of that age group and then you may do the report on the early childhood age. You may choose the early childhood or middle childhood age child if you are human services or another major.
If a student does not have a child for the report, students may visit a referred child care site for an observation of a toddler and/or preschool age child. Students will need to sign up ahead of time with the course Professor and receive a letter of introduction to set up a visit to the referred child care center. Students will need to contact the center director to set up the observation time after the director is notified by the course Professor. A letter of introduction will need to be brought to the site with the student BHCC ID or driver’s license if not a regular BHCC student. Students should not contact the director of the center unless they have given their name and received a letter of introduction from the course professor. The address for the program will also be posted.
Audience for this Assignment:
You are to take the role of an observer spending a minimum at least 60 minutes observing each child and recording your observation notes for your report. You may also spend more time with the child and write the observation notes for sections of time. Each set of instructions below details the ages of children to be observed and other particulars to consider when looking for developmental trends as you observe children of different ages. Possible observation ideas are presented at the end of this assignment as an appendix for your use to assure strong, observational experiences. Set up these observations to get the most out your time to see as much about the child’s development as possible. Review the developmental child development information in your textbook, developmental checklists posted on Moodle or from other reliable resources for further ideas of what to look for before you observe the child.
Sites for observations: You may use the following sites for observing your children for this assignment—child’s home, your home, child’s center or school, or other site i.e. playground. Students should not observe children in a public setting that they do not know
Competencies from the course involved in this assignment:
While this assignment involves most of the competencies listed on the syllabus, the primary objective for this assignment will allow you to meet the following competencies fully as you complete the course.
Promoting Child development and learning:

  1. Knowing and understanding children’s characteristics and needs. (Level I, II, & III)
  2. Knowing and understanding the multiple influences on development and learning. (Level I, II, III)
  3. Using developmental knowledge to create healthy, respectful, supportive, and challenging learning environments. (Level I, II, III)
    Family and community relationships:
  4. Knowing about and understanding diverse family and community characteristics. (Level I, II, III)
    Assessment and evaluation of young children:
  5. Understanding the goals, benefits, and uses of assessment.
  6. Knowing about and using observation, documentation, and other appropriate assessment tools and approaches. (Level I, II, III)
    Using Developmentally Effective Approaches to Connect
    with Children and Families:
  7. Understanding positive relationships and supportive interactions as a foundation of work with children. (Level I, II, III)
  8. Using a broad repertoire of developmentally appropriate teaching/learning practices. (Level I, II, III)
  9. Reflecting on their own practice to promote positive outcomes for each child. (Level I, II, III)
    Using Content Knowledge to Build Meaningful Curriculum
  10. Knowing and using central concepts, inquiry tools and structures of content area and/or academic disciplines.
  11. Using their own knowledge, appropriate early learning standards and other resources to design, implement, and evaluate meaningful, challenging curricula for each child. (Level I, II, III)
  12. Engaging in continuous, collaborative learning to inform practice. (Level I, II, III)

Process and Format for Completing Each of the Reports
The process for observing involves the following:
• Make an appointment to observe your child, even if you are going somewhere that is familiar. Everyone involved should be informed as to your purpose in the observation. It may be required that you obtain written permission from a parent to observe the child. Check this ahead of time with the program, director, and/or the parent. Some programs have a blanket approval for all observations. You will be changing the child’s name and the names any other children in the observation or you may use initials.
• Plan your observation well ahead of the due date. All sorts of problems can occur with observations (you don’t get the information you need; the child is sick; the setting is chaotic the day you arrive, etc.) so you will need extra time to complete the assignment.
• Before you go to observe the child, be clear about the child you are going to observe and the setting in which you will observe. Who is the child, where will you be observing, what expectations does the setting have for your interaction with the child? You do not need to interact with the child to do the observation.
• Be careful if you know the child. This relationship often interferes with objectivity. If you are observing a child you are acquainted with, or know well, plan to be objective and to stay less emotionally attached than you might normally behave. You should only write about the behaviors you observed in the observation and not about other times you spent with the child.
• Have your note paper set up ahead of time and plan your observation activities so you know what you will do when you arrive to observe. Plan for all the supplies you need (i.e., paper, pencil(s), props to help child with play, if needed, etc.). If you are observing a child you do not know in a child care setting, you can observe the child without interacting with them. You should follow the direction of the staff at the child care center about how you should interact with the child during the observation time.
• You will need to write the observation anecdotal notes using objective statements using the child observation notes form before the report is written. The observation notes are used to identify the behaviors and the domains of development discussed in the observation report. Students should not write about any behaviors that were not observed during the observation time. Do not include any subjective statements i.e. child was angry, happy, sad and do not include your interpretations of the child’s behavior and development. The notes will also be submitted for credit as part of the observation report assignment. The notes should be written into complete sentences from the notes taken during the observation time. Use details and be descriptive in your writing so the child’s actions, behaviors, and activities are clear to the reader. You do not need to pass in the field notes. Students should complete the observation notes form that includes the information about the child and the setting etc. A copy should be downloaded from the Observation Folder on Moodle.
Format for the Observation Report:
The format for each report is discussed in detail below and you should follow this process for writing the report using the child observation grading form.
• Use the Child Observation Notes form to submit your observation notes written in complete sentences. The form is found in the Observation Folder.
• Use the Child Observation Report Grading Form to record your child observation report that can be downloaded from the Observation Folder.
• The Child Observation Report Grading Form has seven sections. The sections are clearly explained below. Using the observation report answer form found in the week folder, follow the topic section headings in the report to ensure that you write all of the report. The answer form also has an overview file that includes the directions for writing the report. Student should follow the directions on the overview form when writing the report.
• Students will be choosing three behaviors that each span two domains (biosocial, cognitive, language, social, emotional, cognitive, creative and self-help). The self-help domain information is located in the developmental checklist labeled Developmental Birth to Five Adapted and revised by the Mid-State Early Childhood Direction Center, 2012. These three behaviors will be the basis for your report and will be discussed using the same format. Do not use a behavior that is an example of one domain. The format will be discussed below.
• The three behaviors will be labeled as Behavior One, Behavior Two and Behavior Three. The domains you can discuss are biosocial, cognitive, language, emotional, social, creative and self-help.
Child Observation Report Grading Form
Title: Your Name and Observation One Infant OR Toddler or Observation Two Early Childhood OR Middle Childhood
Students should download the Child Observation Report Grading Form from Moodle
Part One: Introduction
Write an introductory paragraph that will state the purpose of your child observation report. You are observing a child to describe and explain domains of development and how these domains intersect with one another as the child grows. Give information about the child i.e. age, setting that was listed on the Observation Report Form. You can include other information if important to the observation report i.e. the child is bilingual. Do not describe any behaviors that were not observed in the observation time i.e. you know the child from birth and you discuss the child’s development from the past.

Part Two: Behavior One
Behavior One and Two Domains
Choose one of the behaviors that span two domains taken directly from the observation notes. The behavior notes will be labeled as Behavior One. Use the exact notes from the observation written in objective statements and do not interpret or discuss the behavior in this paragraph. Identify two domains that the behavior is an example of. List the two domains that you will be discussing under the Domain One and Domain Two paragraphs.
Behavior One Domain One Quote for Typical Development
In this paragraph you will state the domain that you will be discussing for Behavior One Domain One. Then describe at least one quote that is a statement about what the typical development is in that domain for the child’s age and/or developmental level from the text, another reliable source (handout or website) or a developmental checklist. The course text must be used for some of the quotes and use (Santrock, pg. 100) to document where you got the quote in the text. You should also state the title of the handout or the title of the developmental checklist with the age. A quote that is a definition of the domain being discussed is not accepted as a quote for credit. If you do not use a quote about typical development, your discussion for the child’s development will be your opinion only and you will not get credit for the behavior domain discussion. It can be compared to writing a research paper without using any citations. More than one quote may be used. Students may get a total of three extra credit points for the entire report.
Behavior One Domain One Analysis to the Quote for Typical Development
In this paragraph the student will discuss how the behavior in the first domain described relates to developmental norms for the age of the child being observed or the quote about typical development from the text, handout or developmental checklist. Discuss how the observed behaviors are like or unlike the description about typical development that you quoted in the paragraph from the text or other reliable source. This paragraph should have at least four sentences.
Behavior One Domain Two Quote for Typical Development
In this paragraph the student will be use the same format as above to discuss Behavior One Domain Two that was identified in the Behavior One paragraph. In this paragraph state the second domain you will be discussing for Behavior One and then list the quote and resource about typical development that you found in the text, handout, or developmental checklist.
Behavior One Domain Two Analysis to a Quote for Typical Development
In this paragraph describe how the child’s behavior compares to the quote about typical development or is not typical compared to the quote about development. This paragraph should have at least four sentences.
Part Three: Behavior Two
Behavior Two and Two Domains
Choose the second example of behavior labeled that spans two developmental domains from your observation notes and insert the behavior observation notes taken directly from the notes into the paragraph. State the two domains you will be discussing for Behavior Two
Behavior Two Domain One Quote for Typical Development
In this paragraph for Behavior Two Domain Two include a quote about typical development with a resource for where you got the quote.
Behavior Two Domain One Analysis to a Quote for Typical Development
In this paragraph you will then compare the child’s development to the quote about typical development or how the behavior is different from the quotes. This paragraph should be at least four sentences.
Behavior Two Domain Two Quote for Typical Development
In this paragraph describe Behavior Two Domain Two that includes a quote about typical development with a resource for where you got the quote. You are using the same behavior for Behavior One from above but are using a different domain.
Behavior Two Domain Two Analysis to a Quote for Typical Development
In this paragraph compare the child’s development to the quote about typical development or how the behavior is different from the quote. This discussion should be at least four sentences.
Part Four: Behavior Three
Behavior Three and Two Domains
Then continue to the third example of behavior that spans two developmental domains taken directly from the observation notes. Describe the two domains that you will be discussing in the Behavior Three paragraphs.
Behavior Three Domain One Quote for Typical Development
In this paragraph insert a quote about typical development for Behavior Three Domain One and resource from the text, developmental checklist or handout.

Behavior Three Domain One Analysis to a Quote for Typical Development
In this paragraph include an analysis of how your child’s behavior compares to the statement about typical development or how the behavior is different than the behavior described in the quote. This paragraph should be at least four sentences.

Behavior Three Domain Two Quote for Typical Development
In this paragraph you will be using the same behavior for Behavior Two but will be discussing a second domain. List the Behavior Three Domain Two you will now be discussing. In this paragraph insert a quote about typical development for Behavior Three Domain Two with a resource from the text, developmental checklist or handout.
Behavior Three Domain Two Analysis to a Quote for Typical Development
In this paragraph include an analysis of how your child’s behavior compares to the statement about typical development or how the behavior is different than the behavior described in the quote. This paragraph should include four sentences.
Part Five: Summary of the Child’s Growth and Development
Complete your child observation report with a summary statement that restates your purpose drawing from your thesis in the introductory paragraph. “How is the whole child’s development progressing?” Consider what the observation tells you about the child’s development, what skills would be expected to emerge next, and how teachers and parents can help -the child to grow and develop these skills. Give examples from your report about the child’s development in the domains. Summarize and discuss the child’s growth development from the child observation report in all of the domains you observed. Give examples of what you learned about the child’s growth and development in the domains that were the most important to you as the observer. This paragraph should have at least 8 sentences.
Part Six: Resources
Students should list all of the resources used for the quotes about typical development. Include the following information for the resource list- the title of a text, author and edition, publisher and date of publication, title of handout and author, title of developmental checklist with source/author and title of website, website address and page resource used from the website with author if an article. You must use your text for some of the quotes.
Part Seven: Observation Notes Form
The Observation Notes Form found in the Observation Folder includes the information about the child who is being observed should be inserted at the end of the Child Observation Report Grading Form. The notes should be written in complete sentences using a story format. The statements about the child should be written using objective (fact) not subjective (opinion) language. The observation notes should be submitted separately as well before the child observation report grading form so the Professor knows the students has completed the observation and has written the notes.
Observation Notes for Observation Assignment
When observing each child for your Observation Assignment, you should record the behavior of the child using objective statements. An objective statement includes what you see the child doing or saying and not any of your interpretations or thoughts about the child’s behavior. You should include the physical, emotional, social and cognitive development including language. This form should be completed for each observation. It will be posted on Moodle in case you need to download it.
Recorder’s Name: Child’s Name or Initial: Age of Child in Years/Months: Date of Observation: Beginning and Ending Time of Observation Setting: People Included in the Observation: Observation Notes- Include in the notes exactly what you see the child doing including language or sounds if an infant. Use sentences and not phrases. Do not include any of your interpretations about the child’s behavior that will be written as part of the Observation Report.
Examples for how to use the Headings for the Child Observation Reports for different ages are described under the specific ages below.
Child Observation Report #1 Infant OR Toddler Observation Assignment:
Spend at least 60 minutes observing a child who is an infant or toddler (from 4 months to 2 years four months). Keep a running record of what you are observing the child do in his environment. Include any sounds or words the child makes. Describe the behavior in objective terms described as facts writing exactly what you see the child doing and saying. Do not label the child’s behavior in subjective terms described as opinion. He is happy, selfish etc. Using these notes transcribe the phases from the notes taken during the observation time into complete sentences and insert the notes into the observation notes form.
The behaviors you observe should show an intertwining of at least two development domains seen in growth and development, not just one simple behavior. For example, don’t just look at a child beginning to talk (a language/cognitive skill) with a simple babble, but describe the social domain that accompanies this as the infant tries to interact with others (a social/emotional skill), using his new language babbling skills.
Some areas that might be interesting to look for when you observe (look at the infant toddler chapters in the text to consider what you might see before you go to observe):
• Physical: Body changes in height, weight, and motor movement; gross and/or fine motor skills.
• Cognitive: Sensorimotor levels/behaviors; object permanence skills; memory; language development.
• Social-Emotional: Attachment; temperament; self-awareness; interaction with others; emotions
• Self-help skills: See the developmental checklist of behaviors that are listed by age on the developmental checklist. The skills may be used as a domain i.e. self- feeding can be self-help as well as biosocial motor skill.
Remember to connect your observation to explanations of multiple domains of development.
For example:
This Behavior Example with two domains for Sally (age 12 months) includes a paragraph with a quote about typical development and then another paragraph about how the child’s behavior compares to the quote about typical development. Two domains for the same behavior are discussed in separate paragraph. Your observation notes will be longer as you will be observing the child for at least 60 minutes.
Anecdotal Observation Notes
Sally (12 months) was sitting on the floor in the living room. Using her hands, arms and legs, she pulled herself up to stand balancing on the couch by holding on with both her hands. Smiling Sally held on to the couch cushion and lifted each hand and arm and moved each leg in a side step movement along the outside of couch cushions. Sally then moved to the end table putting out her left hand first and then her right hand. Sally stopped and then paused for 15 seconds. She took her hands off the table at the same time and quickly lowered herself to the floor. She said “Oh!” as she sat on the floor.
Behavior One and Two Domains
Behavior One is an example of both biosocial and cognitive development. “Smiling Sally (12
months) held on to the couch cushion and lifted each hand and arm and moved each leg in a side step movement along the outside of couch cushions.”
Behavior One Domain One Quote for Typical Development
In Behavior One Domain One, Sally has developed biosocial gross motor skills that are seen in older infants. Infants who are Sally’s age of 12 months are beginning to start to use their walking motor skills. According to the Developmental Checklist Birth to Five from the Mid-State Early Childhood Direction Center, infants from the age of 8-12 months will “walk and holding on to furniture (10-13 months)”. Infants may also “walk two or three steps without support (11-13 months)”.
Behavior One Domain One Analysis to a Quote for Typical Development
Using the gross motor skills for the biosocial domain, walking requires balance and integration of muscle control. Since Sally is now 12 months, she is demonstrating that she has achieved balance in her biosocial motor skills by her ability to walk holding onto the couch and table. Walking by holding onto an object is also an example of integration of motor skills that shows Sally is typically developing in her biosocial skills. Her ability to walk using an object like furniture is the beginning stage of walking independently for an infant who is 11-13 months. She has not yet developed independent walking skills that is also typical of a child who is age 12-14 months. Developmentally Sally could be walking independently at 12 months according to the developmental checklist.

Behavior One Domain Two Quote for Typical Development
The domain for Behavior One Domain Two is the cognitive domain. Sally also has demonstrated cognitive development by her ability to understand where and how to hold on to the furniture by using motor/muscle control to accomplish the walking task. According to Piaget’s Sensorimotor Sub Stage Four Secondary Circular Reactions (8-12 months), infants will become more deliberate and purposeful in responding to people and objects (Santrock, pg. 160). In Piaget’s Sensorimotor Sub Stage Four, infants will begin to use new adaptions and anticipation also called a means to an end. (Santrock pg. 160) Infants in this Sensorimotor Sub Stage Four will also work hard to achieve a goal. (Santrock, pg. 160).
Behavior One Domain Two Analysis to a Quote for Typical Development
In Behavior One Domain Two, Sally used the furniture to balance herself and then to walk
sideways holding onto the furniture. The infant’s ability to use her body and objects to accomplish her goal of walking is an example of an infant using an object with a purpose that is
typical as described in Piaget’s Sensorimotor Sub stage Four Secondary Circular Reactions.
Since Sally was able to walk using support, her ability to accomplish this skill is an example of
means to an end. Another characteristic of Piaget Sensorimotor Sub Stage Four
Secondary Circular Reactions is the infant’s ability to achieve a goal. Sally’s success in walking
with support is an example of her purposeful achievement of this skill that will later lead to
independent walking.

Child Observation Report #2-Choose either the Early Childhood Age 3-5 years or Middle Childhood Age 6-11 years
The Early Childhood (Preschool/Kindergarten 3-5 Years) Observation Assignment:
Spend at least 60 minutes observing a child between the ages of 3 and 5 years of age. Keep a running record of what you are observing the child do in his environment. Include any interaction the child has with other children and adults. Record any language for the child and anyone who is interacting with the child. After the observation time use the Observation Notes Form and write the observation notes in complete sentences using objective terms in a story format. Using three behaviors that span two domains from the observation notes, prepare the child’s observation report form using the same form used for Observation One.
The behaviors you write about must show an intertwining of these behaviors not just one behavior. For example, don’t just look at a child beginning to express emotions using words (a social emotional skill) but involve the cognitive reasoning the child uses as he interact with others and negotiate his position.

Some areas that might be interesting to look for when you observe (look at the preschool chapters in the text to consider what you might see before you go to observe):
• Physical: Body changes in height, weight, motor skills; eating, toileting, and sleeping routines; gross and/or fine motor skills
• Cognitive: Language development and usage; preoperational stages; information processing or memory; modeling of skills from others; cooperation and following directions/instructions; creativity in developing ideas beyond what is told to do
• Social-Emotional: Prosocial behaviors; empathy; sharing; aggression; gender identification; expression of emotions (both verbal and physical); play patterns and activities
• Self Help Skills-In the developmental checklists you will find a heading for self-help skills skills that may be used for this age group. An example would be self-dressing that would be both a biosocial motor skill but also a self-help skill,
Remember to connect your observation to explanations of multiple domains of development. For example:
Behavior One Example for Tommy age 4.2 years and his friend Ian age 4.6 years
Observation Notes
Tommy was playing with friends his classmate Ian in the block corner. They were using unit blocks to build a rectangle shaped building with 4 by 6 blocks (12 by 18 inches). Using his right hand, Tommy placed the blocks right beside each other in the rectangle formation. Using his right hand Tommy then placed another block directly on top of the previous block to make the block building higher. After the second level was completed, Tommy and Ian took turns placing the blocks on top of each other to make the building. After placing the block Tommy and Ian said, “It’s your turn now.”
Behavior One and Two Domains
In Behavior One Tommy and Ian took turns placing the blocks on top of each other to make the building. After placing the block Tommy and Ian said, “It’s your turn now.” This behavior is an example of biosocial development and social (play) development.
Behavior One Domain One Quote for Typical Development
From this behavior, I see that Tommy has developed biosocial fine motor skills that are refined and can be used to build elaborate structures using his right hand. In the Skills Builder Fine Motor Development 0-6 Years Handout a child who is 3-4 years will begin to have a strong preference for a lead/dominant hand but switching continues.
Behavior One Domain One Analysis to Quote for Typical Development
In this behavior domain description, Tommy is only using one dominant hand (his right hand) and does not switch to his left hand. Tommy is demonstrating his ability to use a dominant hand that is typically developing but does not use his other hand to switch off. The skill of not switching to his less dominant hand demonstrates his ability to only use his dominant hand. This behavior is not typical according to the listed handout that indicates children will use both hands of their body at this age.
Behavior One Domain Two Quote for Typical Development
The second domain for Behavior One is the social domain. In Mildred Parten’s Social Play Development from 1-6 years, cooperative play is described as children playing together, creating dramas or taking terms. (Kinds of Play class handout).
Behavior One Domain Two Analysis to a Quote for Typical Development
Tommy demonstrated that he was capable of cooperative play as he and his friend Ian took turns placing the blocks building the block structure. Cooperative play is typical for children who are early childhood age demonstrating the ability to work cooperatively by taking turns to complete a common goal that is described by Mildred Parten. Tommy has social skills that allow him to share materials and is able to cooperate in developing an idea from thought to an actual product. When playing in a cooperative way, children need to be able to work together and word towards a common goal. Both Tommy and Ian took turns placing the blocks and were able to design the block building together. This skill is a true characteristic of cooperative play.
Child Observation Report Two: School Age Observation (6-11 years):
Spend 60 minutes observing a child between the ages of 6 and 11 years of age. Do not choose a child that is age 12 as that age begins adolescence. Keep a running record of what you are observing the child do and say in his environment. Also record any interactions that the child has with other children or adults. Include conversation as well. After the observation time use the Observation Notes Form and write the observation notes in complete sentences using objective terms in a story forma. Using three behaviors that span two domains from the observation notes, prepare the child’s observation report form using the same form used for Observation One.
The behaviors you write about must show an intertwining of these behaviors not just one behavior. For example, don’t just look at a child reasoning and arguing with his teacher about not wanting to do something (a cognitive skill) but involve the relational aspects of the two as they negotiate an outcome of the problem (a social emotional skill).
Some areas that might be interesting to look for when you observe (look at the school-age chapters in the text to consider what you might see before you go to observe):
• Physical: Gross or fine motor skills; eating and sleeping routines
• Cognitive: Language development and usage; reading and writing skill development; concrete operational level; information processing or memory; modeling knowledge and skill levels from peers; creativity in work and need for conformity

• Social-Emotional: Moral skills- figuring out right from wrong; peer relationships; emotional changes in expression and feelings; preadolescent behaviors
Remember to connect your observation to explanations of multiple domains of development.
Behavior Observation example for a Middle Childhood age child: Jayne is 6 years old and has just enrolled in a new school in the first grade.
Observation Notes
Jayne is sitting in the back corner desk of the classroom and is not talking to any of the other children sitting around her. They did not talk to her. After a few minutes, she started to cry and the teacher went over and asked her, “Why are you crying Jayne?” Jayne said, “Nobody likes me at this school and I miss my old friends.” The teacher then said, “I know you miss your friends but you have new friends here to meet.” The teacher led Jayne to join a small group of girls reading in the book area. The teacher said to the group, “We have a new member of our class who would like to be your friend and read with you today. Her name is Jayne.” The children said, “Hello, Jayne.” The children made a place for her on the rug and they all started to read the books together.
Behavior One and Two Domains
The Behavior One that span two domains for the Middle Childhood Observation Report is
“After a few minutes, she started to cry and the teacher went over and asked her, “Why are you crying Jayne?” Jayne said, “Nobody likes me at this school and I miss my old friends.” The teacher then said, “I know you miss your friends but you have new friends here to meet.” Behavior One is an example of the social domain as well as cognitive domain.
Behavior One Domain One Quote for Typical Development
In this behavior example for the social domain, children in middle childhood, “peers become
increasingly important and they are aware of their classmate’s opinions, judgements and
accomplishments.” (Berger, pg. 395). In addition, “Most children learn in middle childhood how to be a good friend.” (Berger, pg. 396.)
Behavior One Analysis To a Quote for Typical Development
Children, who are new to a school situation, may feel lonely for familiar peers and frightened about fitting in with peers in the new setting. It is typical development for Jayne to miss her old friends as well as want to seek out new friendships. In middle childhood it is important for children to be accepted by their peers as well as to have friendships.
Behavior One Domain Two Quote for Typical Development
This behavior is also an example of cognitive development. “Children want to be liked and they learn faster as well as feel happier when they have friends.” (Berger, pg. 396). In addition, “Social comparison is a consequence of concrete operational thought.” (Berger, pg. 395) Concrete operational thought is Piaget’s term for “the ability to reason logically about direct experience and perceptions.” (Berger, pg. 351)
Behavior One Domain Two Analysis to Quote for Typical Development
By crying and expressing her feelings of missing her friends, Jayne is aware of the importance of having friends. According to the quotes about cognitive development in middle childhood, children who have friends learn faster. It is important then for Jayne to be able to adjust to her new school and be able to feel like she is part of a new social group. In this behavior domain Jayne is also demonstrating concrete operational thought that is characteristic for this age group. This behavior demonstrates that she is aware of what she is missing by not being able to see her old friends and the fact that she does not yet have friends in her new school.

Grading Rubric Description:
Writing Matters: The Writing Standard
Writing is a process. The more you practice the better you get. That means that you should never hand in a first writing as a final draft. Begin by just writing down your ideas freely as they come to you. Then organize them into paragraphs. Introduce your paper with a paragraph explaining what you are addressing. Then build your argument with well-organized paragraphs. Read the paper aloud. This will help you catch many of your mistakes like missing words or awkward incomplete or run on sentences. Check for spelling, capitalization and grammar. If you aren’t sure, use a dictionary or spell check on the computer. Remember that Bunker Hill offers tutorial support at the TASC and the Language Lab. Use these!! The final product must be neat and legible.
Check these areas to assure you are getting as many points for writing as possible.

  1. Paper is well organized with seven sections including an introductory paragraph and conclusion as required above. The paragraphs have a heading for the section listed in the outline for the report. Ideas are clearly expressed.
  2. Paragraphs hang together cohesively around one or two main points. Each paragraph for the analysis has at least four sentences.
  3. Sentences are complete and well structured. Capitalization follows standard rules.
  4. Spelling and punctuation is standard.
    Process for completing the report
    • Use the observation report form with the headings for the report listed above.
    • The report should be word processed
    • The paper must describe and discuss in detail each part for the sections of the paper as outlined above.
    • Write the child observation report using sentences and paragraphs and give as much detail as you are able with the material you have.
    • DO NOT COPY MATERIALS FROM ANOTHER SOURCE. This means not from the Internet, from other students, or another writing. This is plagiarism and is a serious academic offense. Use your own words to express your thoughts. You must document your quote from the text properly and any other information that have come from materials beyond the text or lessons. Use a consistent style to cite these sources. (Author Name, page, #) A reference list should be included at the end with complete information about the references. Students must use the course text for some of the quotes.
    • When you are finished with your report first PROOF READ the paper at least twice and fix any errors. This is after you have spell checked and grammar check it at least twice. Then consider the grading rubric below to be assured that you have completed the assignment as required.
    • You will be able to redraft the papers up to one time if there are difficulties with your writing or the concepts expressed in the papers. Due to the time constraints of the session, students will only be able to rewrite the first report. The edited report should be submitted up to 5 days after the due date. You will be notified after submission if you need to do an edit. The observation notes should be submitted ahead of the child observation report but will then be copied to the end of the child observation report form.
    • See the Specific Instructions for what to include in the Behavior and Domain paragraphs with the examples of the behavior, quote about typical development and an analysis of how the child’s behavior compares to the typical development. You will not be able to receive a passing grade if you do not include the quote and analysis for the behaviors in the domains.
    This rubric describes how you will be graded. Please use the rubric as a guide in writing your paper. Students must use the Child Observation Report Grading Form for the Report submission.
    The point value of each observation report is worth 65 points.
    ü The anecdotal notes are submitted and graded for credit and must include objective statements describing the child’s behavior written in complete sentences 15 points
    ü The report includes an Introduction that discusses the observation process as well as shares information about the child that is the subject of the observation. 2 points
    ü At least 3 examples of behavior observed that describe behaviors from two different developmental domains (3 behaviors @ 2 pts) 6 points
    ü A quote(s) from the text/resource specifically relates to the example(s) of behavior that you observed. Documentation must be included for where the quote was found. (6 quotes @ 3 pts each) 18 points
    ü A clear and detailed discussion that compares the behavior observed to the developmental patterns quoted. The analysis should be complete so that someone with no child development experience can understand it. (6@ 3 pts) 18 points
    ü Summary Closing Paragraph about the Child’s Growth and Development 4 points
    ü Resource List that includes specific information about the resources used for the quotes about typical development (i.e. text, author, publisher, date of publication) 2 Points
    ü Points will also be taken off for spelling or punctuation. Please edit your report by conducting a spell check prior to passing in the report.


