Question 1. Being quantitative, project product metrics are considered more important than
qualitative criteria.
a. Explain in your own words the special importance of product metrics.
b. Suggest two metrics for a software package for POS (point of sale).
Question 2. “The evaluation of project products, including life cycle support services, for their conformance with the contract, relevant regulations and conventions, ensures that all contract requirements have been fulfilled and that acceptability by the customer is ensured. Thus, the evaluation of project products for their acceptability by the customer is redundant.”
a. Do you agree with the above quote?
b. If you disagree, explain in your own words the necessity of the evaluation of project products for their acceptability by the customer.
Question 3. Suppose that regional governments cannot borrow in international markets. Intuitively explain the regional investment rules of a national government with and without the ability to borrow in international markets.
Question 4. Eight issues characterize the professional software development and maintenance
a. Identify and describe these characteristics.
b. Which of these environmental characteristics require managerial efforts for executing software development and maintenance projects? List the characteristics, and explain why such efforts are needed.
Question 5. Five reasons for shortcomings of the testing process are mentioned in Section 1.5.
a. Explain these five reasons in your own words.
b. Could you suggest circumstances of a testing process which could cause these shortcomings?
Question 6. Identify and define the vocal fold vibratory characteristics examined during video stroboscopy. Discuss the contribution of acoustic measures in a voice evaluation, noting both advantages and disadvantages.
Question 7. How do you incorporate the social aspect of learning in your classroom in a manner that still promotes a positive classroom environment?
Question 8. Ask your cooperating teacher about the strategies he or she uses to ensure that students learn science concepts and procedures. During your field experience in a school, observe a science class. Watch for and identify the science process skills, abilities necessary to do inquiry or engineering design, and/or Science and Engineering Practices that students are using during the lesson. With your mentor teacher, discuss which are emphasized at that grade level and how your mentor helps students to develop abilities for “doing science.”
Question 9. Assume that the forward rate and spot rate of the Mexican peso are normally similar at a given point in time. Assume that the peso has depreciated consistently and substantially over the last 3 years. Would the forward rate have been biased over this period? If so, would it typically have overestimated or underestimated the future spot rate of the peso (in dollars)? Explain.
Question 10. What are the elements of an effective inclusive classroom for English learners?
What can the teacher of culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) students do to create an effective inclusive classroom?
Question 11. Do you observe cognitive biases and heuristics in your own day-to-day life? How do you notice them? How do you avoid them? Should you avoid them? Given the effects of positive mood on cognitive flexibility, how might you expect positive mood to affect performance on tasks that do not require cognitive flexibility or for which flexibility might be detrimental?
Question 12. A number of fairly recent papers have proposed improvements to design of Use Case Points. Identify some of these from the literature and discuss the empirical evidence supporting the proposed improvements.
Question 13. Which relationship(s) is (are) modeled in a productivity model? What is the practical interpretation of the regression line produced by an estimation model using the linear regression statistical technique?
Question 14. The lessons from the open source movement cannot be applied to virtual teams because the open source developers are truly volunteers and they have passion for their work. The same is not true of virtual teams getting paid to work. Do you agree or disagree? Explain your reasoning.
Question 15. If the Bonnie and Clyde National Bank’s only deposits were demand deposits of $20 million and it faced a 10 percent reserve requirement, how much money would it be required to hold in reserves? What is the main advantage of transaction deposits for tax purposes? What is their main disadvantage for tax purposes?
Question 16. If a couple was concerned about their retirement, why could that lead them to have more children if they lived in an agricultural society, but fewer children if they were in an urban society?
Question 17. How can economies of large-scale production allow per capita output to rise as population rises?
Question 18. Say that the bundle of goods purchased by a typical consumer in the base year consisted of 20 gallons of milk at a price of $1 per gallon and 15 loaves of bread at a price of $2 per loaf. What would the price index be in a year in which

Question 19. Debit Cards. In recent years, debit cards have become popular. Debit cards allow the holder of the card to pay a merchant for goods and services directly from a checking account. How do you think the introduction of debit cards affected the amount of currency in the economy? How about the amount of checking account deposits?
Question 20. Mutual Funds. Why does it make sense for individual investors to invest in mutual funds (which invest in a wide range of stocks), rather than in just a few individual companies?
Brazilian Local Money “The capavaris issued in Brazil can be viewed as a type of gift card for purchases made locally.” Explain this quote. (Related to Application 1.)
Question 21. Time-Dated Debit Cards as a Fiscal Stimulus. Here is one unusual fiscal policy: The government would issue time-dated debit cards to each person that had to be spent on goods and services produced only by U.S. firms within a fixed period (say, three months) or become worthless. Suppose the government was considering whether to issue $400 in time-dated debit cards to each household or give each household $400 in cash instead.
a. Which plan would lead to the greatest economic stimulus?
b. Which plan do you think the government would find easier to administer?
c. Suppose a household had large credit card debt, which it wished to reduce. Which of the two plans would that household prefer?
Question 22. The Monte Carlo Method for Evaluating Integrals. We have seen [e.g., in (11.2.1)] that estimating the BER is equivalent to evaluating an integral. Typically we do not know the integrand, and in the MC method we evaluate the integral by observing its randomly generated values. The MC method can also be used to evaluate integrals with known integrands that might otherwise be difficult to solve. To illustrate the method, evaluate by MC means the integral

Jim Price has now completed a course in forecasting and is anxious to apply the Box-Jenkins methodology to the restaurant sales data. These data, shown in Table 17A, begin with the week ending Sunday, January 4, 1981, and continue through the week ending Sunday, December 26, 1982. Table 17B contains new data for the week ending January 2, 1983, through the week ending October 30, 1983.