Students who include more than the required 6 quotes for typical develop for the behavior domains will receive one extra credit for any additional quote up to 3 points for each observation. One point will be added for each additional quote that relates to the section on the child’s development in the domains being discussed. Quotes that are definitions for domains will not get extra credit. Students who pass in the report late will have 5 points taken from the total number of points. The second observation report will not be accepted for late submission as it is due during the last week of the course. Students will have the opportunity to edit the first observation report if the format has not been used or the student has issues related to the report content or writing.

Complete a 750-1,000-word action plan and supporting rationale based on the following scenario:
Mark is a Hispanic 8th grade student who has been identified as having an emotional/behavioral disorder, specifically Mood Disorder (Not otherwise specified). Currently, he participates in a general education inclusion classroom. During his annual IEP meeting, the team reviewed recent test scores and determined he qualifies
for the gifted program in the area of ELA only. He will continue to participate in the inclusion classroom for the remainder of his courses. He is very successful in all of his inclusion classes. Mrs. Stone, the gifted teacher, was not able to be present during the IEP meeting. She has never worked with a student who has an IEP before. Mark is the only Hispanic student in the gifted class, which tends to make him uncomfortable. He says the teacher does not include him in the classroom conversations and speaks abruptly to him, but not to the other students.
After one month of Mark being in the gifted class, Mrs. Stone has requested that a paraeducator be present to support Mark. The IEP team determined that this was necessary because in order to meet Mark’s needs. After the paraeducator was assigned, the principal did a walk through observation of the gifted classroom and he noticed that Mark was isolated in a corner and the teacher did not interact with him. In addition, the principal received a phone call from Mark’s parents stating Mrs. Stone told Mark, “You do not belong in this class!” Mark no longer wants to be in the class because he does not
feel welcome.
The principal has come to you, the special education teacher, for assistance with supporting Mrs. Stone and Mark in being successful. To assist the principal, create an action plan that includes goals and steps for achieving those goals and reporting progress.
Specifically, the action plan should include one over-arching long-term goal and a minimum of four short-term goals related to the following considerations:

  1. Communication and collaboration between teachers of the student, specifying positives in working with the student in their classrooms, as well as challenges that may arise as a result of the complex human issues that interact with the delivery of special education services.
  2. Collaborative coaching for the gifted teacher to include research-based instructional strategies and recommendations that acknowledge that diversity is a part of families, cultures, and schools.
  3. Collaborative coaching and guidance for the paraeductor with the intention of providing support to the gifted teacher and student.
  4. Evaluating the implementation of the action plan activities and reporting back to
  5. Communication strategies to use with the student’s parents that demonstrate elements of effective collaboration.
    Next, outline detailed action steps related to each identified goal utilizing the “Action Plan Template.”

Each activity should be consist on atleast 300 words

Choose a film that you have seen recently, and which you particularly enjoyed. Now find a friend or colleague who has seen the same film, and who hated it.
Discuss your views of that particular film. What factors (age, sex, background, education, interest, values and beliefs, political views, past experience) can you identify that explain the differences in perception between you and your friend or colleague?

Visit and take a look at the UK’s 50 best places to work, as well as the 100 best workplaces in Europe.
Find out what these companies do to motivate their staff ?
You need to answer three questions of a case study and i dont have that case study so i am going to attach a file in which you will find three questions and their answers,if you can answer those questions according to thier answers BUT in your own words,that will be great.(if you cannot answer these three questions then i can replace this activity with another one)

Watch the following video: (Ten Leadership Theories in 5 minutes)
Answer the following questions:

  1. What is the difference between trait and behaviour theories of leadership? are the theories valid?
    2.How can organisations select and develop effective leaders? provide 1 example.
    ACTIVITY 5 :

Answers the following questions:

  1. Identify three to five sustaining innovations that have affected you over the past year.
  2. Identify three to five disruptive innovations that have affected you. Did you welcome these innovations because they were Beneficial’s, or did you have cause to complain?

The principles of unity & variety apply to all music, regardless of compositional style or historical period.
Now that you are familiar with the concepts in the first section of the course (Basic Musical Concepts), and you have seen how they work on different pieces of music, try your hand, mouse, and ears at how they operate in a music selection that you may not have heard yet.
Cherry Pink and Apple Blossom White by Louiguy (4:08)
Your analysis should include:

  1. The number of different musical ideas in the piece (for example, can we say that there are two ideas A and B? Or is there only one?)
  2. The timings (start and stop times) of the different sections of the piece in a single vertical column that also shows the letter or label for the musical idea and the featured instrument along with any accompanying instruments. (Hint: Listen for changes in musical ideas and timbre, for example, points when different instruments come in or give way to others.)
  3. How unity and variety are exemplified in those sections through the use of:
    a) Dynamics: Where does the music get louder or softer? Is there any apparent reason for those changes?
    b) Timbre: Where do instruments take over the melody or a solo passage?
    c) Pitch: What is the general pitch level of the piece? Are there wide variations in pitch level?
  4. Although there are sections that feature one instrument over others, whether you think this is a piece for a solo performer or for an ensemble
  5. A list of the characteristics of the musical style closest to the one this piece exemplifies. (Hint: Look at the last lecture in the first section of the course)
  6. Whether you think this piece serves (or could serve) a specific purpose.
  7. Whether or not it has any specific connotation(s) for you.
    The classic jazz/pop song form is a 32-bar AABA form with each section lasting 8 bars. “Cherry Pink and Apple Blossom White” is typical of this classic jazz/pop song form. In many cases, the “main theme” corresponds to this AABA form and is then followed by a series of “solo” sections where various instruments take a solo over the harmonic background (chord changes) of the Main Theme. After the solo sections, the Main Theme usually comes back in. Have fun with this assignment which is a bit more upbeat than our other assignments.
    Your submission should include a detailed timeline in the form in a single vertical column with the corresponding timings for each section, a label for the musical idea for each of the timings (unless it’s an improvised solo section), and the instrument or instruments that are featured in each section. You will then discuss the aspects of Unity and Variety in two separate paragraphs below the timeline of the form.

The Bible has many verses about money, whether speaking of its importance or the potential for it to detract from our relationship with family, friends, or Him. However, our lives are reliant on the use of money to provide food, shelter, clothing, and other necessities. It is, therefore, imperative that we approach money management from a biblical perspective. Hebrews 13:5 (ESV) states, “Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for He has said, ‘I will never leave you nor forsake you.’”
In this Discussion Board, you will start by reading the document entitled “Simplifying the Money Conversation: The 4H Tool” provided in this week’s Assignments folder. Once you have thoroughly reviewed the document, write your Discussion Board Thread based on the following:
• Paragraph 1 – After reading the document, Which one of the 4 elements that Ron Blue presented (Heart, Habits, Health, or Hope) did you identify with most? Why did that particular element stand out to you? Do you see your money habits changing after learning more about biblical money management? This paragraph should be at least 150 words.
• Paragraph 2 – Choose a Bible verse or passage that discusses money other than the one provided above. Then, discuss how that Bible verse or passage relates to the 4Hs that Ron Blue describes. This paragraph should be at least 150 words.

ATI Maternal newborn 2019

  1. A nurse is assessing a newborn following a forceps assisted birth. Which of the following clinical manifestations should the nurse identify as a complication of the birth method?
    A. Hypoglycemia
    B. Polycythemia
    C. Facial Palsy
    D. Bronchopumonary dysplasia
  2. A nurse is providing teaching about terbutaline to a client who is experiencing preterm labor. Which of the following statement by client indicates an understanding of the teaching?
    “The medication could cause me to experience heart paptation”
    “This medication could cause me to experience blurred vision”
    “This medication could cause me to experience ringing in my ears”
    “This medication could cause me to experience frequent …”
  3. A nurse is caring for a client who has hyperemesis gravidarum. Which of the following laboratory tests should the nurse anticipate?
    Urine Ketones
    Rapid plasma regain
    Prothrombin time
    Urine culture
  4. A nurse is caring for a client who is in labor and requests nonpharmacological pain management. Which of the following nursing actions promotes client comfort?
    A. Assisting the client into squatting position
    B. Having the client lie in a supine position
    C. Applying fundal pressure during contractions
    D. Encouraging the client to void every 6 hr
  5. A nurse caring for a client who is at 20 weeks of gestation and has trichomoniasis. Which of the following findings should the nurse expect?
    A. Thick, White Vaginal Discharge
    B. Urinary Frequency
    C. Vulva Lesions
    D. Malodorous Discharge
  6. A nurse is caring for a client who is 14 weeks of gestation. At which the following locations should the nurse place the Doppler device when assessing the fetal heart rate?
    A. Midline 2 to 3 cm (0.8 to 1.2 in) above the symphysis pubis
    B. Left Upper Abdomen
    C. Two fingerbreadths above the umbilicus
    D. Lateral at the Xiphoid Process
    8.A nurse is assessing a client who is at 27 weeks of gestation and has preeclampsia. Which of the following findings should the nurse report to the provider?
    A. Urine protein concentration 200 mg/ 24 hr
    B. Creatnine 0.8 mg/ dL
    C. Hemoglobin 14.8 g/ dL
    D. Platelet Count 60.000/ mm3
  7. A nurse is teaching about clomiphene citrate to a client who is experiencing infertility. Which of the following adverse effect should the nurse include?
    A. Tinnitus
    B. Urinary Frequency
    C. Breast Tenderness
    D. Chills
  8. A nurse is assessing a newborn upon admission to the nursery. Which of the following should the nurse expect?
    A. Bulging Fontanels
    B. Nasal Flaring
    C. Length from head to heel of 40 cm (15.7 in)
    D. Chest circumference 2 cm (0.8 in) smaller than the head circumference
  9. A nurse is planning care for a newborn who has neonatal abstinence syndrome. Which of the following interventions should the nurse include in the plan of care.
    A. Increase the newborn’s visual stimulation
    B. Weigh the newborn every other day
    C. Discourage parental interaction until after a social evaluation
    D. Swaddle the newborn in a flexed position
  10. A nurse is caring for a newborn who is 6 hr old and has a bedside glucometer reading of 65 mg/ dL. The newborn’s mother has type 2 diabetes mellitus. Which of the following actions should the nurse take?
    A. Obtain a blood sample for a serum glucose level
    B. Feed the newborn immediately
    C. Administer 50 mL of dextrose solution IV
    D. Reassess the blood glucose level prior to the next feeding
  11. A nurse is providing teaching to a client about exercise safety during pregnancy. Which of the following statements by the client indicates an understanding of the teaching? (Select all that apply).
    A. “I will limit my time in the hot tub to 30 minutes after exercise.”
    B. “I should consume three 8-ounce glasses of water after I exercise.”
    C. “I will check my heart rate every 15 minutes during exercise sessions.”
    D. “I should limit exercise sessions to 30 minutes when the weather is humid.”
    E. “I should rest by lying on my side for 10 minutes following exercise.”
  12. A charge nurse is teaching a group of staff nurses about fetal monitoring during labor. Which of the following findings should the charge nurse instruct the staff members to report to the provider?
    A. Contraction durations of 95 to 100 seconds
    B. Contraction frequency of 2 to 3 min apart
    C. Absent early deceleration of fetal heart rate
    D. Fetal heart rate is 140/min
  13. A nurse in a woman’s health clinic is obtaining a health history from a client. Which of the following findings should the nurse identify as increasing the client’s risk for developing pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)?
    A. Recurrent Cystitis
    B. Frequent Alcohol Use
    C. Use of Oral Contraceptives
    D. Chlamydia Infection
  14. A nurse is teaching a prenatal class about immunizations that newborns receive following birth. Which of the following immunizations should the nurse include in the teaching?
    A. Hepatitis B
    B. Rotavirus
    C. Pneumococcal
    D. Varicella
  15. A nurse is providing nutritional guidance to a client who is pregnant and follows a vegan diet. The client asks the nurse which foods she should eat to ensure adequate calcium intake. The nurse should instruct the client that which of the following foods has the highest amount of calcium?
    A. ½ cup cubed avocado
    B. 1 large banana
    C. 1 medium potato
    D. 1 cup cooked broccoli
  16. A nurse in a provider’s office is assessing a client at her first antepartum visit. The client states that the first day of her last menstrual period was March 8. Use Nagele’s rule to calculate the estimated date of delivery. (Use the MMDD format with four numerals and no spaces or punctuation.)
  17. A nurse is caring for a client who is in the second stage of labor. Which of the following manifestations should the nurse expect?
    A. The client expels the placenta
    B. The client experiences gradual dilation of the cervix
    C. The client begins have regular contractions.
    D. The client delivers the newborn
  18. A nurse is assessing a client who is at 37 weeks of gestation. Which of the following statement by the client requires immediate intervention by the nurse?
    A. “It burns when I urinate
    B. “My feet are really swollen today”.
    C. “I didn’t have lunch today, but I have breakfast this morning”.
  19. A nurse is providing discharge teaching to a new parent about car seat safety. Which of the following statements by the parent indicates an understanding of the teaching?
    A. “I should position my baby’s car seat at a 45 degree angle in the car.”
    B. “I should place the car seat rear facing until my baby is 12 months old.”
    C. “I should place the harness snugly in a slot above my baby’s sholders.”
    D. “I should position the retainer clip at the top of my baby’s abdomen.”
  20. A nurse is developing an educational program about hermolytic diseases in newborns for a group of newly licensed nurses. Which of the following genetic information should the nurse include in the program as a cause of hermolytic disease?
    A. The mother is Rh positive and the father is Rh negative
    B. The mother is Rh negative and the father is Rh positive
    C. The mother and the father are both Rh positive
    D. The mother and the father are both Rh negative
  21. A nurse on an antepartum unit is reviewing the medical records for four clients. Which of the following clients should the nurse assess first?
    A. A client who has diabetes mellitus and an HbA1c of 5.8%
    B. A client who has preeclampsia and a creatinine level of 1.1 mg/ dL
    C. A client who has hyperemesis gravidarum and a sodium level of 110 mEq/L
    D. A client who has placenta previa and a hematocrit of 36%
    E. “I have been seeing spot this morning”
  22. A nurse is assessing a newborn immediately following a vaginal birth. For which of the following findings should the nurse intervene?
    a. Molding
    b. Vernix Caseosa
    d.Sternal retractions
  23. A nurse on the postpartum unit is caring for four clients. For which of the following clients should the nurse notify the provider?
    A client who has a urinary output of 300 ml in 8 hr
    A client who reports abdominal cramping during breastfeeding
    A client who is receiving magnesium sulfate and has absent deep tendon reflexes
    A client who reports lochia rubra requiring changing perineal pads every 3 hr
  24. A nurse is caring for a client who has active genital herpes simplex virus type 2. Which of the following medications should the nurse plan to administer?
  25. A nurse is caring for a client following an amniocentesis. The nurse should observe the client for which of the following complications?
  26. A nurse is planning care for a client who is receiving oxytocin by continuous IV infusion for labor induction. Which of the following interventions should the nurse include in the plan?
    Increase the infusion rate every 30 to 60 min.
    Maintain the client in a supine position.
    Titrate the infusion rate by 4 milliunits/min.
    Limit IV intake to 4 L per 24 hr.
  27. A nurse is caring for a 2-day-old newborn who was born at 35 weeks of gestation. Which of the following actions should the nurse the nurse takes? (Click on the “Exhibit” Button for additional information about the newborn. There are three tabs that contain separate categories of date.)
    Administer nitric oxide inhalation therapy to the newborn
    Insert an orogastric decompression tube with low wall suction.
    Provide the newborn with an iron-rich formula containing vitamin B12 every 2 hr.
    Measure the aadbominal circumference at the level of the newborn’s umbilicus every 2 hr.
  28. A nurse is caring for a client who is receiving oxytocin for induction of labor and notes late decelerations of the fetal heart rate on the monitor Tracing. Which of the following action should the nurse take?
    Decrease maintenance IV solution infusion rate.
    Place the client in lateral position.
    Administer misoprostol 25 mcg vaginally
    Administer oxygen via face mask at 2 L/min
  29. A nurse is planning care for a client who is pregnant and has HIV. Which of the following actions should the nurse include in the plan of care?
    Instruct the client to stop taking the antiretroviral medication at 32 weeks of gestation.
    Use a fetal scalp electrode during labor and delivery.
    Administer a pneumococcal immunization to the newborn within 4 hr following birth.
    Bathe the newborn before initiating skin-to-skin contact
  30. A nurse is preparing to administer methylergonovine 0.2 mg orally to a client who is 2 hr postpartum and has a boggy uterus. For which of the following assessment findings should the nurse withhold the medication?
    Blood pressure 142/92 mm Hg
    Urine output 100 mL in hr
    Pulse 58/min
    Respiratory rate 14/min
  31. A nurse is reviewing laboratory results for client who is pregnant. The Nurse should expect which of the following laboratory values to increase?
    RBC count
    Fasting blood glucose
  32. A nurse is caring for a client who is experiencing preterm labor and has a prescription for 4 doses of dexamethasone 6 mg IM 12 hr. Available in dexamethasome 10 mg/mL. How mane mL of dexamethasome should the nurse administer per dose? (Round the answer to the nearest tenth. Use a leading zero if it applies. Do not use trailing zero.)
  33. A nurse is caring for four clients. For which of the following clients should the nurse auscultate the fetal heart rate during the prenatal visit?
    A. A client who has an ultrasound that confirms a molar pregnancy
    B. A client who has a crown-rump length of 7 weeks gestation
    C. A client who has a positive urine pregnancy test 1 week after missed menses
    D. A client who has felt quickening for the first time
  34. A nurse is planning care for a full-term newborn who is receiving phototherapy. Which of the following actions should the nurse include in the plan of care?
    A. Dress the newborn in lightweight clothing.
    B. Avoid using lotion or ointment on the newborn skin.
    C. Keep the newborn supine throughout treatment
    D. Measure the newborn’s temperature every 8hr
  35. A nurse is receiving laboratory results for a term newborn who is 24 hr old. Which of the following results require intervention by the nurse?
    A. WBC count 10,000/mm3
    B. Platelets 180,000/mm3
    C. Hemoglobin 20g/dL
    D. Glucose 20 mg/dL
  36. A nurse is assessing a client following an amniocentesis. Which of the following findings should the nurse recognize as complications? ( select all that apply).
    A. Amnionitis
    B. Urinary tract infection
    C. Polyhydramnios
    D. Leakage of amniotic fluid
    E. Preterm labor
  37. A nurse on a labor and delivery unit is receiving infection control standards with a newly licensed nurse. The nurse should instruct the newly licensed nurse to don gloves for which of the following procedures?
    A. Assisting a mother with breastfeeding
    B. Performing a newborn’s initial bath
    C. Administering the measles, mumps, rubella vaccine
    D. Performing umbilical cord care
  38. A nurse is providing teaching to a client who has mild preeclampsia and will be caring for herself at home during the last 2months of pregnancy . This of the following statements by the client indicates an understanding of the teaching.
    A. “I will count baby’s lacks every other day.
    B. “I will alternate the arm use to check my blood pressure.
    D. I will consume 50 grams of protein daily
  39. A nurse is caring for four newborns. Which of the following newborns should the nurse assess first?
    A. newborn who has nasal flaring
    B. newborn who has subconjunctival hemorrhage of the left ey
    C. A newborn who has overlapping suture lines
    D. A newborn who has not rust-stained urine
  40. A nurse is reviewing the electronic medical record of a postpartum client. The nurse should identify that which of the following factors paces the client at risk for infection.
    A. Meconium – start fluid
    B. placenta previa
    C. Midline episiotomy
    D. Gestational hypertension
  41. A nurse is caring for a client who is 4hr postpartum and is experiencing hypovolemic shock. Which of the following actions should the nurse take?
    A. Administer indomethacin
    B. Insert a second using a 22 gauge IV catheter,
    C. Insert an indwelling urinary catheter.
    D. Administer oxygen at 4L/min via nasal cannula.
  42. A nurse is teaching a client who is 28 weeks of gestation and not up-to date on current immunization. Which of the following immunizations should the nurse inform the client to anticipate receiving following birth.
    A. Pneumococcal
    B. Hepatitis
    C. Human papillomavirus
    D. Rubella
  43. A nurse is caring for a newborn who is 24 hr old. Which of the following Laboratory findings should the nurse report to the provider?
    A. Hgb 20 g/dL
    B. Bilirubin 2mg/dL
    C. Platelets 200 .000/mm3
    WBC count 32.000/mm3
  44. A nurse is caring for newborn who is 1 hr old and has a respiratory rate of 50/min, a heart rate of 130/min, and an auxiliary temperature of 36.1*C (97F). Which of the following actions should the nurse take?
    A. Give the newborn a warm bath.
    B. Apply a cap to the newborn head.
    C. Reposition the newborn.
    D. Obtain an oxygen saturation level
  45. A nurse is planning care for a newborn who is scheduled to start phototherapy using a lamp. Which of the following actions should the nurse include in the plan?
    A. Apply a thin layer of lotion to the newborn skin every 8 hrs.
    B. Give the newborn 1oz of glucose water every 4 hrs
    C. Ensure the newborn eyes are closed beneath the shield.
    D. Dress the newborn in a thin layer of clothing during therapy
  46. A nurse is caring for a client following a vaginal delivery of a term fetal demise. Which of the following statement should the nurse make?
    A. “You can bathe and dress your baby if you’d like to.”
    B. “If you don’t hold the baby it will make letting go much harder.”
    C. “You should name the baby so she can have an identity.”
    D. “I’m sure you will be able to have another baby when you’re ready.”
  47. A nurse is providing teaching to a client who is at 38 weeks of gestation and has a prescription to receive misoprostol intravaginally. Which of the following statement should the nurse make?
    A. “you will need to stay in a side-lying position for 30 minutes after each dose.”
    B. “You will receive an IV infusion of oxytocin 1 hour after your last dose.”
    C.” You will receive a magnesium supplement immediately following therapy.”
    D.” You will need to have a full bladder before the therapy begins.”
  48. A nurse is assessing a newborn who was born Postterm. Which of the following findings should the nurse expect?
    A. Nails extending over tips of fingers
    B. Large deposits of subcutaneous fat
    C. Pale, translucent skin
    D. Thin covering of fine hair on shoulders and back
  49. A nurse is planning to teach a group of clients who are about breastfeeding after returning to work .Which of the following infection should the nurse include in the teaching?
    A. “Thawed breast milk can be refrigerated for up to 72 hours.”
    B. “Breast milk can be stored in a deep freezer for 12 months.”
    C. Breast milk can be stored at room temperature for up to 12 hours.”
    D. “Thawed breast milk that is unused can be refrozen.”
  50. A nurse on postpartum unit caring for four clients. Which of the following clients should receive Rh,(D) Immune globulin to prevent Rh- is immunization?
    A. An Rh negative mother who has an Rh- positive infant
    B. An Rh –positive mother who has an Rh- negative infant
    C. An Rh-positive mother who has an Rh- positive infant
    D. An Rh- negative mother who has an Rh- negative infant
  51. A nurse is caring for an infant who has signs of neonatal abstinence syndrome. Which of the following actions should the nurse take?
    A. Provide a stimulating environment
    B. Monitor blood glucose level every hr.
    C. Intiate seizure precautions.
    D. Place the infants on his back with legs extended.
  52. A nurse is reviewing signs of effective breathing with a client who is 5 days postpartum. Which of the following information should the nurse include in the teaching?
    A. “You should feel a tugging sensation when the baby is sucking.
    B. You should expect your baby to have two to three wet diapers in 24hour period
    C. “Your baby’s urine should appear dark and concentrated”.
    D. “Your breast should stay firm after the baby breastfeeds”.
  53. A nurse is teaching a client who is at 41 weeks of gestation about a non stress test. Which of the following information should the nurse include in the teaching?
    A. “This test will confirm fetal lung maturity “.
    B. “This test will determine adequacy of placental perfusion”.
    C. “This test will detect fetal infection”.
    D. “This test will predict maternal readiness for labor”.
  54. A nurse on the labor and delivery unit is assessing four clients. Which of the following clients is a candidate for an induction of labor with misoprostol?
    A. A client who has active genital herpes
    B. A client who has gestational diabetes mellitus
    C. A client who has a previous uterine incision
    D. A client who has placenta previa
  55. A nurse is monitoring a client who has preeclampsia and is receiving magnesium sulfate by continuous IV infusion. Which of the following findings should the nurse reports to the provider?
    A. Blood pressure 148/94mm Hg
    B. Respiratory rate 14mm
    C. Urinary output 20 mL/hr
    D. 2+deep tendon reflexes
  56. A nurse is caring for a client who is in the transition phase of labor and reports a pain level of 7 on a scale of 0 to 10. Which of the following actions should the nurse take?
    A. Instruct the client to use effleurage
    B. Apply counter pressure to the client sacral.
    C. Assist the client with patterned-paced breathing.
    D. Teach the client the technique of biofeedback.
  57. A nurse is caring for newborn immediately following birth and notes a large amount of mucus in the newborn’s mouth and nose. Identify the sequence the nurse should follow when performing suction with a bulb syringe. (Move the streps into the box on the placing them in the selected order of performance. Use all the streps.)
    Assess the newborn for reflex bradycardia.
    Compress the bulb syringe
    Place the bulb syringe in the newborn’s mouth.
    Use the bulb syringe to suction the newborn’s nose.
  58. A community health nurse is providing education on gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) to a group of clients who are pregnant when discussing risk factors, which of the following ethnicities should the nurse identify as having the lowest incidence of GDM?
    A. Asian
    B. Non-Hispanic White American
    C. Hispanic
    D. African American
  59. A nurse is assessing a client who is at 37 weeks of gestation. Which of the following statement by the client requires immediate intervention by the nurse?
    A. “It burns when I urinate
    B. “My feet are really swollen today”.
    C. “I didn’t have lunch today, but I have breakfast this morning”.
    D. “I have been seeing spot this morning”
  60. A nurse is providing teaching about expected changes during pregnancy to a client who is at 24 weeks of gestation. Which of the following information should the nurse include?
    A. “Your stomach will empty rapidly”
    B. “You should expect your uterus to double in size”
    C. “You should anticipate nasal stuffiness.”
    D. “Your nipples will become lighter in color”.
  61. A nurse is teaching a prenatal class regarding false labor. Which of the following information should the nurse include?
    A. “your contraction will become more intense when walking”
    B. “you will have dilation and effacement of the cervix”
    C. You will have bloody show”
    D. “Your contraction will become temporally regular”
  62. A nurse is caring for a client who is receiving an epidural block with an opioid analgesic. The nurse should monitor for which of the following findings as an adverse effect of the medication?
    A. Hypnosis
    B. Polyuria
    C. Bilateral crackles
  63. A nurse is caring for a client who is receiving prenatal care and is at her 24-week appointment. Which of the following laboratory tests should the nurse plans to conduct?
    A. Group B strep culture
    B.1-hr glucose tolerance test
    c. Rubella titer
    D. Blood type and Rh
  64. A nurse is caring for a client who has bacterial vaginosis. Which of the following medication should the nurse expect to administer?
    A. Metronidale
    B. Fluconazole
    C. Acyclovir
  65. A nurse is caring for a client who is experiencing sore nipples from breastfeeding. Which of the following actions should the nurse take?
    A. Place a snug dressing on the client’s nipple when not breastfeeding.
    B.Eusure the newborn’s mouth is wide open before latching to the breast.
    C. Encourage t
    D. Instruct the client to begin the feeding with the nipple that is most tender.
  66. A nurse is assessing a preterm newborn who is at 32 weeks of gestation. Which of the following finding should the nurse expect?
    A. Minimal arm recoil
    B. Popliteal angle of less than 90
    C. Creases over the entire sole
    D. Sparse lanugo
  67. A nurse on a labor and delivery unit is providing teaching to a client who plans to use hypnosis to control labor pain. Which of the following information should the nurse include?
    A. Focusing on controlling body functions
    B. “Synchronized breathing will be required during hypnosis”
    C. “Hypnosis can be beneficial in you practiced it during the prenatal period”
    D. “Hypnosis does not work for controlling pain associated with labor”.

The primary goal of your last assignment is to reflect on what you have learned about yourself as a result of this class and how you will use this knowledge to succeed in future courses. Reflecting on your thoughts, feelings, and actions and making appropriate connections will help you plan for your future success.
Review the Model Essay document in the online classroom. Use the sample as a guide to complete your own. Then, in a five-paragraph essay that is three to four pages in length, address the following:
• Paragraph 1: Learning at the college level involves accumulating experiences, growing through feedback, exchanging ideas, and revisiting learning challenges. How can awareness of your Learning Patterns, skills, and experiences help you be competitive in your chosen career?
• Paragraph 2: In Week 1, you explored the concept of mindset. In the Week 5 Instructor Guidance, this concept was revisited as you explored how it can be applied outside an academic setting. What does it mean for you to have a growth mindset? Aside from being a student, consider other roles that you have (parent, employee, manager, etc.) and choose one. How can having a growth mindset help you further develop and positively impact others in the role you chose?
• Paragraph 3: Thinking, reading and writing critically are essential skills that contribute to academic, personal, and professional success. For this paragraph, choose either critical reading or critical writing and address the following – Identify two specific strategies to enhance your critical reading skills OR your critical writing skills. Select strategies presented in Chapter 4 and explain how you will apply each of the strategies both in and outside the classroom. Finally, describe how academic integrity is supported by critical thinking, critical reading, and critical writing.
• Paragraph 4: Metacognition refers to your internal talk or, as Vygotsky described it, “learning to direct one’s own mental processes with the aid of words.” Throughout this course, you have engaged in a metacognitive forum that challenged you to think about how you processed the learning from the previous week. Describe how you approached the metacognitive forums. How did your approach change from week to week? How was value added to your learning process by participating in the metacognitive forums? Explain how continuing to complete these reflective sentence starters can enrich your learning.
• Paragraph 5: Reflect on the past five weeks. What were your expectations when you began this course? Were they met? Why or why not. If you could change one thing about this course, what would it be? Considering the course content, online learning platform, and interactions with your peers and instructor, what advice would you give to someone who is just starting this course to maximize their learning experience?
This assignment must be double spaced, written in Times New Roman 12-pt. font, and submitted to Waypoint as a Microsoft Word document.

In this transcription assignment, you will demonstrate your ability to apply advanced counseling skills, theory, and critical analysis. After conducting the video recording for observation 2, select a 15-minute segment of that session to transcribe for this assignment. This segment can be one that you find critical or necessary to analyze for your growth as a counselor-in training. Please transcribe verbatim (continuous) in the template provided. Include 1) Verbatim transcription of a 15-minute video for observation #2, 2) analyze each column for skills and competencies, 3) analysis of critical thinking, and 4) evaluation of responses
100 points.
You must watch the counseling video that was recorded with the student in order to complete this assignment. The 13 year old student is always getting in trouble with her mother for breaking the house rules. Her mother expects her to act older and be more responsible. She occasionally gets angry and punches her pillows.

Mark 8:29 Worksheet
Please address each question below with complete sentences and clear, specific explanation. The total word count (including all questions and answers combined) should be between 900-1400 words. For questions one and two, use a total of one to three resources, in addition to the Bible. Include sources in the reference list at the end of the assignment. If you have your own Bible commentary, you may use that, or use the sources in the “Other Biblical Sources on the Internet” found in the topic materials.
Sample citation:
Keener, C. S. (n.d.). IVP New Testament Commentary Series: Matthew. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press. Retrieved from

  1. Select one teaching of Jesus from one of the following Bible verses (underline the passage chosen): Matthew 5:21-24; Matthew 5:43-48; Matthew 6:19-24; Matthew 7:15-23; Luke 15:1-32; John 13:1-17, 34-35; John 15:1-11. Answer the following questions:
    a. What was Jesus’ point in the teaching?
    b. What sort of relevance does this teaching have for other worldviews?
    c. What does this teaching reveal about Jesus?
  2. Identify at least one claim that Jesus made about his nature and/or the purpose of his ministry (such as in Matthew 9:1-8; Matt 9:9-13; Luke 7:18-23; John 5:16-18; John 10:25-38; or John 14:5-11). Underline the passage chosen. What is the significance of this claim?
  3. How would you personally answer Jesus’ question, “But who do you say that I am?” (Mark 8:29 ESV). Describe your own beliefs about Jesus.

As the book explains, “Vincent, Cari, and Duane all lack an understanding of how to be mindful, intentional learners. …they are not headed for success, because they lack a personalized set of study strategies. Each [student] requires skills to turn their internal thoughts (metacognition) into external actions (personalized learning techniques).” For this journal, you will explain what they could have done to be successful and identify personalized learning techniques to be more intentional learners. You will also identify personal learning techniques to help you be a more intentional learner.
To prepare for this journal, return to Chapter 3 and review Sections 3.1 and 3.4, paying careful attention to Tables 3.10-3.12. Then, download the Personal Learning Strategies Journal Reflection template and respond to each section. Save the completed template to your computer and upload it to Waypoint. Be sure to double check that it was properly saved and uploaded successfully.
Submit your work below using Waypoint and verify your submission was successful.
Late Policy: Waypoint assignments are due on the specified days in the course. Waypoint assignments will be subject to a late penalty of up to 10% per day up to three days late. If Waypoint assignments are submitted after 72 hours past the due date, instructors can give a penalty up to and including a grade of 0 for the assignment.
Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

Part 1

1.How did you score on the assessment, and what was your initial reaction to your score and interpretation?

2.Remember that even excellent leaders have room for improvement. Consider two areas you scored low on and research ways to help you grow in those areas. What can you do to improve your score?

3.Think of someone you consider to be an excellent leader. What characteristics does this person possess that cause you to perceive him or her as an excellent leader? Does your definition of what makes this person a good leader coincide with the characteristics presented to you in Unit 1?

Part 2
You are an up and coming leader in your organization. You have worked hard for years and are well-liked by management because you are dedicated and trustworthy. Recently, you were privy to a confidential meeting where the CEO announced that layoffs are likely to happen within the next 4 months. One of the names on the list is your longtime friend and subordinate, Sarah. You have maintained the confidentiality of the meeting for over a month now, but Sarah has just confided in you that she and her husband are considering buying a much larger house with a much higher house payment. You know that Sarah’s income will be imperative to this purchase.

  1. What do you do?
  2. Is the decision about whether to tell Sarah about the impending layoffs an ethical one? If so, in what ways?
  3. Is it ever ok to lie to an employee? What factors go into this decision-making process?


  1. A firm has many goals and a set of _ that shape the achievement of the goals.
  2. The difference between goals and objectives is that goals are _ and objectives are _.
  3. The five stage strategic management process is comprised of mission and vision, objectives, strategy formulation, , and .
  4. Cinnabon and Kopi Luwak are examples of a _ strategy.
  5. Checkers Drive In and Redbox are examples of a _ strategy.
  6. Strategic leadership is about _ in the process of exploiting opportunities.
  7. Ken Olson of DEC failed to _ the change occurring in the industry, focused too much on engineering precision, and brought about the downfall of the company.
  8. Organizational change is any _ that requires a change in _ .
  9. Strategic leaders can mitigate people-oriented resistance to change by __.
  10. Leaders can mitigate take-oriented resistance to change by aligning _.
  11. Segmentation is the process of dividing a _ market into _ clusters, each of which have some common characteristics.
  12. Positioning maps show __ of brands versus competing brands on important buying decisions.
  13. Which of the following is most likely to lead to customer loyalty?
    Reducing the effort required by customers
  14. Service quality is characterized by intangibility, heterogeneity, and _.
  15. Service quality is a comparison between _ and _.
  16. The three key elements of enterprise performance management are __, processes, and people.
  17. A low performance orientation with low psychological safety leads to _.
  18. A low performance orientation with high psychological safety leads to _.
  19. A strategy map outlines the _ along each of the four dimensions of the balanced scorecard.
  20. Supply Chain Management flows are comprised of product or service flows, data and information flows, and __.
  21. The three step continuous improvement methodology is comprised of Assess, , and .
  22. The Japanese Method of continuous improvement is called __.
  23. At the heart of the Six Sigma is the __ process.
  24. DMAIC is an acronym for Define, Measure, Analyze, , and _.
  25. The focus of Lean is a bias for _ while the focus of Six Sigma is a bias for _.
  26. Inbound logistics is sometimes synonymously used with _.
  27. Operations refers to the transformation process of converting _ into __.
  28. In terms of value chain integration, leadership provides the mission, vision, , and .
  29. In terms of the value chain concept, the ultimate differentiator is __.
  30. Firms following a differentiation strategy need to focus on __.
    Innovation and marketing
  31. _ is a support activity of the value chain.
  32. While evaluating alternatives, one needs to look at whether the proposed course of action is legal, ethical, , and _.
  33. Organizations are generally good at strategy_____ but fail at strategy __.
    Formulation; implementation
  34. According to Ansoff, a firm that introduces new products into new markets is engaged in____.
  35. Suppose INTEL acquires its competitor AMD. This would be an example of _.
    Horizontal integration
  36. Return on investment in the realm of quality denotes the ratio of _ to _ resulting from the improvement initiatives.
  37. The three major perspectives along which segmentation is carried out are demographic, _ and __.
  38. People resist change due to several factors. One of the factors is the perception that change _.
  39. An adaptive strategic leader combines resoluteness with _.
  40. APPLE having their showrooms and retail outlets with experts to help customers is an example of______.
  41. Helpful techniques to define a problem are flow charts to depict the process and __ to identify the root cause.
  42. The ultimate goal of an organization is to _ and _ value its customers.
    Create; provide
  43. __ and the willingness to share information in time is a critical success factor in business.
  44. __ is a primary activity of the value chain.
  45. __ leadership is about positively impacting others through clear vision, stretch goals, personal example, humility, and intellectual stimulation.
  46. The components of the PDCA cycle are , , , and _.
  47. The concepts of supply chain management and __ go together.
    Just in time
  48. Givenchy and Rolex are examples of a _ strategy.
  49. Competitive rivalry is high in industries with a _ number of _ players.
  50. Lean processes focus on __ and support Six Sigma processes.
  51. A performance orientated system embedded in an organizational culture of __ leads to a learning environment.
  52. Quality can be considered to be the __ at the start of use of a product or service.
  53. A copper producing company acquiring copper ore mines to ensure a steady supply of raw materials is pursuing a _ strategy.
  54. By focusing on cost drivers, Activity Based Costing isolates activities that_____.
  55. Optimizing an enterprise’s strategic value is dependent on the _ between various levels and across domains.
  56. Strategic leaders challenge the _.
  57. Firms such as eBay and Tophatter offer a __ value proposition.
  58. Performance management provides the _ and _ integration of different elements that make up an organization.
  59. Who are an organization’s internal customers?
    Employees whose work is impacted by or dependent on the work of others in the organization.
  60. To be instruments for purposeful change, strategy maps should be part of _.
  61. The Balanced Scorecard Links organizational vision and strategy to financial, internal process, organizational capacity and __.
  62. The firm attempts to achieve its goal through a combination of resources and _.
  63. A compelling unique value or unique selling proposition is the building block of _.
  64. _ refers to the state of a product or service after an interval of time.
  65. The ability to manufacture a small number of units without increasing costs is a feature of _.
  66. Southwest Airlines has consistently followed a __ strategy.
  1. A(n) _ is a set of integrated parts or processes working towards a common objective.
  2. Strategic leaders can prepare people for change through _.
  3. If we remove all technicalities, performance management is all about _.
  4. Today’s competitive environment is characterized by rapid change, _, and ambiguity.
  5. When leaders are unable to achieve competitive advantage through either cost leadership or differentiation, the organization _.
  6. A fearless analysis of organizational failures – What happened? What should have happened? Where did we go wrong? – leads to __.
  7. Abell’s framework provides a valuable understanding of the , , and of business.
  8. Quality reduces waste and network thereby reducing costs. A perception of superior quality allows the firm a _ price relative to its competitors.

IEP Goals Sample
Elementary Individualized Education Program (IEP)
Measureable Annual Goals, Progress Report
Directions: Use this sample as a guide for all of the key elements of a correctly written goal. This sample will help you with the IEP Goals assignment and the Final IEP assignment. This sample should not be replicated within your IEP Goals assignment or Final IEP assignment.


GOAL: By the next annual review [remember this is a full calendar year], when given a reading at the 2nd grade level [always be specific about the grade/level of words/reading/problem], Elli [always include the student’s name] will correctly answer 80% [include the percentage of accuracy] or higher on an assessment of reading comprehension in 4 of 5 trials [always include the number of trials, as one assessment can look very different from an average of assessments].

Write the SOL number related to this goal: Refer to the English Standards of Learning

How will progress toward these annual goals be measured? (Check all that apply)

_ Classroom Participation Checklist
Class work Homework
Observation Special Projects
Tests and Quizzes Written Reports
Criterion-referenced test:____________

_ Norm-referenced test: ______________



Write the SOL number related to this goal:

How will progress toward these annual goals be measured? (Check all that apply)

_ Classroom Participation Checklist
Class work Homework
Observation Special Projects
Tests and Quizzes Written Reports
Criterion-referenced test:____________

_ Norm-referenced test: ______________



Write the SOL number related to this goal:

How will progress toward these annual goals be measured? (Check all that apply)

_ Classroom Participation Checklist
Class work Homework
Observation Special Projects
Tests and Quizzes Written Reports
Criterion-referenced test:____________

_ Norm-referenced test: ______________
English Standards of Learning for Virginia Public Schools – January 2010 Grade Two Reading continues to be a priority in second grade. The student will be immersed in an environment filled with fiction and nonfiction texts, which relate to all areas of the curriculum and interest. The student will expand vocabulary by speaking and listening effectively in classroom discussions, use a combination of strategies when reading, and read familiar selections with fluency and expression. The student will learn comprehension strategies for fiction and nonfiction texts. The student will be asked to identify main ideas, to make and confirm predictions, and to formulate questions about learning in all subjects, with emphasis on materials that reflect the Standards of Learning in mathematics, science, and history and social science. The student will write stories, letters, and simple explanations; apply simple grammatical principles to writing; and locate information in reference materials. Oral Language 2.1 The student will demonstrate an understanding of oral language structure. a) Create oral stories to share with others. b) Create and participate in oral dramatic activities. c) Use correct verb tenses in oral communication. d) Use increasingly complex sentence structures in oral communication. e) Begin to self-correct errors in language use. 2.2 The student will expand understanding and use of word meanings. a) Increase listening and speaking vocabularies. b) Use words that reflect a growing range of interests and knowledge. c) Clarify and explain words and ideas orally. d) Identify and use synonyms and antonyms. e) Use vocabulary from other content areas. 2.3 The student will use oral communication skills. a) Use oral language for different purposes: to inform, to persuade, to entertain, to clarify, and to respond. b) Share stories or information orally with an audience. c) Participate as a contributor and leader in a group. d) Retell information shared by others. e) Follow three- and four-step directions. f) Give three- and four-step directions. 2.4 The student will orally identify, produce, and manipulate various units of speech sounds within words. a) Count phonemes (sounds) within one-syllable words. b) Blend sounds to make one-syllable words. c) Segment one-syllable words into individual speech sounds (phonemes). d) Add or delete phonemes (sounds) to make words. e) Blend and segment multisyllabic words at the syllable level. 1 English Standards of Learning for Virginia Public Schools – January 2010 Reading 2.5 The student will use phonetic strategies when reading and spelling. a) Use knowledge of consonants, consonant blends, and consonant digraphs to decode and spell words. b) Use knowledge of short, long, and r-controlled vowel patterns to decode and spell words. c) Decode regular multisyllabic words. 2.6 The student will use semantic clues and syntax to expand vocabulary when reading. a) Use information in the story to read words. b) Use knowledge of sentence structure. c) Use knowledge of story structure and sequence. d) Reread and self-correct. 2.7 The student will expand vocabulary when reading. a) Use knowledge of homophones. b) Use knowledge of prefixes and suffixes. c) Use knowledge of antonyms and synonyms. d) Discuss meanings of words and develop vocabulary by listening and reading a variety of texts. e) Use vocabulary from other content areas. 2.8 The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of fictional texts. a) Make and confirm predictions. b) Relate previous experiences to the main idea. c) Ask and answer questions about what is read. d) Locate information to answer questions. e) Describe characters, setting, and important events in fiction and poetry. f) Identify the problem and solution. g) Identify the main idea. h) Summarize stories and events with beginning, middle, and end in the correct sequence. i) Draw conclusions based on the text. j) Read and reread familiar stories, poems, and passages with fluency, accuracy, and meaningful expression. 2.9 The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of nonfiction texts. a) Preview the selection using text features. b) Make and confirm predictions about the main idea. c) Use prior and background knowledge as context for new learning. d) Set purpose for reading. e) Ask and answer questions about what is read. f) Locate information to answer questions. g) Identify the main idea. h) Read and reread familiar passages with fluency, accuracy, and meaningful expression. 2 English Standards of Learning for Virginia Public Schools – January 2010 2.10 The student will demonstrate comprehension of information in reference materials. a) Use table of contents. b) Use pictures, captions, and charts. c) Use dictionaries, glossaries, and indices. d) Use online resources. Writing 2.11 The student will maintain legible printing and begin to make the transition to cursive. 2.12 The student will write stories, letters, and simple explanations. a) Generate ideas before writing. b) Organize writing to include a beginning, middle, and end for narrative and expository writing. c) Expand writing to include descriptive detail. d) Revise writing for clarity. 2.13 The student will edit writing for correct grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling. a) Recognize and use complete sentences. b) Use and punctuate declarative, interrogative, and exclamatory sentences. c) Capitalize all proper nouns and the word I. d) Use singular and plural nouns and pronouns. e) Use apostrophes in contractions and possessives. f) Use contractions and singular possessives. g) Use knowledge of simple abbreviations. h) Use correct spelling for commonly used sight words, including compound words and regular plurals. i) Use commas in the salutation and closing of a letter. j) Use verbs and adjectives correctly in sentences. 2.14 The student will use available technology for reading and writing.

Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (PLAAFP)
The Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance summarizes the results of assessments that identify the student’s interests, preferences, strengths, and areas of need. It also describes the effect of the student’s disability on his/her involvement and progress in the general education curriculum, and for preschool children, as appropriate, how the disability affects the student’s participation in appropriate activities. This includes the student’s performance and achievement in academic areas such as writing, reading, math, science, and history/social sciences. It also includes the student’s performance in functional areas, such as self-determination, social competence, communication, behavior, and personal management. Test scores, if included, should be self-explanatory or an explanation should be included, and the Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance should be written in objective, measurable terms, to the extent possible. There should be a direct relationship among the desired goals, the Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance, and all other components of the IEP.
Student’s Strengths, Preferences, and Interests
Elli Smith is an 8-year-old girl currently in the 2nd grade. Elli was found eligible for service for Specific Learning Disability. Elli also has asthma and needs access to her inhaler, as well as regular check-ins with the school nurse.
According to the psychological evaluation, Elli demonstrates an overall ability in the average range. She demonstrates substantially less developed long-term retrieval associative memory and auditory processing, specifically phonemic awareness. These relative weaknesses coupled with difficulties in the aspect of auditory processing, such as phonemic awareness, which is the understanding of the smallest units of sound (phonemes), might make the acquisition of reading difficult. Also, the spelling of unfamiliar words might also prove to be a challenging task. Elli’s social functioning, as assessed through rating scales, teacher interviews, and direct observation appears to be a challenging area. According to achievement assessment, Elli demonstrates average oral language skills, mathematics and written expression in the low average range with significant deficient range. Teacher reports indicate that Elli demonstrates an independent reading level of pre-primer 1. Her auditory comprehension is very good, but her word attack is very poor. She has received PALS remediation and Title I supports for reading for a period of 6 months and has made very minimal progress despite supplemental instruction interventions targeting her identified areas of deficit.
Student’s Areas of Need (Deficits that Require Supports)
Elli’s areas of need resulting from her disability related deficits include:
Written language
Prolonged or moderate/heavy physical activity (Asthma)
Effect of Disability on Student
Elli demonstrates substantially less developed long-term retrieval, associative memory, and auditory processing, specifically phonemic awareness. These relative weaknesses coupled with difficulties in aspects of auditory processing, such as phonemic awareness, which is the understanding of the smallest units of sound (phonemes), makes the acquisition of reading difficult as well as the spelling of unfamiliar words.
Academic Performance
Wechsler Individual Achievement Test – Third Edition (WIAT–III)
Subtests with age-based scores:
Listening Comprehension 90, Early Reading Skills 92, Reading Comprehension 79
Math Problem Solving 80, Alphabet Writing Fluency 96, Sentence Composition 90
Word Reading 72, Pseudoword Decoding 77, Numerical Operations 93
Oral Expression 95, Oral Reading Fluency 63, Spelling 80, Math Fluency – Addition 83, Math Fluency – Subtraction 89, Oral Reading Accuracy 61
Oral Reading Rate 78,
Listening Comprehension
Receptive Vocabulary 81 Below Average
Oral Discourse Comprehension 103 Average
Sentence Composition
Sentence Combing 98 Average, Sentence Building 84 Below Average
Oral Expression
Expressive Vocabulary 85 Average, Oral Word Fluency 107 Average
Sentence Repetition 97 Average, Oral Language 91 Average
Total Reading 69 Low, Basic Reading 75 Below Average
Written Expression 85 Average
Mathematics 85 Average, Math Fluency 86 Average
Total Achievement 82 Below Average
Teacher Educational Information
Reading instructional level (1st); independent level (Readiness); Elli’s comprehension is good as long as it is tested orally. She can recall story elements and information when the story is read to her. Her word attack skills are extremely limited. She knows sounds when they are isolated but has difficulty putting the sounds together. Her retention of words (sight words) is very weak. She is currently receiving Title 1 and Pals Remediation, but she has made very little growth. Language instructional level (below grade level); She has memorized certain sentence structures and adapts it to the current topic. Elli is an excellent speller, but she cannot read the words she is spelling. She memorizes the spelling features. Math: She is very good at adding and subtracting and has caught on well to the strategies she has been taught. She does a great job deciding which operation should be used and then working out a word problem. Social Studies and Science: Elli does very well in both classes. Movement Ed.: She follows directions and does all activities; seems to get along with everyone during class and seems to enjoy PE. She does need access to her inhaler during PE and recess, as well as regular check-ins with the school nurse. She appears to love Art and Library and works well with other students.

*subject: HCM520: Quality and Performance Improvement in Healthcare
*Homework: Critical thickening
*Note: 1-attached book and articles required to read ,2- Need the plagiarism below 18%
• Chapters 16 & 17 in The Healthcare Quality Book: Vision, Strategy, and Tools
• Chapter 20 in Patient Safety and Healthcare Improvement at a Glance
• Bishop, A. C., & Cregan, B. R. (2015). Patient safety culture: Finding meaning in patient experiences. International Journal of HealthCare Quality Assurance, 28(6), 595-610.
• Webair, H. H., Al-assani, S. S., Al-haddad, R. H., Al-Shaeeb, W. H., Bin Selm, M. A, & Alyamani, A. S. (2015). Assessment of patient safety culture in primary care setting, Al-Mukala, Yemen. BMC Family Practice, 16, 1-9.
• ===========================================Assignment :Implementing Quality as the Core Organizational Strategy
Case Study: Ministry of Health (MOH) Vision and Strategy (100 points)
For this assignment, you will write a research paper exploring the Ministry of Health’s vision and strategy to improve healthcare delivery for all citizens throughout the Kingdom.
Choose three out of the four topics below:
o Interoperable electronic health records,
o Equitable care standards,
o Quality and performance standards, or
o Governance and accountability.
o For each selected topic:
o Provide an overview of the MOH vision and strategy for that topic.
o Explain the importance of the topic and how it will improve healthcare quality and safety in Saudi Arabia.
o Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:
o Four to five pages in length, not including the cover or reference pages.
o Formatted per APA and Saudi Electronic University standards.
o Provide support for your work with in-text citations from a minimum of four scholarly articles. Two of these sources may be from the class readings, textbook, or lectures, but two must be external. The Saudi Digital Library is a good place to find these references.
o Provide full APA references for the sources used, along with appropriate in-text citations.
o Utilize headings to organize the content in your work.

The purpose of this research project is for you to write a professional, graduate-level research paper in current APA format.

You will research and write a paper analyzing the cultural perspectives of doing business in another nation. (Italy)

After reading your paper, the reader should be able to comprehensively answer the following research questions. Thus, the research questions form the major aspects (APA Level 1 headings) of your outline.
-What are the major elements and dimensions of culture in this region? (See Chapter 2 of the textbook for a list of the required dimensions.)
-How are these elements and dimensions integrated by locals conducting business in the nation?
-How do both of the above items compare with US culture and business?
-What are the implications for US businesses that wish to conduct business in that region?

Important Points to Consider
This paper must be written in strict conformance to current APA format, and contain a minimum of 24 pages of content (first nine pages have been provided) (excluding the title page, abstract, and references) utilizing at least 24 references from reputable professional and/or scholarly journals and/or informational venues that deal with the content of the course (i.e., not blogs, Wikipedia, newspapers, etc.).
-Use the following as the exact title of your paper, Global Business Cultural Analysis: (insert nation selected)
-The paper must consist of only 4 sections, as indicated above. Do not add sections, or revise the research questions.
-Three levels of current APA headings must be used throughout the paper, as this is a graduate-level research paper.

Part 1
Three hundred consumers between 21 and 49 years old were randomly selected. After sampling a new wine cooler, each was asked to rate the appeal of the phrase: “Not sweet like wine coolers, not filling like beer, and more refreshing than wine or mixed drinks” as it relates to the new wine cooler. The rating was made on a scale from 1 to 5, with 5 representing “extremely appealing” and with 1 representing “not at all appealing”.
As a manager overseeing the development of the concept, you bottle the wine cooler and placed it into distribution in one test store.
Your manager has asked you to assess the data and determine the most likely customer based on the ratings. Additionally, your manager would like you to review sales in the test store.
Use the Week 3 Data Set to create and calculate the following in Excel®:

  1. Estimate the probability that a randomly selected 21 to 49 year old consumer:
    o Would give the phrase a rating of 5
    o Would give the phrase a rating of 3 or higher
    o Is in the 21-24 age group
    o Is a male who gives the phrase a rating of 4
    o Is a 35 to 49 year old who gives the phrase a rating of 1
    o Based on the probabilities for the ratings of 4 and 5, which age/gender demographic would be the best target audience for the new concept?
  2. Create a probability distribution using the data which shows how many cartons of the wine cooler were bought per customer in a month.
    o Calculate the mean and the standard deviation of your probability distribution.
    o Calculate the probability that exactly 3 six packs will be bought in a month.
    o Calculate the probability that between 4 and 8 six packs will be bought in a month.
    o Calculate the probability that at least 5 six packs will be bought in a month.
    o Calculate the probability that no more than 5 six packs will be bought in a month.
  3. Create a relative frequency distribution based on the wine cooler drinking temperatures.
    o Create 6 bins with the same interval in each.
    o Create a histogram
  4. Considering the mean and standard deviation for the ideal drinking temperature:
    o Calculate z values then refer to Table 6.1 – Cumulative Areas Under the Standard Normal Curve
    o Calculate the probability of the wine cooler being less than 45 degrees.
    o Calculate the probability of the wine cooler being greater than 60 degrees.
    o Calculate the percentage of wine coolers served at the ideal temperature, between 49 and 55 degrees.
    Part 2
    Reference your Excel® spreadsheet from Part 1.
    Complete the Week 3 Case in Connect.
    Note: You have only 1 attempt available to complete assignments.