1. What is the appropriate Box-Jenkins model to use on the original data?
2. What are your forecasts for the first four weeks of January 1983?
3. How do these forecasts compare with actual sales?
4. This question was intentionally excluded from this text.
5. Would you use the same Box-Jenkins model if the new data were combined with the old data?
Question 24. MR. TUX
John Mosby ran a simple regression analysis using time as the predictor variable and observed a disappointing 2 of .563. Since he knew that his sales data have a strong seasonal component, he decided to fit a seasonal multiple regression model.
John created 11 dummy variables for the seasonal effect. Since the Mr. Tux data are monthly, he coded S1 as 1 if the data were from January; 0 otherwise. John did this for each month, ending with S11, which was 1 for November and 0 otherwise.
John ran a model using all 12 predictor variables: 1 for time and the other 11 representing the monthly seasonal effect. The results are shown in Table 17.
John hand-calculated the MAPE for the last 12 months of data and found it to be 21.25%. He is not sure whether he has a good model. The model explains 87.7% of the sales variable variance. However, a MAPE of over 20% seems high. Next, John generated the autocorrelations for the residuals of the model, which are shown in Figure 14.
The residual autocorrelations have a spike at lag 12, the seasonal lag. Somewhat dissatisfied with the results of his seasonal regression model, John decided to try an autoregressive model to forecast his monthly sales.
Because of his data’s strong seasonal component, John decided to try to model this component using an autoregressive model with the values lagged 12 months. Lagging the data 12 periods leaves John with a sample size of 84. The Minitab output is shown in Table 18. The autocorrelation function for the residuals from the autoregressive model is shown in Figure 15.
1. Write a memo to John with a careful analysis of the results of his two attempts to develop a seasonal forecasting model. Which model is better? Be sure your discussion includes an evaluation of model fit, potential forecast accuracy, and any remaining problems—for example , autocorrelation.
A company’s health can be examined every month, quarter, and/or year with measurements on an array of variables. For any one of these variables, there may be several other variables that can provide insights into its behavior and that can be used as predictor variables in a forecasting equation.
The purpose of this case is to simulate the identification of an important time series variable for a company of your choice and then to analyze the patterns in the data using autocorrelation analysis. In addition, you can use an appropriate computer program to develop an equation that can be used to forecast future values of your time series variable.
1. Identify a company or organization that interests you. The company can be a local or national company that has published records, including the measurement of time series variables. Identify a key variable for your chosen company, and record its values for several years, quarters, or months.
2. Calculate several autocorrelation coefficients, and plot the autocorrelation function.
3. Based on the pattern of the autocorrelation function, describe the patterns in your time series.
4. Compute the first differences for your data, and construct the autocorrelation function for the differenced data. Describe the resulting patterns in the time series of first differences.
5. Identify several potential predictor variables for your dependent variable. You may use company records and other data sources in this process.
6. Develop a forecasting equation for your dependent variable using one or more of the identified predictor variables.
7. Examine the residuals from your fitted model. In particular, check for autocorrelation. Once you are satisfied with your forecasting equation, generate forecasts for the next six time periods. If possible, compare your forecasts with the actual values.
Question 27. (Dallas) Locate current or proposed legislation, city rules, or ordinances that have the potential to affect the environment in your area. Summarize the legislation and draw conclusions about the impact legislation will have on environmental practices. Get Help at Tutors Nest
Visit the website of a legislative body that has the ability to create rules, codes, or ordinances that impact the environment. Examples of these types of agencies include: Green Dallas, Fort Worth Environmental Management Department, Texas House of Representatives Committee on Environmental Regulation, U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Natural Resources, U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Select one piece of legislation (or rule, or ordinance), either proposed or actual, and summarize it for the class. Ideally, you should select legislation that will directly impact your community. Review the discussion board prior to selecting a proposal or prior to posting your message to the discussion board in order to avoid duplicating resources. List the title of the legislative bill, rule, or ordinance. Include the title of the legislative body that drafted, proposed, or authorized the legislation. Summarize the environmental legislation in one or two paragraphs. Identify key concepts included in the legislation. In your opinion, what is the potential or realized impact of this legislation on the community? Do you agree or disagree with the legislation? Support your answer. Your original post should consist of complete sentences and should be at least two complete paragraphs but no more than three paragraphs. is an online platform for students to receive homework help from tutors on the platform. Users post their homework questions describing the requirements. Teachers bid on the questions. Students can then compare and choose the tutor based on user ratings and budget. The platform also provides a database of questions and study guides under categories such as Psychology, History, Literature and more.