As the book explains, “Vincent, Cari, and Duane all lack an understanding of how to be mindful, intentional learners. …they are not headed for success, because they lack a personalized set of study strategies. Each [student] requires skills to turn their internal thoughts (metacognition) into external actions (personalized learning techniques).” For this journal, you will explain what they could have done to be successful and identify personalized learning techniques to be more intentional learners. You will also identify personal learning techniques to help you be a more intentional learner.
To prepare for this journal, return to Chapter 3 and review Sections 3.1 and 3.4, paying careful attention to Tables 3.10-3.12. Then, download the Personal Learning Strategies Journal Reflection template and respond to each section. Save the completed template to your computer and upload it to Waypoint. Be sure to double check that it was properly saved and uploaded successfully.
Submit your work below using Waypoint and verify your submission was successful.
Late Policy: Waypoint assignments are due on the specified days in the course. Waypoint assignments will be subject to a late penalty of up to 10% per day up to three days late. If Waypoint assignments are submitted after 72 hours past the due date, instructors can give a penalty up to and including a grade of 0 for the assignment.
Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

Effective classroom management allows for maximum time for learning in a positive, supportive, and well structured environment. In an effective classroom the teacher and the students look forward to each day of learning.
In the Fred Jones text, read chapters 1 and 2 to complete a 1 page reflective response to the following:

  1. What “aha” did you have as a result of this reading?
  2. Describe how you will implement concepts learned from these chapters to establish a classroom management system for your classroom.
  3. Provide an example of a motivating activity.

Prompt: Your second course project is an observation journal. You have already gathered your advertisements and completed your comparison template to determine the social science approaches that are relevant to your ads. For this assignment you will use that information to write an observation journal that will ask you to draw conclusions from the ads and, eventually, devise a social science question that you might like to investigate.
The critical elements of this assessment will be evaluated in your observation journal. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed and will be graded using the rubric at the end of this document:
I. Explain why you chose these advertisements for social scientific and personal study. For instance, what aspects of them intrigued you and made you curious?
II. Explain the assumptions and observations about human interactions and behaviors you made about the advertisements. These are some questions you might want to consider in your explanation:
a. Who do you believe the audiences for the ads might be?
b. What messages do you think the ads are sending?
c. What do you think the nature of the relationship is between or among the people in theads?
d. What relationship(s) do you see between or among the people and the product or service being advertised?
e. How effective are the ads in influencing your own consumer decisions?
III. Identify topics in this course that are relevant to the human behaviors in your advertisements and explain how they are relevant. This is your social science evidence for your observations. For instance, what ideas and people have you studied so far that apply to your observations?
IV. Taking all of your observations and objective conclusions about human behavior in your advertisements into account, assume the role of a social scientist. What question would you ask about the advertisements that you, as a social scientist, could seek to answer? What observations and objective conclusions lead you to this question?
1ST ATTACHMENT: Advertisement of ads that were chosen to do this project.
2Nd ATTACHMENT: Answers to the questions that are being asked. (about chosen ads)
3Rd ATTACHMENT: Example how the assignment should look.

Submit an evaluation of at least four leadership theories in the form of a properly formatted, APA-compliant taxonomy table. For each of the theories you select, you should include the following:
• The name of the theory
• The year the theory was introduced
• The theorist/author
• Key components of the theory
For each theory presented, be sure to include a minimum of two references to peer-reviewed, scholarly resources, as well as appropriate in-text citations.
Note: Be sure to use the Leadership Theory Taxonomy Template to complete this Assignment.
Northouse, P. G. (2016). Leadership: Theory and practice(7th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
• Chapter 7, “Leader–Member Exchange Theory” (pp. 137–160)
• Chapter 9, “Authentic Leadership” (pp. 200–224)
• Chapter 10, “Servant Leadership” (pp. 225–256)

Early childhood and special education teachers should understand their role as advocates for children who may have exceptionalities. Teachers can promote professional practice by taking part in professional development opportunities to explain this role and other responsibilities to their colleagues. Professional development enables teachers to stay informed of current practices and ethics associated with the discipline.
Part 1: Advocacy Presentation
For Part 1 of this benchmark assignment, create a 15-20 slide presentation in digital format (e.g., PowerPoint, Prezi) using relevant, current research to inform early childhood and special education teachers about their role as advocates for young children and their families. Address the following within your presentation:
• Specify the importance of detecting possible exceptionalities (including disabilities and giftedness) in Pre-K through Grade 3 children.
• Include at least three laws or policies related to identifying or providing services to children with exceptionalities.
• Relating to the early detection of possible exceptionalities, provide at least three examples of ways in which advocating for students and families optimizes learning opportunities for young children, strengthens learning environments, and advances the early childhood profession.
• Provide 3-5 talking points that teachers could use to inform paraeducators, tutors, and volunteers about some of the more important legal and ethical practices regarding students who may have exceptionalities and how to interact with their families (e.g., confidentiality).
Include presenter’s notes, a title slide, in-text citations, and a reference slide that contains 3-5 scholarly sources from the required readings or the GCU Library.

Part 2: Ethical Analysis
For Part 2 of this benchmark assignment, write a 250-500 word statement regarding how the advocacy role of early childhood educators (as described in your presentation) promotes compassion, justice, and concern for the common good of students, families, and colleagues and reflects the GCU College of Education’s Professional Disposition of Advocacy (provided below). Beneath the Professional Disposition of Advocacy description is a section of the GCU Statement on the Integration of Faith, Learning, and Work, which you may also (but are not required to) refer to in your response.
GCU College of Education’s Professional Disposition of Advocacy
Educators should promote positive change in schools and communities that benefit the welfare of others.
• Actively building positive relationships with the students.
• Engaging students in conversations beyond the scope of the classroom.
• Taking time to understand student issues and concerns.
• Assisting students in finding resolutions to their problems.
• Guiding students through the problem-solving process.
• Seeking to understand the issues and challenges facing students.
• Sincerely getting to know the students’ interests and needs in their context.
GCU Statement on the Integration of Faith, Learning and Work:
“WE BELIEVE that Jesus Christ is both Savior and Lord and that all who follow Jesus should seek His Kingdom and His righteousness in relation to all aspects of human experience, including culture and society. Therefore, we have resolved to carry out our work within the public arena with compassion, justice and concern for the common good.”
While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.
Standards and program competencies assessed in this assignment:
COE 5.1: Engage in ongoing, collaborative professional development from the early childhood education/special education field to inform practice in order to maximize learning outcomes for all students. [CEC 6.4; NAEYC 6a, 6c; InTASC 9(a), 9(b), 9(c), 10(a), 10(b), 10(f)]
COE 5.2: Model the expectations of the profession by upholding ethical standards, professional standards of practice, and relevant laws and policies. [CEC 6.1; NAEYC 6b; InTASC 9(o), 10(i)]
COE 5.3: Analyze ethical decisions that promote the common good for students, families, and colleagues that are consistent with the Christian worldview. [MC 3]
COE 5.5: Integrate relevant, research-based perspectives on early childhood education/special education to promote professional practice. [CEC 6.2; NAEYC 6d; InTASC 10(h)]
COE 5.6: Engage in informed advocacy to optimize the learning opportunities for young children, strengthen the learning environment, and advance the early childhood profession. [CEC 6.5; NAEYC 6e; InTASC 10(j), 10(k); MC 2]
COE 5.7: Provide guidance and direction to paraeducators, tutors, and volunteers. [CEC 6.6; InTASC 10(n); MC 2, MC 3]

  1. Being prepared for an emergency is important at all ages. Identify an emergency policy needed for all children to learn and share how preparation will vary from each different age group.
  2. Identify and describe two safety activities that K-grade 3 students could teach their families at home. Rationalize your recommendations.


Health and Safety Mini-Lessons
As part of the benchmark assignment for this course, you will be organizing and designing an upcoming Wellness Fair for your kindergarten class. To prepare for this Wellness Fair, you will develop four mini-lessons in the areas of health, safety, nutrition, and fitness throughout the course. In addition, you will research community organizations to be represented in booths at the Wellness Fair that will provide your school community with information related to health, safety, nutrition, and fitness.
For this assignment, use the “Mini-Lesson Template” to design one health mini-lesson and one safety mini-lesson for the event. Lesson topics may include, but are not limited to:
• Oral health
• Specific health issues
• Lead poisoning
• Allergies
• Accident prevention
• Fire/natural disaster safety
• Hygiene
• Hand-washing
• Emotional safety
Make sure each lesson is developmentally appropriate and addresses strengths and needs of the students depicted within the “Class Profile.”
In addition, select two community organizations to host a booth at the Wellness Fair. One organization should support your health mini-lesson and one should support your safety mini-lesson. In 250-500 words, summarize the chosen organizations and why each should be featured at the school community Wellness Fair.
As part of the benchmark assignment for this course, you have been asked to organize and design an upcoming Wellness Fair for your kindergarten class. To prepare for this Wellness Fair, you will develop four mini-lessons in the areas of health, safety, nutrition, and fitness throughout the course. In addition, you will research community organizations to be represented in booths at the Wellness Fair that will provide your school community with information related to health, safety, nutrition, and fitness.
For this assignment, use the “Mini-Lesson Template” and design one nutrition mini-lesson and one fitness mini-lesson for the event. Lesson topics may include, but are not limited to:
• Meal planning
• School garden
• Recycling
• Label reading
• Food safety
• Healthy choices
• Healthy lifestyle
• Muscle strength
• Being active
Make sure each lesson is developmentally appropriate and addresses strengths and needs of the students depicted within the “Class Profile.”
In addition, select two community organizations to host a booth at the Wellness Fair. One organization should support your nutrition mini-lesson and one should support your fitness mini-lesson. In 250-500 words, summarize the chosen organizations and why each should be featured at the school community Wellness Fair.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
Use the attached document titled “Your GCU Experience” in order to gain insight into your community and college experience.
Use the attached document titled “Time Management” in order to gain insight into your daily schedule and weekly time management.

Write a 3-4-page paper that includes the following 3 parts & respond to the questions. Include smart goals in 3 parts of the paper. Using APA style and references.
Part 1: Classroom Management Self-Inventory include the following paper.
Part 2: Motivation and Engagement include the following in paper
Part 3: Final Conclusion Reflection include the following in paper.
(View assignment attachment and respond to questions)
follow the directions

Teachers must work collaboratively with colleagues, school staff, and parents to develop and implement behavior plans for students engaging in challenging behaviors. All stakeholders need to have a clear understanding of the plan and the steps to take to ensure the student is learning behaviors that are more appropriate. Each member of the team must also know how to implement the consequences when/if a student does not engage in appropriate behavior. In some cases, behavior can be severe; all members of the team need to be aware of how to respond to a student in crisis.
Review the scenario below to inform the assignment:
Michael is a seventh grader who is in his first year of rotating from class to class. Michael has shown that he really enjoys his homeroom teacher, Mrs. Thomas, who also happens to be the special education teacher. Mrs. Thomas takes Michael out of his reading class, for half of the class time, to provide his reading minutes according to his IEP. While Michael is serviced in reading only, Mrs. Thomas will take Michael out during all testing to provide a quiet, more 1:1 environment for testing. All of Michael’s teachers are male aside from Mrs. Thomas.
Mrs. Thomas was called into a team meeting to discuss Michael’s behaviors in his other classes.
All of the other teachers reported during the meeting that Michael is disruptive in class. His social studies teacher has noted that Michael is redirected at least three times each class period for talking with other students or being out of his seat. His social studies teacher also noted that Michael enjoys talking about baseball and video games with his classmates rather than participating in class or completing tasks. When redirected a few times last week, Michael asked to use the restroom and was out of the classroom for at least 15 minutes each time.
Michael’s math teacher also reported that periodically Michael shouts out during class or talks with others during instruction and independent work time. The math teacher has tried to redirect his behavior, but like his social studies teacher mentioned when redirected, Michael will ask to use the restroom or see the nurse and remain out of the classroom for the duration of the period. This causes Michael to miss instruction and not complete work.
Both teachers report that Michael will often doodle with highlighters or pencils on his assignment when redirected to get on task. Mrs. Thomas was shocked since Michael does not display any of these behaviors during the times he is with her.
Use the “Student Goals and Intervention Template” to complete this assignment.
Part 1: Intervention Plan
Referring to the scenario provided, identify an operational definition of the target behavior, outline 3 aligning function of behavior goals, and an intervention plan for these goals.
Using the “Student Goals and Intervention Template,” identify and outline the following within Michael’s intervention plan:
• Replacement behavior and specific steps to be implemented that will change the behavior based on information from teacher data
• Strategies to manage (reduce target behavior) situations and consequences based on information from observations .
• Any rewards and reinforcements.
• Progress monitoring (what data will be collected and in what manner).
• Steps to respond to any escalation of behavior.
Part 2: Crisis Plan
A crisis intervention plan are procedures to follow when reducing the target behavior is ineffective. The goal to maintain safety for all students and staff. Many schools and districts have crisis plans to follow with the goal of maintaining safety for all students and staff.
Create a descriptive crisis plan in a way that others can easily follow once it is determined that reducing the target behavior has been unsuccessful. Consider the following if the target behavior escalates:
• How long should a staff member allow the target behavior to continue before implementing the crisis plan?
• At what point should the student exhibiting the target behavior be removed from the classroom or when should other students be removed for safety? Where does the student or students go?
• When should administration be involved?
• At what point should local authorities or the school‐based officer be contacted?
• At what point should parents/guardians be contacted?
• How will you know the crisis is over and full de‐escalation has occurred? What happens then?
Part 3: Summary
After completing the intervention plan, include a 50‐100 word summary describing the role Mrs. Thomas has in communicating Michael’s needs to and collaborating with his general education teachers .
Support each scenario response with 1‐2 scholarly resources specific to current engagement theories and strategies.

The four lessons in this course have explored the best ways to set up healthy and safe environments for children and how to promote a healthy lifestyle. Early childhood professionals are advocates for children and their families. They must make sure that they’re providing families with healthy choices, ideas, and resources to help families better understand how to live healthy lives.
In this assignment, imagine yourself in the role of a preschool classroom teacher preparing to send home with students a Healthy Take Home Bag that offers families the opportunity to work, play, explore, and learn together regarding health, safety, and nutrition. You’ll complete this assignment in theory; in other words, it isn’t necessary to create a real Take Home Bag. However, you’ll plan your bag, your letter to families, and your essay responses as if you were putting together a real Take Home Bag.
As an early childhood professional, building a home-school connection is an important part of teaching and learning. As we teach three-, four-, and five-year-old children about healthy lifestyles, nutrition, safety, and wellness, we also must offer support and education to families at home. This graded project involves developing a themed Healthy Take Home Bag to be sent home each week with a different child throughout the school year. It should contain important ideas and activities that provide families and children with knowledge about becoming and staying healthy and fit. These bags allow family members to be involved in a child’s learning.
Follow these steps to begin your assignment:
Choose one of these four themes and plan your Healthy Take Home Bag around your selected topic:
a. Germs, Handwashing, and Staying Healthy
b. Nutrition and Healthy Food Choices
c. Fire Safety and Emergency Preparedness
d. Dental Health and Hygiene
Search online and select an image of the ideal book bag, backpack, or tote bag you would send home with children in your class. Copy the image of the bag and paste it into your assignment. Cite the source of the image on your references page in APA format, and explain in five to seven sentences which theme you’ve selected and why. Then, share why you selected this particular bag to serve as your Healthy Take Home Bag.
From the teacher’s perspective, write a letter to families of your students explaining what the bag is about and why their children are receiving the bag to take home. In your letter, include a greeting and closing, and follow proper spelling, punctuation, grammar, and formatting rules. Your letter should motivate and excite families to receive the bag, provide a detailed explanation of each item included in the bag, suggest how to use each item appropriately, and include any other directions, suggestions, or guidance you wish to express. Before writing your letter, imagine what questions, concerns, or apprehensions families might have as they receive the Healthy Take Home Bag. Then include your answers and any additional information that might lessen their confusion or reluctance.
Research ideas as you plan the bag’s contents, which should include materials in each of the following categories:
Games. Include a description of at least one game families would play together that promotes understanding of your chosen theme. Describe the materials needed to play each game, and share a summary of how each game is played. Finally, indicate what the child will learn from playing each game at home with their family. This portion of your assignment is expected to be one fully developed paragraph of at least five to seven sentences.
Children’s literature. Identify and describe two books that promote children’s understanding of your chosen topic. Provide the title, author’s name, publisher, date, and a summary of each book. Then, identify two reasons for selecting each book to be included within your Healthy Take Home Bag.This portion of your assignment is expected to be two fully developed paragraphs of at least five to seven sentences each (one paragraph per book).
Manipulatives. Describe at least one manipulative set you would include in the Healthy Take Home Bag. Tell about the materials included and how they’re to be used. Then explain how the manipulatives extend the child’s understanding of your selected theme. This portion of your assignment is expected to be one fully developed paragraph of at least five to seven sentences.
Dramatic play. Share ideas for costumes, puppets, or other dramatic play materials you would send home in the Take Home Bag. Be specific by sharing the manufacturer’s name of each item, describing the items themselves, and explaining how they’ll be used. Describe how the dramatic play items you’ve included relate to your chosen theme and advance the child’s understanding of your selected topic. This portion of your assignment is expected to be one fully developed paragraph of at least five to seven sentences.
Sensory play. Describe one sensory play experience you would include in the Take Home Bag to help teach children and families about your selected topic. Explain how this sensory experience would benefit the family. This portion of your assignment is expected to be one fully developed paragraph of at least five to seven sentences.
Science experiment. Describe one age-appropriate science experiment included in the Take Home Bag that supports your selected topic. Explain the materials needed, the steps of the experiment, and the expected outcome. Then, explain how this experiment would benefit the family. This portion of your assignment is expected to be one fully developed paragraph of at least five to seven sentences.
Recipes for healthy snacks. Share at least one recipe for a kid-friendly snack that’s healthy, nutritious, and relates to the topic you’ve chosen. Identify the ingredients you would send home in the bag or expect the family to have on hand. Describe the procedure of making the snack, and explain how and why the snack contributes to the family’s experience in learning together about the bag’s theme. This portion of your assignment is expected to be one fully developed paragraph of at least five to seven sentences.
Additional resources. Provide at least one resource—such as a website, book, magazine, movie, or other resource—that would extend the family’s exploration of your chosen theme. Explain what the resource is and how it would benefit the family. Make sure this is a credible source that families will find beneficial and easily accessible. This portion of your assignment is expected to be one fully developed paragraph of at least five to seven sentences.
As you complete these portions of your assignment, click on the links below and consider some of the ideas pinned for you on your ECE instructors’ Pinterest boards:

ECE130 Health, Safety and Nutrition
Healthy Take Home Bag Ideas
Submission and Grading
Formatting Your Assignment
Begin by creating a title page in APA format. Format your paper using a standard font, such as 12-point Times New Roman. Set the margins at a standard 1 inch on all sides. Set your line spacing as double. Because you’ve given your information on the title page, no header is necessary. The standard style format for citations, if required, is American Psychological Association (APA). For more information on this citation style, refer to this site.
Prior to Submitting Your Assignment for Grading
Before submitting your ideas for your Healthy Take Home Bag:
Watch the video on your student portal for this assignment, as it offers greater insight and advanced instructions on how to successfully complete this exam.
Visit the recommended Pinterest boards and related websites for ideas about age-appropriate and developmentally appropriate activities to include in your Take Home Bag.
Proofread your work for any spelling, punctuation, grammatical, or formatting errors.
Review the grading rubric below to ensure all portions of the assignment are satisfied.
Save your assignment as one continuous file in Microsoft Word or another rich-text format.
Read the statement below.
I declare that the assignment submitted here is original except for source material explicitly acknowledged in APA formatted, in-text citations and references.
I acknowledge that I am aware of the College’s policy and regulations on honesty in academic work, and of the disciplinary guidelines and procedures applicable to breaches of such policy and regulations, as contained in my Student Handbook.
I submit this assignment for grading as my best efforts, resulting from my careful consideration of the assignment’s instructions as explained in my lesson material and in the assignment’s video on my student portal. If, after considering the lesson material and the video, I was unsure of the assignment’s requirements, I have already contacted my instructor via phone or email to seek guidance and clarification.
In submitting this work for a grade, I accept that my work will not be returned ungraded.
Submitting Your Assignment for Grading
Note: Each project is individually graded and therefore could take up to five to seven business days to grade. Follow this procedure to submit your assignment online:
Be sure that your document contains:
Your name
Your student number
Course name and number
Project number (580803)
Go to and log in to your student portal.
On your student portal, click on Take an Exam.
In the box provided, enter the examination number. (The number for this exam is 580803.)
Click on Submit.
On the next screen, enter your email address. (Note: This information is required for online submission.)
If you wish to tell your instructor anything specific regarding this assignment, enter it in the Comments.
Attach your file as follows:
Click on the first Browse box.
Locate the file you wish to attach.
Click on Submit. Be sure to keep a backup copy of any files you submit to the school!
Grading Criteria—Healthy Take Home Bag Project
Grading Criteria
Exemplary Proficient Fair Poor Not Evident
Image of ideal Healthy Take Home Bag is provided. Selected bag is appropriate, and bag and chosen theme are explained in a fully developed paragraph. 10 8 6 4 0
One or more games are provided. Games are age- and developmentally appropriate, and are explained in a fully developed paragraph. 10 8 6 4 0
Two or more children’s books are provided. Books are age- and developmentally appropriate, and are explained in two fully developed paragraphs. 10 8 6 4 0
One or more sets of manipulatives are provided. Manipulatives are age- and developmentally appropriate, and are explained in a fully developed paragraph. 10 8 6 4 0
One or more dramatic play sets are provided. Dramatic play activities are age- and developmentally appropriate, and are explained in a fully developed paragraph. 10 8 6 4 0
One or more sensory play experiences are provided. Sensory play activities are age- and developmentally appropriate, and are explained in a fully developed paragraph. 10 8 6 4 0
One or more science experiments are provided. Science experiments are age- and developmentally appropriate, and are explained in a fully developed paragraph. 10 8 6 4 0
One or more recipes for healthy snacks are provided. Recipes are age- and developmentally appropriate, and are explained in a fully developed paragraph. 10 8 6 4 0
One or more additional resources are provided. Resources are appropriate and easily accessible to families, and are explained in a fully developed paragraph. 10 8 6 4 0
APA references page, title page, in-text citations, spelling, grammar, punctuation, and format are appropriate. 10 8 6 4 0

Using the English Language Proficiency Standards (ELP) from Arizona or from your state, select a stage (grade level) for a group of students of your choosing. Create a content objective and a language objective using the English Language Arts Standards from AZ or from your state for your group of ELLs at the Basic Proficiency Level for each of the following domains:

  1. Listening and Speaking
  2. Reading
  3. Writing
    Include a 500-750-word summary below the chart (within the same document) that contains rationales for each of the three domains that describes how the objectives you wrote address the characteristics of a basic ELL level and accounts for the theoretical language acquisition principles mentioned in your required reading.

art 1: Intervention Plan
Referring to the scenario provided, identify an operational definition of the target behavior, outline 3 aligning function of behavior goals, and an intervention plan for these goals.
Using the “Student Goals and Intervention Template,” identify and outline the following within Michael’s intervention plan:
• Replacement behavior and specific steps to be implemented that will change the behavior based on information from teacher data
• Strategies to manage (reduce target behavior) situations and consequences based on information from observations .
• Any rewards and reinforcements.
• Progress monitoring (what data will be collected and in what manner).
• Steps to respond to any escalation of behavior.
Part 2: Crisis Plan
A crisis intervention plan are procedures to follow when reducing the target behavior is ineffective. The goal to maintain safety for all students and staff. Many schools and districts have crisis plans to follow with the goal of maintaining safety for all students and staff.
Create a descriptive crisis plan in a way that others can easily follow once it is determined that reducing the target behavior has been unsuccessful. Consider the following if the target behavior escalates:
• How long should a staff member allow the target behavior to continue before implementing the crisis plan?
• At what point should the student exhibiting the target behavior be removed from the classroom or when should other students be removed for safety? Where does the student or students go?
• When should administration be involved?
• At what point should local authorities or the school‐based officer be contacted?
• At what point should parents/guardians be contacted?
• How will you know the crisis is over and full de‐escalation has occurred? What happens then?
Part 3: Summary
After completing the intervention plan, include a 50‐100 word summary describing the role Mrs. Thomas has in communicating Michael’s needs to and collaborating with his general education teachers .
Support each scenario response with 1‐2 scholarly resources specific to current engagement theories and strategies.

Teachers must employ a variety of assessments, instructional strategies, and intervention techniques to support their students who are displaying behaviors that are getting in the way of successful learning in the classroom. If initial classroom management efforts are unsuccessful in helping such a student, then it is often determined that the situation warrants a behavior plan. For a behavior plan to be successful, it is imperative that stakeholders collaborate to support the student in reducing the occurrence of challenging behaviors and increasing appropriate behaviors. When appropriate, the student should also be involved in the development of the behavior plan. Providing students with choices and involving them in decision‐making aids in the development of self‐advocacy and self‐determination.
For this benchmark, you will propose a behavioral intervention plan for a student based on the information provided in “Student Scenario: Joseph.” Use the “Proposal for Behavior Change Template” to complete this assignment.

Part 1: Data Collection and Definition of Student Behavior
Describe Joseph’s behaviors on the ABC chart using the “Proposal for Behavior Change Template” provided. Create one measurable, observable operational definition for Joseph’s challenging behavior.
Part 2: Analysis of Data
The hypothesis is a best guess of the cause of the function of behavior that summarizes the observations. It includes the when (antecedent or trigger), the what (behavior of student), and the why (outcome student’s target behavior: attention, tangible, or escape).
Part 3: Intervention Ideas and Replacement Behaviors
Based on your analysis of the FBA data and the operational definition for Joseph’s behavior, identify an appropriate replacement behavior.
Part 4: Proposed Intervention Plan
Propose an intervention plan that outlines one goal for Joseph and includes the following:
• Replacement behavior and specific steps to be implemented that will help Joseph reach each goal.
• Strategies to manage activities and social interaction through collaboration with general educators and other colleagues .
• Rewards and reinforcements you will use with Joseph.
• A plan to monitor progress by gathering ongoing data from colleagues and student’s family .
• Steps to resolve any escalation of behavior safely and appropriately .
Be sure to incorporate appropriate intervention and replacement behavior ideas identified in Part 3.
Part 5: Reflection
In a 250‐500 word summary reflect upon how you, in your future professional practice, will ensure formal and informal assessments of student behaviors are unbiased and technically sound, considering culture, language, gender, and ability differences.
Support your template responses with 1‐2 scholarly resources.
While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in‐text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

Case 1: Read the Case Study entitled The School Board at the end of Chapter 10 of Saks, A., and Haccoun, R. (2015). Managing performance through training and development, 7th ed. Toronto: Nelson. Assume the role of a training consultant who has been hired by the company to assess where this training initiative went wrong and how to move forward.
Write a 1000-word memo that answers the five Questions in the case study. Ensure that you incorporate the concepts and ideas learned, and that you properly cite any materials you paraphrase or directly quote using APA 6th edition format.
For years, parents, students, and teachers complained that nobody listened, that decisions were made without participation, and that good ideas went unacknowledged. A needs analysis that involved a survey of teachers and students confirmed that these problems were widespread. Carlos DaSilva, who was recently appointed trainer at the school board and had a strong background in teaching, had to address the communications problem as his first assignment. He designed what he considered to be an excellent three- day communications program. He spent months on the design: finding videos, exercises, and games that taught active listening, upward communication, brain- storming, and other areas identified in the survey. Carlos was excited to deliver his new training program and was sure that the participants would like it. On the first day, Carlos began with a brief introduction on the importance of communication, followed by a lecture on communication channels. Afterwards, he showed a video about manager–employee communication problems and how to improve communication. This was followed by a discussion of the key points in the video and what the trainees might do to improve their communication skills. On day two of the training program, Carlos began with a lecture on brain- storming. He then had trainees participate in a group brainstorming exercise. Each group had to brainstorm as many ideas as possible for improving communication in the school board. Afterwards, the groups presented their ideas followed by a discussion of the most creative ways to improve communication with teachers, students, and parents. On the third day of the training program, Carlos began with a lecture on active listening. Trainees then participated in an exercise in which they had to develop a message and then communicate it to the other trainees. At the end of the exercise, each trainee had to recall the message sent by the other trainees. This was followed by a discussion of how to be a more effective listener and tips on active listening. Carlos ended the training program by having trainees participate in a communication game. First, he had trainees complete a self-assessment of how they send messages and the channels they use for communication. Then groups of trainees had to develop a message that they would communicate to the other groups. Each group had to determine the best way for their message to reach the other groups as accurately and quickly as possible. At the end of the game, each group read out the message they received from the other groups. Carlos then scored each group in terms of the accuracy of the message received by the other groups and how long it took for each group to receive the message. The game was a lot of fun for the participants, who left the training program on a high. Carlos thanked them for attending the program and encouraged them to apply what they learned in training when they returned to work. The trainees applauded Carlos and thanked him for providing such an enjoyable training experience. Two months after the training program, Carlos was sitting at his desk, thinking about his meeting scheduled for 2 p.m. with the school board superintendent. He was looking forward to the meeting, knowing that he would be praised for the successful interactive communications program he had designed and delivered.
However, the meeting with the superintendent went poorly. Although some participants had loved the exercises and games in the communications course, most had not changed their work behaviour. Furthermore, a review of the situation showed that the old problems persisted and communication remained a serious problem at the school board. Carlos did not know what to say or what he should do. Several days later, Carlos approached some of the participants who had attended the training program and asked them how things were going. One participant laughed and said, “Well that was a lot of fun, but training is training and work is work. Besides, nothing ever changes around here.” Carlos asked her what she meant and she explained to him that supervisors don’t get it and continued to call the shots. “The only thing they know about communication is downward,” she said. “Maybe they should have attended your training program!” QUESTIONS

  1. What are some reasons that Carlos’s training program did not transfer?
  2. Discuss some of the barriers to transfer that might be operating at the school board. Who is responsible for these barriers and when do they occur during the training process?
  3. Describe some of the things that Carlos might have done before, during, and after the training program to improve the transfer of training. What could the trainees and supervisors have been asked to do before, during, and after training to improve transfer?
  4. Discuss the training transfer climate and the transfer system at the school board. How might they have contributed to the transfer problem?
  5. What should Carlos do about the transfer problem at the school board? What changes should he make next time he delivers a training program?
    Case 2: Read the Case Study entitled The Alcohol/Drug Abuse Prevention Program (ADAPP) at the end of Chapter 11 of Saks, A., and Haccoun, R. (2015). Managing performance through training and development, 7th ed. Toronto: Nelson. Assume the role of a training consultant who has been hired by the company to assess where this training initiative went wrong and how to move forward.
    Write a 1000-word memo that answers the four Questions in the case study. Ensure that you incorporate the concepts and ideas learned, and that you properly cite any materials you paraphrase or directly quote using APA 6th edition format.
    The North American Transportation Company (NATC) is a very large organiza- tion that provides continent-wide facilities for the shipping of goods, from tonnes of wheat and iron ore to individual parcels. Headquartered in Canada, the com- pany uses all forms of heavy equipment to load, transport, and deliver goods and materials for its clients. In recent years, a number of accidents and near-accidents have occurred. In some cases the accidents caused injuries to people (mainly employees, though some injuries were sustained by bystanders). They also caused substantial material damage to prop- erty and/or the environment. In three cases in the last five years, people were killed. Investigation of these accidents indicated that drug and/or alcohol abuse by company personnel was relatively common and that these may have been contributing factors to the accidents. This analysis also uncovered that absenteeism and job performance problems were also the result of drug/alcohol use by employees. The CEO of the company asked the HR department to solve the problem. In response, the department formulated a zero-tolerance policy toward workplace alcohol and drug abuse. The policy outlawed alcohol/drug use on the job and made the implementation and enforcement of the policy the direct responsibility of all supervisory personnel in the company. They further developed and imple- mented a training program to instruct all supervisors on the policy, the means to implement it, and the specific behaviours expected of them. This training program became known as the Alcohol/Drug Abuse Prevention Program (ADAPP). The day-long training program explained that it was the responsibility of super- visors to be vigilant with respect to drug/alcohol use on the job and to act imme- diately when there was a problem. There were three main aspects to the ADAPP policy that supervisors were to learn and to transfer to the job: (1) explain the policy to their employees as a group; (2) watch for employees who show signs of being “under the influence”; and (3) choose the specific supervisory action required correctly. Supervisor were instructed to (a) assess the situation with the employee; (b) immediately relieve the employee from his/her post should the impairment prevent safe and effective job performance; and (c) direct the person to the Employee Aid Program for further investigation and treatment. Supervisors who failed to implement the procedure would face disciplinary actions including, in some cases, immediate dismissal. The training program consisted of lectures and video presentations, followed by various role-playing exercises and discussions designed to help supervisors learn the policy, motivate them into implementing it, and enhance their confidence in their ability to do so.

  1. Questions
    1 . Design a training evaluation for the ADAPP. The training evaluation must be both summative (Has ADAPP led to an increase in the desired supervisory behaviours and to a decrease in employee absence and work- place accidents and injuries?) and formative (What aspects of the training program, if any, should be improved?).
  2. What model or models of training evaluation would seem appropriate in this case? Explain your answer.
  3. What variables should be measured and how should this be done? a. Determine the main variables to measure. b. Determine the information to be collected to address potential improvements to the program, if necessary.
  4. What data collection design or designs would you consider most appropriate for the evaluation? Explain your reasoning.

Write a 3-4-page paper that includes the following 3 parts & respond to the questions. Include smart goals in 3 parts of the paper. Using APA style and references.
Part 1: Classroom Management Self-Inventory include the following paper.
Part 2: Motivation and Engagement include the following in paper
Part 3: Final Conclusion Reflection include the following in paper.
(View assignment attachment and respond to questions)
follow the directions

Create a graphic organizer, or use the “Instructional Strategies for ELLs” resource, to identify and describe oral, reading, and writing strategies appropriate for each ELL proficiency label. Include a justification as to why each strategy is applicable to the specific ELL proficiency label, citing references.
While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.

For this final assignment, you will write a 750-1,250 word research paper on a controversial topic involving a cultural identifier and the implications for K-12 public education.

Review the list of cultural identifiers.

Identify a controversial topic in K-12 education that involves one or more of the cultural identifiers, already done in week 2 assignment. This topic should include two or more viewpoints that are for and against the issue.

Using a minimum of three scholarly journal articles from the last 12-36 months complete your paper on the following points:

  1. Describes the cultural identifiers discussed in the articles.
  2. Summarizes the historical background of the cultural identifiers and associated controversial topic in K-12 education.
  3. Identifies arguments presented for and against the issue.
  4. Discusses any associated injustices arising from the issue.
  5. Identifies 3 stakeholder groups that are most affected and where they fall on the cultural competence continuum
  6. How future teachers and students are affected by the identified cultural identifier(s).
  7. Summarizes solutions and/or proposed solutions to associated injustices.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Becoming a Multicultural Educator: Developing Awareness, Gaining Skills, and Taking ActionRead Chapter 7 in Becoming a Multicultural Educator: Developing Awareness, Gaining Skills, and Taking Action.
Ten Quick Ways to Analyze Childrens Books for Sexism And RacismRead “Ten Quick Ways to Analyze Childrens Books for Sexism And Racism ” by Derman-Sparks and the A.B.C. Task Force, located on the Teaching for Change website.

  1. Cultural Competencies: Essential Elements of Caring-Centered Multicultural EducationRead “Cultural Competencies: Essential Elements of Caring-Centered Multicultural Education,” by Pang et al., from Action in Teacher Education (2011). Case 1: Read the Case Study entitled The School Board at the end of Chapter 10 of Saks, A., and Haccoun, R. (2015). Managing performance through training and development, 7th ed. Toronto: Nelson. Assume the role of a training consultant who has been hired by the company to assess where this training initiative went wrong and how to move forward.
    Write a 1000-word memo that answers the five Questions in the case study. Ensure that you incorporate the concepts and ideas learned, and that you properly cite any materials you paraphrase or directly quote using APA 6th edition format.

    For years, parents, students, and teachers complained that nobody listened, that decisions were made without participation, and that good ideas went unacknowledged. A needs analysis that involved a survey of teachers and students confirmed that these problems were widespread. Carlos DaSilva, who was recently appointed trainer at the school board and had a strong background in teaching, had to address the communications problem as his first assignment. He designed what he considered to be an excellent three- day communications program. He spent months on the design: finding videos, exercises, and games that taught active listening, upward communication, brain- storming, and other areas identified in the survey. Carlos was excited to deliver his new training program and was sure that the participants would like it. On the first day, Carlos began with a brief introduction on the importance of communication, followed by a lecture on communication channels. Afterwards, he showed a video about manager–employee communication problems and how to improve communication. This was followed by a discussion of the key points in the video and what the trainees might do to improve their communication skills. On day two of the training program, Carlos began with a lecture on brain- storming. He then had trainees participate in a group brainstorming exercise. Each group had to brainstorm as many ideas as possible for improving communication in the school board. Afterwards, the groups presented their ideas followed by a discussion of the most creative ways to improve communication with teachers, students, and parents. On the third day of the training program, Carlos began with a lecture on active listening. Trainees then participated in an exercise in which they had to develop a message and then communicate it to the other trainees. At the end of the exercise, each trainee had to recall the message sent by the other trainees. This was followed by a discussion of how to be a more effective listener and tips on active listening. Carlos ended the training program by having trainees participate in a communication game. First, he had trainees complete a self-assessment of how they send messages and the channels they use for communication. Then groups of trainees had to develop a message that they would communicate to the other groups. Each group had to determine the best way for their message to reach the other groups as accurately and quickly as possible. At the end of the game, each group read out the message they received from the other groups. Carlos then scored each group in terms of the accuracy of the message received by the other groups and how long it took for each group to receive the message. The game was a lot of fun for the participants, who left the training program on a high. Carlos thanked them for attending the program and encouraged them to apply what they learned in training when they returned to work. The trainees applauded Carlos and thanked him for providing such an enjoyable training experience. Two months after the training program, Carlos was sitting at his desk, thinking about his meeting scheduled for 2 p.m. with the school board superintendent. He was looking forward to the meeting, knowing that he would be praised for the successful interactive communications program he had designed and delivered.
    However, the meeting with the superintendent went poorly. Although some participants had loved the exercises and games in the communications course, most had not changed their work behaviour. Furthermore, a review of the situation showed that the old problems persisted and communication remained a serious problem at the school board. Carlos did not know what to say or what he should do. Several days later, Carlos approached some of the participants who had attended the training program and asked them how things were going. One participant laughed and said, “Well that was a lot of fun, but training is training and work is work. Besides, nothing ever changes around here.” Carlos asked her what she meant and she explained to him that supervisors don’t get it and continued to call the shots. “The only thing they know about communication is downward,” she said. “Maybe they should have attended your training program!” QUESTIONS
  2. What are some reasons that Carlos’s training program did not transfer?
  3. Discuss some of the barriers to transfer that might be operating at the school board. Who is responsible for these barriers and when do they occur during the training process?
  4. Describe some of the things that Carlos might have done before, during, and after the training program to improve the transfer of training. What could the trainees and supervisors have been asked to do before, during, and after training to improve transfer?
  5. Discuss the training transfer climate and the transfer system at the school board. How might they have contributed to the transfer problem?
  6. What should Carlos do about the transfer problem at the school board? What changes should he make next time he delivers a training program?
    Case 2: Read the Case Study entitled The Alcohol/Drug Abuse Prevention Program (ADAPP) at the end of Chapter 11 of Saks, A., and Haccoun, R. (2015). Managing performance through training and development, 7th ed. Toronto: Nelson. Assume the role of a training consultant who has been hired by the company to assess where this training initiative went wrong and how to move forward.
    Write a 1000-word memo that answers the four Questions in the case study. Ensure that you incorporate the concepts and ideas learned, and that you properly cite any materials you paraphrase or directly quote using APA 6th edition format.
    The North American Transportation Company (NATC) is a very large organiza- tion that provides continent-wide facilities for the shipping of goods, from tonnes of wheat and iron ore to individual parcels. Headquartered in Canada, the com- pany uses all forms of heavy equipment to load, transport, and deliver goods and materials for its clients. In recent years, a number of accidents and near-accidents have occurred. In some cases the accidents caused injuries to people (mainly employees, though some injuries were sustained by bystanders). They also caused substantial material damage to prop- erty and/or the environment. In three cases in the last five years, people were killed. Investigation of these accidents indicated that drug and/or alcohol abuse by company personnel was relatively common and that these may have been contributing factors to the accidents. This analysis also uncovered that absenteeism and job performance problems were also the result of drug/alcohol use by employees. The CEO of the company asked the HR department to solve the problem. In response, the department formulated a zero-tolerance policy toward workplace alcohol and drug abuse. The policy outlawed alcohol/drug use on the job and made the implementation and enforcement of the policy the direct responsibility of all supervisory personnel in the company. They further developed and imple- mented a training program to instruct all supervisors on the policy, the means to implement it, and the specific behaviours expected of them. This training program became known as the Alcohol/Drug Abuse Prevention Program (ADAPP). The day-long training program explained that it was the responsibility of super- visors to be vigilant with respect to drug/alcohol use on the job and to act imme- diately when there was a problem. There were three main aspects to the ADAPP policy that supervisors were to learn and to transfer to the job: (1) explain the policy to their employees as a group; (2) watch for employees who show signs of being “under the influence”; and (3) choose the specific supervisory action required correctly. Supervisor were instructed to (a) assess the situation with the employee; (b) immediately relieve the employee from his/her post should the impairment prevent safe and effective job performance; and (c) direct the person to the Employee Aid Program for further investigation and treatment. Supervisors who failed to implement the procedure would face disciplinary actions including, in some cases, immediate dismissal. The training program consisted of lectures and video presentations, followed by various role-playing exercises and discussions designed to help supervisors learn the policy, motivate them into implementing it, and enhance their confidence in their ability to do so.
    1 . Design a training evaluation for the ADAPP. The training evaluation must be both summative (Has ADAPP led to an increase in the desired supervisory behaviours and to a decrease in employee absence and work- place accidents and injuries?) and formative (What aspects of the training program, if any, should be improved?).
  7. What model or models of training evaluation would seem appropriate in this case? Explain your answer.
  8. What variables should be measured and how should this be done? a. Determine the main variables to measure. b. Determine the information to be collected to address potential improvements to the program, if necessary.
  9. What data collection design or designs would you consider most appropriate for the evaluation? Explain your reasoning.
    Submit a 3- to 4-page analysis of the differences between leadership and management. In your analysis, do the following:
    • Evaluate the two scenarios by answering the following questions:
    o What are the roles of the individuals in the scenarios?
    o Are they managers, leaders, or both?
    o What distinguishes management from leadership and managers from leaders?
    • Analyze the similarities and differences between leadership and management.
    • Support your work with a minimum of two specific citations per page from this week’s Learning Resources and/or additional scholarly sources. These may include specific media examples of leadership behavior and other relevant organizational information.

Time to put your knowledge of the evolving role of the media in political messages to work! You’ve been asked by a popular news organization to create a web article for their official website that will help the public understand the role that media plays in politics. Your product will first explain your analysis of a media item and then describe how the role of media in politics has changed over time.

  1. Choose a visual, text, or other media item that is political in nature. This list provides some examples of media items you may use and guidance on where to locate other examples on the Internet. Be sure to include the media item, or directions on how to access it, with your assessment.
  2. Analyze the political message delivered by your chosen media item. In two well-written paragraphs, explain the background of the image, text, or video and explain what bias the message reveals and how.
    o The background paragraph should include who created the media item, when, for whom, and for what purpose.
    o The analysis paragraph should explain the bias in the media item. What strategies does the media item use to persuade people? (examples are symbolism and emotional appeal)
  3. Write a third well-written paragraph that answers the following question, in your own words. How have the media changed over time, and how has this affected political communication?
  4. List

Select one of the following media items for your assessment. Remember, you must provide the source or information on how to access the source with your assessment.

  1. TV Commercial
    Television advertisements from recent elections are readily available from multiple internet sources, such as the


Ken Ewert’s article Moral Criticisms of the Market (1989) explores the subject of religion and economics, and rebuts the leftist views of the “Christian Socialists” in regards to the free market system. He does a phenomenal job of breaking down the morality of the free market and examining the traits of selfishness, materialism, impersonalism and individualism, community relationships, economic power, and economic ability to please.
With regards to selfishness, Ewert made a great distinction that a self-directed action can happen in one of two ways: “through mutually beneficial economic exchanges, or through predatory political actions” (1989). This cuts to the core of selfishness in a free market. We have the ability to choose our actions, and selfishness is not a requirement for success. I slightly disagree, however, with his views on materialism. While advertisement does give customers important information about products, it can equally be misleading. A consumer may receive just as much misleading information from an advertisement as sound material. I do agree with Ewert’s (1989) assertion that materialism is a problem of all economic systems, as well as his views on impersonalism and individualism. I worked as a waitress for quite a while, and formed many personal relationships with customers; my tips were better if I had a personal relationship with the customer. A free market definitely doesn’t always encourage impersonalism and individualism, nor does it discourage community relationships. Ewert’s (1989) stance on how economic intervention, not the free market, has actually disintegrated family bond is interesting, and a claim I am not sure I agree with, however I am not able to refute his statements on the subject. Ewert’s (1989) comments about economic power were thought-provoking, as I had never thought much into the subject. He made a great point in that an employee chooses to work for an employer because the benefits, even if seemingly small, outweigh the consequences, such as moving costs and loss of local friendships. The last subject Ewert (1989) touches on is economic ability to please. I agree with everything he says in this section, especially his comments about politicians and the “powerful oppressing the weak” (Ewert, 1989).
Overall, I think Ewert did a fantastic job refuting the claims that “Christian Socialists” make about the free market. His statements assume that people have the ability to delve down into the root of what causes our behaviors and thoughts. God has given us that ability, although sometimes it may be hard to put into practice.

Research paper instruction.
Each student will write a five page research paper on their assigned topic within their designated group theme (case study). The individual research paper will be in APA 6th ed. Format (no abstract), 12 pt. Times New Roman font and include at least three additional references to the base document/article.
My Topic
Accidental Statesman Base
Mission Command: Visualize
This is your small group for collaboration on your group project and peer review of your research paper, as well as working on collaborative PEs. View the The Accidental Statesman Base Document topic.(attached) To assist you in your research I have attached the advanced sheets for those lessons.
All document attached.

Research paper instruction.
Each student will write a five page research paper on their assigned topic within their designated group theme (case study). The individual research paper will be in APA 6th ed. Format (no abstract), 12 pt. Times New Roman font and include at least three additional references to the base document/article.
My Topic
Accidental Statesman Base
Mission Command: Visualize
This is your small group for collaboration on your group project and peer review of your research paper, as well as working on collaborative PEs. View the The Accidental Statesman Base Document topic.(attached) To assist you in your research I have attached the advanced sheets for those lessons.
All document attached.

Now that you are familiar with the judicial decision-making process, you will use your experience with it to write a judicial opinion.

  1. Reflect on your decisions in the cases of T.M. v. State of Florida and Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier using the following questions:
    o Did your opinion reflect the majority or minority opinion on each case?
    o Did you tend to favor loose or strict interpretation of the laws and rights for each case?
    o What factors most influenced your decision and interpretations in each case?
  2. Use your answers to the questions above to write a judicial opinion for each case using this Template. Explain your answers to each question in detail and use information from the lesson and the court’s minority and majority opinions. Be sure to check your work for proper spelling and grammar, and revise as needed to ensure your writing is clear and understandable.
  3. Instructions: Replace the information in parentheses with your own work according to the assessment instructions.

T.M. v. State of Florida
I, (your name), write this opinion to (support the majority opinion or dissent with the majority opinion) on the case of T.M. v. State of Florida.
(First paragraph—Explain why your opinion reflects the majority or minority opinion. Give details of each side of the case.)
(Second paragraph—Explain whether you tended to favor loose or strict interpretation of the laws and rights in this case. Give specific examples of where you used each type of interpretation in this case. Explain your reasons for favoring one or the other.)
(Third paragraph—Describe the factors that most influenced your decision and interpretations in this case. Explain why you thought each was significant.)
Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier
I, (your name), write this opinion to (support the majority opinion or dissent with the majority opinion) on the case of Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier.
(First paragraph—Explain why your opinion reflects the majority or minority opinion. Give details of each side of the case.)
(Second paragraph—Explain whether you tended to favor loose or strict interpretation of the laws and rights in this case. Give specific examples of where you used each type of interpretation in this case. Explain your reasons for favoring one or the other.)
(Third paragraph—Describe the factors that most influenced your decision and interpretations in this case. Explain why you thought each was significant.)

Select ONE of the following topics to answer for the Lesson Writing Assignment. The writing assignment should be a minimum of 500 words. You should find most of the information you need to complete the assignment in the chapter, but you are allowed to use outside sources as well (such as news articles or government websites). DO NOT simply copy the information word for word from your sources. If you use information directly from the textbook or another source, it should be cited and the properly formatted citation should be provided at the end of the assignment. All assignments will be analyzed with SafeAssign to identify possible plagiarism.

  1. Read Chapter 8, including “You Decide: Voices of Texas: A Plural or Single Executive?” and write an essay answering the following questions:
    • How does the power of the governor in Texas compare to other states?
    • What is a plural executive? What is the single executive model?
    • What are the arguments for and against a plural executive?
    • Do you believe that the plural executive is more democratic than the single executive model? Why or why not?
    • Does the plural executive lead to more efficient and accountable government? Why or why not?
    • Do you believe the power of the governor should be increased, decreased or remain the same? Why or why not?
  2. Read Chapter 10, including “You Decide: Voices of Texas: Houston’s ‘Bathroom Ordinance’” and write an essay answering the following questions:
    • According to the graphic “Who Governs Texas’s Cities?”, which city council best reflects the racial/ethnic composition of its population? Which council diverges the most from its city’s population?
    • Do you think it is important that the city councils do reflect the racial/ethnic composition of their communities? Why or why not?
    • Why are there so many special districts in Texas? Do you feel cities and counties should do the jobs that special districts do? Why don’t they?
    • Do you think cities and counties should more closely monitor the activities of special districts? Who do you think should be in charge of oversight?
    • In recent years, local ordinances relating to hydraulic fracking, ride hailing services, and discrimination have led to conflict with the state government. Should cities’ lawmaking powers be limited to concerns such as traffic or animal control issues, rather than broader issues?
    • Should the state have the power to preempt or invalidate local ordinances in order to ensure consistency in regulations across the state?
  3. Read Chapter 11, including “You Decide: Voices of Texas: What to Do with a Budget Surplus” and write an essay answering the following questions:
    • Do you think that sales and use taxes are a fair way for the state to generate revenue? Why or why not?
    • How should policy makers deal with a projected budgetary surplus? Should taxes be cut or spending increased?
    • In the case of a budget surplus, what arguments would you make to the legislature to increase spending? Where would you increase spending? Why?
    • In the case of a budget deficit, what areas would you target for cuts? Why?
    • Under what circumstances should the legislature tap into the Rainy Day Fund?
    • Why did the Texas Legislature give up the ability to set tuition at state universities and how has this decision impacted you?

Think about two environments you have experienced.

  1. The first environment is one that did not confront the brutal facts, where the people (and the truth) were not heard.
  2. The second environment is one that did confront the brutal facts, where people had a tremendous opportunity to be heard.
    Whataccounts for the difference between the two environments? If you do not havethis life experience you are not off the hook—you will need to interview aleader who has these experiences and report on that. What does the contrastteach us about how to construct an environment where the truth is heard? Usingstrong Biblical support, explain how you relate this to your ChristianWorldview? Does your Christian Worldview help you develop this environment? Howdoes this relate to the ethical components of the Meese and Ortmeier text?

  1. These replies are from a previous discussion boards

1 from Ryan Collins

n today’s society, technology is advancing as fast as the population is growing. The constant change in society dictates the organizations structure and path to either success or failure. Leadership is vital in the initiation and process of moving an organization forward in keeping up with competition or even being the leader in the respective market. To answer the question if Collins was incorrect regarding Wells Fargo is debatable due to the circumstances of the behind the scene aspects, which were not public knowledge until publicized.
As Paul stated in Titus 1:7 (NIV) “Since an overseer manages God’s household, he must be blameless not overbearing, not quick tempered, not given to drunkenness, not violent, not pursuing dishonest gain.” This passage is relevant to the Wells Fargo leadership and initial perspective of Jim Collins. In the initial research of Collins, the apparent facts to including the Dow along with the profits reported, I believe Collins was on point pertaining to the initial research and facts present. The perspective of Collins on the reporting of Wells Fargo’s successes after 2001 derives from his statement of “build enduring greatness through a paradoxical blend of personal humility and professional will” (Wexler, Wycoff, & Fischer, 2007, p. 6).
Looking at the imperative events which took place during the early 2000’s changed the banking aspect and societies approaches on life in general. The devastating event of terrorism on September 11 may have been the trigger event. This event may have encouraging the spike in Wells Fargo’s success due to diversion of the public to enact the lack of integrity triggering uncommon business practices which came back to haunt Wells Fargo. Even if Collins misinterpreted the success of Wells Fargo, the discrepancy was hidden, and the facts apparent to Collins allowed for Wells Fargo to be a part of the 11 successful companies.
According to Collins (2001), the hedgehog concept derives a cycle from good to great insinuating success to the doom loop which is the downfall of an organization relevant to leadership or practices (p.16). The internal structure of Wells Fargo was an imminent result for the Hedgehog Concept to go awry due to the lack of integrity and core values demonstrated by the leadership. The Hedgehog Concept went awry, as soon as the organization strayed from the mission statement enabling scandals and the destruction of organizations reputation to include the lack of trust from clients/customers. In reference to the Hedgehog Concept, Collins stated “It is an understanding of what you can be the best at. The distinction is absolutely crucial” (Wexler, Wycoff, & Fischer, 2007, p. 15), which is the total opposite result of the path Wells Fargo leadership ran the operations.
The downward fall of Wells Fargo derived from internal criminal aspects deriving from the top down. The leaderships lack of knowledge or worse case knowledge of criminal intents within one’s organization lead to the failure to the organization. The deviation of mission statement and goals of the leadership led to the decline of profit per employee. The loss of profit as a top bank in the respective arena along with the loss of confidence to the investors of the bank is a perfect equation for failure contradicting the reporting.

2 from Shockley

In September 2016, Wells Fargo’s scandalous practices came to be known. It was revealed that bank employees were opening bank accounts, transferring money, and signing up for different services in customers’ names without the customers consenting to these activities. These extra accounts were generating fees payable to the bank. It is alleged that these illegal and unethical activities were done due to aggressive, impossible to meet sales quotas placed on employees. Employees were also trained to use fake email addresses and phone numbers when customers failed to provide one. There was a culture permeating Wells Fargo that if an employee was not cheating then he would not meet the numbers required to remain employed at the company (Cavico & Mutjaba, 2017, p. 4).
Jim Collins’ research focused on the numbers, so he was not wrong, but he did misinterpret the root of the numbers. When he did his examination, he saw a company that utilized the Hedgehog Concept and started producing exemplary numbers. “Then the Wells Fargo team asked itself, ‘What can we potentially do better than any other company?’ The brutal fact was that Wells Fargo would never be the best global bank in the world – and so the leadership team pulled the plug on the vast majority of the bank’s international operations” (Collins, 2001). This action appears to be the perfect example of the Hedgehog Concept. The company abandoned something it knew it would never be able to become the best at. The company then focused on “profit per employee” which they appeared to be the best at until their fraudulent activities surfaced.
Profit per employee practices can be a recipe for disaster without attentive leadership. “Without proper safeguards, incentive-based compensation arrangements in financial institutions may encourage excessive risk-taking by employees, leading to serious financial loss for financial institutions…These compensation arrangements were based on short-term revenue, and thereby incentivized employees to expose the financial institution to more risk” (Mims, 2017, p. 429). The executive leadership at Wells Fargo pushed employees to meet sales quotas and open numerous, superfluous accounts for customers or be subject to disciplinary action. This produced a cutthroat environment that eventually led to unethical activities on the part of the employee (Cavico & Mutjaba, 2017, p. 5). Culture of an organization is developed at the top of the organization and is implemented by the bottom. The leadership of Wells Fargo failed in two main ways. “The astute and agile leader should not be blind-sided by any weaknesses or improprieties in the company or organization, such as in the case of Wells Fargo, employees acting in an illegal and immoral manner to meet the unrealistic sales goals set by the bank…Moreover, the leader must be proactive, not a mere reactor, which sadly, appears to be the case with Wells Fargo” (Cavico & Mutjaba, 2017, p. 16). Had Wells Fargo’s leadership noticed the sales goals it was setting on its employees was turning into a weakness, it could have been proactive in preventing any unethical or immoral practices that would harm its customers.
Leaders with a Christian worldview should refrain from participating or allowing their employees to participate in any unethical business practice. It is important to always remember God will provide enough for those who believe in Him and trust Him. “God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good word (2 Corinthians 9:8).

Term Paper Requirements
The paper must be written in accordance with APA standards using the current edition. The required length is 4-5 pages excluding the cover page, charts, tables, graphs, diagrams, photographs, the reference page, or the appendix. The format will be double-spaced, 1-inch margins, Times New Roman, and 12pt font.
Term Paper Topics
Topics for the term paper are required be directly related to aviation or aerospace legislation. You must have selected a topic from one of the Statutes or Cases listed here. The instructor may approve a topic from the Rhoades text which must be directly related to aviation or aerospace legislation.
The instructor may also approve an alternative topic suitable for your location in a jurisdiction outside the United States but only if it is directly concerned with aviation or aerospace legislation.
Papers submitted to Turnitin may be compared against billions of Internet documents, archived Internet data that is no longer available on the live web, a local repository of previously submitted papers, and subscription repository of periodicals, journals, and publications. The comparison may be against any or all of these repositories as set on a specific assignment by the instructor of the class.

Paper half written as follows. No plaigarism. Need an advantage or disadvange two more pages in microsoft word double spaced.
In the years leading up to 1978 there were five major airlines that dominated the market as well as the skies. These major airlines were regulated under the Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB), by 1978 there was a demand for lower airfares. There were several factors and courses of actions for the US Government to consider. Two of these courses of action will be presented here as well as advantages and disadvantages of each. In conclusion, the purpose of the Airline Deregulation Act of 1978 is presented.
Keywords: CAB, aviation, revenue, deregulation

I need help in writing an EXPOSITIONARY ESSAY on a contemporary issue facing the U.S. Army in one of three categories; Leadership, Operations, or Management, using your personal experience and at least three references (Wikipedia IS NOT an acceptable reference) to support your context. This paper must set forth an argument concerning your own experience, in one of those three categories, in a clear and concise manner; using correct grammar, sentence structure, and word usage. Provide a coherent transition from one topic to the next using structure, and transition sentences. Your essay should be in Times New Roman, 12pt font, APA 6th edition format with no abstract, and must be three to five pages in length not including your title and reference page. the recommended online resource for APA style writing is the Purdue University Owl website@
Note: I want the paper based on leadership, if possible out of the three categories ( Leadership, Operations, or Management)
Note: I need three REFERENCE you can use FM 6 – 22 Leader Development as one of three sources.
This is helpful information to understand the basic knowledge in helping to write the EXPOSITIONARY ESSAY
What is leadership?
Leadership is the process of influencing people by providing purpose, direction, and motivation to accomplish the mission and improve the organization.
What is an Army Leader?
An Army leader is anyone who by virtue of assumed role or assigned responsibility inspires and influences people to accomplish organizational goals.
How can leaders mitigate resistance?
Leaders can mitigate resistance by anticipating what others value, their reactions to influence, their shared understanding of common goals, and their commitment to the general organization or the purpose of the mission and their trust in the organization and the leader.
What conveys the expectations that the Army wants leaders to meet?
The Leadership Requirements Model
What are the leader attributes?
Character, presence and intellect.
What are the three categories of competencies?
The Army leader serves to lead others.
The Army leader serves to develop the environment, themselves, others and the profession as a whole.
The Army leader serves to achieve organizational goals.

Reflective Writing: Texas Legislative Branch, Redistricting, Campaigns and Elections under Federalism
Requirements and Completion Instructions
When completing your essay, you must provide in-text citations for any work that is directly quoted or paraphrased. However, you do not need to put the direct citation next to each piece of information that you include in your chart. A bibliographic citations on your bibliography will suffice. When writing your essay, respond to the prompt thoroughly, and completely.
Your response should be your own thoughts and analysis. Citations may be formatted in MLA as long as they are consistent throughout. Research and resources should be incorporated with scholarly application. I.e. used as examples or evidence to support your analysis. Make sure to use complete sentences, and proper grammar. Your response to the prompt should focus on analyzing the information you gather and use to complete the constitutional chart through application. Incorporate the information you gathered by using it to provide examples and support for your response to the prompt.

Your analysis and essay must be at least 2 pages, in length. This does not include the bibliography. The bibliography should be incorporated, on a separate page.
My expectations of a complete assignment are that information is organized clearly and in detail with specific examples. Quality is preferred to quantity.
Copy and paste the link below, to access and stream the movie The Big Buy: How Tom Delay Stole Congress, free online. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Choose from one of the prompts below, to respond to

  1. Thinking about federalism and the how power is distributed between multiple levels of government, including the federal and state level, identify current federal and Texas laws that regulate elections, such as those that provide for determining electoral processes, eligibility to participate in an election, selection methods, winning requirements, candidate qualifications, determining when and where election is held. Discuss inconsistencies and provide some possible examples to explain the potential effects these could have on electoral outcomes, of who is deemed winner, and ultimately achieving democratic representation of the appropriate people (constituents) who will be electorally linked and impacted by the winner of a political office.
  2. In your own opinion, is re-redistricting, before the decennial census, a crime, based on statutory and constitutional law? Or, given the nature and number of state level elections, across a wide geography made up of an extremely demographically heterogeneous population, make it democratically necessary that re-mapping between census’s be a reserved power of the states, in order to maximize representative democracy. How could the remapping of Texas be applied to example and explain the state’s Don’t Mess With Texas, age old attitude, and individualistic political culture.
  3. How could you defend an argument that re-redistricting was not illegal, and how could you defend the argument that re-redistricting violated the Voting Rights Act. Despite, the Texas remapping controversy, should the federal judicial system be involved, in what Justice Felix Frankfurter called the “political thicket” of partisan redistricting? Especially, since the power to redistrict is a power reserved to for the state, and its people. If political gerrymandering is a problem, should its resolve be left to the voters, state by state, and jurisdiction by jurisdiction, or to the federal government (i.e. oversight, regulation, intervention, law…what do you think).

The subject for the first of three larger written assignments in the course is the interaction between Congress and the Executive branches, topics from Modules 4-6.
A recent presidential election, new Administration, unified government, and renewed interest in separation of powers between co-equal branches, executive authority over the bureaucracy, the role of congressional oversight all point to a relevant range of subjects for you to select a topic, engage in research and analysis, and compose an essay addressing a current topic that illustrates executive-legislative relations.
Washington, D.C. is an extremely competitive, political town and you must work hard to govern — whether it is via legislation, an executive order, or to keep or increase your agency funding — it is an important part of government. No matter when on the legislative calendar or President’s agenda, you sell your ideas and compete for attention, staff, funding.
Choose an issue of contemporary relevance to the federal government — it may be an issue of primarily legislative oversight or initiative or executive branch purview. However, in particular, identify a current issue of contention between the branches and present a reasoned argument or analysis describing the problem or conflict and how the branches work (or fail).

  1. Submit a written analysis on a current topic of your choice. If you have any questions about relevant topics, please reach out to your Instructor.
  2. A quality report will be between 750-1000 words (3-4 content pages).
    Clarity and detail, as well as connections to the structure and powers of each branches, are more important than length.
  3. You should use at least 5 quality sources to research and clarify your thoughts. When appropriate, the sources should be cited within the body of your analysis (using MLA (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. or APA (Links to an external site.)Links to an external A complete bibliography or Works Cited should be and the end of your submitted document and will include all sources from which you gathered information. URLs alone are NOT a sufficient citation (See MLA (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. or APA (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. style guides).
  4. Be sure to check for clarity and appropriate word usage; complete sentences; correct grammar, spelling and punctuation.
  5. You should demonstrate substantial understanding about your topic and the current state of play on the issue.
  6. Be sure to follow all guidelines as outlined in the full Writing Assignment Rubric (click here) .

The purpose of this paper is to provide practical application of material learned by developing concepts presented in the presentations. The body of the paper must be at least 6 pages (double spaced, 12-pt font). In addition to the body there must be a separate title page and a page of references. A separate abstract is not necessary and must be omitted.

Do not attempt to write the paper without carefully studying the related presentations. To achieve more than a passing grade, you must demonstrate a mastery of the presentations and factual information and incorporate those ideas into your papers. Naturally, stylistic points such as grammar and spelling will be considered in grading. Your paper must be in current APA format. Doing the minimum amount of work does not guarantee a perfect score.

Topic: Becoming an Informed Voter – Researching Your Congressional Delegation

The research paper has 2 steps. First, you will analyze the background of your congressional district and your U.S. Representative. Second, you will analyze the political background of your state and 1 of your U.S. Senators. You may choose which senator to study; however, if one senator is newly elected and does not have interest group ratings, choose the other one. Note that these are United States Representatives and Senators. Do not use members of your state legislature.

Begin by reviewing the presentation on “Becoming an Informed Voter.” The example of Congressman Bob Goodlatte of Virginia is used. If you live in the Sixth Congressional District of Virginia, you will have to adopt another Virginia congressional district as your temporary home and write about that one, since you have already been given some of the information on Bob Goodlatte. If you have a newly elected representative who has not yet received interest group ratings, get the interest group ratings of a representative from a neighboring district.

After reviewing the presentation, you will write an essay with 2 parts. The first part will deal with your congressional district and congressman; the second part will deal with your state and senator. As explained in the presentation, interest group scores may be found at

A helpful source to find information for this paper is The Almanac of American Politics by Michael Barone and Chuck McCutcheon.

This essay will address a number of questions:

• What is the recent political history of your district and state?
• How have they voted in recent presidential and congressional elections?
• Can your district or state be considered to be leaning Republican or leaning Democratic?
• Are the parties relatively even or does one party dominate the elections?
• Does your district have a long tradition of supporting one party or has it been changing in recent years?
• How did your representative and senator come to power? (Thoroughly describe their backgrounds.)
• How do the interest groups (ADA, ACLU, ACU, CC or FRC) rate your representative and senator? (Note: If the Christian Coalition score is not available, you may substitute the Family Research Council score. Include the exact scores from each of these groups. The rationale for this is explained in the presentation.)
• Based on these ratings, would you classify your representative and senator as conservative or liberal? Justify your answer.
My state is north carolina so I will need senator and congressman from North Carolina

Prepare: Since this is the first step in developing your Final Paper, it is recommended that you review POL201 Assignment GuidePreview the document before beginning this assignment. A model POL201 Final Paper templatePreview the document and the POL201 Research Guide are both provided for you within the online classroom to utilize when completing your Final Paper. You should also review the Week 2 Policy and Your Life discussion and the list of some possible policies found in the Week 2 DQ and Final Paper Policy ExamplesPreview the document in your online classroom, before completing this assignment. The first step to researching your Final Paper is selecting a specific policy for your paper, which was part of the Week 2 Policy and Your Life discussion. Your paper must focus on a specific policy that focuses on an aspect of the United States government and ideally, that relates to your major and future career. You should be able to find research that will allow you to support your ideas. If you have questions or would like your instructor to approve your policy, please email them directly and/or discuss with your instructor and colleagues in the Week 2 Policy and Your Life discussion forum.
Reflect: Once you have found a topic that interests you, you will begin the research for your Final Paper this week. In addition to establishing your topic and the thesis for your paper, you will also provide an Annotated Bibliography (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. for four of the sources you intend to utilize to support your Final Paper. Each annotation should be a minimum of one full paragraph (five sentences) in length and should explain what the source discusses and how this links to your Final Paper topic. While your textbook can be utilized as a source, it does not count towards your four sources for this assignment. As your paper progresses, it is expected that you will find more sources to support your ideas for a minimum of eight sources are required for the final, with a minimum of five of those sources from the Ashford University Library databases. This research is necessary to develop a strong Final Paper. The following resources will help you to use the library effectively to find sources for your paper: For guidance on using library databases to locate scholarly, peer-reviewed articles click on Help! Need Article (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.and then click the “How Do I Search for Articles” button from the Main Menu. For guidance on identifying the types of sources you can use for academic research, watch this interactive tutorial on Evaluating Sources. The Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. Additionally, the POL201 Research Guide, located within the online classroom, is designed to help you find sources for your paper. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Be sure that the sources you are utilizing to support your ideas are valid, reliable, and not overly bias. For information on identifying information bias, watch this interactive tutorial on Subjective and Objective Statements (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..
Write: To complete the assignment, download the Week 2 Annotated Bibliography WorksheetPreview the document from the online classroom to your computer, fill it out, and submit it via Waypoint. Within the worksheet, you will address your policy, find four scholarly sources to support your policy, and explain the significance of each of your four sources. Please be sure that each section is at least a full paragraph (minimum of five sentences) in length and fully addresses the questions presented. All references should be listed in full APA format and cited appropriately.

Select ONE of the following topics to answer for Writing Assignment 1. The writing assignment should be a minimum of 750 words. You should find most of the information you need to complete the assignment in the textbook, but it may improve your submission by using additional sources (such as news articles or government websites).
• Discuss how the population has changed in Texas and how it is projected to change in the future. (Hint: Look at the charts and graphs in Chapter 1.) In what ways might Texas’ politics change in the future based on its racial and ethnic makeup? Based on the population growth, urbanization and economic transformation of the last two decades, how might Texas change in the next two decades? Which areas will grow in population, and what might Texas’ government have to do to respond to that growth? (Be specific)
• Compared to the US Constitution, why is the Texas Constitution so frequently amended? How does the turnout for elections dealing with constitutional amendments compare to turnout for presidential elections? (Refer to “Who are Texans?” in Chapter 2). Do you think the level of turnout influences the legitimacy of the amendments that are passed or rejected? Do you think that more people should participate in constitutional amendment elections? Why or why not? Is there anything the state can do to increase turnout for constitutional amendment elections?
• Has the evolving relationship between the federal government and the states changed for the better or worse? Why? How has Texas generally responded to mandates from the federal government? Do you think the federal government should be allowed to enact “unfunded mandates” on the states? What state issues, if any, do you feel the federal government should be involved in? Why these and not others?
• Do you think political parties serve an important function in Texas? Why? What are some of the barriers to third parties in Texas? Do you think Texas should make it easier for minor parties to gain political power? Why or why not? What changes would you make in order to improve the visibility and power of minor parties in Texas?
• What are some of the past and more recent barriers to voting in Texas? (Be specific) What accounts for the low level of voter participation in Texas? What can be done to increase voter participation? (Specifically discuss at least two policy proposals that election officials could adopt.) Under legislation passed in 2017, Texas will be eliminating straight-ticket voting beginning with the 2020 elections. Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
• What are some of the positive and negative consequences of former members of the Texas Legislature lobbying current members of the legislature? People in the legislature and outside observers have discussed putting limitations on lobbying by former members. Should Texas enact laws to limit the ability of ex-legislators to lobby? What major proposal was put forward in the 2019 legislative session? How far did the bill go in the Texas Legislature? (Note: The Texas Tribune is a good source for information on the legislative session.)
• Discuss the gender, racial and educational makeup of the Texas Legislature. (Refer to “Who are Texans?” in Chapter 7.) Does it adequately represent the population of the state? If the legislature had more people of color, more women, or more people of varying levels of education, do you think it would pass different policies? If so, what kinds of policies might they pass? (Be specific here.) Does the part-time nature of the Texas legislature encourage or discourage people from particular occupations to run? Do you think a full-time legislature could make the legislature more representative? Why or why not?

Ch. 6 & 7 discuss the influence gender and family have on delinquency. In addition, you have read briefly about gender and the juvenile justice system.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper answering the following questions:

How does gender affect delinquency?

What are some current explanations for gender differences as they relate to delinquency?

How does family affect delinquency?

How does family makeup affect delinquency?
How does family behavior influence delinquency?

Are delinquent females treated differently than delinquent males by members of the juvenile justice system?

Are they treated unfairly?
Do they benefit from being female? Why or why not?

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

For this assignment, you will write a 2–3-page essay (double-spaced, 1-inch margins) providing examples of how some facet of “process philosophy” has impacted American government and/or society. You may focus on just 1 example, or you may discuss 2–3 examples.

Options include the following topics:
• A specific piece of legislation.
• The “party platform” of either the Republican Party or the Democratic Party (or both).
• Family and marriage.
• Economics.
• Civil rights.
• Education.

In discussing one of these topics, the goal is to relate how a particular political perspective derives from process philosophy (such as socialism). In making the connection, incorporate clear references from the required reading.

Select ONE of the following topics to answer for Writing Assignment 1. The writing assignment should be a minimum of 750 words. You should find most of the information you need to complete the assignment in the textbook, but it may improve your submission by using additional sources (such as news articles or government websites).
• Discuss how the population has changed in Texas and how it is projected to change in the future. (Hint: Look at the charts and graphs in Chapter 1.) In what ways might Texas’ politics change in the future based on its racial and ethnic makeup? Based on the population growth, urbanization and economic transformation of the last two decades, how might Texas change in the next two decades? Which areas will grow in population, and what might Texas’ government have to do to respond to that growth? (Be specific)
• Compared to the US Constitution, why is the Texas Constitution so frequently amended? How does the turnout for elections dealing with constitutional amendments compare to turnout for presidential elections? (Refer to “Who are Texans?” in Chapter 2). Do you think the level of turnout influences the legitimacy of the amendments that are passed or rejected? Do you think that more people should participate in constitutional amendment elections? Why or why not? Is there anything the state can do to increase turnout for constitutional amendment elections?
• Has the evolving relationship between the federal government and the states changed for the better or worse? Why? How has Texas generally responded to mandates from the federal government? Do you think the federal government should be allowed to enact “unfunded mandates” on the states? What state issues, if any, do you feel the federal government should be involved in? Why these and not others?
• Do you think political parties serve an important function in Texas? Why? What are some of the barriers to third parties in Texas? Do you think Texas should make it easier for minor parties to gain political power? Why or why not? What changes would you make in order to improve the visibility and power of minor parties in Texas?
• What are some of the past and more recent barriers to voting in Texas? (Be specific) What accounts for the low level of voter participation in Texas? What can be done to increase voter participation? (Specifically discuss at least two policy proposals that election officials could adopt.) Under legislation passed in 2017, Texas will be eliminating straight-ticket voting beginning with the 2020 elections. Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
• What are some of the positive and negative consequences of former members of the Texas Legislature lobbying current members of the legislature? People in the legislature and outside observers have discussed putting limitations on lobbying by former members. Should Texas enact laws to limit the ability of ex-legislators to lobby? What major proposal was put forward in the 2019 legislative session? How far did the bill go in the Texas Legislature? (Note: The Texas Tribune is a good source for information on the legislative session.)
• Discuss the gender, racial and educational makeup of the Texas Legislature. (Refer to “Who are Texans?” in Chapter 7.) Does it adequately represent the population of the state? If the legislature had more people of color, more women, or more people of varying levels of education, do you think it would pass different policies? If so, what kinds of policies might they pass? (Be specific here.) Does the part-time nature of the Texas legislature encourage or discourage people from particular occupations to run? Do you think a full-time legislature could make the legislature more representative? Why or why not?

The following questions are based on assigned textbook readings. Answer each question as completely as possible. Be sure to proofread your work carefully for correct spelling, grammar, and usage. Creative thinking and your own wording are important aspects of an effective answer.
Do not merely copy sentences or paragraphs from the readings. However, you should use ideas from the readings if they support your answer. When you do, be sure to acknowledge the source of the quotation or paraphrase.
1.Interest groups attempt to influence politicians and public policy in a variety of ways. Define the term interest group, distinguishing it from a political party, and briefly describe some of the ways interest groups seek influence. [MO4.1, MO4.2]
2.Discuss the differences between economic groups and citizen groups. Which areas does each try to influence, and why? From which sources does each of these groups receive the funds needed to function? [MO4.1, MO4.2]
3.Through inside lobbying, groups seek to gain direct access to officials in order to influence their decisions. Describe key elements and tactics of the process of inside lobbying. Define outside lobbying. Who is involved, and who are the targets? What tactics are used, and what relationship is there with elections? [MO4.1, MO4.2]
4.Political action committees (PACs) are the financial arm of interest groups. Discuss PACs and super PACs. Discuss some of the controversies surrounding PACs. [MO4.1, MO4.2]
5.Define a pluralist approach to group theory and the elite critique. [MO4.1, MO4.2]
6.Summarize the historical development of the news media from the nation’s founding to today. What has been happening to the news audience and the news media in recent years, and how has that affected the information levels of the American public? Why is it important for citizens to be attentive and informed? [MO4.3]
7.Define and explain the media functions of agenda setting, promoting the public good, watchdogs, and corporate revenue generator. Why is the media referred to as the fourth estate, and what are the other three? Explain your answer. [MO4.3]
8.Discuss divided government. Does redistricting have any effect? What is gerrymandering? [MO4.3]

Book Critique on Martin’s, Prevailing Worldviews of Western Society Since 1500. The Book Critique must be 3–5 pages, not including the title and reference page. Format the body of your critique in 4 main sections: summary, critique, application, and policy review. Do not summarize or critique the chapters chronologically. Consider the book as a whole. Avoid excessive quotations. State the authors’ viewpoints in your own words and give specific page references when paraphrasing. Be sure to review the Book Critiques Grading Rubric before starting this assignment. Each submission must be in a Microsoft Word document.
• Summary
Summarize the main theme of the book. What is the overall perspective, purpose, or argument of the book? If the author wanted you to get 1 idea from the book, what would it be?
• Critique
This section needs to balance the book’s strengths and weaknesses in order to unify your evaluation. What strikes you as noteworthy? What has the book accomplished? In what ways was the book effective or persuasive? Challenge assumptions, approaches, or arguments made by the author. Does the argument make sense? You can offer agreement or disagreement as well as identifying where you find the work exemplary or deficient in its knowledge, judgments, or organization. Provide concrete evidence for your assertions. Support judgments with references from the textbook readings in this course and other scholarly resources. The paper must include at least 2 references in addition to the course textbooks and the Bible. All citations must be in current Turabian format. Be sure that your evaluation is balanced, respectful, and fair. Control the tone of your critique.
• Application
This section must demonstrate how the book has enhanced your understanding of current public policy issues. Why is this topic important today? How can this information be used in forming and maintaining a strong foreign policy?
• Policy Review
Identify and assess a current public policy issue in current events in light of the theories presented in this material. Do not merely state what the policy is. Explain the policy and provide a short but detailed briefing on the policy. Additionally, state if the policy is good or bad based on the perspective you gained in reading this book. You must also introduce new ideas that go beyond the book if they complement ideas you have gleaned from reading in the book.

Read the John D. Rockefeller Standard Oil Trust case study as well as pp. 145–150 –> Exxon and the Control of Oil. In your paper, you are to support the position of the dominance theory of business power.
From the perspective of the dominance theory which you have been assigned, consider the following prompts in your paper:

  1. Regarding the seven levels of corporate power, how did the power of Standard Oil change society?
  2. Was the power exercised in keeping with the social contract of Rockefeller’s era?
  3. Does the story support the position of the dominance theory of business power?
  4. Did the arguments you read in this case study change your perspective?
    Paper Requirements
    12-font, Times New Roman, 1-3 pages, APA style (scholarly reference citations)

Worldview Analysis Paper Instructions
You will write a 2-page paper (double-spaced, 1-inch margins, 2 full pages) providing examples of how some facet of “process philosophy” has impacted American government and/or society. You may focus on just 1 example, or you may discuss 2–3 examples.

Options include the following topics:

• A specific piece of legislation
• The “party platform” of either the Republican Party or the Democratic Party (or both)
• Family & Marriage
• Economics
• Civil Rights
• Education

In discussing one of these topics, the goal is to relate how a particular political perspective derives from process philosophy (such as socialism). In making the connection, incorporate clear references from the required reading.

The required reading and study material for Module/Week 4 must be cited, specifically:

• Martin: chs. 8–13
• Either 1 or more of the presentations from Module/Week 4, or Lecture Notes 4.1
• Several (2–4) additional outside sources which provide specifics on your chosen topic
• I can email the lecture notes and anything else that I have if you need them.

Assignment 1: Forces and Public Issues in Industry
In this module we explored business, government, and society as an interrelated system made up of primary and secondary stakeholders. In additional to stakeholder forces, we also introduced some of the broader forces influencing this system. In this assignment, you will demonstrate your understanding of stakeholder relationships and influences (including that of government and the media) on industry and public issues.
This assignment will comprise 15% of your total course mark. Part A is a case study on land development, and Part B is a report on public issues relating to the tobacco industry. Each question carries the marks as stated for a total of 100 marks.
Part A: A Brawl in Mickey’s Backyard
Read the Discussion Case, “A Brawl in Mickey’s Backyard,” on pages 22–23 of your textbook.
• Question 1: In a chart, diagram, or paragraph form, identify the primary and secondary (or market and nonmarket) stakeholder groups influencing or influenced by SunCal’s plans to develop a 26-acre site in the resort district. (5 marks)
• Question 2: Explain why each stakeholder group identified in question 1 is in favour of, or opposed to, SunCal’s plans to build condominiums in the resort district. (15 marks)
• Question 3: Identify possible solutions to this dispute that might emerge if SunCal was to work collaboratively with its stakeholders to address their concerns. (10 marks)
Part B: The Tobacco Industry
The tobacco industry is constantly in the media. Choose one or more public issue(s) relating to the tobacco industry (banning of smoking in public places, secondary smoke health issues, controls on tobacco advertising and corporate sponsorship, youth or women as a tobacco industry target markets, etc.) Write a 2500-word double-spaced report containing the following:
• Section 1. Context: Introduce the issue(s) you have selected and list primary and secondary stakeholders influencing or influenced by this issue(s). Be specific in naming individuals, groups, associations, and/or government bodies and describe these stakeholders’ roles. (15 marks)
• Section 2. What does this mean to my family? Identify your own stakeholder role(s) in relation to the tobacco industry and cigarette smoking in our society. Describe the biases, perspectives, or experiences that may influence your position on this public issue. (10 marks)
Note: There is no right or wrong perspective, but it is important to recognize your own stakeholder positions and how they influence your perspectives.
• Section 3. What does this mean to my company? Imagine yourself as a tobacco industry executive and describe management of the public issue(s) from this perspective. (15 marks)
• Section 4. What does this mean to my country? Discuss the role(s) of government in this issue(s) and how it is influencing both the industry and the public. (15 marks)
• Section 5. Media impact: Describe the media’s role in this issue(s) and the perspective it is presenting to the public. Discuss both industry-sponsored media communications, as well as government communications and reporting in the popular press. Cite specific examples using references. (15 marks)
Completion Guidelines
• Submit your assignment by WebCT mail. Be sure to save your assignment as a Word document and name it

• Did you scan the document for viruses?
• Did you complete all the required elements?
• Did you use information and terminology learned in this course?
• Did you support your statements with specific examples and external resources?
• Did you cite references, using correct referencing format?
• Is your report grammatically correct, clear, and well organized?
• Did you demonstrate your ability to evaluate sources of information?
• Send your assignment to your Open Learning faculty member.

Worldview Analysis Paper Instructions
You will write a 2-page paper (double-spaced, 1-inch margins, 2 full pages) providing examples of how some facet of “process philosophy” has impacted American government and/or society. You may focus on just 1 example, or you may discuss 2–3 examples.

Options include the following topics:

• A specific piece of legislation
• The “party platform” of either the Republican Party or the Democratic Party (or both)
• Family & Marriage
• Economics
• Civil Rights
• Education

In discussing one of these topics, the goal is to relate how a particular political perspective derives from process philosophy (such as socialism). In making the connection, incorporate clear references from the required reading.

The required reading and study material for Module/Week 4 must be cited, specifically:

• Martin: chs. 8–13
• Either 1 or more of the presentations from Module/Week 4, or Lecture Notes 4.1
• Several (2–4) additional outside sources which provide specifics on your chosen topic
• I can email the lecture notes and anything else that I have if you need them.

Assignment 1: Forces and Public Issues in Industry
In this module we explored business, government, and society as an interrelated system made up of primary and secondary stakeholders. In additional to stakeholder forces, we also introduced some of the broader forces influencing this system. In this assignment, you will demonstrate your understanding of stakeholder relationships and influences (including that of government and the media) on industry and public issues.
This assignment will comprise 15% of your total course mark. Part A is a case study on land development, and Part B is a report on public issues relating to the tobacco industry. Each question carries the marks as stated for a total of 100 marks.
Part A: A Brawl in Mickey’s Backyard
Read the Discussion Case, “A Brawl in Mickey’s Backyard,” on pages 22–23 of your textbook.
• Question 1: In a chart, diagram, or paragraph form, identify the primary and secondary (or market and nonmarket) stakeholder groups influencing or influenced by SunCal’s plans to develop a 26-acre site in the resort district. (5 marks)
• Question 2: Explain why each stakeholder group identified in question 1 is in favour of, or opposed to, SunCal’s plans to build condominiums in the resort district. (15 marks)
• Question 3: Identify possible solutions to this dispute that might emerge if SunCal was to work collaboratively with its stakeholders to address their concerns. (10 marks)
Part B: The Tobacco Industry
The tobacco industry is constantly in the media. Choose one or more public issue(s) relating to the tobacco industry (banning of smoking in public places, secondary smoke health issues, controls on tobacco advertising and corporate sponsorship, youth or women as a tobacco industry target markets, etc.) Write a 2500-word double-spaced report containing the following:
• Section 1. Context: Introduce the issue(s) you have selected and list primary and secondary stakeholders influencing or influenced by this issue(s). Be specific in naming individuals, groups, associations, and/or government bodies and describe these stakeholders’ roles. (15 marks)
• Section 2. What does this mean to my family? Identify your own stakeholder role(s) in relation to the tobacco industry and cigarette smoking in our society. Describe the biases, perspectives, or experiences that may influence your position on this public issue. (10 marks)
Note: There is no right or wrong perspective, but it is important to recognize your own stakeholder positions and how they influence your perspectives.
• Section 3. What does this mean to my company? Imagine yourself as a tobacco industry executive and describe management of the public issue(s) from this perspective. (15 marks)
• Section 4. What does this mean to my country? Discuss the role(s) of government in this issue(s) and how it is influencing both the industry and the public. (15 marks)
• Section 5. Media impact: Describe the media’s role in this issue(s) and the perspective it is presenting to the public. Discuss both industry-sponsored media communications, as well as government communications and reporting in the popular press. Cite specific examples using references. (15 marks)
Completion Guidelines
• Submit your assignment by WebCT mail. Be sure to save your assignment as a Word document and name it BBUS_3031_Module_1_Assignment.
• Did you scan the document for viruses?
• Did you complete all the required elements?
• Did you use information and terminology learned in this course?
• Did you support your statements with specific examples and external resources?
• Did you cite references, using correct referencing format?
• Is your report grammatically correct, clear, and well organized?
• Did you demonstrate your ability to evaluate sources of information?
• Send your assignment to your Open Learning faculty member.

Assessment task details:
You are required to choose one (1) of the following three contemporary ethics issues (Topics 1, 2 or 3) for analysis and produce a board briefing paper for tabling at the next meeting of the company’s board of directors.
Board members gain a great deal of information about the decisions they need to make through the papers they receive prior to a board meeting. Board papers are often prepared by non-board members. Papers cover a variety of functions, from providing general information to a call for action. For example, section 180 of the Australian Corporations Act 2001 outlines that directors have a statutory duty of care to have read the board papers to be able to contribute effectively to board meetings.
In this briefing paper you will argue either in the affirmative (for) or the negative (against), providing a critical argument with evidence to support your argument.
Whilst the tone of this writing is slightly different to an essay, this briefing paper must have essay-like qualities. That is, you are required to formulate an argument, undertake research to locate academic references, and support your argument with theories covered in this course.
You are also required to table recommendations for the board to consider based on your analysis of the issue, including future action and possible barriers (these must be theory driven/evidence based).
To formulate your argument, you are required to undertake research to locate academic references using online databases (e.g. EBSCO, Proquest, Emerald, Science Direct etc). You must to use at least 12 academic references to support your argument.
Literature pointers will be provided on the Ethics & Governance Canvas site. Also, please read the Ethics & Governance – Guide to Assessment 1: Research Essay for details on essay writing, research and referencing requirements for this assessment.
E&G Assessment Guide
See also the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) Directors Tools on Board Papers Meeting Effectiveness (Links to an external site.)
Topic 1: Walmart and Foreign Corruption
Walmart has agreed to pay $US282 million (AUD $407 million) to settle US federal allegations of overseas corruption. Once upon a time it was possible to get away with having differing ethical stances in different jurisdictions. In a globalised world is it ethical and still possible to practice ethical relativism? (Answer with reference to course literature, theory, concepts and research.)
Literature pointers:
• Barakat, M 2019, ‘Walmart to pay $407m over foreign corruption charges’, Australian Financial Review, 21 June, (Links to an external site.) [viewed 27 June 2019].
• Hartman, LP & Desjardins, J 2008, Business ethics: Decision making for personal integrity & social responsibility, McGraw-Hill irwin, Boston, pp 63-109. see Chapter 3: Philosophical ethics and business (Links to an external site.)
• (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)Jones, TM & Ryan, LV 1998, ‘The effect of organizational forces on individual morality: Judgment, moral approbation, and behavior’, Business Ethics Quarterly, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 431-45.
• Scherer, AG & Palazzo, G 2011, The new political role of business in a globalized world: A review of a new perspective on CSR and its implications for the firm, governance, and democracy, Journal of Management Studies, 48(4), 899-931.
• Trevino, LK and Nelson, KA 2011, Managing business ethics : straight talk about how to do it right, Chapter 3: Deciding what’s right: a psychological approach, pp. 71-110, 5th ed. Hoboken, NJ : John Wiley.
I want to 2000 words and it should be Harvard format no plagiarism.
I chose Walmart and Foreign Corruption Topic. I also attached all the articles and the course slides you may need it.
the course name : Ethics & governance

APA format, properly formatted cover page, double-spaced text, Times New Roman 12pt font, 1-inch margins, as well as full endnote-style citations for paraphrasing and quotations. Eight references (minimum) 1,600 word paper addressing the following topic:
The integration and application of airpower in warfare has been debated throughout history with a variety of perspectives and opinions on its proper use. Many of the key ideas, theories, and doctrine regarding the use of the military instrument of power—particularly the use of airpower. Reflecting on the Airpower, describe and explain the capabilities and limitations of military power in the air domain.

  1. Analyze the different perspectives on the application of airpower in warfare.
  2. Apply the principles of airpower to warfare.
  3. Relate historical changes in the perspectives on the proper use of airpower in warfare to contemporary events.
  4. Apply an understanding of the patterns and trends in airpower to the modern debate

Assignment Details
As recent events have shown, the rapid pace in which technology advances has created complicated legal questions that are being litigated before the courts today. Likely, one of the most controversial of these advances is the relationship between DNA, probable cause, and issues of privacy. In this activity, you are provided two research documents. Research Document 1 provides an overview of the legal issues associated with compulsory DNA collection and was prepared by the Congressional Research Service. Research Document 2 contains a detailed overview of the legal and ethical issues associated with DNA. Read both documents, and then write an argumentative essay explaining your position on the issue of DNA that is discussed in these documents.
Complete the following for this assignment:

  1. Read the following 2 research documents:
    o Henning, A. C. (2008). Compulsory DNA collection: A Fourth Amendment analysis. Washington, D.C.: Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress.
     Click here to access the article.
    o Strutin, K. (2014). DNA without warrant: Decoding privacy, probable cause and personhood. Rich. JL & Pub. Int., 18, 319.
     Click here to access the article.
  2. Summarize the key legal and privacy concerns discussed by Henning.
  3. Summarize the key legal and privacy concerns discussed by Strutin.
  4. Form an argumentative essay supporting your position relating to those issues raised by Henning and Strutin. Indicate whether you agree with one author over the other, whether you disagree with both, or have other ideas on this topic. Explain your position in detail.
    Be sure to cite all references in APA format.

Texas Government Essay Questions (3)

Please answer following three essay questions. Each essay must be at least two pages long (double-spaced and font size of 12). You are more than welcome to write more than two pages for each essay. Please make sure to give proper citations if you utilize any sources. MLA format is a must (work cited page, in-text citations, etc.). I will use TURNITIN when grading your essays. .

  1. Describe the particular historical conditions under which the Constitution of 1876 was drafted. What were some of the main principles behind the Constitution of 1876? What are some of the most important aspects of the constitution that reflect the political philosophy of its framers?
  2. Describe the character of federal–state relations today. How much influence does the federal government wield over the states? What tools can it use to coerce state compliance with federal measures? What means do states have to resist federal initiatives?
  3. Describe the history of Texas as a one-party state. Which party dominates Texas politics today, and what are the historical origins behind this dominance? What were some of the ramifications of one-party rule? What caused the rise of a two-party system in Texas?

Liz Claiborne, Inc. (Claiborne), is a large maker of sportswear in the United States and a wellknown name in fashion, with sales of over $1 billion per year. Claiborne distributes its products through 9,000 retail outlets in the United States. Avon Products, Inc. (Avon), is a major producer of fragrances, toiletries, and cosmetics, with annual sales of more than $3 billion per year. Claiborne, which desired to promote its well-known name on perfumes and cosmetics, entered into a joint venture with Avon whereby Claiborne would make available its names, trademarks, and marketing experience and Avon would engage in the procurement and manufacture of the fragrances, toiletries, and cosmetics. The parties would equally share the financial requirements of the joint venture. During its first year of operation, the joint venture had sales of more than $16 million. In the second year, sales increased to $26 million, making it one of the fastest-growing fragrance and cosmetic lines in the country. One year later, Avon sought to “uncouple” the joint venture. Avon thereafter refused to procure and manufacture the line of fragrances and cosmetics for the joint venture. When Claiborne could not obtain the necessary fragrances and cosmetics from any other source for the fall/Christmas season, Claiborne sued Avon for breach of contract, seeking specific performance of the contract by Avon. Is specific performance an appropriate remedy in this case? Liz Claiborne, Inc. v. Avon Products, Inc., 141 A.D.2d 329, 530 N.Y.S.2d 425, Web 1988 N.Y.App. Div. Lexis 6423 (Supreme Court of New York) (Cheeseman 260)

  1. Consider the topic of the “American Politics in Comparative Perspective” feature. What areas of domestic or foreign policy would be impacted if the United States were to split the head of state and head of government roles?
  2. Consider the topic of the “American Politics in Comparative Perspective” feature. In parliamentary systems, both the prime minister and the Cabinet are ultimately accountable to parliament. In the U.S., the executive and legislative branches are separate and co-equal. What are the major advantages and disadvantages of each system?

Give your views in 3-4 sentences each.

  1. Do you believe the Tea Party movement revitalizes the Republican Party? Should they incorporate the Republican Party?
  2. How would a representative treat the issue of immigration if his/her district were located in a large city such as Houston or Dallas?
  3. How would the budget shortage be treated if a representative represented a high-income district in Texas?
  4. As a legislator, what argument is most compelling to you about addressing unemployment benefits?
  5. As a lobbyist, what specific argument would you make to a legislator about addressing air quality in Texas?
  6. As a legislator in the Texas House, what must you consider when you support your party and constituents over the Speaker?
  7. As a legislator in the Texas House, what must you consider when you support the Speaker over your party and constituents?

Your success with the City of Palms landed you a new consultant job. The organization that suffered the hazard you chose in Week Two hired you to further explore its disaster. This week, the organization asked you to review its preparedness and mitigation strategies.
Review Figure 4.1, Preparedness Cycle, in Introduction to Emergency Management (6th ed.). (ATTACHED)
Write a 1 1/2- to- 2-page paper containing at least 750 words in which you conduct an analysis of the way the organization handled the hazard you chose in Week Two based on the elements outlined in the Preparedness Cycle figure.
Research mitigation tools applicable to a potential response plan.
Include the following sections in your analysis:
• Where does the organization fall on the Preparedness Cycle? Why?
• What are the organization’s Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats (SWOT) analysis results?
• What mitigation tools are applicable to a potential response plan for the organization?
Format your sources according to APA guidelines; provide at least two references.

Write a 3-4 paragraph essay (of at least 250-500 words) which adequately address the topic and requirements stated below.
Format your essay according to the Strayer University Writing Standards as detailed in the formatting instructions below.
Select a topic from the list below and include this topic on your title page.
Pyramids at Giza
There have been many theories regarding how the pyramids at Giza were constructed. Most experts agree that they were constructed as burial monuments for pharaohs, but “how” these ancient people constructed monuments of such great size without modern machinery is a mystery which is still being debated.
Tutankhamen died young, at approximately eighteen (18) years of age. However, his cause of death has been the subject of quite varied scholarly theories and conclusions. Did he die of an injury, of illness, of murder, or something else?.
Great Zimbabwe
Great Zimbabwe is an enormous complex of structures in East Africa. Since the builders and occupants left no written records, several theories have developed as to the identity of its builders and the functions of the structures. Which theory makes the most sense?
Tomb of Shihuangdi
The monumental size and complexity of the Tomb of Shihuangdi is astounding, yet its location and construction details were to be kept secret. What was the emperor’s purpose for such an elaborate, secret burial place?.
Describe the mystery as though someone is hearing it for the first time.
Provide a brief summary of at least 2 reasonable and scholarly theories which could explain the mystery. Because some theories may sound far-fetched, include the source or promoter of each theory – such as a scientist, a historian, a theologian, etc.
Identify 1 of the theories that you summarized above as the most plausible.
Provide at least 2 convincing reasons why the theory you have chosen is the best one to explain the mystery.
Include a reference page that identifies at least 3 references. The class text may be included in the list of 3 or more.
In-text citations are required when paraphrasing or quoting another source. (i.e., STEPS 2 and 3 above)
Formatting and writing standards are part of your grade. Align your formatting to the Strayer University Writing Standards.
View the: Strayer University Writing Standards (SWS)

Assessment task details:
You are required to choose one (1) of the following three contemporary ethics issues (Topics 1, 2 or 3) for analysis and produce a board briefing paper for tabling at the next meeting of the company’s board of directors.
Board members gain a great deal of information about the decisions they need to make through the papers they receive prior to a board meeting. Board papers are often prepared by non-board members. Papers cover a variety of functions, from providing general information to a call for action. For example, section 180 of the Australian Corporations Act 2001 outlines that directors have a statutory duty of care to have read the board papers to be able to contribute effectively to board meetings.
In this briefing paper you will argue either in the affirmative (for) or the negative (against), providing a critical argument with evidence to support your argument.
Whilst the tone of this writing is slightly different to an essay, this briefing paper must have essay-like qualities. That is, you are required to formulate an argument, undertake research to locate academic references, and support your argument with theories covered in this course.
You are also required to table recommendations for the board to consider based on your analysis of the issue, including future action and possible barriers (these must be theory driven/evidence based).
To formulate your argument, you are required to undertake research to locate academic references using online databases (e.g. EBSCO, Proquest, Emerald, Science Direct etc). You must to use at least 12 academic references to support your argument.
Literature pointers will be provided on the Ethics & Governance Canvas site. Also, please read the Ethics & Governance – Guide to Assessment 1: Research Essay for details on essay writing, research and referencing requirements for this assessment.
Topic 1: Walmart and Foreign Corruption
Walmart has agreed to pay $US282 million (AUD $407 million) to settle US federal allegations of overseas corruption. Once upon a time it was possible to get away with having differing ethical stances in different jurisdictions. In a globalised world is it ethical and still possible to practice ethical relativism? (Answer with reference to course literature, theory, concepts and research.)
I want to 2000 words and it should be Harvard format no plagiarism.
I chose Walmart and Foreign Corruption Topic. I also attached all the articles and the course slides you may need it.

Select ONE of the following topics to answer for the Lesson Writing Assignment. The writing assignment should be a minimum of 500 words. You should find most of the information you need to complete the assignment in the chapter, but you are allowed to use outside sources as well (such as news articles or government websites). DO NOT simply copy the information word for word from your sources. If you use information directly from the textbook or another source, it should be cited and the properly formatted citation should be provided at the end of the assignment. All assignments will be analyzed with SafeAssign to identify possible plagiarism.

  1. Read Chapter 1 in the textbook, including “You Decide: Voices of Texas: Immigration in Texas,” and write an essay that addresses the following questions:
    • How is the population changing in Texas?
    • What are some of the possible political implications of the changing population in Texas?
    • After reading the “You Decide” passage, do you agree with Dan Patrick or Julian Castro? Should undocumented immigrants be given a pathway to citizenship or be sent back to their country of origin?
    • What are the pros and cons of illegal immigration in regards to both the U.S. and Texas economies? Consider how illegal immigrants have positively or negatively affected the economy.
    • Do you believe compromise is possible on immigration? Are the only two options deportations and amnesty? Is there a third option?
    • What role should the state of Texas play in the immigration policy?
  2. Read Chapter 2 in the textbook, including “You Decide: Voice of Texas: Proposition 2 and Same-Sex Marriage,” and write an essay that addresses the following questions:
    • As compared to the US Constitution, why is the Texas Constitution so frequently amended?
    • How does the turnout for elections dealing with constitutional amendments compare to turnout for presidential elections?
    • Do you think the level of turnout influences the legitimacy of the amendments that are passed or rejected?
    • Is Proposition 2 a violation of the equal protection clause of the U.S. Constitution?
    • Should Proposition 2 be deleted from the Texas Constitution? Why or why not?
    • Must the state recognize same-sex marriages that have been licensed and performed lawfully in another state? If so, why? If not, why not?
    • Do you believe that religious freedom gives people the right to deny their services for same-sex marriages? If so, why? If not, why not?
  3. Read Chapter 3 in the textbook, including “You Decide: Voices of Texas: Voting Rights and Redistricting,” and write an essay that addresses the following questions:
    • Has the evolving relationship between the federal government and the states changed for the better or worse? Why?
    • How has Texas often responded to mandates from the federal government?
    • With regards to voting rights, is this an area where the federal government should have more or less influence on the states?
    • What is Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act?
    • Does preclearance violate the Tenth Amendment and give the federal government too much power, or is it a necessary check on the states to make sure that minorities are not discriminated against?
    • Texas argued that it is unconstitutional to impose preclearance unless a state’s racial discrimination was as bad as what existed in 1965. In 2013, then-Attorney General Gregg Abbott argued that voter discrimination is no longer a problem in Texas and consequently is exempt from federal oversight. Do you agree? If yes, why? If not, why not?
    • What are two other areas where Texas is at odds with federal laws or mandates?

A student notifies you that she has been subjected to bullying through a classmate’s Facebook page. In 500-750-words, address the following:

  1. Steps you are required to take that are consistent with state statutes, your district’s school board policies, faculty handbook, and the student handbook;
  2. Any First Amendment arguments you think the student with the Facebook page may raise; and
  3. Responses you could make to the First Amendment arguments that are consistent with the cases in the assigned readings.
    APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
    This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

After reviewing the ‘boom in bust’ case
What would you consdier to be the pros and cons for entrepreneur friendly bankruptcy laws?
Why can bankruptcy laws become an entry/exit barrier for an entrepreneurial firm?
Having studied this case, how would you respond to a friend’s comment: “Recent news about the boom in bankruptcies is so depressing”?

The American system of government has historically been referred to as an “experiment in democracy” that blends elements of thought on self-rule with historical and philosophical thought.
(a) Describe two historical examples of self-rule or democratic rule from which the Framers of the US Constitution drew inspiration. Connect each example to one of these elements of American democracy.
Voting and elections
Limits on government power
(b) Explain how Enlightenment philosophy influenced the Framers in their drafting of these key documents.
The Declaration of Independence
The US Constitution
(c) Explain the purpose of government as accepted by the Framers, and identify one major influence on the development of that purpose.

Please before you understand that this bid requires a forum post along with 2 forum post responses below, both must be done. The budget is what it is posted, please do not try to raise the price, either you will do it or the next person will. The forum post is due by Thursday and the responses by Sun; I will annotate this posting with responses once I get them and contact you
Your readings this week also goes on to discuss the capabilities-based assessment (CBA) process, which is the “backbone” of JCIDS Defense Acquisition University, 2010, p. 35). There is an excellent chart on page 36 of your textbook that details the CBA process. The CBA is an analytical approach utilized by the DoD to identify the needs of the warfighter. The purpose of the process is to find out what requirements the warfighter has. “Requirement” is just the acquisition way of saying needs, supplies, or equipment. In a DoD contracting activity, the “requirement” is the item or service that is being acquired.
The ground work discussed in the lesson for this week is imperative to set the stage for the acquisition process. Without solid research and analysis early on, the acquisition process will go down the wrong path and result in lost money and time.
So, your question for this week, and some of what we discussed last week, is “What is wrong with the requirements” analysis that goes into our federal or defense contracts today? Bring in examples of any problems you have experienced to help round out the discussion this week.
Instructions: Your initial post should be at least 250 words. Please respond to at least 2 other students. Responses should be a minimum of 100 words and include direct questions.

Complete Case 28, Foster Pharmaceuticals: •Review Case 28, pages 193–196, in your Cases in Healthcare Finance text. You will find a case spreadsheet model via the Student Spreadsheets link in the Resources area. (Select Case 28 to download the Excel spreadsheet.) •Write a case review that addresses receivables management. Your review should be approximately three pages.

Evaluate case and identify decisions to be made pertaining to receivables management. 18%
Determine quantitative factors pertaining to receivables management. 18%
Analyze qualitative factors pertaining to receivables management. 18%
Conclude findings of a receivables management case. 18%
Recommend best practices for effective receivables management. 18%
Recommend best practices for effective receivables management. 18%

Word count: minimum 1,500, maximum 2,000 (approximately 5-7 pages).
2021 Iran Nuclear Test: Ends, ways and means
You are a member of the National Security Council staff asked to recommend an appropriate United States response to the notional 2021 Iranian nuclear test crisis. Develop a strategy proposal using the “Ends, Ways and Means” model. Ensure that your actions are consistent with US policy and the state of international affairs in the notional 2021 scenario. Keep in mind that you are writing recommendations, not directions. Write from the perspective of a staff official presenting a report to the President.
The paper must also have these elements accomplished:
• Have I demonstrated adequate justification for each recommendation?
• Have I integrated my recommendations?
• Have I integrated the instruments of national power in my recommendations

Denial and deception are attempts by those you are collecting intelligence against to either prevent collection or to provide signals that are are misleading and deceptive.
The question for this week is two-fold for collectors:
1) How can you tell whether your collection is being targeted for disinformation or deception? Research and include real-life examples!
2) What measures as a collector can you take to reduce the effects of that disinformation/deception?
Must be 500 words before any sources. Sources must be in Chicago Style format

Choose a topic from one of the reading given, and write an anaytical essay about a topic that builds upon issues.
What is your perspective about the topic you’re interested in? Your essay must demonstrate that you are able to synthesize between historical, theoretical and practical knowledge, and their relations to the field of design.
Your writing must contain an arguable point, in a tone that is formal and objective. Ensure that credible sources of information are used, and that any sources quoted or paraphrased are cited.
Module Learning Outcome(s):
– Construct an argument and defend your opinions with supporting information and references .
– Demonstrate research and analytical skills in the application of design theories and movements .
1) 2500-3500 words
2) Arial 10.5 pts, 1.5 spacing
3) References and Bibliography according to the MLA standard
I have attached files below:
1) Project brief
2) 4 Readings: Pallasmaa, Ando, Frampton and Ryan

Book used: Fagel, M. J. (2011). Principles of emergency management and emergency operations centers (EOC). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
Using the reading material from the textbook (pp. 139-162), Components of an Emergency Operations Plan, analyze the components of the Emergency Operations Plan (2013) for Holderness, New Hampshire. Write a two-page essay (500 words). In the analysis, discuss the following: 1. Does the plan include the components of an Emergency Operations Plan? 2. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the plan? 3. Could the plan be improved and how? All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations. Submit the assignment in APA style (6th ed.) format to include a title page, content (2 pages), and a references page.

Respond to the three questions below. EACH response should be at least 500 WORDS in length. Type your responses in Word. The only source that should be used on the quiz is the ebook attached below. DO NOT USE INTERNET SOURCES ON THIS PAPER. Be sure that your name is included and save your files as .doc or .rtf and submit to the drop box by the due date.
Essay Questions

  1. In what respects did various strands of the “new psychology” emerging in the Progressive Era provide support for innovations in schooling, including differential curricula and extracurricular activities? Defend your position with support and examples.
  2. Charles Eliot and other social-efficiency liberals believed that they were serving the interests of democracy with their vision of progressive education. Explain their point of view according to their conception of democracy. Next, evaluate their educational and political points of view by using your definition of the educational requirements of democracy.
  3. The debate about education for its own sake versus education for a particular role in society continues today. What are some of the ways you see this disagreement being played out in today’s educational environment? In your experience, how do you think schools today tend to orient themselves—towards a classical educational model, or towards a more vocational one—and what are your thoughts about this?

Texas Legislature – H.B 21
Every August, Texas has a “tax free weekend.” School supplies and school clothes can be purchased for a few days without the addition of Texas’ 6 1/4 % sales tax – which, around Houston, is really 8 1/4% because of the additional penny for the City of Houston and the additional penny for METRO.
What about college textbooks? Have you priced them lately? Ours isn’t too bad, but some of my students pay nearly $300 for some science and engineering books.
Representative Terry Canales (D-Edinburg) – ( wants to cut college textbook customers in on the action before each regular semester.
Go to the Texas Legislature’s website, and look up House Bill 21.
Hint: Make sure you use the little pull-down menu to select the current legislative session (86R-2019 – that’s the 86th Regular session of the Texas Legislature) and just type HB21 in the search window.
What do you think?
Write a 2 – 5 page essay explaining this bill and the problem it’s trying to solve. Explain the advantages and disadvantages with this approach. Do you think it will pass? If you were a legislator, how would you vote on this bill?
Submit in Word. Cite your sources.
For anything to do with the Texas Legislature, start with the Texas Legislature’s website:
Here’s Rep. Canales’ website:
CBS News writes that textbook costs are rising faster then inflation:
It probably doesn’t help that 80% of the textbook industry is controlled by five companies:

Discussion Forum format – not a paper: 250+ words
Choose one of the two topics:
1) Why is the development and presentation of finished strategic analysis products, primarily the NIE and PDB, so complex, and often fraught with contradictions and nuanced conclusions?
2) What are the impediments to strategic intelligence analysis and why have they persisted for so long?

Objective: Use examples from the movie to explain the politics of Texas’ justice system in application of criminal proceedings and the nature of corrections policy to illustrate meaning of the statement “lock em up” mentality; and create an argument supporting rehabilitation or incarceration as the best correctional policy approach to dealing with criminals in Texas.
When writing your essay, respond to the prompt thoroughly, and completely. Essays must be a minimum of 1.5 – 2 pages in length, double spaced, 1 inch margins, 12 point font, and written in Times New Roman.
Your response should be your own thoughts and analysis. Citations may be formatted in MLA , as long as they are consistent throughout. Research and resources should be incorporated with scholarly application. I.e. used as examples or evidence to support your analysis. Make sure to use complete sentences, and proper grammar. Your response to the prompt should focus on analyzing the information you gather and used to provide examples that support your assessment
“A” papers should include a critical analysis of the video’s by applying at least 1 example from each film to support your position.
A bibliography, references or works cited page, must accompany submission. This page does not count towards the minimum length, of the paper. Students must provide proper in-text (parenthetical) citations. Failure to cite paraphrased work or direct quotes, from the original work, thoughts and/or ideas of someone, other than your own, will result in an automatic 0, with no make-up work being accepted.
PART 1: Video Access and Viewing
The video you are required to watch, in order to complete this assignment is 50 minute in length. The video is over the Todd Willingham Case. The video is publicly accessible through PBS Frontline’s official website. You can access the video one of two ways, following the instructions provided below

  1. Click the link below, or copy and paste the link , into a new tab, in your internet browser. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
    PART 2: Video Reflection, Analysis and Submission Instructions
    Write a reflective analysis of crime, justice and punishment under application of the Death Penalty, in Texas, based on application of what you learned from the Todd Willingham Case Video.
    Write an essay that addresses each of prompt’s 2 components,Issue Position and Explanation and Application, outlined below
    Issue Position:
    First, Identify whether you are for, or against use of the death penalty as a form of criminal punishment (there is NO right or wrong answer). Successful completion of this assignment, and it’s learning objective, require your compliance in identification or your personal position, and perspective, towards the issue of the “death penalty”. Responses are confidential and will be graded objectively, based on student’s independent, reflective analysis of their own individual personal perspectives, and application of the information.
    Explanation and Application
    Then, Discuss, and describe, the nature of political debate, surrounding the issue of the death penalty, and explain how your personal position toward the issue has changed or been reinforced, with regard to application to crime, punishment and justice in Texas, based on what you learned from the movie. why is your topic a national health priority areas and how is this being addressed’
    Attached the assignment details.
  2. define the health priority and state why it is a priority
  3. include information on what it is and whom it affects
  4. in the priority area, show evidence or credible and current research data to illustrate that this is a valid arguement (IMPORTANT)
  5. Which specific target groups are impacted eg. youth(12-18yrs), young adults (18-30yrs), or seniors (60+)
  6. illustrate the positioning of the priority within the frameworks of welling being ( you can use erikson framework)
  7. how are fundamentals of health promotion addressing this area of concern?
  8. Discuss in relation to action and strategies of health promotion, are there any gaps name at least 1 or 2.
  9. reference in text (APA) format include reference list as per APA Format
    Format of Individual Assessment:
    – Set the context
    – define the national health priority area
    – Why is it important? Economic? Society?
    – Sub content of your main body
    Main Body
    – Evidences to support priority
    – target group/ areas (erikson framework)
    – Compare and Contrast policy with Ottawa Charter
    – Demonstrate understanding that you have answered assignment questions: “why is your topic a national health priority area and how is this being addressed.”
    Basically you have to collect alot of data and cross reference each other

Topic: International Organizations Making a Difference
Question/Prompt: In this module/week’s Reading & Study materials, you were educated on many facets of international engagement. The assignment this module/week is to research an international group, NGO, or other similarly situated group and explain how this group is helping to engage an international audience. If this is an area of interest or passion for you that should also be noted.

Citizenship is defined in the text as “enlightened political engagement.” List at least five ways mentioned in the assigned textbook for this course by which citizens can participate politically. Explain which one you consider most important and why?
Note: Your response should be a minimum of 50 words and include the citation of your source, using MLA style (including “in-text” citation). Citation will not be included in the word count.
Example of MLA In-Text and Work Cited Citation
The text list 1) voting, 2) serving on a jury, 3) lobbying, 4) writing a letter to the local newspaper, and 5) engaging in a public rally or protest as ways by which citizens can influence their government. Voting is characterized in the text as the building block of citizenship, as it is the one activity by which everyone can participate (Ginsberg et al. 8).
Work Cited
Ginsberg et al. We the People: An Introduction to American Politics. W. W. Norton & Company. 2019.

Part 1- students will find a current event related to topics in Texas government: state and local politics. Whats a summary analysis, you say? The grandaddy of all political science, Harold Lasswell, is known for defining Politics. , Ideological values, beliefs, and opinions, aside, when it comes to government and politics, his definition of the word (ironically) is probably the only thing that all mankind can agree on. Lasswell, defines politics, as “who, gets what, where, when, and how”. Apply that definition to the article’s information, or the article’s information to that definition, and write a 10 sentence summary that focuses on critically evaluating what is going on, from your personal perspective. Interject your opinion. You should be making a statement, argument, and your opinion about the subject matter, should be known. However, this needs to be done in a scholarly and academic manner. Focus on explanation, reason and rationalization, to provide a clear opinion statement and discussion of their personal perspective and political position towards the event or issue in their article. In addition, to receive full credit, students MUST include a direct link to the original article’s text that they are using to complete this assignment.
Part 2- students will review summary analyses submissions, made in part 1, and offer a rebuttal to a classmate’s current event analysis, which opposes their own. MOST IMPORTANTLY, BE CONSTRUCTIVE in your critiques; and RATIONAL in your explanation of your perspective. Rebuttals must be 5-10 sentences in length.
Both parts are to be submitted to this discussion bored. Reply directly to the original post of your peer, when completing part 2. .
You must complete part 1, and post your article with the summary analysis, before you will be able to review and respond to the post’s of your peers.

“Hot Coffee at McDonald’s” Please respond to the following:
• Read Case 6.2: Hot Coffee at McDonald’s, located here or on page 231 in your textbook.
CASE 6.2
Hot Coffee at McDonald’s
TO AFICIONADOS OF THE BEAN, THERE’S NOTHING like a piping-hot cup of Java to get the day off to a good start, and nothing more insipid than lukewarm coffee. That’s what McDonald’s thought, anyway—until it learned differently, the hard and expensive way, when seventy-nine-year-old Stella Liebeck successfully sued the company after she was burned by a spilled cup of hot coffee that she’d bought at the drive-through window of her local McDonald’s. The jury awarded her $160,000 in compensatory damages and a whopping $2.7 million in punitive damages. After the trial judge reduced the punitive damages to $480,000, she and McDonald’s settled out of court for an undisclosed sum.105
Unlike the outcome of most other lawsuits, the hot-coffee verdict received nationwide attention, most of it unfavorable. To many ordinary people, the case epitomized the excesses of a legal system out of control. If hot coffee is dangerous, what’s next: soft drinks that are too cold? To conservatives, the case represented the all-too-familiar failure of consumers to take responsibility for their own conduct, to blame business rather than themselves for their injuries. More policy-oriented pundits used the case as an occasion to call for reform of product liability law—in particular, to make winning frivolous suits more difficult and to restrict the punitive awards that juries can hand down.
However, those who examined the facts more closely learned that the Liebeck case was more complicated than it first appeared. For one thing, Liebeck suffered third-degree burns on her thighs and buttocks that were serious enough to require skin grafting and leave permanent scars. After her injury, she initially requested $10,000 for medical expenses and an additional amount for pain and suffering. When McDonald’s refused, she went to court, asking for $300,000. Lawyers for the company argued in response that McDonald’s coffee was not unreasonably hot and that Liebeck was responsible for her own injuries.
The jury saw it differently, however. First, McDonald’s served its coffee at 185 degrees Fahrenheit, significantly hotter than home-brewed coffee. The jury was persuaded that coffee at that temperature is both undrinkable and more dangerous than a reasonable consumer would expect. Second, before Liebeck’s accident, the company had received over seven hundred complaints about burns from its coffee. In response to the complaints, McDonald’s had in fact put a warning label on its cups and designed a tighter-fitting lid for them. Ironically, the new lid was part of the problem in the Liebeck case because she had held the coffee cup between her legs in an effort to pry it open.
Although the jury found that Liebeck was 20 percent responsible for her injuries, it also concluded that McDonald’s had not done enough to warn consumers. The jury’s $2.7 million punitive-damage award was intended, jurors later said, to send a message to fast-food chains. Although the judge reduced the award—equivalent to only about two days’ worth of coffee sales for McDonald’s—he called McDonald’s conduct “willful, wanton, reckless, and callous.”

  1. Is hot coffee so dangerous, as the jury thought? Should a reasonable consumer be expected to know that coffee can burn and to have assumed this risk? Is a warning label sufficient? Is our society too protective of consumers these days, or not protective enough?
  2. In serving such hot coffee, did McDonald’s act in a morally responsible way? What ideals, obligations, and effects should it have taken into consideration?
  3. McDonald’s claims that most consumers would prefer to have their coffee too hot rather than not hot enough. After all, if it’s too hot, they can always wait a minute before drinking it. Suppose this is true. How does it affect McDonald’s responsibilities? Given that McDonald’s serves millions of cups of coffee every week, how important are a few hundred complaints about its coffee being too hot?
  4. Was Liebeck only 20 percent responsible for her injuries? Do you agree with the amount of compensatory and punitive damages that the jury awarded her? If not, what would have been a fairer monetary award?
  5. Should juries be permitted to award punitive damages in product liability cases? If so, should there be a limit to what they can award? Is it right for a jury to award punitive damages against one company in order to send a message to a whole industry?
    • Next, watch the video titled, “Woman Burned by McDonald’s Hot Coffee, Then the News Media | Retro Report | The New York Times” (12 min 17 s), located at

After reviewing the video and case study, choose two (2) of the five (5) discussion questions located at the end of the case. Formulate your response and post to the Week 5 discussion.

Assignment Details
You are a victimologist assigned to a multijurisdictional fusion center. The Department of Homeland Security would like an evaluation on the community response to a recent raid by Homeland Security agents on a druid religious compound just outside of a major urban area.
Druids are easily recognizable because they wear long robes with hoods. The raid was conducted in response to a sect of the druid religion that planned to destroy a major furniture-producing factory that was clearing a nearby forest to produce their furniture. The radical druids were concerned over the damage to the forest and the spirits that they believed resided in the trees.
The agents who conducted the raid discovered the following in the druid compound:
• Several drums of homemade napalm
• The floor plans of the furniture factory
• A time table for the planned attack
Your are tasked with evaluating the community’s response to the raid on the druid compound.
Focus your evaluation on the following:
• Explain how you would help the community understand that it was a small radical group in the druid community that planned the attack.
• Assess the impact that the community would have felt if the radical druid sect successfully destroyed the furniture factory. Determine how this might have impacted the economic base of the local community.
• Identify who the potential victims are in the community, not just for loss of income or injury but also for the relationships between the druid and non-druid members of the community.
• Explain to your fusion center leadership how the community has been impacted by the potential attack and what the community feels about the remaining druids in the community who are not directly tied to the radical element that planned the attack.
• Is there an impending possibility of racial profiling by authorities when observing members of the druid community?

WK5 – #4 Case Study – New Belgium Brewing
Answer the following questions related to Case 5 in Business Ethics in a 2-page essay:
• Is there a possible conflict between an industry that sells a product that can have negative consequences from the use of its product and the industry’s ability to engage in socially responsible activities?
• What perks do you see in the New Belgium Brewery that could be an added plus to your work environment? Identify at least two of those perks.
• What are the dangers any company might face if its sole focus is the bottom line? Identify at least five of those dangers.
Read the following sections of Business Ethics:
• Ch. 7, “Organizational Factors: The Role of Ethical Culture and Relationships”
• Ch. 8, “Developing and Effective Ethics Program”
• Case 5, “New Belgium Brewing: Ethical and Environmental Responsibility,” on pp. 437–446
Read the following sections of Conscious Capitalism:
• Ch. 15, ”Conscious Cultures”
• Ch. 16, ”Conscious Management”
• Ch. 18, ”The Power and Beauty of Conscious Capitalism”
• “The Conscious Capitalism Credo” on p. 273
Required Course Materials
Title: Business Ethics: Ethical Decision Making and Cases
Edition: 11th
Authors: Ferrell, O. C., Fraedrich, J., & Ferrell, L.
ISBN-13: 9781305500846
Title: Conscious Capitalism: Liberating the Heroic Spirit of Business
Authors: MacKay, J., & Sisodia, R.
ISBN-13: 9781422144206

BOS 3525, Legal Aspects of Safety and Health Unit I to Unit VIII Assignment
Unit I Assignment
Hi Jerry! This is your OSHA’s Area Director.
We received a non-formal complaint recently from one of your current employees. The complaint alleges that employees there are performing welding operations on stainless steel in an area with inadequate ventilation.
This employee also states that they frequently “cough up” black sputum, and that they are worried about the health consequences caused by this lack of ventilation.
The complaint further states that no air sampling has been performed to evaluate the employees’ exposures to welding fumes. And, that when asked for respirators, they were given “dust masks” with one strap, which were purchased at the local hardware store. The effectiveness of these dust masks for the exposure that is present is also in question.
I will also be sending you an email summarizing this non-formal complaint, so that you can respond accordingly.
Thanks Jerry! Goodbye.
Part 1
Draft a letter in response to the complaint. Your letter should summarize why you believe the complaint is invalid and no on-site inspection is required. Keep in mind, simply stating that the complaint is invalid is not adequate. You must support your opinions in the letter.
Part 2
(Answer the following question on the page 2 of your word document) Answer the questions below in a few sentences.

  1. Where does this type of complaint fit on OSHA’s Priority criteria?
  2. What factors could have made this complaint non-formal rather than formal?
  3. What steps could you take as the employer to identify the employee who filed the complaint? 4. What factors could result in this complaint being reclassified as a formal complaint?
    Save both parts of this assignment in one word document to submit for grading.
    Unit II Assignment
    Discussion Question
    Question 1
    Under what conditions can an employee be denied access to the opening conference, walk-around, and closing conference? Your response should be at least 75 words in length.
    Question 2
    If the OSHA compliance officer requests documents that are not related to a formal complaint, what options do you believe the employer has? Your response should be at least 75 words in length.
    Question 3
    If OSHA determines that an employer’s response to a non-formal complaint is adequate, what options does the employee filing the non-formal complaint have? Your response should be at least 75 words in length.
    Question 4
    Can an employee request that an attorney or union representative attend a private conference with the compliance officer? If the union demands to have a representative present, does the employee have to comply? Your response should be at least 75 words in length.
    Unit II Assignment
    You receive a follow-up call from the area director saying the employee filing the original non-formal complaint has provided additional information about the alleged health situation and submitted a formal complaint using the OSHA-7 form, making the complaint a formal complaint. A few days later, an OSHA compliance officer shows up at your facility to perform a comprehensive inspection. The compliance officer presents the proper credentials, and you verify that the compliance officer is employed by OSHA and assigned to the local office.
    During the opening conference, the compliance officer provides you with the formal complaint, alleging that employees are exposed to hazardous concentrations of metal fumes in welding areas of the plant, that you have not performed any air sampling to determine exposure levels, that adequate ventilation is not present in welding areas, and that adequate respiratory protection has not been provided to welders. As a part of the inspection, the compliance officer requests the following documents:
    • Chemical inventory list;
    • OSHA 300 logs;
    • Hazard Communication Program, including training records;
    • any sampling data that you have;
    • Respiratory Protection Program, including medical clearance letters and training records;
    • written hazard assessment for personal protective equipment (PPE) used at the facility;
    • Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) for the metals you use in the production process and any welding rods/wire used in the welding area; and
    • any other written programs you have that are required by an OSHA regulation.
    The compliance officer takes a walk-through tour of the facility, spending extra time in the welding areas. During the walk-through, the compliance officer points out several issues believed to be apparent violations. The issues are as follows:

  1. • Heavy haze is present in the welding area.
    • Individuals wearing half-mask air-purifying respirators have full beards.
    • Employees are using chemicals that could be injurious to the eyes, and no emergency eyewash is present.
    • Eyewash is present in another area of the plant that is covered in dust, and there is no indication of recent operation or inspection.
    • Employees are using chemicals that could be absorbed through the skin and are not using any gloves.
    • Employees are performing maintenance inside a press with no lock-out/tag-out applied.
    • No written lock-out/tag-out program is available at the time of the inspection.
    • Welding operation is performed near flammable materials, and no fire watch present.
    • There is no record of training for fork truck drivers.
    • Extension cords are stretched across walkways.
    • Three containers are present in the plant with no label present on any of the containers.
    • An employee could not find a SDS for the chemical he or she was using.
    The compliance officer asks for a private conference room and a list of non-managerial employees. He tells you that he intends to interview four non-managerial employees before leaving for the day. He also states that he will return the next day to collect some air samples at the facility.
    You are worried about the number of citations and penalties that you may face. Provide a document summarizing the steps you would take as soon as the compliance officer leaves, and the steps you believe you could have taken during the walk-through that may have resulted in a quick-fix penalty reduction.
    Your document must be at least three pages in length, not counting the title or reference pages. You must also include at least one reference using appropriate APA style.
    Information about accessing the Blackboard Grading Rubric for this assignment is provided below.
    Unit III Assignment
    You receive a document (linked below) by certified mail. After reading the document, prepare a response that summarizes the approach you would take to the citations and penalties that have been proposed. Be sure to include the following in your response:
    • Steps you are required to take,
    • Options available to you,
    • Contacts you would make, and
    • Documentation necessary to respond to the citations and penalties.
    Your response must be a minimum of two pages in length, using at least one reference. All sources must be cited and a reference provide using APA style. Click here to access the OSHA citation document for this assignment. Information about accessing the Blackboard Grading Rubric for this assignment is provided below.
    Unit IV Assignment
    Based on the Citation and Notification of Penalty letter you received in Unit III, prepare a document that summarizes at least five actions you would take as soon as possible after you reviewed the letter. For each of the actions, you must state the following:
    • the exact action,
    • why you believe the action is required for the citations and penalties,
    • how you believe the actions will assist in responding to the citations and penalties, and
    • resources you would use to accomplish the action.
    You must support your actions with reliable sources. Your response must be a minimum of two pages in length, using at least one reference. All sources must be cited, and a reference must be provided using APA style.
    Information about accessing the Blackboard Grading Rubric for this assignment is provided below.
    Unit V Assignment

  1. You managed to schedule an informal conference with the area director at the regional OSHA office four days after you receive the Notice of Citations and Penalty. Based on the citations and penalties you received in Unit III, prepare a document that lists the citations and penalties you wish to discuss with the area director.
    You should summarize what you are trying to accomplish in regard to each citation/penalty you choose, to include:
    • The information you will use to try and accomplish your goal,
    • The information you will take with you to the meeting, and
    • Who will accompany you to the meeting.
    You must support your actions with reliable sources. Your grade will be based on your ability to present a case to your professor (serving as the area director) to reduce either the severity of some citations, or the amount of some penalties. If you simply state that you accept the citations and penalties as written, you will receive a minimal score on the assignment.
    Your response must be a minimum of two pages in length, not including the title page and reference page. You must use at least one reference in the paper. All sources must be cited in the text and on the reference page, using APA style.
    Unit VI Assignment
    You fail to reach an informal settlement agreement with the area director. You file a Notice to Contest within the required 15-day period. Your case is assigned to an administrative law judge (ALJ). Prepare a document summarizing the case you will submit to the ALJ. The document should discuss the following at a minimum:
    • Which citations and penalties you would contest,
    • the reasoning behind each contested citation and/or penalty,
    • Documents you would bring to the hearing,
    • Individuals you would use at the hearing,
    • How the case before the ALJ differs from the informal conference,
    • What information will be presented before the ALJ that was not presented in the informal conference, and
    • What information you would request from OSHA as part of discovery.
    You must support your actions with reliable sources. Your grade will be based on your ability to present a case to your professor, serving as the ALJ, to reduce or vacate either the severity of some citations or the amount of some penalties. If you simply state that you accept the citations and penalties as written, you will receive a minimal score on the assignment.
    Your response must be a minimum of two pages in length, using at least one reference. All sources must be cited in the text and on the reference page, using APA style.
    Unit VII Assignment
    Assume that a fatality occurred at your facility one month prior to the OSHA inspection. Review the citations and penalties that were assessed to your facility, and respond to the following questions:
    • Which of the citations could be referred to the U.S. DOJ for criminal proceedings?
    • What conditions would have to be met before the citations could be referred for criminal proceedings?
    • Which individuals working at your facility could face criminal charges under the Act?
    • What would be the maximum prison sentence and fines that any individual would face?
    • What would be the maximum fine that the company would face?
    • If you were facing criminal charges under the Act, what would be your best defense?
    • How could you involve the OSHRC in the criminal case(s)?
    Your response must be a minimum of two pages in length, using at least one reference. All sources must be cited in the text and on the reference page, using APA style.
    Unit 8- Question Answer
  2. Summarize the procedures required to achieve Star status under OSHA’s Voluntary Protection Program (VPP).
  3. Describe the role that Challenge Administrators play in the OSHA Challenge voluntary cooperative program.
  4. Provide your opinion as to which OSHA voluntary cooperative program would be the most beneficial to a small business that prints business cards and letterhead.
  5. Discuss the benefits that OSHA alliances provide to employers and workers in general industry.

Each of your textbook chapters has a “Bring It Home” conclusion naming personal choices you can make to help our world be more sustainable. Please list 4 personal choices, from any 4 different chapters (one each per any 4 of the 25 chapters) that have meant the most to you, and explain how you can personally make lifestyle changes that will have an impact on sustainability. What challenges do you face with these changes? For instance, if you want to use more public transportation, are the schedules and routes adequate? If you want to be a vegan, do you have the support of your roommates, friends or family who may be enthusiastic carnivores? Do you have international efforts underway, or want to start or join a larger movement? Choose the four ways you can personally be more sustainable, and if you’ve already made some changes, write about challenges you’ve faced to make these changes and/or rewards you experienced.

You must answer within a word-count (no less than 200 words, maximum count 350 words for entire essay (all four lifestyle choices are within one essay), citation sources do not count towards the wordcount, albeit words you cite within quotes do count, citing material from the course content, and using proper English grammar. A minimum of four different course reference sources from the course content (at least one chapter reference and at least one course video reference) are required to support your ideas for the entire essay. For textbook chapter references, you must provide author and page number(s), as example: (Karr, et al, p.57). For video references, you must provide video name with a minutes:seconds timestamp, as example: (The Future of Food: A Looming Crisis, 33:54) Outside-course citations may be used but will not be counted towards the four required. There is no need for a separate works cited page, please credit your sources within the body of your essay. Do NOT cite Wikipedia in this assignment.
If the formatting is off when you copy and paste, no worries, as long as you have the word count, good grammar and correct spelling, I won’t delete points if the formatting is off (this occasionally happens when you copy and paste). Be sure to read the rubric below to earn as many points as possible:
Your grading rubric is as follows:
30pts if within wordcount requirement (no less than 200, no more than 350) 80pts lifestyle changes to support sustainability (20 each of 4) 40pts course material citations from different sources – use different chapters, include at least one video source (10pts each of 4)
Points will be deducted if necessary as follows: -5 poor grammar -10 typos/spelling errors

Imagine your area is in a state of emergency and you are concerned about the balance of liberty and security as people try to return to their normal lives, recover what was lost, and rebuild what was destroyed. Compose an email you could send to elected officials to voice your concerns. Your email should include positions on two of the potential issues related to civil liberties found below.
Instructions: Replace the information (in parentheses) with your own thoughts and information from the lesson.
Hello (name of one of your elected officials at the local, state, or national level) __,
(Write paragraph one here. Paragraph one should address why rights are not absolute. Explain how the Constitution safeguards and limits individual rights.)
(Paragraph two should address one of the ten situations from the list. Be sure to include the following information in the paragraph:
the Constitutional amendment that relates to the situation
arguments that could be made for or against the action that took place
your position on the situation and the reasons you think officials should agree with you)
(Paragraph three should address a different situation from the list. Address the bulleted items again for this second situation.)
(Short summary conclusion with points made in your email and appreciation expressed for the officials’ time.)
(Your Name)
Imagine that the following situations have occurred in your community following the disaster. Select two of the following situations to address and evaluate in your email:
© 2012 BananaStock/Thinkstock
The government suspended the right of habeas corpus (the right to see a judge after arrest to determine if imprisonment is lawful).
The government forced people to evacuate from their homes.
The press accessed the disaster area and published a story in a national newspaper about the event.
The government allowed federal and state troops to be quartered in private residences to assist residents and protect order.
Citizens were denied the right to bring legally owned firearms to storm shelters.
The government made certain dangerous areas off-limits, which prevented residents from accessing their homes and personal property.
Prisoners were kept in prisons that lacked power, supplies, and plumbing during the emergency.
The federal and state courts postponed scheduled criminal and civil trials due to the emergency.
The government prevented the press from publishing graphic photos of victims of the natural disaster to protect the privacy of the victim’s family.
The federal government stated that local and state governments are solely responsible for the disaster recovery efforts and that it will not be providing assistance.
Once you have chosen the concerns you wish to address, compose a well-written response to each situation with the following information:
the Constitutional amendment that relates to the situation
arguments that could be made for or against the action that took place
your position on the situation and the reasons you think officials should agree with you
Save your email and check it for spelling and grammar.

For this assignment, you will write a 2–3-page paper (double-spaced, 1-inch margins) providing at least 1 example of how government has overstepped biblical principles in some form of economic policy.
Options include the following topics:
A specific piece of legislation relating to business regulation or taxation.
The “party platform” of either the Republican Party or the Democratic Party (or both).
The role of the Federal Reserve.
The budget process.
In discussing one of these topics, incorporate clear references from the required reading.
The required Reading & Study material for Module/Week 7 must be cited specifically, and you must include outsides sources as well. You must include at least 2 sources in your essay, cited in current APA formatting.

Research paper instruction.
Each student will write a five page research paper on their assigned topic within their designated group theme (case study). The individual research paper will be in APA 6th ed. Format (no abstract), 12 pt. Times New Roman font and include at least three additional references to the base document/article.
My Topic
Accidental Statesman Base
Mission Command: Visualize
This is your small group for collaboration on your group project and peer review of your research paper, as well as working on collaborative PEs. View the The Accidental Statesman Base Document topic.(attached) To assist you in your research I have attached the advanced sheets for those lessons.
All document attached.